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List of works by André Parent

A 14-year-old female with decreasing visual acuity, severe headache, nausea and vomiting

scientific article published in January 2001

A Tribute to James Parkinson

scientific article published in January 2018

A dense cluster of D1 + cells in the mouse nucleus accumbens.

scientific article

A re-evaluation of the current model of the basal ganglia

scientific article published on 01 July 2001

A single-cell study of the axonal projections arising from the posterior intralaminar thalamic nuclei in the rat.

scientific article

Acetylcholinesterase-containing neurons in cat neostriatum: a morphological and quantitative analysis

scientific article published on 01 December 1980

Acetylcholinesterase-containing neurons in cat pallidal complex; morphological characteristics and projection towards the neocortex

scientific article published on December 1981

Afferents from the periaqueductal gray, medial hypothalamus and medial thalamus to the midbrain reticular core

scientific article published on 01 October 1981

An interaction between inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6) and insulin-like growth factor II receptor binding sites in the rat brain

scientific article

Anatomical aspects of information processing in primate basal ganglia

scientific article published on March 1, 1993

Anatomy and physiopathology of the basal ganglia

scientific article published on 01 January 1997

Asynaptic feature and heterogeneous distribution of the cholinergic innervation of the globus pallidus in primates

scientific article published on 19 December 2014

Atlas of the distribution of monoamine-containing nerve cell bodies in the brain stem of the cat

scientific article published on June 15, 1978

Attempts to Demonstrate Peptide Localization and Secretion in Primary Cell Cultures of Fetal Rat Hypothalamus

scientific article published on 01 February 1981

Auguste Forel on ants and neurology

scientific article

Auguste Henri Forel (1848-1931).

scientific article

Axonal arborization of corticostriatal and corticothalamic fibers arising from prelimbic cortex in the rat.

scientific article published in October 1998

Axonal arborizations of corticostriatal and corticothalamic fibers arising from the second somatosensory area in the rat.

scientific article

Axonal branching pattern of neurons of the subthalamic nucleus in primates

scientific article

Basal forebrain cholinergic and noncholinergic projections to the thalamus and brainstem in cats and monkeys

scientific article published on November 1988

Bcl-2 Protein as a Marker of Neuronal Immaturity in Postnatal Primate Brain

scientific article published on April 1, 1998

Bcl-2 expression in thalamus, brainstem, cerebellum and visual cortex of adult primate

scientific article published in April 2002

Berengario da Carpi and the Renaissance of Brain Anatomy

article by André Parent published 2019 in Frontiers in Neuroanatomy

Brainstem dopaminergic, cholinergic and serotoninergic afferents to the pallidum in the squirrel monkey

scientific article

CNS distribution and overexpression of neurofilament light proteins (NF-L) in mice transgenic for the human NF-L: aberrant accumulation in thalamic perikarya

scientific article published on 01 March 1995

Calbindin D-28k and choline acetyltransferase are expressed by different neuronal populations in pedunculopontine nucleus but not in nucleus basalis in squirrel monkeys

scientific article published in October 1992

Calcium-binding proteins in primate basal ganglia

scientific article published on August 1996

Calcium-binding proteins in primate cerebellum

scientific article published on February 1, 1998

Calretinin as a marker of specific neuronal subsets in primate substantia nigra and subthalamic nucleus

scientific article

Calretinin gene expression in the human thalamus

scientific article published in February 1998

Calretinin immunoreactivity in the thalamus of the squirrel monkey

scientific article published in April 1996

Calretinin labels a specific neuronal subpopulation in primate globus pallidus

scientific article published on 01 October 1994

Calretinin-immunoreactive neurons in primate pedunculopontine and laterodorsal tegmental nuclei

scientific article published on January 1999

Calretinin-immunoreactive neurons in the human striatum

scientific article published on 01 March 1995

Calretinin-immunoreactive neurons in the human thalamus

scientific article published on May 1, 1998

Candida albicans Mycotic Aneurysm Associated with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

scientific article published on 01 April 1979

Cellular and subcellular localization of neurokinin-1 and neurokinin-3 receptors in primate globus pallidus

scientific article

Characterization of the subventricular zone of the adult human brain: evidence for the involvement of Bcl-2

scientific article (publication date: May 2000)

Chemical anatomy of primate basal ganglia

scientific article

Chemical anatomy of striatal interneurons in normal individuals and in patients with Huntington's disease

scientific article published on 01 November 2000

Chemical anatomy of the human ventral striatum and adjacent basal forebrain structures

scientific article

Chemical characterization of newly generated neurons in the striatum of adult primates

scientific article published on 23 November 2005

Chemical heterogeneity of the striosomal compartment in the human striatum

scientific article

Chemical phenotype of calretinin interneurons in the human striatum

scientific article published in November 1998

Chemoarchitecture of the primate dorsal raphe nucleus

scientific article published on August 1, 1998

Cholinergic and non-cholinergic neurons of cat basal forebrain project to reticular and mediodorsal thalamic nuclei

scientific article published on April 1987

Cholinergic and non-cholinergic projections from the upper brainstem core to the visual thalamus in the cat.

scientific article

Cholinesterasic striatopallidal and striatonigral efferents in the cat and the monkey

scientific article published on March 1970

Cloning of rat parkin cDNA and distribution of parkin in rat brain

scientific journal article

Compartmental distribution of parvalbumin and calbindin D-28k in rat globus pallidus

scientific article published on 01 November 1994

Complementary Distribution of Calbindin D-28k and Parvalbumin in the Basal Forebrain and Midbrain of the Squirrel Monkey

scientific article

Contralateral pallidothalamic and pallidotegmental projections in primates: an anterograde and retrograde labeling study

scientific article published on December 20, 1991

Convergence of subthalamic and striatal efferents at pallidal level in primates: an anterograde double-labeling study with biocytin and PHA-L

scientific article published on January 13, 1992

Cortical input to parvalbumin-immunoreactive neurones in the putamen of the squirrel monkey

scientific article published in May 1992

Corticostriatal projections from layer V cells in rat are collaterals of long-range corticofugal axons

scientific article published in February 1996

Cyclophosphamide for the treatment of progressive low-grade astrocytoma: a Pediatric Oncology Group phase II Study

scientific article

Decar☐ylase activity of the brain capillary walls and parenchyma in the rat, cat and monkey

scientific article published on October 27, 1972

Deep Brain Stimulation of the Pedunculopontine Nucleus Area in Parkinson Disease: MRI-Based Anatomoclinical Correlations and Optimal Target

scientific article published on 01 February 2019

Desmoplastic infantile gangliogliomas: an approach to therapy

scientific article

Differential connections of caudate nucleus and putamen in the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus).

scientific article published in June 1986

Differential dopaminergic innervation of the two pallidal segments in the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus).

scientific article

Differential expression of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate receptor subunits by calretinin-immunoreactive neurons in the human striatum

scientific article

Differential localization and pH dependency of phosphoinositide 1,4,5-IP3, 1,3,4,5-IP4 and IP6 receptors in rat and human brains

scientific article

Differential patterns of arborization of striatal and subthalamic fibers in the two pallidal segments in primates

scientific article published in December 1992

Differential sensitivity of neuropeptide Y, somatostatin and NADPH-diaphorase containing neurons in rat cortex and striatum to quinolinic acid

scientific article published in April 1988

Distinct afferents to internal and external pallidal segments in the squirrel monkey

scientific article published on 01 January 1989

Distribution and morphological characteristics of acetylcholinesterase-containing neurons in the basal forebrain of the cat.

scientific article

Distribution and morphological characteristics of dopamine-immunoreactive neurons in the midbrain of the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus).

scientific article published in January 1988

Distribution and morphological characteristics of striatal interneurons expressing calretinin in mice: a comparison with human and nonhuman primates.

scientific article published on 21 June 2014

Distribution of GABA-immunoreactive neurons in the basal ganglia of the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus).

scientific article

Distribution of GABA-immunoreactive neurons in the thalamus of the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus).

scientific article published in August 1987

Distribution of acetylcholinesterase-containing neurons in the basal forebrain and upper brainstem of the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus).

scientific article published on January 1984

Distribution of calbindin D-28k and parvalbumin neurons and fibers in the rat basal ganglia

scientific article

Distribution of calretinin, calbindin-D28k and parvalbumin in the hypothalamus of the squirrel monkey

scientific article published on December 1, 1997

Distribution of enkephalin-immunoreactive neurons in the forebrain and upper brainstem of the squirrel monkey

scientific article published in December 1985

Distribution of limbic system-associated membrane protein immunoreactivity in primate basal ganglia

scientific article

Distribution of monoamine-containing nerve terminals in the brain of the painted turtle, Chrysemys picta

scientific article published on March 1973

Distribution of neuropeptide Y immunoreactivity in the basal forebrain and upper brainstem of the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus).

scientific article

Distribution of somatostatin immunoreactivity in the forebrain of the squirrel monkey: basal ganglia and amygdala

scientific article published on January 1, 1992

Distribution of substance P and enkephalin-like immunoreactivity in the substantia nigra of rat, cat and monkey

scientific article published in August 1984

Dopamine and serotonin in the striatum of the cat. Effect of lesions of the intralaminar nuclei

scientific article published in March 1969

Dopaminergic and cholinergic mechanisms in relation to postural tremor in the monkey and circling movements in the cat.

scientific article published in January 1974

Dopaminergic innervation of human basal ganglia

scientific article

Dopaminergic innervation of the basal ganglia in the squirrel monkey as revealed by tyrosine hydroxylase immunohistochemistry

scientific article (publication date: November 1989)

Dopaminergic neurons expressing calbindin in normal and parkinsonian monkeys

scientific article published in October 1991

Dopaminergic neurons intrinsic to the striatum

scientific article published on 5 February 2007

Dopaminergic regulation of peptide gene expression in the striatum of normal and parkinsonian monkeys

scientific article published on 01 January 1996

Duchenne De Boulogne: a pioneer in neurology and medical photography

scientific article

Duchenne de Boulogne (1806-1875).

scientific article

Dystrophin-like immunoreactivity in monkey and human brain areas involved in learning and motor functions

scientific article published on July 20, 1992

Effect of interrupting the hypothalamic nervous connections on the norepinephrine and serotonin content of the hypothalamus

scientific article published in January 1969

Effects of dopamine denervation on striatal peptide expression in parkinsonian monkeys

scientific article published in August 1991

Effects of mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitors on cerebral vasospasm in a double-hemorrhage model in dogs

scientific article published on 01 December 2000

Efferent connections of the centromedian and parafascicular thalamic nuclei in the squirrel monkey: a PHA-L study of subcortical projections

scientific article published on January 8, 1992

Efferent connections of the centromedian and parafascicular thalamic nuclei in the squirrel monkey: a light and electron microscopic study of the thalamostriatal projection in relation to striatal heterogeneity

scientific article published in June 1992

Efferent projections of the subthalamic nucleus in the squirrel monkey as studied by the PHA-L anterograde tracing method

scientific article

Enhanced synaptic potentiation in transgenic mice expressing presenilin 1 familial Alzheimer's disease mutation is normalized with a benzodiazepine

scientific article published on February 2000

Evidence for Sprouting of Dopamine and Serotonin Axons in the Pallidum of Parkinsonian Monkeys.

scientific article published on 15 May 2018

Evidence for a distinct nigropallidal dopaminergic projection in the squirrel monkey

scientific article

Evidence for interconnections between the two segments of the globus pallidus in primates: a PHA-L anterograde tracing study

scientific article published on November 1990

Evidence of newly generated neurons in the human olfactory bulb

scientific article published in July 2004

Extrastriatal dopamine and Parkinson's disease.

scientific article

Extrastriatal dopaminergic innervation of human basal ganglia

scientific article published on May 1999

Extrinsic connections of the basal ganglia

scientific article published on July 1, 1990

Facilitation of acetylcholine release and cognitive performance by an M(2)-muscarinic receptor antagonist in aged memory-impaired.

scientific article published in February 1995

Felix Vicq d'Azyr: anatomy, medicine and revolution.

scientific article

Franciscus Sylvius on Clinical Teaching, Iatrochemistry and Brain Anatomy

scientific article published on 25 February 2016

Functional anatomy of the basal ganglia. I. The cortico-basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical loop

scientific article published on 01 January 1995

Functional anatomy of the basal ganglia. II. The place of subthalamic nucleus and external pallidum in basal ganglia circuitry

scientific article published on 01 January 1995

GABAergic interneurons in human subthalamic nucleus

scientific article

Giovanni Aldini (1762-1834).

scientific article published in May 2004

Giovanni Aldini: from animal electricity to human brain stimulation

scientific article

Glutamatergic inputs from the pedunculopontine nucleus to midbrain dopaminergic neurons in primates: Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin anterograde labeling combined with postembedding glutamate and GABA immunohistochemistry

scientific article published on 01 January 1996

Glutamatergic inputs to midbrain dopaminergic neurons in primates

scientific article

Hemolysate activates P21RAS in rabbit basilar artery

scientific article published on 01 January 2000

Heterogeneous distribution of neurons containing calbindin D-28k and/or parvalbumin in the rat red nucleus

scientific article published on 01 October 1995

Identification of the pallidal and peripallidal cells projecting to the habenula in monkey

scientific article

Identification of the thalamic nuclei on the basis of their cholinesterase content in the monkey

scientific article published on January 1970

Immunohistochemical study of the basal ganglia in normal and parkinsonian monkeys

scientific article published on January 1, 1992

Immunohistochemical study of the serotoninergic innervation of the basal ganglia in the squirrel monkey

scientific article published on September 1990

Impaired cerebellar long-term potentiation in type I adenylyl cyclase mutant mice

scientific article published on June 1998

Increased glutamate decarboxylase mRNA levels in the striatum and pallidum of MPTP-treated primates.

scientific article

Intense dopamine innervation of the subventricular zone in Huntington's disease

scientific article published on December 8, 2010

Jules Bernard Luys and the subthalamic nucleus

scientific article

Jules Bernard Luys in Charcot’s Penumbra

scientific article published on October 7, 2010

Jules Bernard Luys: a singular figure of 19th century neurology.

scientific article

L-Dopa treatment abolishes the numerical increase in striatal dopaminergic neurons in parkinsonian monkeys

scientific article published on 17 July 2007

Limbic system-associated membrane protein (LAMP) in primate amygdala and hippocampus

scientific article

Management of Ventricular Shunt Infections

scientific article published on January 1, 1979

Mesencephalic grafts partially restore normal nigral dynorphin levels in 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats treated chronically with L-dihydroxyphenylalanine

scientific article published on May 1995

Midbrain tegmental projections of nucleus reticularis thalami of cat and monkey: a retrograde transport and antidromic invasion study

scientific article published in November 1984

Morphological changes in serotoninergic neurites in the striatum and globus pallidus in levodopa primed MPTP treated common marmosets with dyskinesia

scientific article published on 14 August 2010

Morphological characteristics of acetylcholinesterase-containing neurons in the CNS of DFP-treated monkeys. Part 2. Diencephalic and medial telencephalic structures

scientific article published on May 1977

Morphological characteristics of acetylcholinesterase-containing neurons in the CNS of DFP-treated monkeys. Part 3. Brain stem and spinal cord

scientific article published on June 1, 1977

Morphological characteristics of the acetylcholin-esterase-containing neurons in the CNS of DFP-treated monkeys

scientific article published on March 1, 1977

Morphological features of neurons containing calcium-binding proteins in the human striatum

scientific article published on January 26, 1998

Morphological organization of monoamine-containing neurons in the hypothalamus of the painted turtle (Chrysemys picta).

scientific article published on April 1974

Morphology and distribution of dopaminergic neurons intrinsic to the human striatum

scientific article published in January 2005

Multiple striatal representation in primate substantia nigra

scientific article

Negative correlation between dopamine and serotonin levels in certain brain structures: neurochemical and morpholigical aspects

scientific article published on March 1, 1976

Neurochemical characterization of dopaminergic neurons in human striatum

scientific article published in August 2005

Neurokinin-1 and neurokinin-3 receptors in primate substantia nigra

scientific article published on 28 November 2006

Neuronal activity of identified posterior hypothalamic neurons projecting to the brainstem peribrachial area of the cat.

scientific article published in December 1989

Neuronal circuits involved in the physiopathology of parkinsonian syndromes

scientific article

Neuronal degeneration in the basal ganglia and loss of pallido-subthalamic synapses in mice with targeted disruption of the Huntington's disease gene

scientific journal article

Neurons of the subthalamic nucleus in primates display glutamate but not GABA immunoreactivity

scientific article published on 01 June 1988

Neuropeptide Y-immunoreactive neurons in the striatum of cat and monkey: morphological characteristics, intrinsic organization and co-localization with somatostatin

scientific article published in May 1986

Newly generated neurons in the amygdala and adjoining cortex of adult primates.

scientific article

Niels Stensen: A 17thCentury Scientist with a Modern View of Brain Organization

scientific article published on July 1, 2013

Novel aspects of the chemical anatomy of the striatum and its efferents projections

scientific article published on December 2003

Noxious thermal and chemical stimulation induce increases in 3H-phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate binding in spinal cord dorsal horn as well as persistent pain and hyperalgesia, which is reduced by inhibition of protein kinase C

scientific article published on 01 May 1995

Occurrence and distribution of monoamine-containing neurons in the brain of the painted turtle, Chrysemys picta

scientific article published on October 1, 1971

Organization and morphologies of acetylcholinesterase-containing neurons in the thalamus and hypothalamus of the rat

scientific article published on November 15, 1976

Organization of ascending serotonin systems in the adult rat brain. A radioautographic study after intraventricular administration of [3h]5-hydroxytryptamine

scientific article published on 01 January 1981

Organization of efferent projections from the internal segment of globus pallidus in primate as revealed by fluorescence retrograde labeling method

scientific article published in August 1982

Organization of efferent projections of the subthalamic nucleus in the squirrel monkey as revealed by retrograde labeling methods

scientific article

Organization of primate internal pallidum as revealed by fluorescent retrograde tracing of its efferent projections

scientific article published on 01 January 1984

Organization of the basal ganglia: the importance of axonal collateralization

scientific article


scientific article published in November 2014

Parkin immunoreactivity in the brain of human and non-human primates: an immunohistochemical analysis in normal conditions and in Parkinsonian syndromes

scientific article

Parkinson's disease: Acquired frailty of archaic neural networks?

scientific article published on March 15, 2012

Parvalbumin and calbindin D-28k in the entopeduncular nucleus, subthalamic nucleus, and substantia nigra of the rat as revealed by double-immunohistochemical methods

scientific article published on April 1997

Patches in the striatum of squirrel monkeys are enriched with calretinin fibers but devoid of calretinin cell bodies

scientific article published on 01 November 1994

Patterns of axonal branching of neurons of the substantia nigra pars reticulata and pars lateralis in the rat.

scientific article published on November 2005

Pedunculopontine nucleus in the squirrel monkey: cholinergic and glutamatergic projections to the substantia nigra

scientific article

Pedunculopontine nucleus in the squirrel monkey: distribution of cholinergic and monoaminergic neurons in the mesopontine tegmentum with evidence for the presence of glutamate in cholinergic neurons

scientific article

Pedunculopontine nucleus in the squirrel monkey: projections to the basal ganglia as revealed by anterograde tract-tracing methods

scientific article published in June 1994

Presence of reactive microglia in monkey substantia nigra years after 1‐methyl‐4‐phenyl‐1,2,3,6‐tetrahydropyridine administration

scientific article published on November 1, 2003

Projection from the deep cerebellar nuclei to the pedunculopontine nucleus in the squirrel monkey

scientific article published on July 10, 1992

Projection from the external pallidum to the reticular thalamic nucleus in the squirrel monkey

scientific article published in May 1991

Projections of brainstem core cholinergic and non-cholinergic neurons of cat to intralaminar and reticular thalamic nuclei

scientific article published on April 1, 1988

Projections of cholinergic and non-cholinergic neurons of the brainstem core to relay and associational thalamic nuclei in the cat and macaque monkey

scientific article published in April 1988

Proliferating cells can differentiate into neurons in the striatum of normal adult monkey

scientific article published in August 2002

Quantitative and ultrastructural study of serotonin innervation of the globus pallidus in squirrel monkeys

scientific article published on February 25, 2013

Quinolinic acid does not spare striatal neuropeptide Y-immunoreactive neurons

scientific article published on 01 July 1987

Re-evaluation of the functional anatomy of the basal ganglia in normal and Parkinsonian states

scientific article

Regulation of 1,4,5-IP3, 1,3,4,5-IP4 and IP6 binding sites following entorhinal cortex lesions in rat brain

scientific article published on 01 August 1994

Rhabdomyolysis with acute renal failure and malignant neuroleptic syndrome

scientific article published on 01 January 1982

Role of sensory activity on chemospecific populations of interneurons in the adult olfactory bulb.

scientific article published in May 2010

Serotonin and dopamine striatal innervation in Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s chorea

scientific article published on June 12, 2011

Serotonin innervation of basal ganglia in monkeys and humans

scientific article published on June 1, 2011

Serotoninergic innervation of the thalamus in the primate: an immunohistochemical study

scientific article published in October 1991

Single striatofugal axons arborizing in both pallidal segments and in the substantia nigra in primates

scientific article published on 01 November 1995

Single-axon tracing and three-dimensional reconstruction of centre median-parafascicular thalamic neurons in primates

scientific article

Single-axon tracing of the corticosubthalamic hyperdirect pathway in primates

scientific article published on 14 August 2018

Single-axon tracing study of corticostriatal projections arising from primary motor cortex in primates

scientific article published in May 2006

Single-axon tracing study of neurons of the external segment of the globus pallidus in primate

scientific article

Skin blood vessels are simultaneously innervated by sensory, sympathetic, and parasympathetic fibers

scientific article

Sparing of striatal neurons coexpressing calretinin and substance P (NK1) receptor in Huntington's disease

scientific article published in August 1996

Striatal Neurons Expressing D1 and D2 Receptors are Morphologically Distinct and Differently Affected by Dopamine Denervation in Mice

scientific article published on 27 January 2017

Striatal afferent connections in the turtle (Chrysemys picta) as revealed by retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase

scientific article published on May 21, 1976

Striatal and cortical projections of single neurons from the central lateral thalamic nucleus in the rat

scientific article published on 01 June 1996

Striatal and subthalamic afferents to the primate pallidum: interactions between two opposite chemospecific neuronal systems

scientific article published on January 1993

Striatal changes in preproenkephalin mRNA levels in parkinsonian monkeys

scientific article published on 01 October 1994

Striatal interneurons expressing calretinin, parvalbumin or NADPH-diaphorase: a comparative study in the rat, monkey and human

scientific article published on 01 April 2000

Striatal interneurons in Huntington's disease: selective increase in the density of calretinin-immunoreactive medium-sized neurons

scientific article published in November 1996

Striatal neurones displaying substance P (NK 1) receptor immunoreactivity in human and non-human primates

scientific article published on March 27, 1995

Striosomes are enriched in glutamic acid decarboxylase in primates

scientific article

Substantia nigra and Parkinson's disease: a brief history of their long and intimate relationship.

scientific article

Substantia nigra pars reticulata projects to the reticular thalamic nucleus of the cat: a morphological and electrophysiological study

scientific article published in December 1990

Synaptic Transmission and Hippocampal Long-Term Potentiation in Olfactory Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Channel Type 1 Null Mouse

scientific article published on June 1, 1998

Synaptic innervation of midbrain dopaminergic neurons by glutamate-enriched terminals in the squirrel monkey

scientific article published on 01 January 1996

Synaptic relationships between dopaminergic afferents and cortical or thalamic input in the sensorimotor territory of the striatum in monkey

scientific article published in June 1994

Synaptic transmission and hippocampal long-term potentiation in transgenic mice expressing FAD-linked presenilin 1.

scientific article published in February 1999

Thalamic projections of nucleus reticularis thalami of cat: a study using retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase and fluorescent tracers

scientific article published in November 1984

The anti-apoptosis bcl-2 proto-oncogene is preferentially expressed in limbic structures of the primate brain

scientific article published on February 1, 1998

The axonal arborization of single nigrostriatal neurons in rats

scientific article published on July 1999

The brain in evolution and involution

scientific article published on January 1, 1997

The centre me´dian and parafascicular thalamic nuclei project respectively to the sensorimotor and associative-limbic striatal territories in the squirrel monkey

scientific article published on February 26, 1990

The compartmentalization of the monkey and rat cerebellar cortex: zebrin I and cytochrome oxidase

scientific article published in January 1990

The current model of basal ganglia organization under scrutiny

scientific article published in March 1998

The dopaminergic nigropallidal projection in primates: distinct cellular origin and relative sparing in MPTP-treated monkeys

scientific article published on January 1990

The emergence of consciousness in phylogeny

scientific article

The expression of neurokinin-1 receptor at striatal and pallidal levels in normal human brain

scientific article published in September 2002

The fate of striatal dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson's disease and Huntington's chorea

scientific article

The fate of the large striatal interneurons expressing calretinin in Huntington's disease

scientific article

The heterogeneity of the mesostriatal dopaminergic system as revealed in normal and parkinsonian monkeys

scientific article published on January 1, 1993

The highly selective mGlu2 receptor positive allosteric modulator LY-487,379 alleviates l-DOPA-induced dyskinesia in the 6-OHDA-lesioned rat model of Parkinson's disease

scientific article published on 14 January 2020

The ladder of progress in neuroscience

scientific article published on 01 June 1994

The microcircuitry of primate subthalamic nucleus

scientific article

The monoamine-containing neurons in avian brain: I. A study of the brain stem of the chicken (Gallus domesticus) by means of fluorescence and acetylcholinesterase histochemistry

scientific article published on March 10, 1981

The monoamine-containing neurons in the brain of the garfish, Lepisosteus osseus

scientific article published on July 1, 1982

The monoaminergic innervation of the amygdala in the squirrel monkey: an immunohistochemical study

scientific article published on 01 January 1990

The monoaminergic innervation of the telencephalon of the frog, Rana pipiens

scientific article published on November 28, 1975

The nigrostriatal pathway in the rat: A single-axon study of the relationship between dorsal and ventral tier nigral neurons and the striosome/matrix striatal compartments.

scientific article

The nigrostriatal pathway: a correlative study based on neuroanatomical and neurochemical criteria in the cat and the monkey

scientific article published in November 1969

The nigrostriatal pathway: axonal collateralization and compartmental specificity

scientific article published on January 2009

The number of striatal cholinergic interneurons expressing calretinin is increased in parkinsonian monkeys

scientific article

The occurrence of large acetylcholinesterase-containing neurons in human neostriatum as disclosed in normal and Alzheimer-diseased brains

scientific article published on January 1984

The organization of monoamine-containing neurons in the brain of the salamander, Necturus maculosus

scientific article

The organization of monoamine-containing neurons in the brain of the sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) as revealed by fluorescence microscopy

scientific article published on December 1, 1978

The organization of the striatal output system: a single-cell juxtacellular labeling study in the rat.

scientific article

The origin and distribution of catecholaminergic axon terminals in the cerebral cortex of the turtle (Chrysemys picta).

scientific article

The origin of forebrain afferents to the habenula in rat, cat and monkey

scientific article published on 01 January 1981

The output organization of the substantia nigra in primate as revealed by a retrograde double labeling method

scientific article published on April 1, 1983

The pallidofugal motor fiber system in primates

scientific article published on 01 June 2004

The pallidofugal projection system in primates: evidence for neurons branching ipsilaterally and contralaterally to the thalamus and brainstem

scientific article

The pallidointralaminar and pallidonigral projections in primate as studied by retrograde double-labeling method

scientific article published on November 14, 1983

The response of striatal neuropeptide Y and cholinergic neurons to excitatory amino acid agonists

scientific article published on 01 June 1988

The rostral migratory stream in adult squirrel monkeys: contribution of new neurons to the olfactory tubercle and involvement of the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2

scientific article (publication date: November 2002)

The somatodendritic domain of substantia nigra pars reticulata projection neurons in the rat.

scientific article published on 17 October 2006

The striatofugal fiber system in primates: a reevaluation of its organization based on single-axon tracing studies

scientific article

The striatopallidal and striatonigral projections: two distinct fiber systems in primate

scientific article published in June 1984

The striatopallidal fiber system in primates

scientific article published on 01 January 1997

The striatopallidal projection displays a high degree of anatomical specificity in the primate

scientific article published on October 2, 1992

The subcortical afferents to caudate nucleus and putamen in primate: a fluorescence retrograde double labeling study

scientific article published in December 1983

The thalamic reticular nucleus does not send commissural projection to the contralateral parafascicular nucleus in the rat.

scientific article published in May 1995

The calretinin interneurons of the striatum: comparisons between rodents and primates under normal and pathological conditions.

scientific article published on 6 February 2017

Topography of the projection from the central complex of the thalamus to the sensorimotor striatal territory in monkeys

scientific article published on March 1, 1991

Two different types of thalamic fibers innervate the rat striatum

scientific article

Two types of projection neurons in the internal pallidum of primates: single-axon tracing and three-dimensional reconstruction

scientific article

Tyrosine hydroxylase-positive neurons intrinsic to the human striatum express the transcription factor Nurr1.

scientific article published in October 2004

Vasculature guides migrating neuronal precursors in the adult mammalian forebrain via brain-derived neurotrophic factor signaling.

scientific article

Zona incerta and lateral hypothalamic afferents to the midbrain reticular core of cat--HRP and electrophysiological study

scientific article

Zonation in the rat cerebellar cortex: patches of high acetylcholinesterase activity in the granular layer are congruent with Purkinje cell compartments

scientific article published on 01 May 1988

[3H]phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate/PKC binding in thoracic spinal cord: no change in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

scientific article published on 01 July 1995

[Anatomo-physiologic substratum of akinesia in primates]

scientific article published on 01 January 1990

[Compartmentalized organization of human corpus striatum]

scientific article published on 01 March 1999