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List of works by Stefan Pollmann

A behavioral task for the validation of a gaze-contingent simulated scotoma

scientific article published in December 2013

A high-resolution 7-Tesla fMRI dataset from complex natural stimulation with an audio movie

scientific article

A pop-out induced extinction-like phenomenon in neurologically intact subjects

scientific article published in May 1996

A universal role of the ventral striatum in reward-based learning: evidence from human studies

scientific article

Adaptation to recent conflict in the classical color-word Stroop-task mainly involves facilitation of processing of task-relevant information

scientific article published on 3 March 2015

Anterior prefrontal contributions to implicit attention control

scientific article

Anterior prefrontal cortex contributions to attention control

scientific article

Anterior prefrontal involvement in implicit contextual change detection

scientific article published on 09 October 2009

Application of double voxel functional spectroscopy to event-related cognitive experiments

scientific article published on 01 February 1999

Auditory Target Detection in Dichotic Listening Involves the Orbitofrontal and Hippocampal Paralimbic Belts

scientific article published on 28 March 2004

Central and peripheral vision loss differentially affects contextual cueing in visual search

scientific article

Comparing the neural basis of monetary reward and cognitive feedback during information-integration category learning.

scientific article

Contextual cueing impairment in patients with age-related macular degeneration

scientific article published on 12 September 2013

Contextual cueing under working memory load: selective interference of visuospatial load with expression of learning

scientific article published in August 2013

Contextual-Cueing beyond the Initial Field of View-A Virtual Reality Experiment

scientific article published on 13 July 2020

Covert reorienting and inhibition of return: an event-related fMRI study

scientific article published in February 2002

Deficits in subprocesses of visual feature search after frontal, parietal, and temporal brain lesions--a modeling approach

scientific article published in July 2010

Determining subprocesses of visual feature search with reaction time models

scientific article published on March 8, 2003

Dichotic listening in patients with splenial and nonsplenial callosal lesions

scientific article published in January 2002

Differential activation of object-selective visual areas by passive viewing of pictures and words

scientific article

Dissociation of memory retrieval and search processes: an event-related fMRI study

scientific article published in October 2000

Division of labor between the hemispheres for complex but not simple tasks: an implemented connectionist model

scientific article published in September 2003

Dorsal and ventral working memory-related brain areas support distinct processes in contextual cueing

scientific article published on 28 November 2012

ERP and fMRI correlates of endogenous and exogenous focusing of visual-spatial attention.

scientific article published in May 2006

Early implicit contextual change detection in anterior prefrontal cortex

scientific article published on 3 February 2009

Event-related fMRI: comparison of conditions with varying BOLD overlap

scientific article published in January 2000

Evidence for feature binding in the superior parietal lobule

scientific article published on 13 December 2012

Extinction-like Effects in Normals: Independence of Localization and Response Selection


Frontopolar Resource Allocation in Human and Nonhuman Primates

scientific article published on 14 December 2015

Functional asymmetry and effective connectivity of the auditory system during speech perception is modulated by the place of articulation of the consonant- A 7T fMRI study

scientific article

Illusory contours do not pass through the "blind spot".

scientific article published in January 2007

Impairment of visual memory for objects in natural scenes by simulated central scotomata

scientific article published in January 2016

Individual face- and house-related eye movement patterns distinctively activate FFA and PPA

scientific article published on 04 December 2019

Interhemispheric resource sharing: decreasing benefits with increasing processing efficiency

scientific article

Investigating the brain basis of facial expression perception using multi-voxel pattern analysis

scientific article published on 14 May 2015

Is there a structural limit to 'branch' recursively between more than two tasks?

scientific article published on 8 July 2009

Left and right occipital cortices differ in their response to spatial cueing

scientific article published in February 2003

Medial temporal lobe-dependent repetition suppression and enhancement due to implicit vs. explicit processing of individual repeated search displays

scientific article

Memory under pressure: secondary-task effects on contextual cueing of visual search.

scientific article published on 4 November 2013

Misleading contextual cues: how do they affect visual search?

scientific article published on 10 December 2008

Neural basis of interaction between target presence and display homogeneity in visual search: an fMRI study

scientific article

Neural basis of redundancy effects in visual object categorization

scientific article published on 22 November 2006

Neural correlates of binding features within- or cross-dimensions in visual conjunction search: an fMRI study

scientific article published on 22 April 2011

Neural structures involved in visual search guidance by reward-enhanced contextual cueing of the target location

scientific article published on 28 September 2015

No evidence for enhanced distractor template representation in early visual cortex


Not scene learning, but attentional processing is superior in team sport athletes and action video game players

Perception modulates auditory cortex activation

scientific article published in November 2006

Prediction of higher visual function in macular degeneration with multifocal electroretinogram and multifocal visual evoked potential

scientific article

Prefrontal cortex activation in task switching: an event-related fMRI study

scientific article

Preserved Contextual Cueing in Realistic Scenes in Patients with Age-Related Macular Degeneration

scientific article published on 07 December 2020

Putamen Activation Represents an Intrinsic Positive Prediction Error Signal for Visual Search in Repeated Configurations

scientific article published on 31 October 2016

PyMVPA: A Unifying Approach to the Analysis of Neuroscientific Data

scientific article

PyMVPA: A python toolbox for multivariate pattern analysis of fMRI data

scientific article

Redundancy gains for visual search after complete commissurotomy

scientific article

Repeated Contextual Search Cues Lead to Reduced BOLD-Onset Times in Early Visual and Left Inferior Frontal Cortex

scientific article published on April 2010

Retinotopic activation in response to subjective contours in primary visual cortex

scientific article published on 3 April 2008

Reward modulation of contextual cueing: Repeated context overshadows repeated target location

scientific article published on 7 August 2017

Selective and interactive neural correlates of visual dimension changes and response changes

scientific article published on 2 November 2005

Selective visual dimension weighting deficit after left lateral frontopolar lesions

scientific article published in March 2007

Separating distractor rejection and target detection in posterior parietal cortex--an event-related fMRI study of visual marking

scientific article

Shift of activity from attention to motor-related brain areas during visual learning

scientific article

Simulated loss of foveal vision eliminates visual search advantage in repeated displays

scientific article

Splenial lesions lead to supramodal target detection deficits

scientific article published in October 2004

Statistical learning analysis in neuroscience: aiming for transparency

scientific article

Striatal activations signal prediction errors on confidence in the absence of external feedback

scientific article

Switching between dimensions, locations, and responses: the role of the left frontopolar cortex

scientific article

Task relevance modulates the cortical representation of feature conjunctions in the target template

scientific article

The effect of acquisition resolution on orientation decoding from V1 BOLD fMRI at 7 Tesla

The effect of acquisition resolution on orientation decoding from V1 BOLD fMRI at 7T.

scientific article published on 4 January 2017

The neural basis of the bilateral distribution advantage

scientific article

The right temporo-parietal junction contributes to visual feature binding

scientific article published on 17 July 2014

The role of the corpus callosum in visual orienting: importance of interhemispheric visual transfer

scientific article published in August 1998

Ultra high-field (7 T) multi-resolution fMRI data for orientation decoding in visual cortex

scientific article

Use of short intertrial intervals in single-trial experiments: a 3T fMRI-study

scientific article published in November 1998

Visual memory for objects following foveal vision loss

scientific article

Visual search facilitation in repeated displays depends on visuospatial working memory

scientific article published in January 2012

Working memory dependence of spatial contextual cueing for visual search

scientific article published on 10 May 2018

fMRI reveals a common neural substrate of illusory and real contours in V1 after perceptual learning

scientific article published in October 2005