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List of works by Ulrich Brand

Analyse: Ende des „progressiven Zyklus“ in Lateinamerika – neue Herausforderungen für soziale Bewegungen

Approaching the Internationalization of the State: An Introduction

Arbeiter*innenklasse und imperiale Lebensweise

Beyond Green Capitalism: Social–Ecological Transformation and Perspectives of a Global Green-Left

scientific article published on 21 August 2015

Beyond the jobs-versus-environment dilemma? Contested social-ecological transformations in the automotive industry

Challenges for Social-Ecological Transformations: Contributions from Social and Political Ecology

Contested Regimes in the International Political Economy: Global Regulation of Genetic Resources and the Internationalization of the State

article published in 2006

Contested social-ecological transformation: shortcomings of current debates and Polanyian perspectives

Contours of historical-materialist policy analysis

Contradicciones sustentables: el papel de las ONGs en la política internacional de biodiversidad

Contradictions and crises of neoliberal–imperial globalization and the political opportunity structures for the Global Justice Movements

Crisis and continuity of capitalist society-nature relationships: The imperial mode of living and the limits to environmental governance

scientific article published in August 2013

Dakar 2011: the World Social Forum and Its Future

Degrowth and post-extractivism: two debates with suggestions for the inclusive development framework

Die Regulation der ökologischen Krise

Ein kritisches Transformationsverständnis zur Überwindung der vagen Ansätze zu Nachhaltigkeit und Transformation Kommentar zu Karl-Werner Brand

From planetary to societal boundaries: an argument for collectively defined self-limitation

scientific article

Global Environmental Politics and the Imperial Mode of Living: Articulations of State–Capital Relations in the Multiple Crisis

Global environmental politics and competition between nation-states: on the regulation of biological diversity


Globales Umweltmanagement

Globalisierung und die politische Regulierung von Finanzmärkten

Green Economy and Green Capitalism: Some Theoretical Considerations

Green Economy – the Next Oxymoron? No Lessons Learned from Failures of Implementing Sustainable Development

scientific article published on 20 March 2012

Green Economy, Green Capitalism and the Imperial Mode of Living: Limits to a Prominent Strategy, Contours of a Possible New Capitalist Formation

Historisch-materialistische Staatstheorie und die Form des Staates: Zur Einleitung

How to Get Out of the Multiple Crisis? Contours of a Critical Theory of Social-Ecological Transformation

In Search of Emancipatory Politics: The Resonances of Zapatism in Western Europe

Internationale Zivilgesellschaft und Umweltpolitik: Kämpfe um Hegemonie in Zeiten neoimperialistischer Globalisierung. Das Beispiel der biologischen Vielfalt

Konflikte um das "grüne Gold der Gene"

NRO im Verhältnis zu Staat und sozialen Bewegungen

Neo-Extractivism in Latin America – one side of a new phase of global capitalist dynamics

Neoliberal Globalization and the Internationalization of Protest: A European Perspective1

Neue Akteure der Biopolitik

Offene Fragen kritischer NGO-Forschung

Order and regulation: Global Governance as a hegemonic discourse of international politics?

Overcoming neoliberal globalization: social-ecological transformation from a Polanyian perspective and beyond

scientific article published on 31 July 2019

Post-Fordist governance of nature: The internationalization of the state and the case of genetic resources – a Neo-Poulantzian perspective

scholarly article by Ulrich Brand & Christoph Görg published 27 October 2008 in Review of International Political Economy

Regimes in Global Environmental Governance and the Internationalization of the State: The Case of Biodiversity Politics

Second-Order Condensations of Societal Power Relations: Environmental Politics and the Internationalization of the State from a Neo-Poulantzian Perspective1

Social-Ecological Transformation

State Transformation

Strategies of a Green Economy, contours of a Green Capitalism

Struggling between Autonomy and Institutional Transformations: Social Movements in Latin America and the Move toward Post-Neoliberalism

Sustainable development and ecological modernization – the limits to a hegemonic policy knowledge

scientific article published in June 2010

The Financialisation of Nature as Crisis Strategy

The Imperial Mode of Living

The Next Oxymoron? Debates about Strategies Towards Transformation

The Regulation of the Market and the Transformation of the Societal Relationships with Nature


The double materiality of democracy in capitalist societies: challenges for social-ecological transformations

The role of trade unions in social-ecological transformation: Overcoming the impasse of the current growth model and the imperial mode of living

The state and the regulation of biodiversity

Verdichtungen zweiter Ordnung

Wachstum? Wohlstand und Lebensqualität! Möglichkeiten und Hürden der Verankerung sozial und ökologisch nachhaltiger Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftspolitik in Österreich

What Kind of Great Transformation? The Imperial Mode of Living as a Major Obstacle to Sustainability Politics

Wider die Fixierung auf die Politik! Anmerkungen zur aktuellen Transformationsdebatte

Working-class environmentalism und sozial-ökologische Transformation. Widersprüche der imperialen Lebensweise

Zwischen Normativität, Analyse und Kritik: Die jüngere Diskussion um Global Governance

¿''Globalización sostenible''? Desarrollo sostenible como pegamento para el montón de cristales trizados del neoliberalismo

“Transformation” as a New Critical Orthodoxy: The Strategic Use of the Term “Transformation” Does Not Prevent Multiple Crises

scientific article published in January 2016