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List of works by Olwen Brogan

Alexander Gaheis, Lauriacum: Führer durch die Altertümer von Enns. Linz: Oesterreichisches Archäologisches Institut, 1937. Pp. 92, with 2 plans and 43 figs. RM. 3

Alésia, Archéologie et Histoire by Joël Le Gall. (A volume in the Résurrection du Passé series.) Paris: Fayard, 1963. 223 pp., 92 ills. Frs. 14.60

Art in Roman Britain. By J. M. C. Toynbee. 12 × 9. Pp. 2 + 220 + 230 illustrations. London: The Phaidon Press, for the Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, 1962. 70s. net

CITIES IN THE SAND; Leptis Magna and Sabratha in Roman Africa. By K. D. Matthews Jr., and A. W. Cook. Pennsylvania University Press; London: Oxford University Press, 1957. pp. 56. 97 plates. 80s


Charles Daniels: The Garamantes of Southern Libya. 47 pp., 14 pls., 10 figs. £0.87 ($2.10)

England: 28 Parkfield Crescent, Harrow HA2 6JZ, or USA: Rte 3, Box 234, Stoughton, Wisconsin 53589


FRÜHGESCHICHTLICHE FUNDE AUS WESTFALEN im Städtischen Kunst- und Gewerbemuseum Dortmund. By Christoph Albrecht. Veröfentlichungen aus dem Städtischen Kunst- und Gewerbemuseum Dortmund, Band I, 1936. pp. 63, 14 plates, 39 text-figures

Forma Orbis Romani. Carte archéologique de la Gaule romaine. Fascicule XI. Carte et Texte du Département de la Drôme. By J. Sautel. Pp. 164. Map + 6 plates. Paris: Centre national de la Recherche scientifique. 1957

Gasr el-Gezira, a Shrine in the Gebel Nefusa of Tripolitania

article published in 1953



Hadd Hajar, a clausura in the Tripolitanian Gebel Garian south of Asabaa

scientific article published in 1980

Inscriptions in the Libyan Alphabet from Ghirza in Tripolitania

Jean-Jacques Hatt: The ancient civilization of Celts and Gallo-Romans. London: Barrie and Jenkins, 1970. 334 pp., 219 pls. (69 in colour), 2 maps. £3.50

LES OUVRAGES DE PIERRE SÈCHE DES CULTIVATEURS D'AUVERGNE ET LA PRÉTENDUE DÉCOUVERTE D'UNE VILLE AUX CÔCTES DE CLERMONT. By P.-F. Fournier. (Reprinted from L'Auvergne littéraire, no. 68, 1933). pp. 79, with plans and illustrations

La Vie quotidienne en Gaule pendant la paix romaine (Ier—IIIe siècles après J.-C). By Paul-Marie Duval. 8 × 5½. Pp. 364. Paris: Librairie Hachette, 1952. Fr. 700

MANUEL D'ARCHÉOLOGIE GALLO-ROMAINE. By Albert Grenier. Part III. L'Architecture: I. L'Urbanisme, les Monuments; 2. Ludi et Circenses. Picard, Paris, 1958. pp. 1026, 324 fiures (including numerous plans). Price 3000 francs

Notices of Recent Publications

scientific article published in 1976

Paul MacKendrick: Roman France. London: G. Bell, 1972. 275 pp., 126 figs. £3.50


Philip Ward: Sabratha, a guide for visitors. 70 pp., 32 pls., 2 figs. £1.40 ($3.50). Both published by the Oleander Press, 1970

Rafael von Uslar, Westgermanische Bodenfunde des ersten bis dritten Jahrhunderts nach Christus aus Mittel- und Westdeutschland (Germanische Denkmäler der Frühzeit, Bd. 3, published by the Römisch-Germanische Kommission). Berlin: Walther de Gruyter

Reports on Expeditions

scientific article published in 1971

Review of Ptolemais, City of the Libyan Pentapolis by Carl H. Kraeling. (University of Chicago Oriental Institute Publications, Vol. XC.) Chicago: University Press, 1962. 288 pp., 64 pls., 22 plans, 74 figs. $15

Review article

Roger Wood and Mortimer Wheeler: Roman Africa in Colour. London: Thames and Hudson, 1966. 160 pp., 59 hand-mounted colour plates. £7 7s


Roman Art in Africa by M. Vilímková (text) and Hed Wimmer (photographs). London: Paul Hamlyn, 1963. 40 pp. of text, 114 pls. 30s


Seven New Inscriptions from Tripolitania

article published in 1960

THE ART OF ROMAN GAUL. A thousand years of Celtic Art and Culture. Text by Marcel Pobé, photographs by Jean Roubier, foreword by T. G. E. Powell. The Gallery Press Ltd., 1961. pp. 78, 259 photographs, map on end-papers. 84s


THE GOLDEN TRADE OF THE MOORS. By E. W. Bovill. London: Oxford University Press, 1958. pp. vi, 281. 8 maps. 30s

The Camel in Roman Tripolitania

article published in 1954

The Camp du Charlat, Corrèze

The New Battle of Gergovia

The Roman Limes in Germany


Trade between the Roman Empire and the Free Germans


Work in Tripolitania

scientific article published in 1973