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List of works by Hrvoje Tkalčić

A method of spherical harmonic analysis in the geosciences via hierarchical Bayesian inference

A multistep approach for joint modeling of surface wave dispersion and teleseismic receiver functions: Implications for lithospheric structure of the Arabian Peninsula


A new global PKP data set to study Earth's core and deep mantle

article by Raphael Garcia et al published November 2006 in Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors

Antarctic Ice Properties Revealed From Teleseismic P Wave Coda Autocorrelation

Attenuation tomography of the upper inner core

scholarly article

Bayesian inference for ultralow velocity zones in the Earth's lowermost mantle: Complex ULVZ beneath the east of the Philippines

scholarly article by S. Pachhai et al published November 2014 in Journal of geophysical research. Solid earth

Benford's law in the natural sciences


Centroid moment tensor catalogue using a 3-D continental scale Earth model: Application to earthquakes in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands

scholarly article

Complex inner core boundary from frequency characteristics of the reflection coefficients of PKiKP waves observed by Hi-net


Complex inner core of the Earth: The last frontier of global seismology

Constraints on D″ structure using PKP(AB-DF), PKP(BC-DF) and PcP-P traveltime data from broad-band records

Core structure re-examined using new teleseismic data recorded in Antarctica: evidence for, at most, weak cylindrical seismic anisotropy in the inner core


Crustal and uppermost mantle structure beneath the External Dinarides, Croatia, determined from teleseismic receiver functions

scholarly article by Josip Stipčević et al published 30 March 2011 in Geophysical Journal International

Crustal and uppermost mantle structure variation beneath La Réunion hotspot track

Crustal structure beneath China from receiver function analysis


Crustal structure of a Proterozoic craton boundary: East Albany-Fraser Orogen, Western Australia, imaged with passive seismic and gravity anomaly data


Crustal surface wave velocity structure of the east Albany-Fraser Orogen, Western Australia, from ambient noise recordings


Dominant seismic noise sources in the Southern Ocean and West Pacific, 2000-2012, recorded at the Warramunga Seismic Array, Australia


Earth's Correlation Wavefield: Late Coda Correlation

scholarly article

Estimation of splitting functions from Earth's normal mode spectra using the neighbourhood algorithm

Exploiting seismic signal and noise in an intracratonic environment to constrain crustal structure and source parameters of infrequent earthquakes

scholarly article by Mallory K. Young et al published 16 January 2012 in Geophysical Journal International

High-frequency ambient noise tomography of southeast Australia: New constraints on Tasmania's tectonic past


Highly efficient Bayesian joint inversion for receiver-based data and its application to lithospheric structure beneath the southern Korean Peninsula

Imaging crustal structure variation across southeastern Australia


Insights into the kinematics of a volcanic caldera drop: Probabilistic finite-source inversion of the 1996 Bárdarbunga, Iceland, earthquake

scholarly article by Andreas Fichtner & Hrvoje Tkalčić published September 2010 in Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Internal structure of ultralow-velocity zones consistent with origin from a basal magma ocean

Intraplate volcanism controlled by back-arc and continental structures in NE Asia inferred from transdimensional Bayesian ambient noise tomography


Large variations in travel times of mantle-sensitive seismic waves from the South Sandwich Islands: Is the Earth's inner core a conglomerate of anisotropic domains?

scholarly article

Lineaments and earthquake ruptures on the East Japan megathrust

scholarly article by Gordon Lister et al published 18 April 2018 in Lithosphere

Metapyroxenite in the mantle transition zone revealed from majorite inclusions in diamonds

scholarly article

Multistep modelling of receiver-based seismic and ambient noise data from WOMBAT array: crustal structure beneath southeast Australia

scholarly article by Pierre Arroucau published in 2012

Multistep modelling of teleseismic receiver functions combined with constraints from seismic tomography: crustal structure beneath southeast China


Near-source velocity structure and isotropic moment tensors: A case study of the Long Valley Caldera

scholarly article

New constraints on the current stress field and seismic velocity structure of the eastern Yilgarn Craton from mechanisms of local earthquakes


Observation of near-podal P′P′ precursors: Evidence for back scattering from the 150–220 km zone in the Earth's upper mantle


On the Use of Data Noise as a Site‐Specific Weight Parameter in a Hierarchical Bayesian Moment Tensor Inversion: The Case Study of The Geysers and Long Valley Caldera Earthquakes

scholarly article by Marija Mustać & Hrvoje Tkalčić published 9 May 2017 in Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

On the feasibility and use of teleseismic P wave coda autocorrelation for mapping shallow seismic discontinuities

scientific article

On the inner-outer core density contrast from PKiKP/PcP amplitude ratios and uncertainties caused by seismic noise

On the nature of the P-wave velocity gradient in the inner core beneath Central America

On the origin of complexity in PKP travel time data

scholarly article published 2003

PKP(BC-DF) Travel time residuals and short scale heterogeneity in the deep Earth

scholarly article

Point source moment tensor inversion through a Bayesian hierarchical model


Polymorphic Nature of Iron and Degree of Lattice Preferred Orientation Beneath the Earth's Inner Core Boundary

scholarly article

Receiver functions from seismic interferometry: A practical guide

Regionally heterogeneous uppermost inner core observed with Hi-net array

Repetitive marsquakes in Martian upper mantle

scientific article published on 30 March 2022

Seismic constraints on magma evolution beneath Mount Baekdu (Changbai) volcano from transdimensional Bayesian inversion of ambient noise data

Seismic moment tensor inversion using a 3-D structural model: applications for the Australian region


Seismic moment tensors from synthetic rotational and translational ground motion: Green’s functions in 1-D versus 3-D

scientific article published in 2020

Seismic structure of Kuwait

Seismic structure of the crust and uppermost mantle of the Capricorn and Paterson Orogens and adjacent cratons, Western Australia, from passive seismic transects


Shear properties of Earth’s inner core constrained by a detection of J waves in global correlation wavefield

scientific article published in Science

Short scale heterogeneity in the lowermost mantle: insights from PcP-P and ScS-S data

scholarly article

Simultaneous use of multiple seismic arrays

Skewed orientation groups in scatter plots of earthquake fault plane solutions: Implications for extensional geometry at oceanic spreading centers

scholarly article by G. S. Lister et al published March 2014 in Journal of geophysical research. Solid earth

Steep reflections from the earth's core reveal small-scale heterogeneity in the upper mantle


Strong, Multi-Scale Heterogeneity in Earth's Lowermost Mantle

scientific article

Structure of the Tasmanian lithosphere from 3D seismic tomography

The 20 May 2016 Petermann Ranges earthquake: centroid location, magnitude and focal mechanism from full waveform modelling

scientific article

The Mantle Transition Zone in Fennoscandia: Enigmatic High Topography Without Deep Mantle Thermal Anomaly

scientific article

The Variability and Interpretation of Earthquake Source Mechanisms in The Geysers Geothermal Field From a Bayesian Standpoint Based on the Choice of a Noise Model

scientific article

The effect of D″ on PKP(AB−DF) travel time residuals and possible implications for inner core structure

scientific article

The frequency dependence and locations of short-period microseisms generated in the Southern Ocean and West Pacific

scholarly article

The shuffling rotation of the Earth’s inner core revealed by earthquake doublets

scientific article (publication date: 12 May 2013)

Trans-dimensional Bayesian attenuation tomography of the upper inner core

scientific article

Transdimensional inference in the geosciences.

scientific article published on 31 December 2012

Transdimensional inversion of receiver functions and surface wave dispersion

article by Thomas Bodin et al published February 2012 in Journal of Geophysical Research

Ultra-low velocity zones beneath the Philippine and Tasman Seas revealed by a trans-dimensional Bayesian waveform inversion

Very- and ultra-long-period seismic signals prior to and during caldera formation on La Réunion Island

scientific article published on 30 May 2019