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List of works by Elizabeth Gertrude Britton

A Long Lost Genus to the United States: Erpodium (Brid.) M. C.

scientific article

A New American Fossil Moss

scientific article published in 1915

A Plea for More and Better Local Work

scientific article

A Revision of the North American Species of Ophioglossum

scientific article

African Mosses

scientific article

American Fossil Mosses, with Description of a New Species from Florissant, Colorado

scientific article published in 1907

An Enumeration of the Plants Collected by Dr. H. H. Rusby in South America. 1885-1886. III

scientific article

An Enumeration of the Plants Collected by H. H. Rusby, in Bolivia, 1885-1886.-II


Arctic Mosses

scientific article published in 1909

Bahama Mosses

scientific article published in 1921

Bryological Notes.-I

scientific article published in 1900

Coe Finch Austin. 1831-1880

scientific article

Contribution to American Bryology-XI

scientific article published in 1895

Contributions to American Bryology, III

scientific article published in 1893

Contributions to American Bryology, V

scientific article published in 1894

Contributions to American Bryology-VI.

scientific article

Contributions to American Bryology. II

scientific article published in 1891

Contributions to American Bryology. VII

scientific article published in 1894

Contributions to American Bryology.-VIII

scientific article published in 1894

Contributions to American Bryology.I.

scientific article

Contributions to American Bryology.IX

scientific article published in 1895

Contributions to American Bryology.IX

Distribution of the Eastern Species of Mnium

scientific article published in 1900

Exotic Mosses

scientific article

Fern Collecting in Cuba

scholarly article by Elizabeth Gertrude Britton published April 1911 in American Fern Journal

Fungi on Mosses

scientific article

Further Notes on Sematophyllum

scientific article

George Edward Davenport correspondence. Senders A-B

By: Davenport, George E. (George Edward), - Ames, Mary E. Pulsifer, - Andrews, Luman, , - Austin, Rebecca Merritt Smith, - Barnes, Kate L., - Bishop, James N. (James Nathaniel), - Bourn, Allan, - Brandegee, Townshend Stith, - Britton, Elizabeth

George Golding Kennedy correspondence

archival material; correspondence 1872-1917

How to Know Some of the Commoner Bryums

scientific article

Hyophila: A New Genus to the United States

scientific article published in 1904

Leucodontopsis Cardot (Leucodoniopsis R. & C.)

scientific article published in 1912


New York :Natural Science Committee of the Associate Alumnae of the Normal College,1900. | New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz Library

Mosses from Florida Collected by Severin Rapp

scientific article

Mosses of Bermuda

scientific article published in 1915

Musci Mexicani

scientific article

New or Rare Mosses

scientific article published in 1898

Note on a Long Island Moss

Note on a Long Island Moss by Elizabeth Britton, 1902 in Bryologist

Notes on Fissidens, II

scientific article published in 1923

Notes on Fissidens: I. Difficulties in Determining the Oldest Species

scientific article published in 1916

Notes on Nomenclature

scientific article

Notes on Nomenclature III

scientific article

Notes on Nomenclature IV.: The Genus Neckera Hedw

scientific article

Notes on Nomenclature IX

scientific article published in 1908

Notes on Nomenclature VI

scientific article

Notes on Nomenclature VII

scientific article published in 1907

Notes on Nomenclature VIII

scientific article published in 1907

Notes on Nomenclature X

scientific article

Notes on Nomenclature XI

scientific article

Notes on Nomenclature. II

scientific article

Notes on Nomenclature. V

scientific article

Notes on Nomenclature. XII

scientific article published in 1914

Notes on Rare and Little Known Mosses

scientific article published in 1901

Notes on the Mosses of Jamaica

scientific article published in 1912

Notes on the spring flora of southwestern Virginia

S.l.: s.n., 1890

On Some Mosses from the Blue Mountain of Cuba

scientific article published in 1922

Organography of Plants by K. Goebel, Isaac Bayley

scientific article

Orthotrichum stellatum Brid.

scientific article published in 1925

Papillaria nigrescens (Sw.) Jaeg. & Sauerb. Meteorium nigrescens Mitt.

scientific article

Porotrichum Not Thamnobryum

scientific article

Resolutions upon the Loss of the Collections and Library of M. Jules Cardot

article published in 1919

Review of Dismier's Revision of Philonotis

scientific article

Reviews, Current Literature

scientific article

Revision of the North American Species of Encalypta by Dorothy Coker

scientific article published in 1919

Rhacopilum tomentosum (Sw.) Brid.

scientific article published in 1907

Seligeria campylopoda, Kindb.

scientific article

Sematophyllum recurvans

scientific article

Some Further Observations on Buxbaumia

scientific article

Splachnobryum in Greenhouses

scientific article

Syrrhopodon parasiticus (Schwgr.) Besch.

scientific article published in 1924

The Genus Sematophyllum

article published in 1902

The Genus Zygodon in North America

article published in 1908

The Jaeger Moss Herbarium

scientific article published in 1893

The Mosses of El Yunque

scientific article published in 1924

The Mosses of Java (Die Musci der Flora von Buitenzorg) (Zugleich Laubmoosflora von Java) by Max Fleischer

scientific article published in 1904

The Rediscovery of Physcomitrium pygmæum James

scientific article published in 1921

The Splachnums

scientific article

The life history of Vittaria lineata

scholarly article published in 1902

West Indian Mosses in Florida

scientific article

West Indian Mosses-I

scientific article published in 1913

West Indian Mosses-II. Mosses of the Danish West Indies and Virgin Islands

scientific article published in 1915

When Doctors Disagree

scientific article published in 1904

Wild plants needing protection

publication of reprints of articles in the journal of the New York Botanical Garden