1999 film by Gernot Roll
1997 film by Roland Suso Richter
2007 television film directed by Franziska Buch
2011 television film directed by Hansjörg Thurn
2017 film directed by Andres Veiel
2010 television film directed by Josh Broecker
2013 television film by Michael Keusch
2002 German TV film
2013 film directed by Sibylle Tafel
2012 TV film directed Dror Zahavi
2008 film by Franziska Buch
1999 film directed by Thomas Bohn
2006 television film directed by Tim Trageser
2009 television film directed by Matthias Tiefenbacher
2012 television film directed by Josh Broecker
2000 episode of the television series Donna Leon (aka Commissario Brunetti) directed by Christian von Castelberg
2008 television film directed by Roland Suso Richter
2015 television film directed by Florian Froschmayer
2000 episode of the television series Donna Leon (aka Commissario Brunetti) directed by Christian von Castelberg
television film
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About Paulina