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List of works by Dawn Tharr

"Elevator music" in the open office environment

journal article published in 1998

A case of "reasonable grounds"?

journal article published in 1992

A heat stress assessment at a portland cement manufacturer

journal article published in 1992

A procedure for the analysis of pentamidine isethionate in air

journal article published in 1991

A sawmill environment: noise levels, controls, and audiometric test results

journal article published in 1991

A tracer gas evaluation at a garment manufacturing facility with extensive transmission of tuberculosis

journal article published in 1998

Acute pesticide poisoning associated with use of a sulfotepp fumigant in a greenhouse

journal article published in 1996

Aerosolized ribavirin - exposures and controls

journal article published in 1992

Airborne emissions from carbon dioxide laser cutting operations

journal article published in 1991

An evaluation of biological and other exposures during an indoor stock show

journal article published in 1997

Analytical problems in the determination of 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate using NIOSH Method 5521

journal article published in 1992

Asbestos exposure during low-income housing weatherization

journal article published in 1991

Assessment of nonionizing radiation exposure at a steel foundry

journal article published in 1994

Assessment of students' exposure to welding fumes in a vocational school welding shop

journal article published in 1997

Biochemical hazards in a jewelry manufacturing facility

journal article published in 1993

Carbon dioxide exposures to medical personnel as a result of wearing surgical isolation suits

journal article published in 1998

Case studies reaches landmark: 100 columns in applied

journal article published in 1999

Case study at a college rifle range: the effect of a new ventilation system on air and blood lead levels

journal article published in 1993

Characterization of occupational and residential lead exposure at a stained-glass studio

journal article published in 1994

Detection of organophosphorus pesticides using a direct-reading instrument

journal article published in 1995

Environmental and worker protection practices observed during lead-containing paint removal in four European countries

journal article published in 1996

Ergonomic assessment of trimming jobs at a shoe manufacturing plant

journal article published in 1998

Ergonomic assessments of supermarket cashiers

journal article published in 1991

Evaluation of respirator performance against aerosolized ribavirin in a health care setting

journal article published in 1992

Evaluation of techniques for reducing diesel forklift emissions

journal article published in 1992

Evaluation of work-related musculoskeletal disorders and job stress among teleservice center representatives

journal article published in 1995

Exposure of fruit fly trappers to the pesticide Dibrom

journal article published in 1995

Exposure to benzene-contaminated toluene and bone marrow disorders - a retrospective exposure assessment

journal article published in 1997

Exposure to different metals during the demolition of oil-fired boilers

journal article published in 1993

Exposure to formaldehyde among fish hatchery workers

journal article published in 1998

Exposure to formaldehyde during garment manufacturing

journal article published in 1997

Exposure to silica dust among street-sweeper operators

journal article published in 1993

Exposures to bloodborne pathogens: a NIOSH health hazard evaluation

journal article published in 1993

Exposures to electromagnetic fields while operating walk-through and hand-held metal detectors

journal article published in 1998

Exposures to volcanic emissions from the Hawaiian volcanoes: a NIOSH health hazard evaluation

journal article published in 1991

Forest worker exposure to Garlon 4 herbicide

journal article published in 1994

Hand-arm vibration measurements and comparisons of hand-held pneumatic tools used in the aerospace industry

journal article published in 1996

Hazards at your auto dealership (including everything you ever wanted to know about a tail-pipe exhaust ventilation system)

journal article published in 1997

Indoor environmental quality "from the ground up."

journal article published in 1993

Indoor environmental quality in a school building: identification of a problem and mitigation

journal article published in 1991

Investigation into an outbreak of rashes in a wax coating treatment process

journal article published in 1994

Investigation of d-Limonene use during aircraft maintenance degreasing operations

journal article published in 1994

Lead contamination in radiator repair shops

journal article published in 1993

Lead exposure during custodial activities

journal article published in 1997

Lead exposure during lining of tanks with lead sheeting

journal article published in 1992

Lead exposures in gold fire assay laboratories

journal article published in 1991

Manganese exposure in the manufacture of plywood: an unsuspected health hazard

journal article published in 1994

Mastic removal - an educational experience

journal article published in 1993

Mercury exposure from silver-coated paper used in photo laser machines

journal article published in 1991

Nitrous oxide exposures during cryosurgical procedures

journal article published in 1992

Notes from the field: agricultural injury prevention: a farm-church partnership

journal article published in 1994

Occupational exposures during abrasive blasting removal of lead- based paint on a highway bridge

journal article published in 1992

Occupational exposures to heavy metals at a Bolivian smelter

journal article published in 1996

Occupational health and safety hazards in Colorado small industry

journal article published in 1995

Occupational health and safety professionals' attitudes toward workplace violence

journal article published in 1995

Occupational health risks associated with the use of irritant smoke for qualitative fit testing of respirators

journal article published in 1993

Organic vapor emissions from wall-to-wall carpets as a source of indoor air pollution

journal article published in 1996

Personal heat stress monitoring

journal article published in 1992

Problems with NIOSH Method 2520 for methyl bromide

journal article published in 1994

Rapid assessment of organophosphate induced cholinesterase depression: a comparison of laboratory and field kit methods to detect human exposure to organophosphates

journal article published in 1998

Real-time video monitoring of noise in agriculture: an evaluation and education tool

journal article published in 1994

Recommendations for protecting workers from Histoplasma capsulatum exposure during bat guano removal from a church's attic

journal article published in 1994

Residual air concentrations of pesticides in a commercial greenhouse

journal article published in 1994

Results of tobacco smoke control study and potential extrapolation to control of airborne diseases

journal article published in 1995

Sick building syndrome: factors associated with employee-reported symptoms

journal article published in 1992

Silica exposure for concrete workers and masons

journal article published in 1993

Simulated carbon monoxide exposure in an enclosed structure from a gasoline-powered pressure washer

journal article published in 1995

Survey of lead contamination in an office building

journal article published in 1994

Technical assistance report no. TA-79-25, Detroit Canada Tunnel, Detroit, Michigan

field study published in 1980

The case of the dirty neighbor

journal article published in 1992

Transient sounds through communication headsets

journal article published in 1998

Tuberculosis in the microbacteriology laboratory

journal article published in 1995

Ultraviolet radiation exposure to health care workers from germicidal lamps

journal article published in 1991

Use of local exhaust ventilation to control aerosol exposures resulting from the use of a reciprocating saw during autopsy

journal article published in 2001

Workplace exposures at a waste-to-energy facility

journal article published in 1991

Workplace fatality related to perchloroethylene exposures

journal article published in 1996

X-ray processor ventilation: small air flow, big result

journal article published in 1997