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List of works by Henk Volberda

Advancing Management Innovation: Synthesizing Processes, Levels of Analysis, and Change Agents


Boards of Directors' Contribution to Strategy: A Literature Review and Research Agenda


Bridging IB theories, constructs and methods across cultures and social sciences


Building Alliance Capability:

Building flexible organizations for fast-moving markets

Business Model Innovation in Transforming Economies: A Co-evolutionary Perspective for a Global and Digital World

scientific article published in 2021

Business model renewal and ambidexterity: structural alteration and strategy formation process during transition to a Cloud business model


Clicks vs. Bricks in the Emerging Online Financial Services Industry

Co-Evolution of Firm Capabilities and Industry Competition: Investigating the Music Industry, 1877-1997


Co-evolution in Strategic Renewal Behaviour of British, Dutch and French Financial Incumbents: Interaction of Environmental Selection, Institutional Effects and Managerial Intentionality*


Co-evolution of global sourcing: The need to understand the underlying mechanisms of firm-decisions to offshore

Co-evolutionary Dynamics Within and Between Firms: From Evolution to Co-evolution


Coevolution of Firm Absorptive Capacity and Knowledge Environment: Organizational Forms and Combinative Capabilities

Coevolutionary competence in the realm of corporate longevity: How long-lived firms strategically renew themselves

Complex Incremental Product Innovation in Established Service Firms: A Micro Institutional Perspective


Contingency Fit, Institutional Fit, and Firm Performance: A Metafit Approach to Organization–Environment Relationships

Coordination of globally distributed teams: A co-evolution perspective on offshoring

Coping with Problems of Understanding in Interorganizational Relationships: Using Formalization as a Means to Make Sense

Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Performance: Drawing Attention to the Senior Team

Exploratory Innovation, Exploitative Innovation, and Performance: Effects of Organizational Antecedents and Environmental Moderators


FARSYS: a knowledge-based system for managing strategic change

Following the Herd or Not?

scholarly article published in 2001

How firms shape knowledge to explore and exploit: a study of knowledge flows, knowledge stocks and innovative performance across units

How to support sensing capabilities in highly volatile situations

Investigating Managers' Exploration and Exploitation Activities: The Influence of Top-Down, Bottom-Up, and Horizontal Knowledge Inflows


Investigating the Development of the Internal and External Service Tasks of Non-executive Directors: the case of the Netherlands (1997-2005)


Maintenance of Cross-Sector Partnerships: The Role of Frames in Sustained Collaboration

scientific article published on 25 April 2018

Management Innovation and Adoption of Emerging Technologies: The Case of Cloud Computing


Management Innovation and Leadership: The Moderating Role of Organizational Size


Management Innovation: Management as Fertile Ground for Innovation


Managing Organizational Knowledge Integration in the Emerging Multimedia Complex

Mastering Strategic Renewal

Mastering Strategic Renewal


scholarly article

Offshoring and firm innovation: The moderating role of top management team attributes


Offshoring strategy: Motives, functions, locations, and governance modes of small, medium-sized and large firms

scholarly article by Marja Roza et al published June 2011 in International Business Review

On the Evolution of Trust, Distrust, and Formal Coordination and Control in Interorganizational Relationships

article by Paul W. L. Vlaar et al published August 2007 in Group & Organization Management

PERSPECTIVE—Absorbing the Concept of Absorptive Capacity: How to Realize Its Potential in the Organization Field

Perceived Environmental Dynamism, Relative Competitive Performance, and Top Management Team Heterogeneity: Examining Correlates of Upper Echelons’ Advice-Seeking

Performance Implications of IJV Boards: A Contingency Perspective

Power and Paradigms: The Dutch Response to Pressures for Shareholder Value


Preservation and Dissolution of the Target Firm's Embedded Ties in Acquisitions

Prolegomena on Coevolution: A Framework for Research on Strategy and New Organizational Forms

Revitalizing Entrepreneurship: The Search for New Research Opportunities


Rotterdam or Anywhere: Relocating Corporate HQ

article published in 2005

Senior Team Attributes and Organizational Ambidexterity: The Moderating Role of Transformational Leadership

Strategic Renewal Over Time: The Enabling Role of Potential Absorptive Capacity in Aligning Internal and External Rates of Change

Strategic Renewal of Europe’s Largest Telecom Operators (1992–2001):

Strategic Renewal of Europe’s Largest Telecom Operators (1992–2001):

Structural Differentiation and Ambidexterity: The Mediating Role of Integration Mechanisms

Structural differentiation and corporate venturing: The moderating role of formal and informal integration mechanisms


Technology transfer: the practice and the profession

The Changing Landscape of the European Financial Services Sector

The Influence of Top Management Team's Corporate Governance Orientation on Strategic Renewal Trajectories: A Longitudinal Analysis of Royal Dutch Shell plc, 1907-2004

scholarly article by Zenlin Kwee et al published 23 July 2010 in Journal of Management Studies

The International Relocation of Corporate Centres:

The Multifaceted Nature of Exploration and Exploitation: Value of Supply, Demand, and Spatial Search for Innovation


The Role of Management Innovation in Enabling Technological Process Innovation: An Inter-Organizational Perspective


The impact of corporate venturing on a firm's competence modes

The role of path dependency and managerial intentionality: a perspective on international business research

The skills base of technology transfer professionals

Top Management Team Advice Seeking and Exploratory Innovation: The Moderating Role of TMT Heterogeneity


Top Management Team Search and New Knowledge Creation

Top Management Team Shared Leadership and Organizational Ambidexterity: a Moderated Mediation Framework

article published in 2013

Toward the Flexible Form: How to Remain Vital in Hypercompetitive Environments

Towards a Dialectic Perspective on Formalization in Interorganizational Relationships: How Alliance Managers Capitalize on the Duality Inherent in Contracts, Rules and Procedures

Understanding Variation in Managers' Ambidexterity: Investigating Direct and Interaction Effects of Formal Structural and Personal Coordination Mechanisms

Where Do New Organizational Forms Come From? Management Logics as a Source of Coevolution

article by Marjolijn S. Dijksterhuis et al published October 1999 in Organization Science

Why Do Multinational Corporations Relocate Core Parts of Their Corporate Headquarters Abroad?

Why New Business Development Projects Fail: Coping with the Differences of Technological versus Market Knowledge

