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List of works by Elisabeth Engberg-Pedersen

Acquisition of narrator perspective and referent perspective in Danish Sign Language – introducing a new referent in a narrative

scientific article

Comprehension of Danish after 20 years in Denmark: The interpretation of anaphors in subordinate clauses

scientific article

Context Improves Comprehension of Fronted Objects

scientific article published on 01 April 2014

Context predicts word order processing in Broca's region

scientific article

Dansk tegnsprog

chapter in Dansk Sproghistorie by Elisabeth Engberg-Pedersen

Gender in corpora. Semantic asymmetries in the uses of the words kvinde ’woman’, mand ‘man’, pige ‘girl’, and dreng ‘boy’ in Danish newspapers

scientific article

Kognitionsverber og kontrasten mellem indikativ- og infinitivkomplement

scientific article published on 21 September 2020

Køn i korpus. Semantisk asymmetri i brugen af ordene kvinde og mand, pige og dreng i danske avistekster

scientific article

Mental states and activities in Danish narratives: children with autism and children with language impairment

scientific article published on 2 November 2016


2019 edition of Danish book

Sprogforståelse efter 20 år i Danmark: tolkning af anaforer i ledsætninger

scientific article

The Concept of Domain in the Cognitive Theory of Metaphor

The influence of context on word order processing – An fMRI study

scientific article published in January 2013

Tilegnelse af fortællerperspektiv og referentperspektiv i dansk tegnsprog: introduktion af en ny referent

scientific article

[Children with cochlear implants: language development]

scientific article published on 01 May 2007