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List of works by Pierre Frankhauser

A Fractal Approach to Identifying Urban Boundaries. 城市边界识别的分形方法

A Stochastic Model of Intraurban Supply and Demand Structures

Aménités urbaines et périurbaines dans une aire métropolitaine de forme fractale

Analyse morphologique de talwegs et comportement scalant. [Application des dimensions non entières à la géographie physique]

Aspects fractals des structures urbaines

Clustering patterns of urban built-up areas with curves of fractal scaling behaviour

Collective and Cooperative Behaviour Models

Comparing the fractality of European urban neighbourhoods: do national contexts matter?

article published in 2010

Determinism, Probability, and Imprecision in Decision-Making

Dimensions fractales et réalités périurbaines. L'exemple du Sud de Bruxelles


Fractal Dimensions of the Built-up Footprint: Buildings versus Roads. Fractal Evidence from Antwerp (Belgium)


Fractal Geometry for Measuring and Modelling Urban Patterns

Fractal dimension versus density of built-up surfaces in the periphery of Brussels

Fractal geometry of urban patterns and their morphogenesis

Fractals and Geography

From Fractal Urban Pattern Analysis to Fractal Urban Planning Concepts

From the observations to the construction of a urban dynamics simulation model : an inductive approach

Greener and larger neighbourhoods make cities more sustainable! A 2D urban economics perspective

Housing land transaction data and structural econometric estimation of preference parameters for urban economic simulation models

scientific article

Is there a link between fractal dimension and residential environment at a regional level?

Joint space/spatial-frequency representations as preprocessing steps for neural nets; joint recognition of separately learned patterns; results and limitations

L'approche fractale. Un nouvel outil de réflexion dans l'analyse spatiale des agglomérations urbaines

La formation fractale des tissus urbains

Making Use of the Weidlich-Haag-Model in the Case of Reduced Data Sets

Modeling urban growth by cellular automata

Morphological Similarities between DBM and an Economic Geography Model of City Growth

Morphological similarities between DBM and a microeconomic model of sprawl


Observing The Decision-Making Process

Preferences, Utility, Choice, and Attractiveness

Residential equilibrium in a multifractal metropolitan area

Simulation fractale d'urbanisation. MUP-city, un modèle multi-échelle pour localiser de nouvelles implantations résidentielles

Simulation fractale d'urbanisation. MUP-city, un modèle multi-échelle pour localiser de nouvelles implantations résidentielles

Spatial accessibility to amenities in fractal and nonfractal urban patterns

Spatial accessibility to amenities, natural areas and urban green spaces: using a multiscale, multifractal simulation model for managing urban sprawl

The Wheres and Hows of Residential Choice

The morphology of built-up landscapes in Wallonia (Belgium): A classification using fractal indices


Using Fractal Dimensions for Characterizing Intra-urban Diversity: The Example of Brussels


Using Fractal Dimensions for Characterizing Intra-urban Diversity: The Example of Brussels

article published in 2003

Villes, densité et fractalité. Nouvelles représentations de la répartition de la population

Where Alonso Meets Sierpinski: An Urban Economic Model of a Fractal Metropolitan Area
