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List of works by James Seymour

"Fearnought Going to Run Against The D: of Devon: Smart"

drawing by James Seymour

"Panton's Doctor": With Jockey Up, Walking to Left

drawing by James Seymour

'The Danish Horse' in Training: Standing, with Trainer Holding a Whip

drawing by James Seymour

'True Blue Beat by Whitefoot': Galloping to Left, with Jockey Up Whipping-On

drawing by James Seymour

42nd Street

1933 American Warner Bros. musical film

A Bay Racehorse with Jockey Up

painting by James Seymour

A Boar Hunt

drawing by James Seymour

A Chestnut Horse at Exercise

gouache by James Seymour

A Gentleman on a Managed Horse Riding Out With a Lady

gouache by James Seymour

A Greyhound, Facing Left

drawing by James Seymour

A Hare Running, with Ears Laid Back

drawing by James Seymour

A Hare Running, with Ears Pricked

drawing by James Seymour

A Horse Lying Down

drawing by James Seymour

A Hound Facing Left

drawing by James Seymour

A Hound Jumping

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 76143)

A Hound Tethered to a Tree Stump

drawing by James Seymour

A Hound with head up

drawing by James Seymour

A Huntsman Holding a Dead Hare, with Two Greyhounds Looking On

drawing by James Seymour

A Kill at Ashdown Park

painting by James Seymour

A Lady Riding Side-Saddle, Turns to Look at a Dismounted Rider

drawing by James Seymour

A Lady and a Gentleman Riding Out

gouache by James Seymour

A Racehorse, Bridled and Saddled

drawing by James Seymour

A Rider in Armor, and Two Horses Lying Down

drawing by James Seymour

Benjamin Pewtress (1696/1697–1780)

painting by James Seymour (1702–1752), Bank of England Museum

Charles Powlett, 8th Marquess of Winchester (1685–1754)

painting by James Seymour

Chestnut Horse with a Groom near Newmarket

painting by James Seymour

Conqueror Going to Start

drawing by James Seymour

Coursing - After the Kill

drawing by James Seymour

Flying Childers Galloping to Left: Bridled but not Saddled

gouache by James Seymour

Flying Childers and Grooms

drawing by James Seymour

Flying Childers at Exercise: Hooded and Rugged, with Jockey Up, Galloping Up, Galloping to Left

drawing by James Seymour

Flying Childers, with Jockey up

painting by James Seymour (1702–1752) (after), The Fred Packard Museum and Galleries of British Sporting Art

Foxhunter, with Jockey Up

drawing by James Seymour


gouache by James Seymour

George Montague, first Earl of Halifax on His White Hunter, Ironside, With His Groom on Justice, a Chestnut Foaled in 1721

gouache by James Seymour

Groom Leading a Racehorse Wearing Hood and Sweaters, June 24, 1743

drawing by James Seymour

Head of a Horse, Facing Left

drawing by James Seymour

Hind Legs and Tail of a Horse

drawing by James Seymour

Horse Walking to Left

drawing by James Seymour

Horse and Rider Walking to Right

drawing by James Seymour

Horse and groom

painting by James Seymour

Horse with Rider Wearing Tricorne Hat

drawing by James Seymour

Horse with Rider Wearing Tricorne Hat, Walking to Right

drawing by James Seymour

Horse, With Rider Lightly Sketched, Walking to Left

drawing by James Seymour

Horses in a Stable

painting by James Seymour (1702–1752), The Higgins Bedford

Hunting Scene

painting by James Seymour

Hunting Scene: Hounds in Full Cry

painting by James Seymour

Huntsman Galloping: Left Arm Upraised, His Horn Slung Over His Left Shoulder

drawing - possibly James Seymour

Huntsmen with Hounds and a Crouching Hare [recto]

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 76144)

Kindly, with Jockey Up

drawing by James Seymour

King Charles I of England, Mounted

drawing by James Seymour

Le Piaffe (2): Training a Bridled and Saddled Horse at the Pillar

drawing by James Seymour

Le Piaffe (I): Training at the Pillar, Horse Wearing Bridle and Surcingle...

drawing by James Seymour

Lord Godolphin's White Foot, a Very Famous Horse That Was Never Beat

gouache by James Seymour

Man Leading a Trotting Stallion to Right

drawing by James Seymour

Mounted Horsemen [verso]

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 76145)

Mr John Martindale’s 'Sedbury', with Jockey Up

painting by James Seymour

Mr Russell on his Bay Hunter

painting by James Seymour

Mr. Woodward, Mounted

gouache by James Seymour

Old Fox held by a Groom

painting by James Seymour

Portrait of a Horseman

painting by James Seymour

Profile of a Horse Facing Left

drawing by James Seymour

Racehorse at Exercise, Ridden by a Training-Groom

gouache by James Seymour

Racehorse at Exercise, Ridden by a Training-Groom

gouache by James Seymour (YCBA B2001.2.1184)

Racehorse at Exercise, Ridden by a Training-Groom

gouache by James Seymour (YCBA B2001.2.1186)

Racehorse with Jockey Up: Galloping, Seen from the Near-Side; the Jockey Holds a Switch

drawing by James Seymour

Racehorse with Jockey Up: the Jockey Holds a Whip in His Teeth

drawing by James Seymour

Racing: Sedbury was for the justness of Shape the most Beautiful and...the Best Horse of His Size at that time

engraving by James Seymour

Rider With a Draw-Rein, Walking to Left

drawing by James Seymour

Rider in Armour

drawing by James Seymour

Rider on a Horse, Rearing to Left

drawing by James Seymour

Riders and Hounds in an Open Landscape

drawing by James Seymour

Saddled Horse Facing Left

drawing by James Seymour

Saddled Horse, Walking to Left

drawing by James Seymour

Saddled Horse, with a Crest Branded on His Flank, Walking to Right

drawing by James Seymour

Schooling Horses: Three Studies on a Page

drawing by James Seymour

Set of twelve: 4 Fox Huntings. 4 Stag Huntings. 4 Hare Huntings

engraving by James Seymour

Set of twelve: 4 Fox Huntings. 4 Stag Huntings. 4 Hare Huntings

engraving by James Seymour (YCBA B1985.36.990-1001)

Setting Off for the Chase: The Huntsman Leading out a Pack of Harriers followed by the Master and the Whipper-In

gouache by James Seymour

Seymour's Twelve Prints of Hunters & Running Horses, taken in Various Actions

engraving by James Seymour

Sir Roger Burgoyne Riding "Badger"

painting by James Seymour

Sir Sidney Meadows Schooling a Horse

drawing by James Seymour

Six Studies of Horses and Riders

drawing by James Seymour

Sketches of a Gelding

drawing by James Seymour

Sketches of a Hare, Horse, Stag, Man and Woman

drawing by James Seymour

Sloven, with Jockey Up, Galloping to Right

drawing by James Seymour

Smiling Tom, Saddled and Bridled: Standing, Facing Left

drawing by James Seymour

Studies of Stags' Heads

drawing by James Seymour

Studies of a Jockey Whipping-On

drawing by James Seymour

Study of a Mounted Jockey, Facing Left, June 3rd, 1744

drawing by James Seymour

The Chaise Match Run on Newmarket Heath on Wednesday the 29th of August, 1750

painting by James Seymour

The Duke of Devonshire's Flying Childers

painting by James Seymour

The Famous Childers

gouache by James Seymour

The Great Chaise Match, Newmarket, 1750

painting by James Seymour (1702–1752) (attributed to), National Trust for Scotland, Brodick Castle, Garden & Country Park

The Stables and Two Famous Running Horses belonging to His Grace, the Duke of Bolton

painting by James Seymour

Thirteen Drawings of Horses, Horsemen, Hounds, etc.

album by James Seymour

Two Horses Racing, Jockeys Up: Railings in the Background

drawing by James Seymour

Two Horses Trotting in Harness

drawing by James Seymour

Two Hunters Belonging to His Grace the Duke of Bolton

print by James Seymour

Two Saddled Horses in Stalls in a Stable

drawing by James Seymour

Two Studies of Tumbler, a Dog

drawing by James Seymour


gouache by James Seymour

Victorious, with Jockey Up

drawing by James Seymour

Whitefoot at Exercise: Hooded and Rugged, Jockey up, Walking to Left

drawing by James Seymour

Woman Wearing a Tricorne Hat, Riding to Right

drawing by James Seymour