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List of works by Glorian Sorensen

A conceptual model for guiding integrated interventions and research: pathways through the conditions of work

chapter published in 2019

A conceptual model to guide Total Worker Health® research and interventions

abstract published in 2017

A hazardous substance exposure prevention rating method for intervention needs assessment and effectiveness evaluation: the Small Business Exposure Index

journal article published in 2009

A mixed methods approach to understanding leisure-time physical activity and musculoskeletal pain among construction workers: findings from a pilot study

abstract published in 2012

Acculturation and physical activity in a working class multiethnic population

scientific article published on 14 February 2006

An exposure prevention rating method for intervention needs assessment and effectiveness evaluation

journal article published in 2003

An inspection tool and process to identify modifiable aspects of acute care hospital patient care units to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders

journal article published in 2018

An integrative Total Worker Health framework for keeping workers safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic

journal article published in 2020

Assessing and intervening on OSH programmes: effectiveness evaluation of the Wellworks-2 intervention in 15 manufacturing worksites

journal article published in 2004

Assessing the Relationship Between Work–Family Conflict and Smoking

scientific article published on June 21, 2012

Assessment of ambient exposures firefighters encounter while at the fire station: an exploratory study

journal article published in 2017

Assessment of ambient exposures firefighters encounter while at the fire station: an exploratory study

abstract published in 2017

Assessment of occupational safety and health programs in small businesses

journal article published in 2004

Association between perceived inadequate staffing and musculoskeletal pain among hospital patient care workers

journal article published in 2014

Association between trunk flexion and physical activity in patient care unit workers

conference proceedings item published in 2012

Association between work-family conflict and musculoskeletal pain among hospital patient care workers

journal article published in 2013

Associations between conditions of work and worker health and productivity indicators in small manufacturing companies

abstract published in 2017

Associations between trunk flexion and physical activity of patient care workers for a single shift: a pilot study

journal article published in 2017

Biomarker validation of dietary intervention in two multiethnic populations

scientific article

Building capacity for integrated occupational safety, health, and well-being initiatives using guidelines for Total Worker Health® approaches

journal article published in 2021

Can better leadership reduce nursing home staff turnover?

journal article published in 2023

Cancer prevention and worksite health promotion: time to join forces

journal article published in 2014

Cohort profile: the Boston Hospital Workers Health Study (BHWHS)

journal article published in 2018

Construction workers struggle with a high prevalence of mental distress, and this is associated with their pain and injuries

journal article published in 2013

Construction workers working in musculoskeletal pain and engaging in leisure-time physical activity: findings from a mixed-methods pilot study

journal article published in 2014

Critical points in Lemke's Total Worker Health calculus

publication published in 2021

Design, construction, and management of a comprehensive employee research database: the PERDS study of the Harvard Center for Work, Health, and Wellbeing

abstract published in 2017

Developing initial middle range theories in realist evaluation: a case of an organisational intervention

journal article published in 2021

Development and application of an innovative instrument to assess work environment factors for injury prevention in the food service industry

journal article published in 2021

Employee perceptions of safety, health, and well-being: focus group findings from one veterans affairs medical center

journal article published in 2018

Ensuring organization-intervention fit for a participatory organizational intervention to improve food service workers' health and wellbeing Workplace Organizational Health Study

journal article published in 2020

Entertainment or Health? Exploring the Internet Usage Patterns of the Urban Poor: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial

scientific article

Ergonomic practices within patient care units are associated with musculoskeletal pain and limitations

journal article published in 2012

Harvard T.H. Chan Center for Work, Health, and Wellbeing

final cooperative agreement report published in 2017

How to ask: surveying nursing directors of nursing homes

journal article published in 2021

Impact of occupational injuries on nonworkers' compensation medical costs of patient-care workers

journal article published in 2017

Impact of organizational policies and practices on workplace injuries in a hospital setting

journal article published in 2014

Implementation of an organizational intervention to improve low-wage food service workers' safety, health and wellbeing: findings from the Workplace Organizational Health Study

journal article published in 2021

Implementing an integrated approach: weaving worker health, safety, and well-being into the fabric of your organization

publication published in 2017

Implementing an integrated approach: weaving worker health, safety, and well-being into the fabric of your organization - executive summary

publication published in 2017

Implementing an integrated health protection/health promotion intervention in the hospital setting: lessons learned from the Be Well, Work Well study

journal article published in 2016

Improving firefighter safety and health: a closer look at the role of the fire station

abstract published in 2017

Improving the prevention and control of hazardous substance exposure: a randomized controlled trial in manufacturing worksites

journal article published in 2005

Improving the prevention and control of hazardous substance exposures: a randomised controlled trial in manufacturing worksites

journal article published in 2004

Improving working conditions to promote worker safety, health, and wellbeing for low-wage workers: the Workplace Organizational Health Study

journal article published in 2019

Integrating worksite health protection and health promotion: a conceptual model for intervention and research

journal article published in 2016

Integration of health protection and health promotion: rationale, indicators, and metrics

journal article published in 2013

Job and family demands and burnout among healthcare workers: the moderating role of workplace flexibility

journal article published in 2021

Job satisfaction and the psychosocial work environment: does the relationship vary by hospital patient care workers' age?

journal article published in 2018

Key organizational characteristics for integrated approaches to protect and promote worker health in smaller enterprises

journal article published in 2017

Lifting and exertion injuries decrease after implementation of an integrated hospital-wide safe patient handling and mobilisation programme

journal article published in 2017

Literature review of policy implications from findings of the Center for Work, Health, and Well-being

journal article published in 2019

Lost in translation: The challenge of adapting integrated approaches for worker health and safety for low- and middle-income countries.

scientific article

Measurement tools for integrated worker health protection and promotion: lessons learned from the SafeWell project

journal article published in 2016

Measuring best practices for workplace safety, health, and well-being: the Workplace Integrated Safety and Health Assessment

journal article published in 2018

Measuring integrated approaches to advance worker safety, health and wellbeing

abstract published in 2017

Mental health expenditures: association with workplace incivility and bullying among hospital patient care workers

journal article published in 2018

Musculoskeletal pain and psychological distress in hospital patient care workers

journal article published in 2012

Nurses' but not supervisors' safety practices are linked with job satisfaction

journal article published in 2017

OSH program evaluation in manufacturing and small business

final grant report published in 2005

Obscured by administrative data? Racial disparities in occupational injury

journal article published in 2017

Occupational injuries among nurses and aides in a hospital setting

journal article published in 2012

Occupational injuries for consecutive and cumulative shifts among hospital registered nurses and patient care associates: a case-control study

journal article published in 2012

Organizational and psychosocial working conditions and their relationship with mental health outcomes in patient-care workers

journal article published in 2019

Organizational approaches to Total Worker Health for low-income workers

final grant report published in 2021

Organizational characteristics influence implementation of worksite health protection and promotion programs: evidence from smaller businesses

journal article published in 2015

Paradoxical impact of a patient-handling intervention on injury rate disparity among hospital workers

journal article published in 2019

Physical activity and body mass index: the contribution of age and workplace characteristics

journal article published in 2014

Physical activity at work contributes little to patient care workers' weekly totals

journal article published in 2013

Physically demanding work and physical activity in health care workers: developing key messages for integrated interventions

abstract published in 2012

Physically demanding work and physical activity in health care workers: developing key messages for integrated interventions

conference proceedings item published in 2012

Preventing chronic disease in the workplace: a workshop report and recommendations

journal article published in 2011

Preventive care utilization: association with individual- and workgroup-level policy and practice perceptions

journal article published in 2018

Psychosocial stress and multi-site musculoskeletal pain: a cross-sectional survey of patient care workers

journal article published in 2013

Racial disparities in occupational injury: obscured by administrative data?

abstract published in 2017

Recruiting small manufacturing worksites that employ multiethnic, low-wage workforces into a cancer prevention research trial

journal article published in 2004

Relationship of sleep deficiency to perceived pain and functional limitations in hospital patient care workers

journal article published in 2012

Relationship of sleep deficiency to perceived pain and physical disability in hospital patient care workers

abstract published in 2011

Research frontiers in Total Worker Health: unique perspectives from the NIOSH Centers of Excellence to Promote a Healthier Workforce

abstract published in 2014

Research methodologies for Total Worker Health®: proceedings from a workshop

journal article published in 2018

Residential addiction treatment providers: identifying the role of social context in worker health and turnover

journal article published in 2022

Results of a pilot intervention to improve health and safety for health care workers

journal article published in 2013

SafeWell practice guidelines: an integrated approach to worker health - version 2.0

publication published in 2012

Schedule control and mental health: the relevance of coworkers' reports

journal article published in 2015

Sleep, Pain, and Hospital Workers

NIOSH Science Blog post published in 2012

Smoking cessation at the worksite: what works and what is the role of occupational health?

conference proceedings item published in 2002

Social disparities in the burden of occupational exposures: results of a cross-sectional study

journal article published in 2007

Social hazards on the job: workplace abuse, sexual harassment, and racial discrimination - a study of black, Latino, and white low-income women and men workers in the United States

journal article published in 2006

Steps to a healthier U.S. workforce. Integrating occupational health and safety and worksite health promotion: state of the science

chapter published in 2012

Steps to a healthier U.S. workforce: integrating occupational health and safety and worksite health promotion: state of the science

publication published in 2004

Strategies and challenges by size and sector for implementing integrated approaches to worker health

abstract published in 2012

Supervisors' support for nurses' meal breaks and mental health

journal article published in 2015

Testing middle range theories in realist evaluation: a case of a participatory organisational intervention

journal article published in 2022

The Harvard School of Public Health Center for Work, Health and Wellbeing

final cooperative agreement report published in 2022

The Research Compendium: The NIOSH Total Worker Health™ Program: Seminal Research Papers 2012

NIOSH Science Blog post published in 2012

The association of workplace hazards and smoking in a U.S. multiethnic working-class population

journal article published in 2010

The future of research on work, safety, health and wellbeing: a guiding conceptual framework

journal article published in 2021

The inequality paradox: hospital-based safe patient handling intervention decreases overall worker injuries and pain, but widens socioeconomic disparities

abstract published in 2018

The inverse hazard law: blood pressure, sexual harassment, racial discrimination, workplace abuse and occupational exposures in US low-income black, white and Latino workers

journal article published in 2008

The relationship between organizational policies and practices and work limitations among hospital patient care workers

journal article published in 2018

The relationship between organizational policies and practices with work limitations within a cohort of hospital patient care workers

abstract published in 2017

The relationship of occupational injury and use of mental health care

journal article published in 2020

The relationship of occupational injury and use of mental health care

abstract published in 2018

The role of the work context in multiple wellness outcomes for hospital patient care workers

journal article published in 2011

Thriving from Work Questionnaire: dimensionality, reliability, and validity of the long and short form questionnaires

journal article published in 2023

Thriving from work: conceptualization and measurement

journal article published in 2021

Using Total Worker Health® implementation guidelines to design an organizational intervention for low-wage food service workers: the Workplace Organizational Health Study

journal article published in 2021

Validation and dimensionality of the integration of health protection and health promotion score: evidence from the PULSE small business and VA medical center surveys

journal article published in 2016

Validation of a new metric for assessing the integration of health protection and health promotion in a sample of small- and medium-sized employer groups

journal article published in 2015

Validation of the Workplace Integrated Safety and Health (WISH) assessment in a sample of nursing homes using Item Response Theory (IRT) methods

journal article published in 2021

Work and worker health in the post-pandemic world: a public health perspective

journal article published in 2022

Work stress, sleep deficiency, and predicted 10-year cardiometabolic risk in a female patient care worker population

journal article published in 2014

Work-family conflict is longitudinally associated with sleep insufficiency and short sleep duration

abstract published in 2013

Work-family conflict, psychological distress, and sleep deficiency among patient care workers

journal article published in 2014

Worker assessments of organizational practices and psychosocial work environment are associated with musculoskeletal injuries in hospital patient care workers

journal article published in 2014

Workplace discrimination and short sleep among healthcare workers: the buffering effect of people-oriented culture

journal article published in 2021

Workplace integrated safety and health program uptake in nursing homes: associations with ownership

journal article published in 2021

Worksite tobacco control programs: the role of occupational health

journal article published in 2001