book edited by Gabriele Barucca and Alessandra Sfrappini
New Yorker Magazine
scientific journal published by Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg (1846–1931)
scientific journal (1925–…)
periodical (1852–19…)
scientific journal
scientific journal published by the Royal Society of Sciences and Humanities in Göttingen (1843–1892)
scientific journal (1893–1923)
scientific journal/book series published by the Senckenberg Nature Research Society (1854–2006)
scientific journal published by Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein in Hamburg (1980–)
scientific journal published by Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg (1937–1978)
scientific journal (1778–1786)
Historical online Encyclopedia written by serval authors
book by several researchers. Published by the Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies
online encyclopedia and social network
ancient Greek literary work
1889 Italian edition of a collection of literary works dedicated to Giuseppe Marello, bishop of Acqui
biographical reference work
book series (1878–1894) edited by Wilhelm Oncken
21-volume publication (1747–1774)
arts journal (1878–1912)
German literary journal, 1785–1849
scientific journal (1901–1904)
book edited by Utpal Dutta
India based comic book series and publisher
magazine (1905–1915)
periodical (since 1855)
periodical (1902–1913)
book by Ismaël Girard
scientific journal (1894–2…)
scientific journal (1954–2014)
German periodical (1847–1940)
history journal
periodical (1866–1935)
scientific journal
Berlin: G. Reimer, 1829-1855.
scientific journal
magazine (1841–1867)
periodical literature
educational book series about debating
collection of Assamese articles
The two volumes of this work bring together the results of the winning project of the «National Call for Bicentennial Projects 1810-2010" Social history of science, technology and innovation in Colombia: citizenship, knowledge and nation "».
work by the Institute of the Italian Encyclopaedia
German monograph series, 1898–1931[?]
weekly magazine (1859–1866)
Book by Theodore Baker
magazine (1932–1939)
Baltic German magazine (1859–1931)
history journal (1832–2…)
botany journal
three-volume publication (1914–1932), edited by W. Michaelsen
monograph series (1839–1900)
book series (1868–1912)
scientific journal (1897–1921)
botany journal (1866–1901)
periodical (1870–1896)
scientific journal
botany journal (1883–1987)
scientific journal (1857–1874)
scientific journal (1881–1913/14)
book series published by E. A. Seemann
almanac (1906–2…)
Anthology of Bhaktirasa Shataka
1st volume of Bhaktirasa Shataka Samputamu
Volume 2 of Bhaktirasa Shataka Samputamu
Volume 3 of Bhaktirasa Shataka Samputamu
conference works
international historical conference
4 books (1817-1821) by Giuseppe Emanuele Ortolani mainly
biographical reference work on persons of the Czech lands
scientific journal (1881–1916)
German scientific journal (1917–1996)
zoological and hobby journal (1890–19xx)
scientific journal (1853–1862)
scientific journal (1880–2009)
scientific journal (1802–1807)
scientific journal (1843–1910)
scientific journal (1880–1945)
comprehensive multi-volume encyclopedia in Russian
scientific journal published by the Imperial Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences
scientific journal (1842–1859) published by the Imperial Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences
scientific journal
scientific journal (1836–1842) of the Imperial Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences
renaissance songbook of Portuguese music
poetic collection published in Valencia by Hernando del Castillo, 1st. 1511
scientific journal (1900–1924)
Indian multi-lingual children monthly magazine and publisher
The oldest literary specimen of Bengali-Assamese languages
enciclopedy for childhood
16th-century Mughal manuscript
collection of Chinese poetry, comprising works dating from the 11th to 7th centuries BC
book series of art catalogs first published by Rizzoli in Milan between 1966 and 1973, the formula was later translated into various languages
scientific journal (1728–1751)
volume 1 of the publication, published in 1728
volume 2 of the publication, published in 1729
volume 4 of the publication, published in 1735
volume 3 of the publication, published in 1732
volume 6 of the publication, published in 1738
volume 7 of the publication, published in 1740
volume 5 of the publication, published in 1738
volume 9 of the publication, published in 1744
volume 8 of the publication, published in 1741
volume 11 of the publication, published in 1750
volume 12 of the publication, published in 1750
volume 10 of the publication, published in 1747
volume 13 of the publication, published in 1751
volume 14 of the publication, published in 1751
2012 compilation of chapters
short story anthology edited by Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
German computer magazine, special edition of the DMV Daten- und Medienverlag, with changing special themes
scientific journal (1913–1981)
book series, published by Otto Spamer
1898 book
multivolume publication
scientific book series (1896–1999)
book series published by T. O. Weigel
scientific journal (1731–1791)
tabletop role-playing game supplement
Regensburg :In Commission der Montag- und
scientific journal
book series
professional magazine/journal (1859–)
book series (1896–1909)
scientific journal (1875–1880)
scientific journal
art magazine (1897–1932)
press organ of the German party Die Heimat (former NPD)
German-language weekly newspaper (1931–?) published in Arad, Romania
multivolume publication (1905–1931), containing results of the first German expedition to Antarctica (Gauss expedition)
Anthology of romantic poems, fairy tales, legends and ballads
periodical literature
German book series
multivolume botanical publication (1797–1862)
multi-volume reference work
multi-volume reference work
journal (1899–1922)
multivolume publication (1907–1930), series of scientific reports
German physics journal (1847–1919)
German magazine, since 1853
German gardening magazine since 1897
entomological journal (1884–1887)
book series
book series (1902–1909), edited by Richard Muther
art magazine
book series (1891–1985)
book series (1844–1912)
German popular science magazine, 1862-
publication (1895), vol. 5 of the series "Deutsch-Ost-Afrika"
book series (1909–1912), edited by August Brauer
multivolume publication
15-volume book series (1896–1925)
book series published by Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn
ornithological magazine (1872–…)
scientific journal (1859–1938)
online encyclopedia in Italian focused on law published by the Institute of the Italian Encyclopaedia "Giovanni Treccani"
thematic dictionary about physical sciences from Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana
thematic dictionary about economics and finance from Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana
dictionary for history according to Giovanni Treccani
Portuguese newspaper (1872–1911)
book series
editorial collection of illustrated, pocket-sized books on a variety of subjects
book series (1830–1844)
literary work
Italian encyclopedia
Italian-language encyclopaedia
work published by Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana between 2004 and 2006
encyclopedic work published by the Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana "Giovanni Treccani"
specialized encyclopedia in Italian focused on mathematics published by the Institute of the Italian Encyclopaedia "Giovanni Treccani"
work published by Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana between 2007 and 2008
web version of Enciclopedia della Scienza e della Tecnica, articles on Treccani web site
encyclopaedia by Italian publisher Arnoldo Mondadori Editore
encyclopedic work published by the Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana "Giovanni Treccani"
Hebrew-language encyclopedia
classification system for the opening moves in a game of chess
English reference work series (1913-)
thematic encyclopedia about Italian language, edit by Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana "Giovanni Treccani"
thematic online encyclopedia aimed to cover the philosophy of the period between 1300 and 1650, edited by Marco Sgarbi and published by Springer, Cham, Switzerland
Dutch encyclopedia
scientific journal (1876–1880)
scientific journal (1875–1900)
entomological journal
entomological journal (1887–20xx)
scientific journal (1840–1911)
entomological journal
multivolume publication
subseries of the USDA's Farmers' Bulletin
periodical (1889–1948)
book by Various
serial publication (1889–1980s) by the United States Department of Agriculture
entomological book series (1908–1916)
catalog of the temporary exposition held in Urbino, 2024
three-volume publication (1896–1897)
German-language botanical journal (1818–1965)
serial publication
serial publication
serial publication
serial publication
annual or yearbook published in 1822
popular science magazine (1865–1909)
short story anthology edited by Andre Norton and Ernestine Donaldy
scientific journal (1902–1990)
magazine (1861–1910)
literary work
national encyclopedia of Ukraine
first eight collections of waka poetry, of the larger Nijūichidaishū (Collections of the Twenty-One Eras), Japan's 21 imperial collections (chokusenshū)
edited by Paul Laband, 2nd edition (1914)
10-volume dictionary on natural sciences, first edition (1912–1915)
American internal medicine textbook
monograph series (189x–190x), encyclopedical work
scientific journal (1852–1944)
Berlin :R. Oppenheim (G. Schmidt),[1896-1897] | Multiple institutions
book series published by Karl W. Hiersemann
general knowledge encyclopedia in Hindi
book edition
book edition
seven-volume historical encyclopedia published by the Sorbonne University
Cook book compiled by members of the Amherst Skating Club
popular science magazine (1882–1890)
section of 1910 edition of the anthology "Lirici marinisti"
Series of art books
section of 1910 edition of the anthology "Lirici marinisti"
section of 1910 edition of the anthology "Lirici marinisti"
section of 1910 edition of the anthology "Lirici marinisti"
UK magazine
scientific journal (1896–1897)
scientific journal (1898–1900)
series of botanical indices on ferns, started by Carl Christensen, published 1906–1997
Indian comics title
collection of essays
German entomology magazine (1884–1906)
German entomology magazine (1909–1980)
scientific journal
Russian scientific journal
annual publication (1895–…)
scientific journal (1850-1917)
scientific journal (1830–1832)
botany journal (1858–1944)
annual publication (1873–1925)
periodical (1866–1919)
scientific journal
scientific journal (1864–1873, 1942–1945/47)
scientific journal (1874–1941)
scientific journal (1863–1942)
collective work
book edition
short story by various authors
Swedish 1988 children's book, written by children and young people
popular science magazine (1904–1999)
popular science magazine (1877–1886)
book series published by Velhagen & Klasing
periodical on art history (1948–20..)
German arts journal (1866–1918)
book series published by Karl W. Hiersemann
book series of artists' monographs published by Velhagen & Klasing, edited by Hermann Knackfuß and others
literary collection
art book. Edited by Maria Concetta Di Natale
book series of geographic monographs published by Velhagen & Klasing
German user magazine for desktop publishing, layout and design
2005 publication
German beekeeping journal
scientific journal
book published in 2021
online edition of the Lessico del XXI Secolo
scientific journal
1910 Italian edition of the anthology edited by Benedetto Croce
Cassel: T. Fischer, 1854-1891.
one of many Dharmasastra texts of Hinduism
scientific journal (1850–19xx)
scientific journal (1818–1916)
vol. 29 of the publication, published in 1825
2024 collection of essays by various authors
scientific journal (1892/93–…)
scientific journal (1877–1881)
journal (1856–1881)
art magazine (1908–1922)
botany journal (1891–1922)
book series published by Velhagen & Klasing
Jena: G. Fischer, 1891-
scientific journal (1875–1902)
journal published by the association "Deutscher Museumsbund"
2001 short stories collection
computer game
scientific journal
biographical dictionary
book series published by E. Schweizerbart (1832–1849)
scientific journal (1837–1884)
scientific journal (1948–…)
scientific journal (1886–1912)
Jena [etc.]G. Fischer [etc.]
botany journal (1846–1951)
biographical reference work by the Historical Committee at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities
book series
scientific journal (1833–1862)
scientific journal (1863–19…)
international journal of botany and mycology
scientific journal (1787–1806)
scientific journal (1959–…)
scientific journal (1750–1776)
scientific journal (1834–1849)
monument in Cartagena, Spain
short story by various authors
2009 collection of short stories
Magdeburg [etc.]: Kommissions-Verlag der Creutschen Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1890-1937.
exhibition catalogue. Curated by Francesco Leone and Fernando Mazzocca
1929 collection of essays regarding James Joyce's then-unfinished Finnigan's Wake
1920 non-fiction book
German computer magazine
Wikimedia category: RE volume I,1 (Aal–Alexandros)
Wikimedia category: RE volume I,2 (Alexandros–Apollokrates)
Wikimedia category: RE volume II,2 (Artemisia–Barbaroi)
Wikimedia category: RE volume III,1 (Barbarus–Campanus)
Wikimedia category: RE volume III,2 (Campanus ager–Claudius)
Wikimedia category: RE volume IV,1 (Claudius mons–Cornificius)
RE volume IV,2 (Corniscae–Demodoros)
Wikimedia category: RE volume V,1 (Demogenes–Donatianus)
Wikimedia category: RE volume V,2 (Donatio–Ephoroi)
Wikimedia category: RE volume VI,1 (Ephoros–Eutychos)
Wikimedia category: RE volume VI,2 (Euxantios–Fornaces)
Wikimedia category: RE volume VIII,1 (Helikon–Hestia)
German Classics encyclopedia (1894–1980) publishes news and biographical information about people in the news.
Recipes collected by the Women's Association of the United Church, Maccan, Nova Scotia division. 1959
Dutch book series
photography magazine
German photography magazine
photography magazine
photography magazine
miscellany in academic journal published in January 2001
Esperanto dictionary
Institució Alfons el Magnànim book
1978 poetry anthology by Pier Vincenzo Mengaldo
Russian scientific journal (1992–…)
scientific journal (1933–1992)
scientific journal (1999–…)
psychoanalytically-oriented manual for use by mental health professionals
serial publication (1884–2…)
short story collection
short story collection
short story collection
short story collection
short story collection
short story collection
short story collection
Welsh manuscript collection written between 1382-1410
multivolume publication (1859–1900)
book series (1835–1860) published by Verlag der J. G. Cotta'schen Buchhandlung
medieval Zoroastrian texts
An old general catalog of the Revoltella Museum
The new general catalog of the Revoltella Museum with some essays on the history of the museum, scientific records of two hundred works, and a registry of the entire collection.
Community cookbook produced by the Ladies Auxiliary of the River Hebert Fire Department
14th century devotional book
editorial collection of publisher Walter de Gruyter
book series
book series (1901–1906) published by Velhagen & Klasing
book series
scientific journal (1860–1872)
science journal (1863–1938)
scientific journal (1873–1940s)
Castilian medieval code of laws
complete encyclopedia contains an annotated catalogue of 10,680 titles collected by the Qing imperial court officials
popular science astronomical magazine (1868–1926)
scientific journal
scientific journal
entomological journal (1886–1930)
book series
scientific journal (1912–1944)
monograph series (1907–1929)
Byzantine lexicon
book by various authors
book series
Knowledge Book given by King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand for Thai Junior to study
book series published by Morehouse-Barlow Publishing
book by various authors
work of historical scholarship
2014 edition of the eponymous book by Brian M. Fagan
multivolume publication edited by George Nicholson
book series
Multi-volume work on the History of Boston edited by Justin Winsor
іndex of chemicals
scientific journal (1889–2xxx)
book by Alain Locke
Chinese mathematics book, composed by several generations of scholars from the 10th century BCE
book edition
scientific journal (1997–…)
scientific journal (1857–…)
two-volumes encyclopedic work about Philosophy, published by the Institute of the Italian Encyclopaedia
dictionary of the Italian language, reference work published by Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia
Arabic translation of a seven-volume historical encyclopedia published by the Sorbonne University.
The second edition of Tārīkh Al-Ḥaḍārāt Al-ʻāmm, published by Dar ʻUwaydāt
pedagogical comic series by UNESCO about various historical African women
scientific journal (1865–1874)
section of 1910 edition of the anthology "Lirici marinisti"
section of 1910 edition of the anthology "Lirici marinisti"
section of 1910 edition of the anthology "Lirici marinisti"
monthly journal published by Velhagen & Klasing
book series published by Velhagen & Klasing
scientific journal
academic journal, 1838- 1977
scientific journal
scientific journal
scientific journal (1991–…)
scientific journal (1875–1935)
scientific journal
scientific journal
Polish Internet encyclopedia
Historical almanac and address book for the city of Ghent
1832-1846 publication, 6 issues
1832 version
1853 book of poetry
1853 version
scientific journal
scientific journal (1882–1933)
2017 book about Wikimania 2016 in Esino Lario
Wikipedia essay about Wikipedia clones
book series published by Quelle & Meyer
book series publishing the scientific results of the German Deep Sea expedition (Valdivia expedition, published 1902–1940)
section of 1910 edition of the anthology "Lirici marinisti"
section of 1910 edition of the anthology "Lirici marinisti"
periodical literature
history journal
periodical literature
scientific journal (1844–1853)
scientific journal (1882–1941)
history journal
German periodical on fine arts from 1866-1932
periodical (1854–1944)
scientific journal (1853–1881)
history journal (1850–…)
entomological journal (1901–1908)
scientific journal (1905–193x)
German magazine for construction and architecture
list of English-translated volumes of Découvertes Gallimard
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