scientific article published in January 2012
scientific article published on January 2007
scientific article published on 01 April 2002
scientific article
scientific article
scholarly article in Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 47 no. 2-3, June 2004
scientific article published in December 2017
scientific article published on 19 August 2014
scientific article published on 9 June 2016
scientific article (publication date: 2012)
scientific article published on 3 November 2017
scientific article
scientific article published in July 2014
scholarly article in Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 62 no. 6, June 2014
scientific article published on 26 February 2014
journal article; published in Advanced Robotics in 2012
scientific article published on January 1, 2011
scientific article
scientific article published in April 2007
scientific article published in December 2012
scientific article published on 7 May 2010
scientific article published in August 2014
scholarly article in Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 47 no. 2-3, June 2004
scientific article published on 07 October 2015
scientific article
scientific article
scientific article published on 4 April 2006
journal article; published in Advanced Robotics in 2009
scientific article
scientific article
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About Paulina