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List of works by Humphrey Case

21. Studies of Irish and British Early Copper Artifacts: Second Series: Reports of the Ancient Mining and Metallurgy Committee of the Royal Anthropological Institute

scholarly article published February 1954

A Tin-bronze in Bell-beaker Association

Abingdon Ware

Ancient Mining and Metallurgy in South-West Spain. By Beno Rothenberg and Antonio Blanco-Freijeiro. (Metal in History, vol. 1.) 28·5 × 22 cm. Pp. 320, 289 ills. London: Institute for Archaeo-Metallurgical Studies with Thames and Hudson, 1982. ISBN


Archaeological Notes

scientific article published in 1959

Archaeological Notes

scientific article published in 1960

Archaeological Notes

scientific article published in 1961

Archaeological Notes

scientific article published in 1963

Archaeological Notes

scientific article published in 1956

Archaeological Notes

scientific article published in 1957

Archaeological Notes

scientific article published in 1958

Archaeological Notes 1951

scientific article published in 1951

Archaeological Notes, 1953

article published in 1952

Archaeological Notes, 1955

scientific article published in 1955

Archaeological Notes: A. Prehistoric, Roman and Anglo-Saxon

scientific article published in 1954

Beaker Pottery of Great Britain and Ireland. By D. L. Clarke. Vols. i and ii. 12¼ × 9¼ ins. Pp. xix + 576 + 2 coloured frontis. + 8 pls. + 1,087 figs. + 10 maps + numerous diagrams, tables, and text figs. Cambridge University Press, 1970. £15.---

article by Humphrey Case published September 1971 in Antiquaries Journal

Beaker presence at Wilsford 7

article published in 2003

Beakers: Deconstruction and After

scholarly article by Humphrey Case published in January 1993

Bruce G. Trigger: Gordon Childe : revolutions in archaeology. London: Thames & Hudson, 1980. 208 pp., 33 pls. £10.00

Christopher Scarre (ed.), with a Preface by Glyn Daniel: Ancient France, 6000–2000 BC: neolithic societies and their landscapes. Edinburgh: University Press, 1983. 390 pp., 37 pls., 103 figs. and maps. £19.00


Collared Urns of the Bronze Age in Great Britain and Ireland. By Ian H. Longworth. (Gulbenkian Archaeological Series.) 30.5 × 23 cm. Pp. xiv + 338, 53 figs.+ 246 pls. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984. ISBN 0-521-08596-9. £85.00

book review published in 1985

Contributions to Prehistoric Archaeology offered to Professor V. Gordon Childe in honour of his sixty-fifth birthday. By twenty-seven authors. Ed. by Grahame Clark, assisted by Kenneth Oakley and Stuart Piggott. 10 × 7¾. Pp. vii + 310; 30 pls., 61

D. D. A. Simpson (ed.): Economy and settlement in Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Britain and Europe. Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1971. 186 pp., 8 pls., 37 figs. £5.00

Deadman's Burial, Eynsham, Oxon

Denmark before the Vikings. By Ole Klindt-Jensen. 8¼ × 6. Pp. 146 + figs. 16 + pls. 73. (Ancient Peoples and Places, IV.) London: Thames and Hudson, 1957. 21s

Die Jungere Vorrömische Eisenzeit Gotlands. Von Erik Nylén. 12 × 9. Pp. 560 + fig. 313 + taf. 3. Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksells, 1955. Swed. Kr. 150

Early Metallurgy of Copper In Ireland and Britain

scientific article published in January 1958

Elise J. Baumgartel: Petrie's Naqada excavation: a supplement. Bernard Quaritch, 1970. 11 pp. (text), 74 pp. (tables), 1 pl., 1 folding plan. £6.50

article by Humphrey Case published 1972 in Antiquity

Excavations at City Farm, Hanborough, Oxon

scientific article published in 1964

FUNDKARTEN ZUR VORGESCHICHTE DER RHEINPROVINZ. By Kurt Tackenburg. Rheinisches Landesmuseum, Bonn; Verein von Altertumsfreunder in Rheinlande, 1954. pp. 107 + 1 fig. + 22 maps in two colours. DM. 9.50

GRABSTOCK, HACKE UND PFLUG. Versuch einer Enstehungsgeschichte des Landbause. By Emil Werth. 435 pages + 231 figs.+25 maps. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart/Ludwigsburg. DM. 30

INVENTARIA ARCHAEOLOGICA: GREAT BRITAIN, 1st SET: Grave Groups and Hoards of the British Bronze Age. Edited by C. F. C. Hawkes. 10 cards. Garraway Ltd., London, 1955. 10s.INVENTARIA ARCHAEOLOGICA: Ages des Metaux, France: FasciculeI . By R. Joffroy,


Irish Neolithic Pottery: Distribution and Sequence

scholarly article by Humphrey Case published in December 1961

JAHRBUCH DES RÖMISCH-GERMANISCHEN ZENTRALMUSEUMS, MAINZ. 1 Jahrgang, 1954. pp. 263 + 22 plates + numerous figs. and maps. DM. 30

review published in 1957

LOUGH GUR EXCAVATIONS: NEOLITHIC AND BRONZE AGE HOUSES ON KNOCKADOON. By Seán Ó Ríordáin. Offprint from Proc. Roy. Irish Academy,LVI, C, 297–459, 1954. 42 plates + 55 figs. 25s

Life and Death in the Bronze Age. By Sir Cyril Fox. 10 × 8. Pp. xxvii + 193 + 49 pls. + 84 figs. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1959. 45s.

Medieval Notes

scientific article published in 1950

Mesolithic Finds in the Oxford Area

scientific article published in 1952

Neolithic Comments

Neolithic Explanations

article published in 1969

Rethinking the Neolithic. By Julian Thomas. xvi + 212 pp., 60 figs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991. £35.00.

scientific article published in 1992

Reviews. INVENTARIA ARCHAEOLOGICA: Ages des Metaux, France: FasciculeI . By R. Joffroy, R. Audin and R. Riquet. 12 cards. De Sikkel, Anvers. B. fr. 75


Some Wiltshire beakers and their contexts

article published in 1995

Steinpackungsgräber von Köthen: ein Beitrag zur Kultur der Bronzezeit Mitteldeutschlands. Von W. A. Von Brunn. 11¾×8¼. Pp. 79 + pls. 19 + maps 4 + figs. 10. Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1954. DM. 18

Stonehenge revisited

book review published in 1997

Survey of the Megalithic Tombs of Ireland: Volume I, County Clare. By Ruaidhrí de Valera and Séan Ó Nualláin. 12½ × 9¼. Pp. xvii + 116 + pls. 22 + figs. 59 + maps and diagrams 5. Dublin: Stationery Office (1961). 50s

THE EXCAVATION OF A NEOLITHIC DWELLING, and a Bronze Age Cairn at Mount Pleasant Farm, Nottage, Glam. By H. N. Savory. National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, 1955. pp. 19 + 4 figs. + 2 plates. Price not given

article by Humphrey Case published June 1957 in Antiquity

The Beaker Folk: Copper Age Archaeology in Western Europe. By Richard J. Harrison. 25 × 16·5 cm. Pp. 176 + 105 illus. London: Thames and Hudson, 1980. £12·00

The Daggers and the Halberds of the Early Bronze Age in Ireland. By Peter Harbison. 77 Pages , 27 plates (2 half-tones , 1 two-colour map, remainder line-drawings ), 4 figures in text ( incl. 2 two-colour maps ). Prähistorische Bronzefunde:…

scientific article published in December 1970

The Excavation of Two Round Barrows at Poole, Dorset

scientific article published in December 1953

The Neolithic causewayed camp at Abingdon, Berks

scholarly article by Humphrey Case published in April 1956

The Passage of Arms. An Archaeological Analysis of Prehistoric Hoards and Votive Deposits. By Richard Bradley. xvi + 234 pp., 15 plates, 41 figs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. £30.00.

scientific article published in 1991

The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of France. By Glyn Daniel. 7 × 9. Pp.282 + figs. 77 + pls. 66. London: Thames and Hudson, 1960. 70s


The Rollright Stones. By Lambrick George, with numerous contributors, vi + 145 pp., 72 figs. London: Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England, 1988. £16.00


Two Lower Palaeolithic Finds

scientific article published in 1952