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List of works by Jacob Jordaens

'Soo de Oude Songhen, Soo Pepen de Jongen' (known as 'As the Old Sang, so the Young Pipe')

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678) (copy after), College of Optometrists

'Who is the greatest in de kingdom of heaven?' (Matthew 18:1-11)

painting by Jacques Jordaens

A Maidservant with a Basket of Fruit and Two Lovers

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678), Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum

A Merry Company

A Musical Party

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678) (after), Canterbury Museums and Galleries

A Roman Camp under Attack by Night

painting by Jacob Jordaens the elder

A Satyr

painting by Jacob (I) Jordaens

A Satyr and Peasants

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678) (after), Fairfax House

A Satyr with a pesant- family at meal

painting by Jacob Jordaens

A Young Cavalier Executing a Levade

painting by Jacob Jordaens

A bearded man and a woman with a parrot: "Unrequited Love"

painting by Jacob Jordaens

A cavalier executing the levade

painting by Jacob Jordaens

A levade executed under the watchful eye of Mercury, Venus and a riding master

painting by Jacob Jordaens

A maidservant with a basket of fruit and two lovers

painting by Jacob Jordaens I

A maidservant with a basket of fruit and two lovers

painting by Jacob Jordaens

A whipper-in and his dogs

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Abduction of Europa

painting by Jacob (der Ältere) Jordaens

Abduction of Europa

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678)

Abraham Grapheus as Saint Andrew

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Achelous Defeated by Hercules. The Origin of the Cornucopia. (Allegory of Fruitfulness)

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Adam and Eve

painting by Jacob Jordaens (Szépművészeti 5551)

Adoration of the Kings

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Adoration of the Magi

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Adoration of the Magi.

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Adoration of the Shepherds

painting by Jacob Jordaens (Mauritshuis)

Adoration of the Shepherds

painting by Jacob Jordaens I

Adoration of the Shepherds

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Adoration of the Shepherds

drawing by Jacob Jordaens (I)

Adoration of the Shepherds

painting by Jacob Jordaens (MMB.0082)

Adoration of the Shepherds

Painting by Jacob Jordaens

Adoration of the Shepherds

number of paintings painted by Jacob Jordaens

Adoration of the Shepherds

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678)

Adoration of the shepherds

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Adoration of the shepherds with a flute

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Allegory of Art

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Allegory of Fertility

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Allegory of Fertility

painting by Jacob Jordaens and Frans Snijders

Allegory of Fertility

painting by Jacob Jordaens at the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden, Germany

Allegory of Peace

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Allegory of the Poet

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Allegory of the sciences, Minerva and Chronos protecting the sciences against envy and ignorance

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Allegory of the teachings of Saint Augustine

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Allegory on Science. Minerva and Cronus protect Science against Envy and Ignorance

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Allegory on the bad example given by the elders to the young

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Ambulant Musicians or The Serenade

painting by Jacob Jordaens

An Allegory of Fruitfulness

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678)

Antwerp Hospital Nuns

painting by Jacob Jordaens I

Apollo as Victor over Pan

painting by Jacob Jordaens


painting by Jacob Jordaens


painting by Jacob Jordaens

As the Old Sing, So Pipe the Young

painting by Jacob Jordaens I

As the Old Sing, So Pipe the Young

painting by Jacob Jordaens

As the Old Sing, So the Young Pipe

painting by Jacob Jordaens

As the Old Sing, So the Young Pipe

painting by Jacob Jordaens and Workshop, National Gallery of Canada

As the old sing so the young chirp

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Atlanta end Hippomenes

painting by Jacques Jordaens


painting by Jacob Jordaens


painting by Jacob Jordaens I

Bacchus Discovering Ariadne

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Bacchus and Venus

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Bacchus as a child

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Battle of the Lapiths and Centaurs

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Bearded man and a woman with a parrot: "unrequited love"

painting by Jacques Jordaens


painting by Jacob Jordaens the elder


painting by Jacob Jordaens

Bust of an Apostle

painting by Anthony van Dyck / Jacob Jordaens

Bust of an old man

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Cacus Robbing the Cattle of Hercules

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 52511)

Cadmus and Minerva

painting by Jacob Jordaens


painting by Jacob Jordaens


painting by Jacob Jordaens

Carlo Borromeo ber för de pestsmittade

drawing by Jacob Jordaens

Carolus Borromeus interceding for the Plague Sufferers

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Christ Carrying the Cross

painting by Jacob Jordaens (I)

Christ Triumphant Among The Nine Penitents

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Christ among the Pharisees

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Christ among the Pharisees.

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Christ and the Adulteress

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Christ and the Samaritan woman

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Christ appears as a gardener to the three Marys

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Christ blessing little Children. Suffer Little Children to Come unto me

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Christ instructing Nicodemus

Painting by Jacob Jordaens

Christ sleeps on the boat during the storm on the Sea of Galilee (Matthew 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25)

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Christ's Entombment

painting by Jacob Jordaens I

Cleopatra's Feast

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Cook at the Table with Game

painting by Paul de Vos and Jacob Jordaens


painting by Jacob Jordaens

Crucifixion of Christ

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Crucifixion of Jesus

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Cupid and Psyche

painting by Jacob Jordaens I

Curiosity of Psyche

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Daughters of Kekrops Finding Erichthonios.

painting by Jacob Jordaens

David and Goliath

painting by Jacob Jordaens in the Royal Palace of Amsterdam

Death of Cleopatra

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Deborah Kip, Wife of Sir Balthasar Gerbier, and Her Children

painting by Sir Peter Paul Rubens, Jacob Jordaens

Diana and Actaeon

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Diana and Actaeon

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678)

Diana and Callisto

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Diana and nymphs

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Diogenes Searching for an Honest Man

painting by Jacob Jordaens, 1642

Diogenes Searching for an Honest Man

painting by Jacob Jordaens and workshop, 1650

Diogenes Searching for an Honest Man

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Diogenes in search of an honest man

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Diogenes trying to find an honest man

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Double portrait of Govaert van Surpele (1593-1674) and Catharina Coninckx (?-?)

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Europa and her maidens play with the bull

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Family portrait with the artist , his wife Catharina van Noort (1595-1659) and Van Noort family members

painting by Jacob Jordaens, ca 1615

Female Nude, Seen from the Back

drawing by Jacob Jordaens

Female Nude, Seen from the Back

Drawing by Jacob Jordaens

Female seated nude

Drawing by Jacob Jordaens

Flight of the Holy Family into Egypt

painting by Jacob Jordaens (Walters Art Museum)

Fresh sea food

painting by Adriaen van Utrecht with figures by Jacques Jordaens


painting by Jacob Jordaens

Girl to head

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Go and Be Reconciled to Your Brother

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Group portrait at a balustrade (Allegory of the five senses)

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Group portrait of four persons on a terras with a lap dog

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Head of a Girl

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Head of a bearded man, possibly an apostle

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Head of an Old Man

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678) (attributed to), Weston Park

Head of an old man

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Head of an old man singing

drawing by Jacob Jordaens

Head study for Abraham Grapheus (?-1624)

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Head study of a bearded man, possibly an apostle

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Head study of a young woman

painting by Jacob Jordaens


painting by Jacob Jordaens

Heraclitus and Democritus

painting by Jacob Jordaens


drawing by Jacob Jordaens

Hermes entertained by Calypso

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Historical Subject

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Holy Family

painting by Jacob Jordaens, 1628

Holy Family with Saint John the Baptist

painting by Jacob Jordaens


tapestry series after designs by Jacob Jordaens, in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

Human Law Founded on the Divine Justice

painting by Jacob Jordaens I

Industry en Trade Promote the Flowering of Art

painting by Jacob Jordaens I

Infant Bacchus seated in a landscape

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Interior of an Imaginary Picture Gallery

painting by Willem Schubert van Ehrenberg

Isaac sitting in bed blesses Jacob who, disguised in Esau's clothes, brings food to his father

Isaac sitting in bed blesses Jacob who, disguised in Esau's clothes, brings food to his father

Isaac sitting in bed blesses Jacob who, disguised in Esau's clothes, brings food to his father (Genesis 27:27-29)

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Isaac sitting in bed blesses Jacob who, disguised in Esau's clothes, brings food to his father (Genesis 27:27-29)

Jacob Jordaens - Famille de Darius devant Alexandre

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Jesus Driving the Merchants from the Temple

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Jesus in the house of Martha and Mary

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Joseph and Potiphar's wife (Genesis 39:12)

painting by Jacques Jordaens


painting by Jacob Jordaens

Jupiter Nourished by the Goat Amalthea

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 55191)

Jupiter and Mercury in the House of Philemon and Baucis

painting by Jacob Jordaens

King Candaules of Lydia Showing his Wife to Gyges

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Know Thyself: Youth between Vice and Vertu

painting by Jacob Jordaens in the Musée des Beaux-Arts, Rennes

Kristus botar en lam man

drawing by Jacob Jordaens

Landscape with Atalanta and Meleager pursuing the Calydonian boar (Ovid, Metamorphoses, VIII, 229-237)

painting by Jacob Jordaens / Rubens


painting by Jacob Jordaens

Libra, from the Signs of the Zodiac


Madonna and Child in the Garland of Flowers

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Man Kneeling, Facing Right (recto); Sketches of Figures (verso)

Maria met kind

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Maria met kind

painting attributed to Jacques Jordaens

Marsyas punished by the Muses

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Martyrdom of St. Apollonia

painting by Jacob Jordaens I

Mary Magdalene and the choice between Good and Evil

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Meleager Presenting the Boar's Head to Atalanta

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678), Swansea Museum Collections Centre

Meleager Presenting the Boar's Head to Atalanta

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Meleager and Atalanta

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Meleager and Atalanta

painting by Jacob Jordaens (Prado P01546)

Mercury Shows Horses to Mars and Venus

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Mercury Standing, Seen from Behind

drawing by Jacob Jordaens

Mercury and Argus

painting from Jacob Jordaens (1620)

Mercury and Argus

painting by Jacob Jordaens (NGoV)

Mercury and Argus

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Mercury and Battus

painting by Jacob Jordaens (I)

Mercury attacking Argus

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Mercury on the verge of beheading Argus

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Mercury readying himself to decapitate the sleeping Argus

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Mercury readying himself to kill the sleeping Argus

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Mercury visiting Juno

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Merkurius möter Argus

drawing by Jacob Jordaens

Miraculous Draught of Fish

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Moses Strikes Water from the Rock

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593)

Moses Striking Water from the Rock

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Moses and a coloured woman, his wife: Zippora

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Moses and his Ethiopian wife Zipporah

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Moses striking water from the rock (Exodus 17:1-7)

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Mother and child

drawing by Jacob Jordaens

Nepton and Amphitrite

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593-1678)

Neptune and Amphitrite

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Neptune creating the horse

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Nocturnal Appearance (the Dream)

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Noli me tangere

painting by Jan Brueghel the Younger, Jacob Jordaens and Lucas van Uden

Nymphs and Satyrs, an allegory of fire

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Nymphs and Satyrs: An Allegory of Fruitfulness

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Nymphs at the Fountain of Love

painting by Jacob Jordaens (El Prado P001548)

Odysseus and Nausicaa

Painting by Jacob Jordaens

Odysseus threatens Circe

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Offering to Ceres

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Old Man with Hand on his Breast

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Old Satyr Holding a Flute

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Old Woman

painting by Jacob Jordaens in Rubens House

Old man with a raised finger, possibly study for an apostle

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Old reveler

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Oracle of Apollo

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Pan and Pipes

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678), Glynn Vivian Art Gallery

Pan and Syrinx

painting by Jacob Jordaens (Armenia)

Pan and Syrinx

painting by Jacob Jordaens (I)

Pan and Syrinx

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Pan and Syrinx

Pan en Syrinx

Painting by Jacob Jordaens

Peace between the Romans and the Batavians

painting by Jacob Jordaens the elder


painting by Jacob Jordaens I

Perseus Freeing Andromeda

painting by Rubens completed by Jacob Jordaens

Peter's appointment as chief shepherd of the church

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Philemon and Baucis Entertaining Jupiter and Mercury (from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses', VIII, 620–724)

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678) (after), Victoria and Albert Museum


painting by Jacob Jordaens


painting by Jacob Jordaens

Portrait of Abraham Grapheus

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Portrait of Adam van Noort (1562-1641)

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Portrait of Catharina Behaghel (1597-1666), wife of Rogier Le Witer

painting by Jacob (I) Jordaens

Portrait of Catharina van Noort, the artist's wife

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Portrait of Elisabeth Jordaens, the artist's eldest daughter

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Portrait of Govaert van Surpele (?) and his Wife

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Portrait of Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia (1566-1633) dressed in a habit of the order of Saint Francis of Assisi

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Portrait of Magdalena de Cuyper

painting by Jacob (I) Jordaens

Portrait of Mr. Johan Wierts

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Portrait of Mrs. Johan Wierts

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Portrait of Rogier Le Witer (1591-1678), Merchant in Antwerp

painting by Jacob (I) Jordaens

Portrait of a Family

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Portrait of a Gentlewoman

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678)

Portrait of a Lady

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Portrait of a Man

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Portrait of a Man

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678) (style of), The Bowes Museum

Portrait of a Musician with his Muse

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Portrait of a Woman

painting by Jacob Jordaens I

Portrait of a Young Married Couple

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Portrait of a girl

painting by Jac. Jordaens

Portrait of a man, formerly identified as Admiral Michiel de Ruyter

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Portrait of a sitting man

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Portrait of a woman with a lace collar and a ribbon

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Portrait of a woman, possibly the artist's eldest daughter Elisabeth Jordaens

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Portrait of a young gentleman, formerly believed to be a self-portrait

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678)

Portrait of an Old Man

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Portrait of an unknown man

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Portrait of an unknown woman

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Portrait of an unknown woman

Portrait of an unknown woman

Portrait of the Artist's Daughter Elizabeth

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Portrait of the artist with his family

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Portrait of the painter's daughter Anna Catharina Jordaens

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Portrait study of a child with an apple

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Portrait study of an old bearded man

painting by Anthony van Dyck / Jacob Jordaens

Porträt of a young man

drawing by Jacob Jordaens (I)

Presentation in the temple

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Presentation of Christ in the temple

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593-1678)

Presentation of Jesus Christ at the Temple

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Procession of Bacchus

painting by Jacob Jordaens I

Prometheus Bound

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Psyche receives the cup of immortality on the Olympus

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Psyche trying to restrain Cupid

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Rebekah and Eliezer at the well (Genesis 24:18-19)

Rebekah and Eliezer at the well (Genesis 24:18-19)

painting attributed to Jacques Jordaens

Rest during the flight to Egypt

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Return of the Holy Family from Egypt

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Revel of Bacchus and Silenus

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Ruth and Naomi

painting by Jacob Jordaens the elder


painting by Jacob Jordaens

Saint Charles Borromeo interceding for the pestilent

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Saint Christopher Carrying the Christ Child

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678), Ulster Museum

Saint Dominic

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Saint Ives receiving Supplicants

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Saint Ivo of Brittany

painting by Jacob Jordaens I

Saint Ivo of Kermartin helping the poor

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Saint Ivo of Kermartin helping the poor

painting by Jacob Jordaens (Wrocław)

Saint Jerome

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Saint John the Baptist

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Saint Martin healing the possessed man

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Saint Matthew and two apostles

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Saint Peter

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Saint Peter Repentant

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Samson defeats the Philistines

painting by Jacob Jordaens the elder

Satyr Playing the Pipe (Jupiter's Childhood) (fragment)

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Satyr and Girl with a Basket of Fruit

painting by workshop of Peter Paul Rubens and Frans Snyders

Satyr and the Peasant

painting by Jacob Jordaens in the collection of the Bavarian State Painting Collections

Satyr and the Peasant

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Satyr and the Peasant

painting by Jacob Jordaens, now at Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, c. 1620

Satyr and the peasant

painting by Jacob Jordaens, now at Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium

Satyr and the peasant (Aesop)

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Satyr playing flute

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Satyr visiting a peasant.

painting by Jacob Jordaens


painting by Jacob Jordaens

Selbstporträt als Dudelsackspieler

painting by Jacob (I) Jordaens

Self portrait

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Self portrait

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Self-Portrait with Parents, Brothers and Sisters

painting by Jacob Jordaens, Hermitage Museum


painting of Jacob Jordaens, Rubenshaus


painting by Jacob Jordaens


painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678)


painting by Jacob Jordaens

Silenus and Bacchantes (Flora, Silenus and Zephyr).

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Singing boy holding sheet music

drawing by Jacob Jordaens

St. Ivo

painting by Jacob Jordaens

St. John the Baptist

Painting by Jacob Jordaens

Sts Paul and Barnabas in Lystra

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Studies of arms and hands

oil sketch by Jacob Jordaens

Studies of the head of Abraham Grapheus

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Study for the apostle Saint Andrew

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Study for the head of Saint Christopher

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Study heads of an old man

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Study of a child.

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Study of an Old Man

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Study of an old man with clasped hands

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Study of five cows

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Study of the head of an old man

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Study of the head of an old man (Abraham Grapheus)

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Study of three women and a baby

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Study of two male heads

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Study of two male heads

Study of two male nudes

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Study op an old man's head

painting attributed to Jacques Jordaens

Suffer the Little Children to Come Unto Me

painting by Jacob Jordaens


painting by Jacob Jordaens

Susanna and the Elders

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Susanna harassed by the Elders

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Susanna harassed by the Elders (Daniel 13:1-63)

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Susanna harassed by the Elders (Daniel 13:1-63)

Susanna harassed by the Elders while bathing (Daniel 13:1-63)

painting by Jacques Jordaens


painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678), Museums Sheffield


painting by Jacob Jordaens

Telemachus Leading Theoklymenus before His Mother Penelope

drawing by Jacob Jordaens

Temptation of Mary Magdalen

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Temptation of Saint Mary Magdalen

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Porridge Eater

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Satyr and the Peasant

painting by Jacob Jordaens now at Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel

The Abduction of Europa

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Adoration of the Magi

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Adoration of the Shepherds

painting by Jacob Jordaens in the Nationalmuseum

The Adoration of the Shepherds

painting by Jacob Jordaens (Statens Museum for Kunst)

The Adoration of the Shepherds

painting by Jacob Jordaens I

The Adoration of the Shepherds

painting by Jacob Jordaens I (KMSKA 928)

The Adoration of the Shepherds

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Adoration of the Shepherds

painting by Jacob Jordaens (Städel 143)

The Adoration of the Shepherds

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678) in Lyon

The Adoration of the Shepherds.

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Agony of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane

Painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Annunciation

painting by Jacques Jordaens

The Apotheosis of Aeneas

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Assumption of the Virgin

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Bagpipe Player

painting of Jacob Jordaens

The Battle of Nördlingen, 1634

painting by Jan van der Hoecke

The Battle of the Lapiths and Centaurs

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Bean King

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Bean King (The King drinks)

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Bean king

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Betrayal and Arrest of Christ in Gethsemane

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Betrayal of Christ

painting by Jacob Jordaens (Flemish, 1593-1678) (1970.32)

The Blessings of the Peace of Westfaler

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Childhood of Jupiter

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Creation of the Horse

tapestry after a design by Jacob Jordaens, in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

The Daughters of Cecrops Finding the Child Erichthonius

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Descent from the Cross

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Fall of Man (Genesis 3:4-6)

painting by Jacques Jordaens

The Fall of the Giants

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Flight of Lot and His Family from Sodom (after Rubens)

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Four Evangelists

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Four Evangelists

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678) (after), Laing Art Gallery

The Four Fathers of the Latin Church

painting by Jacob Jordaens and workshop of Jacob Jordaens

The Four Latin Church Fathers

Painting by Jacob Jordaens after design by Peter Paul Rubens

The Good Samaritan

painting by Anthony van Dyck / Jacob Jordaens

The Holy Family

painting by Jacob Jordaens in Nationalmuseum Stockholm

The Holy Family

painting by Jacob Jordaens in Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

The Holy Family

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Holy Family

The Holy Family

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Holy Family

The Holy Family

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678), Southampton City Art Gallery

The Holy Family (Hermitage)

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Holy Family and Saint John the Baptist

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Holy Family with Anna and the boy John

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Holy Family with Saint Anne and the Young Baptist and His Parents

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Holy Family with Shepherds

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Holy Family with St. Elizabeth and the Infant St John the Baptist

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Holy Family with Various Persons and Animals in a Boat

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Holy Family with an Angel

painting by Jacob Jordaens and Workshop

The Holy Family with an angel

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John and his Parents

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Holy Family with the coronation of Saint Joseph

painting by Jacques Jordaens

The Infant Jupiter fed by the goat Amalthea

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Israelites gathering the manna (Exodus 16:17)

painting by Jacques Jordaens

The Judgment of Paris

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The King Drinks

painting by Jacob Jordaens, now in Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium

The King Drinks

painting by Jacob Jordaens, now in Louvre

The King Drinks

series of paintings by Jacob Jordaens between 1635 and 1655

The King Drinks

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The King drinks

painting by Jacob Jordaens I

The King drinks

drawing by Jacob Jordaens

The Lamentation

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Lamentation

painting by Jacques Jordaens

The Last Judgement

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Last Supper

painting by Jacob Jordaens I

The Martyrdom of Saint Apollonia

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678) (after), Wellcome Collection

The Master's Eye Makes the Horse Fat

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Meeting of Odysseus and Nausicaa

painting by Jacob (I) Jordaens

The Miracles of Saint Dominic

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Prayer of Gideon

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Prodifgal Son als a shepherd repents his sins (Luke 15:15)

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Rest of Diana

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Rest of Diana

painting by Jacob Jordaens in the musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris

The Rest of Diana

study for a larger painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Resurrection of Christ

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Return of the Holy Family from the Flight into Egypt

Painting by Jacob Jordaens, c.1618–1620

The Sacrifice of Isaac

painting by Jacob Jordaens, Pinacoteca di Brera

The Satyr and the Peasant

Subject of a number of paintings by Jacob Jordaens and his workshop based on the fable of the Satyr and the Peasant in Aesop's Fables

The Satyr and the Peasant

painting by Jacob Jordaens in the collection of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

The Satyr and the Peasant

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Satyr and the Peasant

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678) (attributed to), Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)

The Satyr and the Peasant Family

painting by Jacques Jordaens

The Signs of the Zodiac

Series of paintings by Jacob Jordaens representing the astrological signs

The Supper at Emmaus

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Tribute Money - Peter Finding the Silver Coin in the Mouth of the Fish

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Tribute Money. Peter Finding the Silver Coin in the Mouth of the Fish. Also called "The Ferry Boat to Antwerp"

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Triumph of Bacchus

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Triumph of Bacchus

The Triumph of Frederick of Orange by Jacob Jordaens

series of paintings by Jacob Jordaens

The Triumph of Frederik Hendrik

painting by Jacob Jordaens I

The Triumph of Frederik Hendrik

painting by Jacques Jordaens

The Veneration of the Eucharist

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Virgin and Child in a Cartouche decorated with Flowers

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678) (studio of), Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

The Virgin and Child with Saint John and his Parents

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Virgin and Child with St. John and His Parents

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Visitation

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Washing and Anointing of the Body of Christ

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The Woman, the Fool and his Cat

painting by Jacques Jordaens

The abduction of Europa with Neptune looking on

painting by Jacques Jordaens

The adoration of the shepherds

painting by Jacob Jordaens (Lyon A 72)

The adoration of the shepherds (Luke 2:8-20)

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The adoration of the shepherds (Luke 2:8-20)

painting by Jacques Jordaens

The adoration of the shepherds (Luke 2:8-20)

The adoration of the shepherds (Luke 2:8-20)

painting attributed to Jacques Jordaens

The adoration of the shepherds (Luke 2:8-20)

The adoration of the shepherds (Luke 2:8-20)

The adoration of the shepherds (Luke 2:8-20)

The adoration of the shepherds (Luke 2:8-20)

The adoration of the shepherds (Luke: 2:8-20)

painting by Jacques Jordaens

The angel appearing to the shepherds (Luke 2:8-14)

painting attributed to Jacques Jordaens

The angel restrains Abraham from sacrificing Isaac (Genesis 22:1-13)

painting by Jacques Jordaens

The arrest of Christ

painting by Jacques Jordaens

The carrying of the cross

painting by Jacob (I) Jordaens

The dream

painting by Jacques Jordaens

The education of Jupiter

painting by Jacob Jordaens, Rockoxhuis

The flight into Egypt

The holy Family returning to the Holy Land

The holy family

painting by Jacques Jordaens

The judgement of Midas in the contest between Apollo and Pan

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The judgement of Midas in the contest between Apollo and Pan

The king drinks or the 'night of the three kings'

painting by Jacques Jordaens

The lamentation

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The laughing and weeping philosophers Heraclitus and Democritus

painting by Jacques Jordaens

The love of Psyche and Cupid

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The marriage of the Virgin

painting by Jacques Jordaens

The presentation in the temple; Simeon, holding the Christ-child, sings his canticle: 'Nunc dimittis'

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The prodigal son

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The relatives of Christ at the tomb

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The rest of Diana

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The satyr and the peasant

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The satyr and the peasant (Göteborg)

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The sleeping Antiope approached by Jupiter

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The visitation (Luke 1:39-45)

painting by Jacques Jordaens

The wedding of Thetis and Peleus

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The wife of King Candaules

painting by Jacob Jordaens

The wise man and the jester

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Three Itinerant Musicians

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Three Musicians

painting by Jacob Jordaens and his workshop

Three Studies of a Child's Head

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Three studies of a young woman

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Three studies of the head of an old man

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Triumph of Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange

painting by Jacob Jordaens for the Oranjezaal

Triumph of Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Triumph of Prince Frederick Henry of Orange

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Triumph of Time

painting by Jacques Jordaens

Trompe l'oeil door piece of a jester making fun at a balcony, with a young woman preening herself as an old man reads and a cat hisses below

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Trompe l'oeil door piece of a maid, a boy taking off his hat and a dog

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Two Female Heads and Torso of a Warrior

painting by Jacob Jordaens I

Two Studies of the Head of an Old Man

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Two cows

drawing by Jacob Jordaens

Two heads of apostles

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Two studies of African men

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Two studies of a male head

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Two studies of heads of bearded men

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593)

Two studies of the head of an old woman

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Ulysses and his men slip away concealed under rams

painting by Jacob Jordaens


painting by Pieter Boel & Jacob Jordaens


Vanity, painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593-1678)

Venus and Adonis

painting by Jacob Jordaens (ca. 1615)

Venus and Adonis

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Vertumnus and Pomona

painting by Jacob Jordaens


painting by Jacob Jordaens

Woman with a Glass

painting by Jacob Jordaens (Szépművészeti 51.2984)

Young Christ with the priests in the temple

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Young Girl Holding a Basket of Cherries (possibly the Artist’s Daughter, Anna Catharina)

painting by Jacob Jordaens

Zolderstukken van de Antwerpse schilderskamer

painting by Jacob Jordaens I

head of an old man

painting by Jacob Jordaens

man and woman with parrot

painting by Jacob Jordaens (1593-1678)

sketch martyrium of SA. Laurentius

painting by Jacob JORDAENS

spanish landscape

engraving by Jacob Jordaens

the King drinks

drawing by Jacob Jordaens (I)

the expulsion out of the temple

painting by J. I Jordaens

three nude woman sleeping watched by a man

painting by Jordaens ( school )

Jacob Jordaens: (19.5.1593 Antverpy - 18.10.1678 Antverpy)

book edition published in 2018