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List of works by Theodoor van Thulden

Alexander and Roxana, after 1617

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Allegory of The Peace of Oliwa

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Allegory of Vanity

painting by Theodor van Thulden

Allegory of William III's leavetaking from Alamia van Solms after the transferral of the regency to the statesgeneral

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Allegory of the Submission of Magdeburg to Frederick William of Brandenburg and of the Birth of Frederick's Son, Ludwig

painting by Theodore van Thulden (1606–1669), The Bowes Museum

Allegory of the return of peace

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Allegory on Justice and Peace

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

An Allegory of Prosperity After Victory

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Antwerp Blessed with Abundance

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 65776)


Etch; Made by Theodoor van Thulden (1606 - 1669)

Apollo and Daphne

painting by Cornelis de Vos

Apotheosis of a Knight (Portrait of Johan Maurits van Nassau?)

painting attributed to Theodoor van Thulden

Benedictus van Thulden, prieur de l'abbé de Saint-Bernard

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Christ Resurrected Reveals Himself to his Mother

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

De Triomfboog van Ferdinand (voorkant)

An etching by Theodoor van Thulden, designed by Peter Paul Rubens

Deipara Virgo

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Illustraties van de Blijde Intrede van Ferdinand van Oostenrijk in Antwerpen in 1635.


King Philip III of Spain granting peace to the Dutch Republic

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Madonna and Child

painting by Theodoor van Thulden / Rubens

Martyrdom of Saint Barbara.

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Moses adopted by the Pharao's daughter

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Music, allegory of conjugal harmony

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Nun with Saint Augustine, Saint Agnes and other saints

painting attributed to Théodore van Thulden

Orpheus and the animals

painting by Frans Snyders

Philip IV Appointing Prince Ferdinand Governor of the Netherlands (after Peter Paul Rubens)

painting by Theodore van Thulden (1606–1669), National Galleries of Scotland: National

Pompa introitus honori serenissimi principis Ferdinandi Austriaci

1641 festival book on the Joyeuse Entrée of Ferdinand of Austria to Antwerp in 1635

Portrait of Anna Stas (1616-1706) with her children Anna, Willem en Suzanna Schuyl van Walhorn

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Portrait of Josina Copes-Schade van Westrum and Her Children - c. 1651

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Portrait of Maria van Balen, echtgenote van Th. van Thulden, als luitspeelster

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Portrait of a family

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Portrait of a woman, possibly Anna van Renesse (....-....)

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Rudolf I and Albert I with Pallas

drawing in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 61259)

Saint Francis of Paola Prophesying the Birth of a Son to Louise of Savoy

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Six ancient gods as herms

tekening van Theodoor van Thulden (CVH 15)

Sketch of the back of the triumphal arch of Philip IV

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Sketch of the front of the triumphal arch of the Cardinal-Infant Ferdinand

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Susanna harassed by the Elders (Daniel 13:1-63)

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

The Continence of Scipio Africanus

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

The Discovery of Purple

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

The Glorification of the Virgin

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

The Prodigal Son Bids Farewell to His Father

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 61187)

The Prodigal Son Driven from the Tavern

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 61190)

The Prodigal Son Received by His Father

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 61192)

The Prodigal Son Receiving His Patrimony

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 61188)

The Prodigal Son among the Swine

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 61191)

The Prodigal Wasting His Substance in the Tavern

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 61189)

The Resurrected Christ Appearing to his Mother

painting by Theodor van Thulden

The Stage of the Chamber of Rhetoric De Goudbloem (The Marigold)

painting from Southern Netherlandish school

The Visitation

painting by Theodor van Thulden

The assumption of St. Francis a Paola

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

The doctor diagnoses the true cause of Antiochus' illness when his stepmother Statonice enters the sick-room

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

The goddess Pallas Athena and the horse Pegasus

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

The marriage of the archduke Maximilian of Austria and the duchess Mary of Burgundy, na 1635

painting by/after Theodor van Thulden

The provinces of Brabant, Hainaut and Flanders pay homage to the Virgin

painting by Theodor van Thulden

The resurrected Christ appears to the Virgin Mary

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Time Reveals the Truth. The Allegory

painting by Theodor van Thulden

Triumphal Arch of Philip IV of Spain, front

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Triumphal Arch of the Cardinal Infante Ferdinand

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Venus at the Forge of Vulcan, also known as “Thetis receives the Arms of Achilles”

painting by Theodore van Thulden

Woman with guirlande

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Woman with guirlande and a putto who hurt his hand on a thorn branch

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Young woman making music: allegory of the 'Vita brevis'

painting by Theodoor van Thulden

Zicht op Antwerpen met de aankomst van Ferdinand van Oostenrijk

Etch; Designed by Peter Paul Rubens (1577 - 1640); Made by Theodoor van Thulden (1606 - 1669)