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List of works by Teea Kortetmäki

1. Food justice, food security, and climate engineering

scientific article

22. Developing principles and criteria for just transition in food systems: a transdisciplinary endeavour

scientific article

24. Out of feta in 2050? Sustainability and substitution in future food

scientific article

53. Vegan food system and biodiversity: an ethical analysis

scientific article

6. What is (not) the point of just transition in food systems?

scientific article published in September 2022

Anthropocentrism versus Ecocentrism Revisited: Theoretical Confusions and Practical Conclusions

Disparities in Nutritional Adequacy of Diets between Different Socioeconomic Groups of Finnish Adults

scientific article published on 23 March 2022

Ethics in biodiversity conservation: The meaning and importance of pluralism

scientific article published in 2022

Food Assistance

scientific article

Food security and ethics: the first world hunger

scientific article

Insights into food system exposure, coping capacity and adaptive capacity

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Planetary Well-Being

scientific article published on 15 June 2023

Introduction to interdisciplinary perspectives on planetary well-being

scientific article published on 15 June 2023

Introduction to the special issue on just food system transition: Tackling inequalities for sustainability

scientific article published in March 2023

Is there a convincing case for climate veganism?

Just transition principles and criteria for food systems and beyond

scientific article published in June 2022

Justice in Finnish Food Policies

scientific article published on 6 January 2023

Justice in transitions: Widening considerations of justice in dietary transition

scientific article

Koulutuksen yhteydet ravintoaineiden saantiin ja ravitsemussuositusten saavuttamiseen miehillä ja naisilla

scientific article published on 20 May 2022

Measuring Vulnerability in the Food System

scientific article

Particularizing Nonhuman Nature in Stakeholder Theory: The Recognition Approach

scientific article published on 25 June 2022

Planetary well-being

scientific article

Planetary well-being

Planetary well-being

scientific article published on 15 June 2023

Planetary well-being1

scientific article published on 15 June 2023

Reframing Climate Justice: A Three-dimensional View on Just Climate Negotiations

scientific article

Responsibilities for just transition to low-carbon societies: a role-based framework

scientific article published on 15 April 2022

Right to Food and Geoengineering

scientific article published on 10 February 2023

Social vulnerability to climate policies: Building a matrix to assess policy impacts on well-being

scientific article

Vulnerability matrix of the food system: Operationalizing vulnerability and addressing food security

scientific article