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List of works by Jeanne Brooks-Gunn

"Feeling disorder" as a comparative and contingent process: gender, neighborhood conditions, and adolescent mental health

scientific article published on January 2013

"Head Start and Children's Nutrition, Weight, and Health Care Receipt"

scientific article published on October 2013

A Longitudinal Examination of Family, Friend, and Media Influences on Competent Versus Problem Behaviors Among Urban Minority Youth

article by Julia A. Graber et al published April 2006 in Applied Developmental Science

A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of the Birth of a Sibling during Preschool and Early Grade School Years

journal article from 'Journal of Marriage and the Family' published in 1997

A longitudinal study of preschoolers' language-based bedtime routines, sleep duration, and well-being

scientific article

A randomized study of neighborhood effects on low-income children's educational outcomes

scientific article published in July 2004


scientific article

Additive interaction of child abuse and perinatal risk as signs of resiliency in adulthood

scientific article

Adolescent Exposure To Deadly Gun Violence Within 500 Meters Of Home Or School: Ethnoracial And Income Disparities

scientific article published in June 2021

Adolescents' participation in organized activities and developmental success 2 and 8 years after high school: do sponsorship, duration, and intensity matter?

scientific article published in May 2008

Age, puberty, and exposure to intimate partner violence in adolescence

scientific article published in December 2004

Anesthesia and neurodevelopment in children: time for an answer?

scientific article

Approaches to Learning and Hispanic Children’s Math Scores

Are Approaches to Learning in Kindergarten Associated with Academic and Social Competence Similarly?

scientific article published on 5 February 2015

Assessing youth risk behavior in a clinical trial setting: lessons from the infant health and development program

scientific article

Association of Childhood Violence Exposure With Adolescent Neural Network Density

scientific article published on 01 September 2020

Associations Between Menarcheal Timing and Behavioral Developmental Trajectories for Girls from Age 6 to Age 15

scientific article published on January 4, 2011

Associations among family environment, sustained attention, and school readiness for low-income children

scientific article published on November 1, 2010

Associations among feeding behaviors during infancy and child illness at two years

scientific article

Associations between father absence and age of first sexual intercourse

scientific article

Behavioral adjustment in a community sample of boys: links with basal and stress-induced salivary cortisol concentrations

scientific article

Beyond family-level adversities: Exploring the developmental timing of neighborhood disadvantage effects on the brain

scientific article published on 16 May 2020

Breastfeeding and verbal ability of 3-year-olds in a multicity sample

scientific article

Can Organized Youth Activities Protect Against Internalizing Problems Among Adolescents Living in Violent Homes?

scientific article published on June 8, 2012

Changes in neighborhood poverty from 1990 to 2000 and youth's problem behaviors

scientific article published on 12 September 2011

Child care quality matters: how conclusions may vary with context

scientific article published in July 2003

Childhood Violence Exposure and Social Deprivation are Linked to Adolescent Threat and Reward Neural Function

scientific article published on 26 October 2020

Childhood violence exposure and social deprivation predict adolescent amygdala-orbitofrontal cortex white matter connectivity

scientific article published on 27 August 2020

Children and Youth in Neighborhood Contexts

article published in 2003

Children's exposure to community and war violence and mental health in four African countries

scientific article published on 20 October 2015

Child‐Care Subsidies and School Readiness in Kindergarten

scientific article published on March 5, 2013

Child‐Care Subsidies: Do They Impact the Quality of Care Children Experience?

scientific article published on June 13, 2012

Client attrition in the Nurse-Family Partnership® : Revisiting metrics of impact in a home visitation program in the United States

scientific article published on 29 April 2019

Cohesive Neighborhoods Where Social Expectations Are Shared May Have Positive Impact On Adolescent Mental Health.

scientific article published on November 2016

Collective Efficacy, Family Attachment, and Urban Adolescent Suicide Attempts

scientific article published on September 1, 2010

Collective efficacy and the contingent consequences of exposure to life-threatening violence

scientific article

Context Matters: Links Between Neighborhood Discrimination, Neighborhood Cohesion and African American Adolescents’ Adjustment

scientific article published on August 14, 2012

Contributions of Research based on the PSID Child Development Supplement

scientific article published on 14 November 2018

Coparenting and nonresident fathers' involvement with young children after a nonmarital birth

scientific article

Coping with social stress: implications for psychopathology in young adolescent girls

scientific article

Coresidential Father Transitions and Biological Parents' Coparenting Quality in Early and Middle Childhood

scientific article published on 16 November 2015

Corporal punishment and child behavioral and cognitive outcomes through 5 years-of-age: Evidence from a contemporary urban birth cohort study

scientific article

Correlates and consequences of spanking and verbal punishment for low-income white, african american, and mexican american toddlers

scientific article

Cost-Effectiveness of a Savings-Led Economic Empowerment Intervention for AIDS-Affected Adolescents in Uganda: Implications for Scale-up in Low-Resource Communities

scientific article published in January 2018

Couples as Partners and Parents Over Children's Early Years

scientific article

Couples as Partners and Parents Over Children's Early Years

journal article from 'Journal of Marriage and Family' published in 2011

Couples' immigration status and ethnicity as determinants of breastfeeding

scientific article published on 28 February 2006

Creating a national home visiting research network.

scientific article

Cumulative, human capital, and psychological risk in the context of early intervention: links with IQ at ages 3, 5, and 8.

scientific article

DNA methylome variation in a perinatal nurse-visitation program that reduces child maltreatment: a 27-year follow-up

scientific article published on 10 January 2018

Deadly Gun Violence, Neighborhood Collective Efficacy, and Adolescent Neurobehavioral Outcomes


Deadly gun violence, neighborhood collective efficacy, and adolescent neurobehavioral outcomes

scholarly article

Development's tortoise and hare: pubertal timing, pubertal tempo, and depressive symptoms in boys and girls.

scientific article

Differential Developmental Associations of Material Hardship Exposure and Adolescent Amygdala-Prefrontal Cortex White Matter Connectivity

Differential associations of parental harshness and parental disengagement with overall cortisol output at 15 years: Implications for adolescent mental health

scientific article published on 19 October 2020

Diverse Experience of Immigrant Children: How Do Separation and Reunification Shape Their Development?


Does Neighborhood and Family Poverty Affect Mothers' Parenting, Mental Health, and Social Support?

journal article from 'Journal of Marriage and the Family' published in 1994

Does the amount of participation in afterschool programs relate to developmental outcomes? A review of the literature

scientific article published on June 2010

Does the neighborhood context alter the link between youth's after-school time activities and developmental outcomes? A multilevel analysis

scientific article published in May 2007

Early Maternal Employment and Family Wellbeing

scientific article published in July 2011

Early Parenting and the Intergenerational Transmission of Self-Regulation and Behavior Problems in African American Head Start Families

scientific article published on 01 April 2020

Early Puberty and Telomere Length in Preadolescent Girls and Mothers

scientific article published on 01 July 2020

Early childhood psychosocial family risks and cumulative dopaminergic sensitizing score: Links to behavior problems in U.S. 9-year-olds

scientific article published on 11 November 2020

Early intervention in low birth weight premature infants: results at 18 years of age for the Infant Health and Development Program

scientific article

Early mother-child separation, parenting, and child well-being in Early Head Start families

scientific article

Early-Life Experiences and Telomere Length in Adult Rhesus Monkeys: An Exploratory Study

scientific article published on 19 October 2016

Effect of early educational intervention on younger siblings: the Infant Health and Development Program.

scientific article published on October 2012

Effects of a two-generation human capital program on low-income parents' education, employment, and psychological wellbeing

scientific article published on 07 March 2019

Effects of early maternal employment on maternal health and well-being

scientific article published on January 1, 2013

Employment Status, Psychological Well-Being, Social Support, and Physical Discipline Practices of Single Black Mothers

journal article from 'Journal of Marriage and the Family' published in 1998

Estimating the Effects of Head Start on Parenting and Child Maltreatment

scientific article published on July 2013

Evaluating Youth Development Programs: Progress and Promise

scientific article published on 17 December 2015

Exploring the Link Between Caregiver Affect and Adolescent Sexual Behavior: Does Neighborhood Disadvantage Matter?

scientific article published on March 1, 2012

Extended households and the life course of young mothers: understanding the associations using a sample of mothers with premature, low birth weight babies

scientific article published in July 2004


scientific article published on January 2009

Family Structure, Family Stability, and Outcomes of Five-Year-Old Children

scientific article published on March 2012

Family processes as pathways from income to young children's development

scientific article

Family structure instability, genetic sensitivity, and child well-being

scientific article published on January 2015

Father Loss and Child Telomere Length

scientific article published on 18 July 2017

First-Year Maternal Employment and Child Development in the First Seven Years

scientific article

First-year maternal employment and child outcomes: Differences across racial and ethnic groups

scientific article

Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing

scientific article published on January 1, 2010

Fragile families and welfare reform part II

scholarly article

G. Stanley Hall's contribution to science, practice and policy: The child study, parent education, and child welfare movements

scientific article

Genetic Differential Sensitivity to Social Environments: Implications for Research

scientific article published on August 8, 2013

Geography of intergenerational mobility and child development

scientific article published on 15 August 2017

Girls' recurrent and concurrent body dissatisfaction: correlates and consequences over 8 years

scientific article published on 01 May 2002

Growing up fast: stress exposure and subjective "weathering" in emerging adulthood

scientific article published on 01 June 2008

Has Adolescent Childbearing Been Eclipsed by Nonmarital Childbearing?

scientific article

Head Start and urban children's school readiness: a birth cohort study in 18 cities

scientific article

Head Start's impact is contingent on alternative type of care in comparison group

scientific article

Head Start, Prekindergarten, and Academic School Readiness: A Comparison Among Regions in the United States

scientific article published on January 1, 2013

Head start participation and school readiness: Evidence from the early childhood longitudinal study–birth cohort

scientific article published on March 25, 2013

How Much Does Childhood Poverty Affect the Life Chances of Children?

How do mothers benefit from early intervention programs?

article published in 1992

How money matters for young children's development: parental investment and family processes.

scientific article published in November 2002

How similar are correlates of different subclinical eating problems and bulimia nervosa?

scientific article published on 01 February 2003

I wanna hold your hand: the progression of social, romantic and sexual events in adolescent relationships

scientific article

Immigrant differences in school-age children's verbal trajectories: a look at four racial/ethnic groups

scientific article published in September 2006

Income, neighborhood stressors, and harsh parenting: test of moderation by ethnicity, age, and gender

scientific article published on 10 November 2014

Intergenerational Economic Mobility for Low-Income Parents and Their Children: A Dual Developmental Science Framework

scientific article published on 23 September 2020

Invited commentary: Promotion and prevention in youth development: two sides of the same coin?

scientific article published on 26 April 2014

Is Participation in Head Start Associated with Less Maternal Spanking for Boys and Girls?

scientific article

Is pubertal timing associated with psychopathology in young adulthood

scientific article published in June 2004

It's not what you say, it's how many different ways you can say it: links between divergent peer resistance skills and delinquency a year later

scientific article

Latino youth's internalising behaviours: links to immigrant status and neighbourhood characteristics

scientific article published on October 31, 2012

Links Between Childhood Exposure to Violent Contexts and Risky Adolescent Health Behaviors

scientific article published on 01 July 2018

Links between motor control and classroom behaviors: Moderation by low birth weight

scientific article

Links between pubertal timing and neighborhood contexts: implications for girls' violent behavior

scientific article published on 01 December 2004

Links between pubertal timing, peer influences, and externalizing behaviors among urban students followed through middle school

scientific article

Low birth weight and risk of affective disorders and selected medical illness in offspring at high and low risk for depression

scientific article

Maternal Employment Stability in Early Childhood: Links With Child Behavior and Cognitive Skills

scientific article

Maternal employment and child cognitive outcomes in the first three years of life: the NICHD Study of Early Child Care. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

scientific article published in July 2002

Maternal employment and child development: a fresh look using newer methods

scientific article

Maternal intrusiveness, maternal warmth, and mother-toddler relationship outcomes: variations across low-income ethnic and acculturation groups

scientific article

Maternal labor force participation and differences by education in an urban birth cohort study - 1998-2010.

scientific article published on January 2016

Maternal responsivity to infants in the "High Chair" assessment: Longitudinal relations with toddler outcomes in a diverse, low-income sample

scientific article published on 20 April 2017

Measurement equivalence and differential item functioning in family psychology

scientific article

Measuring the predictability of life outcomes with a scientific mass collaboration

scientific article published on 30 March 2020

Methodological considerations in use of the cortisol/DHEA(S) ratio in adolescent populations

scientific article published on July 16, 2013

Mother-child bed-sharing in toddlerhood and cognitive and behavioral outcomes

scientific article

Mother-child bookreading in low-income families: correlates and outcomes during the first three years of life

scientific article published in July 2006

Moving to opportunity: an experimental study of neighborhood effects on mental health

scientific article published in September 2003

Neighborhood Disadvantage and Telomere Length: Results from the Fragile Families Study.

scientific article published in April 2018

Neighborhood Poverty: Context and Consequences for Children

scientific article

Neighborhood Poverty: Context and Consequences for Children

journal article from 'Journal of Marriage and the Family' published in 1999

Neighborhood context and racial differences in early adolescent sexual activity

scientific article published in November 2004

Neighborhood income and physical and social disorder in Canada: associations with young children's competencies

scientific article published in November 2002

Neighborhood poverty and public policy: a 5-year follow-up of children's educational outcomes in the New York City moving to opportunity demonstration

scientific article

Neighborhood residence and mental health problems of 5- to 11-year-olds

scientific article published in May 2005

Neighborhood structural inequality, collective efficacy, and sexual risk behavior among urban youth

scientific article

Neighborhood, Family and Individual Influences on School Physical Victimization

scientific article published on December 21, 2012

Neighborhoods and Academic Achievement: Results from the Moving to Opportunity Experiment

scientific article published in January 2006

Neuroendocrine predictors of emotional and behavioral adjustment in boys: Longitudinal follow-up of a community sample

scientific article published on May 9, 2012

New directions in measuring young children's emotional development.

scientific article

Order in the House! Associations among Household Chaos, the Home Literacy Environment, Maternal Reading Ability, and Children's Early Reading

scientific article published on January 2008

Osteopenia in exercise-associated amenorrhea using ballet dancers as a model: a longitudinal study

scientific article published in July 2002

Parent and Child Reporting of Corporal Punishment: New Evidence from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study

scientific article published on 02 August 2014

Parental interactions with Latino infants: variation by country of origin and English proficiency

scientific article published in September 2006

Parenting services may be an opportunity for improving bedtime routines among at-risk preschoolers

scientific article

Partnership Transitions and Maternal Parenting

scientific article

Patterns of adolescents' participation in organized activities: are sports best when combined with other activities?

scientific article published in March 2009

Peer relationships and depressive symptomatology in boys at puberty

scientific article

Persistent osteopenia in ballet dancers with amenorrhea and delayed menarche despite hormone therapy: a longitudinal study

scientific article published in August 2003

Preschool attendance and school readiness for children of immigrant mothers in the United States

Promoting Healthy Adolescents: Synthesis of Youth Development Program Evaluations

Prospective longitudinal associations between harsh parenting and corticolimbic function during adolescence

Prospective predictors of the onset of anorexic and bulimic syndromes

scientific article published on 01 November 2002

Putting pubertal timing in developmental context: implications for prevention

scientific article published on April 2010

Race/Ethnic and Nativity Disparities in Child Overweight in the United States and England

scientific article published on September 1, 2012

Racial Disparities in Blood Pressure Trajectories of Preterm Children: The Role of Family and Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status

scientific article published on 25 April 2017

Racial and ethnic differentials in overweight and obesity among 3-year-old children

article by Rachel Tolbert Kimbro et al published February 2007 in American Journal of Public Health

Reciprocal Relations Between Maternal Depression and Child Behavior Problems in Families Served by Head Start

scientific article published on 09 December 2019

Refusal skill ability: an examination of adolescent perceptions of effectiveness

scientific article published in June 2010

Relationship Supportiveness during the Transition to Parenting among Married and Unmarried Parents

scientific article

Relationship Trajectories, Parenting Stress, and Unwed Mothers' Transition to a New Baby

scientific article

Repeated exposure to high-frequency spanking and child externalizing behavior across the first decade: a moderating role for cumulative risk

scientific article published on 22 November 2014

Residential Instability, Family Support, and Parent-Child Relationships Among Ethnically Diverse Urban Families

scientific article

Rights to Privacy in Research: Adolescents Versus Parents

scientific article published on January 1, 1994

Role of mother's genes and environment in postpartum depression

scientific article published on May 16, 2011

Roles of perinatal problems on adolescent antisocial behaviors among children born after 33 completed weeks: a prospective investigation

scientific article published on 29 July 2008

School readiness and later achievement

scientific article published in November 2007

Seven years later: effects of a neighborhood mobility program on poor Black and Latino adults' well-being

scientific article

Short-term effects of moving from public housing in poor to middle-class neighborhoods on low-income, minority adults' outcomes

scientific article

Sleep Duration and Telomere Length in Children

scientific article published on 08 June 2017

Social and demographic predictors of preschoolers' bedtime routines

scientific article published on October 2009

Social disadvantage, genetic sensitivity, and children's telomere length

scientific article published on 07 April 2014

Spanking and child development across the first decade of life

scientific article published on 21 October 2013

Spanking and children's externalizing behavior across the first decade of life: evidence for transactional processes

scientific article published on 25 March 2014

Specifying the Links Between Household Chaos and Preschool Children's Development

scientific article

Sports participation and juvenile delinquency: the role of the peer context among adolescent boys and girls with varied histories of problem behavior

scientific article

Stability and Change in Family Structure and Maternal Health Trajectories

scientific article

Sustained attention at age 5 predicts attention-related problems at age 9

scientific article published on July 3, 2012

Sustained effects of high participation in an early intervention for low-birth-weight premature infants

scientific article published in July 2003

The Black-White Test Score Gap in Young Children:Contributions of Test and Family Characteristics

article by Jeanne Brooks-Gunn et al published October 2003 in Applied Developmental Science

The Consequences of Growing Up Poor

journal article from 'Journal of Marriage and the Family' published in 1999

The Great Recession and risk for child abuse and neglect

scientific article published on 15 October 2016

The Great Recession and the risk for child maltreatment

scientific article published on 14 September 2013

The Great Recession, genetic sensitivity, and maternal harsh parenting

scientific article published on 05 August 2013

The Maternal Description of Child (MDoC): A New Audiotaped Measure of Maternal Affect

scientific article published on 27 January 2015

The Mediated and Moderated Effects of Family Support on Child Maltreatment

scientific article published on July 1, 2012

The Socioemotional Outcomes of Young Children of Teenage Mothers by Paternal Coresidence

scientific article published on September 2013

The System for Coding Interactions and Family Functioning (SCIFF) in low-income and urban adolescents

scientific article published on 18 April 2019

The association between early care arrangements, quality, and emergent bilingual Latino American children's math and literacy skills in English

scientific article published on 22 August 2014

The contribution of parenting to ethnic and racial gaps in school readiness.

scientific article

The effectiveness of early head start for 3-year-old children and their parents: lessons for policy and programs

scientific article published in November 2005

The effects of early maternal employment on child cognitive development

scientific article published on 01 May 2002

The great recession and behavior problems in 9-year old children

scientific article

The impact of child care subsidy use on child care quality

scientific article published on January 1, 2011

The implications of early attentional regulation for school success among low-income children

scientific article published on January 1, 2012

The learning, physical, and emotional environment of the home in the context of poverty: The infant health and development program

scientific article

The mental health of married, cohabiting, and non-coresident parents with infants

scientific article published on 29 March 2006

The risk for impaired learning-related abilities in childhood and educational attainment among adults born near-term.

scientific article

The role of home-visiting programs in preventing child abuse and neglect.

scientific article

The role of perinatal problems in risk of co-morbid psychiatric and medical disorders in adulthood

scientific article published on 02 May 2007

The role of psychology in evidence-based policymaking: Mapping opportunities for strategic investment in poverty reduction

scientific article published on 01 September 2019

The roles of respect for parental authority and parenting practices in parent-child conflict among African American, Latino, and European American families

scientific article

The timing of changes in girls' sexual cognitions and behaviors in early adolescence: a prospective, cohort study

scientific article

Toward a stress process model of children's exposure to physical family and community violence

scientific article

Toward a theory of social cognition: The development of self


Two-generation programs in the twenty-first century

scientific article

Variation in child body mass index patterns by race/ethnicity and maternal nativity status in the United States and England

scientific article published on February 2015

Violence exposure and social deprivation is associated with cortisol reactivity in urban adolescents

scientific article published on 04 September 2019

WIC participation, breastfeeding practices, and well-child care among unmarried, low-income mothers

scientific article published in August 2004

WITHDRAWN:Childhood violence exposure and social deprivation predict adolescent amygdala-orbitofrontal cortex white matter connectivity

retracted scientific article published on 08 July 2020

Ways to say no: refusal skill strategies among urban adolescents

scientific article

What makes a difference: Early Head Start evaluation findings in a developmental context

scientific article published on February 1, 2013

When fathers' supportiveness matters most: maternal and paternal parenting and children's school readiness

scientific article

Who spanks infants and toddlers? Evidence from the fragile families and child well-being study

scientific article published on August 1, 2011

With a little help from my friends?: Self-regulation in groups of young children

scientific article published on November 2007

Withdrawal notice to "Childhood violence exposure and social deprivation predict adolescent amygdala-orbitofrontal cortex white matter connectivity" [Dev. Cogn. Neurosci. 45 (2020) (October) 100822]

scientific article published on 01 September 2020

Young African-American Multigenerational Families in Poverty: Quality of Mothering and Grandmothering

Young Mothers Living with Grandmothers and Living Apart: How Neighborhood and Household Contexts Relate to Multigenerational Coresidence in African American Families

Young children in urban areas: Links among neighborhood characteristics, weight status, outdoor play, and television watching

scientific article published on January 25, 2011

Youth development programs: risk, prevention and policy

scientific article