episode of Ich heirate eine Familie (S1 E1)
Film directed by Louis Gueguen (France , 1959)
1980 French film directed by Claude Bernard-Aubert
episode of Ich heirate eine Familie (S1 E2)
episode of Ich heirate eine Familie (S2 E3)
episode of Ich heirate eine Familie (S2 E2)
episode of Ich heirate eine Familie (S2 E4)
episode of Ich heirate eine Familie (S1 E4)
episode of Ich heirate eine Familie (S2 E1)
1973 animated film directed by René Laloux
television series
season of television series
season of television series
season of television series
original song written and composed by Robert Gall and Alain Goraguer
1981 song by Nana Mouskouri
episode of Ich heirate eine Familie (S1 E3)
1973 film by Claude Bernard-Aubert
original song composed by Serge Gainsbourg and Alain Goraguer, words by Serge Gainsbourg; first recorded by Serge Gainsbourg, 1961
original song composed by Alain Goraguer, words by Robert Gall; first recorded by France Gall 1965
1965 film by René Laloux
2008 film by Jean Becker
1964 film by André Versini
1965 film by Jean-Paul Savignac
1971 film by Serge Korber
episode of Ich heirate eine Familie (S3 E1)
1966 film by Jacques Deray
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