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List of works by Peter Borsay

A. L. Beier and Roger Finlay (eds), London 1500–1700: The Making of the Metropolis. London and New York: Longman, 1986. x + 283 pp. 8 figures. Tables. £7.95 paperback

A.E.J. Morris, History of Urban Form before the Industrial Revolutions, 3rd edn. London: Longman, 1994. xii + 444pp. 584 figures. Bibliography. £19.99 pbk

Abigail A. Van Slyck, Free to All: Carnegie Libraries and American Culture, 1890–1920. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1995. xxviii + 276pp. 119 figures. 2 plans. 5 graphs. 1 table. No price stated


Adelheid von Saldem, Häuserleben. Zur Geschichte des städtischen Arbeiterwohnens vom Kaiserreich bis heute. Bonn: J.W. Dietz Nachfolger GmbH, 1995. 487pp. Illustrations. DM80

Adrian Leak, The Liberty of St Peter of York 1800–1838. Borthwick Paper no. 77. York: University of York, 1990. 39 pp. £1.80.D.M. Palliser, Domesday York. Borthwick Paper no. 78. York: University of York, 1990. 31 pp. £1.80. Both available from t


Adrian Randall and Andrew Charlesworth (eds), Markets, Market Culture and Popular Protest in Eighteenth-Century Britain and Ireland. Liverpool University Press, 1996. xi + 199pp. £27.95 hbk; £14.99 pbk


Alan Armstrong (ed.), The Economy of Kent, 1640–1914. Woodbridge: Boydell Press and Kent County Council, 1996. xiv + 318pp. 29 plates. 8 figures. 25 tables. 4 appendices. Bibliography. £35.00

Alan Dyer, Decline and Growth in English Towns, 1400–1640. Studies in Economic and Social History. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1991. 85pp. 3 maps. 5 tables. Bibliography. £5.50

Alan Kidd, Manchester. Keele: Ryburn Publishing, 1993. 251pp. Pbk £12.95

Alan Nelson, Early Cambridge Theatres: College, University and Town Stages, 1464–1720. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. xiv + 194pp. 36 figures + frontispiece. Bibliography. £35.00, $59.95

article by Peter Borsay et al published May 1996 in Urban History

Alex G. Papadopoulos, Urban Regimes and Strategies: Building Europe's Central Executive District in Brussels. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996. xviii + 290pp. 59 figures. 8 tables. Bibliography. £18.50

article published in 1998

Alexander von Hoffman, Local Attachments: The Making of an American Urban Neighbourhood, 1850–1920. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. xxiv + 248pp. 47 plates. 20 figures. 7 maps. £33.00. $39.95

Alice Russell, Political Stability in Later Victorian England: A Sociological Analysis and Interpretation. Lewes: The Book Guild, 1992. 316pp. 10 tables. Bibliography. £18.00

Andrew Davies, Leisure, Gender and Poverty: Working-class Culture in Salford and Manchester, 1900–1939. Buckingham: Open University Press, 1992. xi + 210pp. 15 plates. 1 map. 10 tables. 2 appendices. Bibliography. Hbk £35.00; Pbk £14.99.Andrew Da


Ann Saunders, The Art and Architecture of London: An Illustrated Guide (2nd ed.). London: Phaidon, 1988; first published, 1986.480pp. Illustrated. Indexes: places of worship, funeral monuments, artists and craftsmen. £12.95.Ann Saunders and Hermione

review of two books by Ann Saunders

Anne Hardy, The Epidemic Streets: Infectious Disease and the Rise of Preventive Medicine, 1856–1900. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993. xiii + 325pp. 23 figures. 50 tables. Bibliography. Index. £40.00

scholarly article by Peter Borsay et al published August 1995 in Urban History

Anngret Simms, J.H. Andrews, H.B. Clarke and Raymond Gillespie (eds), Irish Historic Towns Atlas Volume 1. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, 1996. 224pp. Plates. Figures. Bibliographies. No price stated

Anthony D. Buckley and Mary Catherine Kenney, Negotiating Identity: Rhetoric, Metaphor and Social Drama in Northern Ireland. Washington and London: Smithsonian Institute Press, 1995. x + 270pp. Illustrations. £34.75

Anthony Kauders, German Politics and the Jews: Düsseldorf and Nuremberg 1910–1933. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. 214pp. £35.00


Antoni Czacharowski (ed.), Atlas Historyczny Miast Polskich. Tom I: Prusy Królewskie i Warmia. Zeszyt 1: Elblag. Opracowanie historyczne: Roman Czaja. Opracowanie kartograficzne: Zenon Koziel. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń 1993; Historisch

Avril Thomas, The Walled Towns of Ireland. Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 1992. Volume 1, x + 213pp. 33 illustrations. 19 figures. 10 tables. Bibliography. £35.00. Volume 2, viii + 257pp. 56 figures. Bibliography. £45.00.Martha D. Pollack, Military

B. Manley, The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Egypt. London: Penguin Books, 1996. 144pp. Further reading. Index. £9.99 pbk.R. Morkot, The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Greece. London: Penguin Books, 1996. 144pp. Further reading. Index. £

B.M.S. Campbell, J.A. Galloway, D. Keene and M. Murphy, A Medieval Capital and its Grain Supply: Agrarian Production and Distribution in the London Region c. 1300, Historical Geography Research Series, XXX. London: Queen's University of Belfast and t

article by Peter Borsay et al published May 1995 in Urban History

Barbara B. Diefendorf, Beneath the Cross: Catholics and Huguenots in Sixteenth-Century Paris. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991. xii + 272pp. Illustrated. Bibliography. £35.00

Barbara Koller, ‘ Gesundes Wohnen’: Ein Konstrukt zur Vermittlung bürgerlicher Werte und seine praktische Umsetzung in der Deutschschweiz 1880–1940. Zurich: Chronos, 1995. 362pp. Bibliography. 59 SFr

Barry Haynes, Working-Class Life in Victorian Leicester. Leicester: Leicester Libraries and Information Service, 1991. 104pp. Illus. £11.95

Barry M. Shapiro, Revolutionary Justice in Paris, 1789-1790. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. xvii + 302pp. Bibliography. £40.00, $59.95

article by Peter Borsay et al published May 1995 in Urban History

Bath History, Volume III. Gloucester: Alan Sutton, 1990. 180pp. £6.95

Bath History, Volume IV. Bath: Millstream Books, 1992. 57 figures. £6.95

Bernard Lepetit, The Pre-industrial Urban System: France 1740–1840. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. xix + 483pp. 25 figures. 25 tables. Bibliography. £50.00


Bernd Roeck, Eine Stadt in Krieg und Frieden: Studien zur Geschichte der Reichsstadt Ausburg zwischen Kalendarstreit und Parität. Schriftrenreihe der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 37. Göttingen: Vandenhoec

Blackpool's seaside heritage

journal article; published in 2016

Blake McKelvey, Snow in the Cities: A History of America's Urban Response. Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 1995. xxii + 202pp. 22 plates. 1 figure. 1 table. $39.00, £29.50

article by Peter Borsay et al published May 1998 in Urban History

Brian Boydell, Rotunda Music in Eighteenth-Century Dublin. Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 1992. 240pp. 24 illus. 17 tables. 2 graphs. 5 appendices. Bibliography. £22.50

Brian Pullan and Susan Reynolds (eds), Towns and Townspeople in Medieval and Renaissance Europe: Essays in Memory of J. K. Hyde, theme issue of Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, Volume 72, No. 3, Autumn 1990. 212pp

article by Peter Borsay et al published April 1993 in Urban History

Bruce Nelson, Workers on the Waterfront: Seamen, Longshoreman, and Unionism in the 1930s. Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1990. xiii + 352pp. 16 plates. Bibliography. $11.95

Bruce Redford, Venice and the Grand Tour. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996. v + 137pp. 42 illustrations. £20.00Chloe Chard and Helen Langdon (eds), Transports. Travel, Pleasure, and Imaginative Geography, 1600–1830. New Haven: Yale Universit

Bryna Goodman, Native Place, City, and Nation: Regional Networks and Identities in Shanghai, 1853–1937. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press, 1995. xii + 367pp. 9 illustrations. 5 maps. 2 tables. Bibliography. £32.00; U

C. Brown, Northampton 1835–1985: Shoe Town, New Town. Chichester: Phillimore, 1990. xii + 240pp. Maps, Illus. Bibliography. £20.00

C.R.J. Currie and C.P. Lewis (eds), English County Histories: A Guide. Stroud: Alan Sutton, 1994. x + 483 pp. 26 illustrations. £35.00

Caroline M. Barron and Anne F. Sutton (eds), Medieval London Widows 1300–1500. London and Rio Grande: The Hambledon Press, 1994. xxxiv + 238pp. 12 illustrations. 3 plates. 5 tables. Bibliography. Index. £37.50

article by Peter Borsay et al published May 1997 in Urban History

Carolyn Strange, Toronto's Girl Problem. The Perils and Pleasures of the City, 1880–1930. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995. xi + 299pp. Illustrations. Bibliography. £32.50 Hbk, £15.00 Pbk

Charles Tilly and Wim P. Blockmans (eds), Cities and the Rise of States in Europe, A.D. 1000 to 1800. Boulder, San Francisco and Oxford: Westview Press, 1994. v + 290pp. Bibliography. Hbk £48.50, pbk £14.95

Christian Gellinek, Stadtkultur und Kulturstadt Münster. Köln/Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 1990

article by Peter Borsay et al published April 1992 in Urban History

Christopher Powell, The Building Industry since 1800: An Economic History. London: E. & F.N. Spon, 2nd ed., 1996. xi + 275pp. 48 figures. Bibliography. £19.99

Colin G. Pooley and Ian D. Whyte (eds), Migrants, Emigrants and Immigrants: A Social History of Migration. London and New York: Routledge, 1991. 231pp. £35.00

Crime and Mentalities in Early Modern England (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History) by Malcolm Gaskill [Review]

scientific article published in 2002

D. Cromarty and R. Cromarty (eds), The Wealth of Shrewsbury in the Early Fourteenth Century: Six Local Subsidy Rolls, 1297 to 1322: Text and Commentary. Shrewsbury: Shropshire Archaeological and Historical Society, 1993. 125pp. 15 figures. No price g

scholarly article by Peter Borsay published in August 1995

D.H. Evans and D.G. Tomlinson, Excavations at 33–35 Eastgate, Beverley, 1983–86. Sheffield: J.R. Collis Publications, Dept. of Archaeology & Prehistory, University of Sheffield (Sheffield Excavation Reports 3), 1992. xix + 320pp. 31 plates. 129 f

scholarly article by Peter Borsay published in May 1995

Daniel Aaron, Cincinnati, Queen City of the West 1819–1838. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1992. xxvi + 364pp. Bibliography. No price stated.John Clubbe, Cincinnati Observed: Architecture and History. Columbus: Ohio State University Press,

article by Peter Borsay et al published August 1996 in Urban History

Daniel Bluestone, Constructing Chicago. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1991. 235pp. 148 plates. Bibliography. £28.00, $50.00

Daniel Waley, Siena and the Sienese in the Thirteenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991. xxii + 220pp. 3 maps. 2 figures. 8 tables. £35.00, $49.50

Danielle Courtemanche, Oeuvrer pour la posterité. Les testaments parisiens des gens du roi au début du XVe siècle. Paris and Montreal: L'Harmattan, 1997. 238pp. 4 figures. 3 maps. Bibliography. No price stated

David Abulafia, Michael Franklin and Miri Rubin (eds), Church and City 1000–1500: Essays in Honour of Christopher Brooke. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. xxiv + 354pp. 12 plates. Bibliography. £55.00, $79.95

David Dean (ed.), St Albans Quarter Sessions Rolls 1784–1820. Hertfordshire Record Society: Hertfordshire Record Publications, Volume 7, 1991. xx + 197pp. 2 illustrations. £15.95

David Englander and Rosemary O'Day (eds), Retrieved Riches: Social Investigation in Britain 1840–1914. Aldershot: Scolar Press, 1995. xii + 427pp. 3 figures. 4 maps. 4 tables. Select bibliography. £45.00

David Garrioch, The Formation of the Parisian Bourgeoisie, 1690–1830. London: Harvard University Press, 1996. viii + 364pp. 15 plates. 13 tables. £29.95.James L. McClain, John M. Merriman and Ugawa Kaoru (eds), Edo and Paris. Urban Life and the St

David Harris Sacks, The Widening Gate: Bristol and the Atlantic Economy, 1450–1700. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991. xxvii + 464pp. 6 figures. 30 tables. $45.00

David Hey, The Fiery Blades of Hallamshire, Sheffield and its Neighbourhood, 1660–1740. Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1991. xx + 367 pp. 16 figures. 14 maps. 10 tables. Bibliography. £59.00

David Nash and David Reeder (eds), Leicester in the Twentieth Century. Stroud: Sutton, 1993. xvi + 240pp. 112 plates. 5 graphs. 5 maps. 7 tables. £7.99

David Nicholas, The Growth of the Medieval City: From Late Antiquity to the Early Fourteenth Century. London: Longman, 1997. xviii + 413pp. 19 maps and plans. Bibliography. £48.00 hbk, £17.99 pbk.David Nicholas, The Later Medieval City 1300–1500.

David R. Contosta, Suburb in the City: Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, 1850-1990. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press, 1992. xvii + 353pp. 82 illustrations. 11 maps. Bibliography. No price stated

David S. Chambers, Cecil H. Clough and Michael E. Mallett (eds), War, Culture and Society in Renaissance Venice. Essays in Honour of John Hale. London and Rio Grande: Hambledon Press, 1993. xxviii + 248pp. 38 plates. £37.50


David Sven Reher, Town and Country in Pre-industrial Spain: Cuenca, 1550–1870. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. xiv + 337 pp. 34 figures. 11 plates. Tables. Bibliography. £32.50


Denis Cosgrove, The Palladian Landscape: Geographical Change and its Representations in Sixteenth-Century Italy. Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1993. xv + 270pp. 85 plates. 4 figures. 2 tables. Bibliography. £45.00


Dennis Hardy I, From Garden Cities to New Towns. Campaigning for Town and Country Planning, 1899–1946. London: E. & F.N. Spon, 1990. 352pp. £38.50; II, From New Towns to Green Politics. Campaigning for Town and Country Planning, 1946–1990. Londo

Donald Burrows and Rosemary Dunhill (eds.), Music and Theatre in Handel's World: The Family Papers of James Harris 1732–1780. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. xliv+1212pp. 4 plates. 15 figures. 3 appendices. Bibliography. Index of persons. Ge

article by Peter Borsay published August 2004 in Urban History

Donna T. Andrew (comp. and introd.), London Debating Societies, 1776–1799. London Record Society, 1994. xiii + 420pp. £20.00

Dror Wahrman, Imagining the Middle Class; The Political Representation of Class in Britain, c. 1780–1840. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. xiv + 428pp. 15 figures. Bibliography. £40.00 hbk, £16.95 pbk

Eleanor Gordon, Women and the Labour Movement in Scotland 1850–1914. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991. xii + 312pp. 8 tables. Bibliography. £35.00


Elisabeth A. Lewis (ed.), The Southampton Port and Brokage Books 1448–9. Southampton Record Series XXXVI. Southampton: The University Press, 1993. xliv + 276pp. 2 figures. Glossary. Bibliography. £14.00

Elizabeth C. Sanderson, Women and Work in Eighteenth-Century Edinburgh. London: Macmillan, 1996. xii + 236pp. 3 figures. 3 tables. 4 appendices. Glossary. Bibliography. £40.00

article by Peter Borsay et al published December 1997 in Urban History

Elizabeth Ewan, Townlife in Fourteenth-Century Scotland. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1990. ix + 201pp. 15 illustrations. 2 maps. Bibliography. £25.00


Essays on the Medieval Economy in Memory of David Farmer. Special issue of the Canadian Journal of History, 31, 1 (1996), 163pp. No price stated


F.H.A. Aalen and Kevin Whelan (eds), Dublin City and County: From Prehistory to Present. Studies in Honour of J.H. Andrews. Dublin: Geography Publications, 1992. xiv + 450pp. 21 plates. 64 figures. Bibliographies. £29.95, IR£29.95

F.J. Fisher, London and the English Economy, 1500–1700, ed. P.J. Corfield and N.B. Harte. London: Hambledon Press, 1990. x + 208pp. £25.00

F.K. Prochaska, Philanthropy and the Hospitals of London. The King's Fund, 1897–1990. Foreword by the Prince of Wales. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992. xi + 308pp. Illustrations. Bibliography. £35.00

article by Peter Borsay et al published April 1994 in Urban History

Finn-Einar Eliassen and Geir Atle Ersland (eds), Power, Profit and Urban Land: Landownership in Medieval and Early Modern Northern European Towns (Historical Urban Studies: General Series editors, Jean-Luc Pinol and Richard Rodger). Aldershot: Scolar

Frederic Wakeman Jr, Policing Shanghai 1927–1937. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995. xvii + 507pp. 21 photographs. 3 maps. 10 figures. 8 tables. Appendices. Bibliography. No price stated

G. Firth, Bradford and the Industrial Revolution: An Economic History 1760–1840. Halifax: Ryburn Publishing, 1990. 221pp. Illustrations. £17.50.D. James, Bradford (Town and City History Series). Halifax: Ryburn Publishing, 1990. 192pp. Illustratio

Gail Bossenga, The Politics of Privilege. Old Regime and Revolution in Lille. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991. xi + 263pp. 1 figure. 6 tables. Bibliography. £30.00, $44.50

Gail Braybon, Women Workers in the First World War. London: Routledge, 1989. 244pp. £9.99.Penny Summerfield, Women Workers in the Second World War: Production and Patriarchy in Conflict. London: Routledge, 1989. ix + 214pp. Illust. £9.99

Gail Radford, Modern Housing in America: Policy Struggles in the New Deal Era. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1996. x + 273pp. $17.95 pbk

General and Thematic D.L. LeMahieu, A Culture for Democracy: Mass Communication and the Cultivated Mind in Britain Between the Wars. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988. x + 396pp. Illust. Bibliography. £35.00


General and Thematic Heather Swanson, Medieval Artisans. An Urban Class in Late Medieval England. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1989. xi + 183pp. Map. Tables. Bibliography. £29.50


General and Thematic I.M. Barton (ed.), Roman Public Buildings. Exeter Studies in History No. 20. Exeter: University of Exeter, 1989. xii + 177 pp. 40 plates. 51 figures. 2 maps. £4.30

General and Thematic Jacques Carré (ed.), Ville et Santé en Grande-Bretagne XVIIIe-XXe siècles. Clermont-Ferrand: Faculté des Lettres et Sciences humaines de l'Université Blaise-Pascal, 1988. vi + 261pp. Illust. 150F

General and Thematic Michael Hunter and Robert Thorne (eds), Change at King's Cross: From 1800 to the Present. London: Historical Publications, 1990. 160pp. 97 illustrations. £13.95

article by Peter Borsay et al published May 1991 in Urban History

General and Thematic P. J. Corfield, The Impact of English Towns 1700–1800. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1982. viii + 206 pp. 5 figures. Graphs and tables. Bibliography. Cased: £9.95. Paperback: £3.95

General and Thematic S. Martin Gaskell (ed.), Slums, Leicester University Press, 1990. 251pp. £32.50

General and Thematic Susan Zimmerman and Ronald F.E. Weissman (eds), Urban Life in the Renaissance. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1989. 303pp. Figures. Tables. £29.95

article by Peter Borsay et al published May 1991 in Urban History

General and Thematic Thomas Bender (ed.), The University and the City. From Medieval Origins to the Present. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. x + 316pp. Index. £30.00

General and thematic Derek Fraser and Anthony Sutcliffe (eds.), The Pursuit of Urban History. Edward Arnold, 1983. xxx + 482 pp. 24 plates. 18 figures. Tables. £35

Geoffrey Crossick (ed.), The Artisan and the European Town, 1500–1900. Aldershot: Scholar Press, 1997. xiii + 263pp. 17 tables. £45.00

George David Rappaport, Stability and Change in Revolutionary Pennsylvania: Banking, Politics, and Social Structure. Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1996. xix + 276pp. 5 tables. Bibliography. £33.95; US $37.50.Rosalind Remer, Prin

Gilbert A. Stelter (ed.), Cities and Urbanization; Canadian Historical Perspectives. New Canadian Readings series. Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman Ltd, 1990. vii + 276pp. Illus. No price stated


Graeme Gilloch, Myth and Metropolis: Walter Benjamin and the City. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1996. xi + 277pp. Bibliography. £39.50

Graham Davis and Penny Bonsall, Bath: A New History. Keele: Keele University Press, 1996. 208pp. 39 plates. 10 tables. 5 maps. Further reading. £12.95

Guy Llewelyn Thompson, Paris and its People under English Rule. The Anglo-Burgundian Regime, 1420–1436 Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991, xvi + 276 pp. 8 maps. 3 figures. Tables. Bibliography. £30.00

Guy de la Bédoyère, Roman Towns in Britain. London: Batsford/English Heritage, 1992. 143pp. 16 plates. 102 figures. Appendices, further reading and glossary. £14.99.Gustav Milne (ed.), From Roman Basilica to Medieval Market. London: HMSO, 1992. xi

article by Peter Borsay et al published October 1993 in Urban History

Gérard Noiriel, Workers in French Society in the 19th and 20th Centuries. New York, Oxford and Munich: Berg, 1990. 278pp. Tables. £30.00


H.V. Savitch and John Clayton Thomas (eds), Big City Politics in Transition. London: Sage, 1991. x + 262pp. 4 figures. 11 tables. Bibliographies. £16.95.Dennis Judd and Michael Parkinson (eds), Leadership and Urban Regeneration: Cities in North Amer

scholarly article by Peter Borsay et al published October 1993 in Urban History

Hanns Gross, Rome in the Age of Enlightenment. The Post-Tridentine Syndrome and the Ancien Regime. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. x + 409pp. 12 plates. 2 maps. Tables. Bibliography. £35.00

Hans Heinrich Blotevogel (ed.), Kommunale Leistungsverwaltung und Stadtentwicklung vom Vormärz bis zur Weimarer Republik. Cologne/Vienna: Bõhlau Verlag, 1990. xxix + 244pp. 43 figures. 2 loose maps

Harold Carter and C. Roy Lewis, An Urban Geography of England and Wales in the Nineteenth Century. London: Edward Arnold, 1990. 226pp. £12.95


Hazel Conway, People's Parks. The Design and Development of Victorian Parks in Britain. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991. £49.50


Heinz Reif, Die verspätete Stadt. Industrialisierung, städtischer Raum und Politik in Oberhausen 1846–1929. Cologne: Rheinland-Verlag, 1993. viii + 624pp. 3 figures. 55 tables. Bibliography; Kartenband, Cologne: Rheinland-Verlag, 1992. 35 plates.

Helen Clarke and Bjorn Ambrosiani, Towns in the Viking Age. Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1991. xiii + 207pp. 92 figures. £35.00

Helen Dingwall, Late 17th-Century Edinburgh: A Demographic Study. Aldershot: Scolar, 1994. xi + 324pp. 2 figures. 52 tables. Bibliography. £49.50

article by Peter Borsay et al published May 1996 in Urban History

Henrietta Quinnell and Marion R. Blockley, with Peter Berridge, Excavations at Rhuddlan, Clwyd: 1969–73, Mesolithic to Medieval. London: CBA Research Report 95. Council for British Archaeology, 1994. x + 247pp. 45 plates. 90 figures. Bibliography.

Henry Summerson, Medieval Carlisle: The City and the Borders from the Late Eleventh to the Mid-Sixteenth Century. Kendal: Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, Extra Series, XXV, 1993. xxiii + 817pp. 24 figures. 19 plates

scholarly article by Peter Borsay published in August 1995

Hilary Marland and Margaret Pelling (eds), The Task of Healing: Medicine, Religion and Gender in England and the Netherlands 1450–1800. Rotterdam: Erasmus Publishing, 1996. 371pp. 3 figures. 7 tables. 29 illustrations. No price stated


History or heritage: perceptions of the urban past: A review essay


Howard Clarke (ed.), Medieval Dublin: The Making of a Metropolis. Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 1990. 313pp. 64 figures. £24.50; and Medieval Dublin: The Living City. Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 1990. 241pp. 11 figures. £24.50

Hugo Soly and Alfons K.L. Thijs (eds), Minderheden in Westeuropese steden (16e-20e eeuw) [Minorities in Western European cities (sixteenth-twentieth centuries)]. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 1995. No price indicated

Ian Atherton, Eric Fernie, Christopher Harper-Bill and Hassell Smith (eds), Norwich Cathedral: Church, City and Diocese, 1096–1996. London and Rio Grande: Hambledon Press, 1996. xvi + 784pp. 1 plate. 232 figures. £25.00

Ian Levitt (ed.), Joseph Livesey of Preston: Business, Temperance and Moral Reform. Harris Papers One. Preston: University of Central Lancashire, 1996. viii + 84pp. 8 plates. £6.95

article published in 1998

Ian W. Archer, The Pursuit of Stability: Social Relations in Elizabethan London. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991. xvi + 306pp. 2 figures. Tables. Bibliography. £30.00.Ian W. Archer, The History of the Haberdashers' Company. Chichester: P

Individual Towns and Regions David A. Gerber, The Making of an American Pluralism: Buffalo, New York, 1825–1860. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1989. xvii + 531pp. $34.95

Individual Towns and Regions Joe R. Feagin, Free Enterprise City. Houston in Political and Economic Perspective. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1988. xii + 322pp. $12.95. Char Miller and Heywood T. Sanders (eds), Urban Texas. Politics a

Individual Towns and Regions K.J. Allison (ed.), The Victoria History of the Counties of England: A History of the Country of York East Riding. Vol. VI, The Borough and Liberties of Beverley. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the Institute of Histo


Individual Towns and Regions Manfredo Tafuri, Venice and the Renaissance (translated by Jessica Levine). Cambridge, Mass. and London: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1989. xii + 296pp. 147 plates. £29.95

article by Peter Borsay et al published May 1991 in Urban History

Individual Towns and Regions Margaret Bonney, Lordship and the Urban Community. Durham and its overlords, 1250–1540. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. xiv + 307pp. Maps. Tables. Bibliography

Individual Towns and Regions Peter Brett, The Rise and Fall of the York Whig Club 1818–1830. Borthwick paper number 76. Available from the Borthwick Institute, St Anthony's Hall, York Y01 2PW. £1.80


Individual Towns and Regions R.J. Morris, Class, Sect and Party: The Making of the British Middle Class: Leeds, 1820–1850. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1990. xi + 356pp. £35.00

article by Peter Borsay et al published May 1991 in Urban History

Individual Towns and Regions Robert Higham (ed.), Landscape and Townscape in the South West. Exeter Studies in History No. 22. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1989. xii + 130pp. 28 figures. £4.95

article published in 1991

Individual Towns and Regions Samuel P. Hays (ed.), City at the Point: Essays on the Social History of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1989. 473pp. $29.95. Robert B. Fairbanks and Kathleen Underwood (eds), Essays on Sunbelt Cit

Individual Towns and Regions Susan Brigden, London and the Reformation, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988. xix + 676pp. 1 map. 1 plate. Tables. £55.00

Individual Towns and Regions T.F.T. Baker (ed.), The Victoria History of the Country of Middlesex, Vol. IX. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the Institute of Historical Research, 1989. xx + 302pp. Maps. Illust. £60.00

article by Peter Borsay et al published May 1991 in Urban History

Ira Katznelson, Marxism and the City. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992. x + 320pp. £40.00

book review published in 1993

J.-L. Biget, J. Boissière and J.-C. Hervé (eds), Le Bois et la Ville du Moyen Age au XXe Siècle. Saint-Cloud: Ecole Normale Supérieure de Fontenay, 1991. x + 318pp. 7 plates. 22 figures. 7 tables

J.K.J. Thomson, A Distinctive Industrialisation: Cotton in Barcelona, 1728-1832. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. xix + 347pp. 5 maps. 49 tables. Bibliography. Index. £50.00/$89.95

J.M. Lilley, G. Stroud, D.R. Brothwell and M.H. Williamson (eds), The Jewish Burial Ground at Jewbury, edited by The Archaeology of York, volume 12, The Medieval Cemeteries, fascicule 3. Published for the York Archaeological Trust by the Council for

J.W.R. Whitehand, The Making of the Urban Landscape. The Institute of British Geographers Special Publications Series. Oxford: Blackwell, 1992. vii + 239pp. Illustrations. £35.00

James Ayres, Building the Georgian City. New Haven and London: Yale University Press for the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, 1998. vii + 280pp. 345 figures. £45.00

James Hayes, Tsuen Wan: Growth of a ‘New Town’ and its People. Hong Kong, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. xii + 227pp. $29.95

James M. Mayo, The American Grocery Store: The Business Evolution of an Architectural Space. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1993. xviii + 286pp. 45 plates. Bibliography US$59.95

article by Peter Borsay et al published August 1995 in Urban History

James S. Amelang (trans, and ed.), A Journal of the Plague Year. The Diary of the Barcelona Tanner Miquel Parets 1651. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991. xiii + 171 pp. 3 maps. £19.50

Jane Fiske (ed.), The Oakes Diaries. Business, Politics and the Family in Bury St Edmunds, 1778–1827. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press for the Suffolk Records Society. Volume 32, 1990. xviii + 396pp. 39 plates. 1 map. £19.50; and Volume 33, 1991. xii

Jean Domingo (ed.), Marginalité et exclusions dans l'éspace urbain, Travaux de l'Institut de Géographie de Reims, nos. 91–92, vol. 23. Reims: Presses Universitaires de Reims, 1995. 163pp. Figures. 80 FF

Jean Imray, The Mercers' Hall, edited for publication by Ann Saunders with an introduction by Derek Keene. London: London Topographical Society, 1991. xii + 509pp. 16 plates. 77 figures. £35.00

Jean-Louis Biget and Jean-Claude Hervé (eds), Panoramas urbains. Situation de l'histoire des villes. Fontenay-Saint-Cloud: ENS Editions, 1995. 348pp. 130 FF

Jean-Luc Pinol (ed.), Atlas historique des villes de France. Paris: Hachette, 1996. xv + 318pp. Numerous maps, plates, tables and figures. Bibliography. 395 FF


Jean-Marie Ernecq (ed.), Les villes européennes de tradition industrielle. Mutations économiques et politiques urbaines. Edited by Plan Urbain, Commissariat Général du Plan, DATAR, Région Nord-Pas-de Calais and Agence de Développement et d'Urba

Jeanne Jones, Family Life in Shakespeare's England: Stratford-upon-Avon 1570–1630. Stroud: Sutton Publishing, 1996. 172pp. Illustrated. £12.99 pbk.Philip Tennant, The Civil War in Stratford-upon-Avon: Conflict and Community in South Warwickshire,


Jeremy Morris, Religion and Urban Change: Croydon, 1840–1914. Woodbridge: The Royal Historical Society/The Boydell Press, 1992. xi + 236p. 2 maps. Bibliography. £29.50, $59.00

article published in 1993

Jesus Cruz, Gentlemen, Bourgeois and Revolutionaries: Political Change and Cultural Persistence among the Spanish Dominant Groups, 1750–1850. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. x + 350pp. £35.00


Johan Söderberg, Ulf Jonsson and Christer Persson, A Stagnating Metropolis. The Economy and Demography of Stockholm, 1750–1850. Cambridge Studies in Population, Economy and Society in Past Time, 13. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991. xii

scholarly article by Peter Borsay et al published October 1992 in Urban History

John Bacher, Keeping to the Marketplace: The Evolution of Canadian Housing Policy. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1993. xxii + 327pp. Illustrations. £42.45


John Bale and Olof Moen (eds), The Stadium and the City. Keele: Keele University Press, 1995. 347pp. £45.00 (hbk)

John Benson and Gareth Shaw (eds), The Evolution of Retail Stystems, c. 1880–1914. Leicester, London and New York: Leicester University Press, 1992. x + 207pp. £35.00

John Cannon (ed.), The Oxford Companion to British History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. 1044pp. Maps. Subject index. £30.00. S.J. Connolly (ed.), The Oxford Companion to Irish History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. 618pp. Maps. S

John Chandler (ed.), John Leland's Itinerary. Travels in Tudor England. Stroud: Alan Sutton, 1993. xxxvi + 601pp. 39 maps. 250 illustrations. Bibliography. £25.00

John D. Fairfield, The Mysteries of the Great City: The Politics of Urban Design, 1877–1933. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1993. xi + 249pp. 15 plates. $58.50.Robert Fitch, The Assassination of New York. London and New York: Verso, 1993. x

John E. Zucchi, The Little Slaves of the Harp: Italian Child Street Musicians in Nineteenth-Century Paris, London, and New York. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1992. viii + 208pp. 10 maps. 16 plates. Bibliography. £25.00


John F. Travis, The Rise of the Devon Seaside Resorts, 1750-1900. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1993. ix + 246pp. 8 plates. Maps. Tables. £30.00

John Goodacre, The Transformation of a Peasant Economy: Townspeople and Villagers in the Lutterworth area 1500–1700. Aldershot: Scolar Press, 1994. xvi + 322pp. 20 illustrations. 5 figures. 12 tables. Bibliography. £49.50

John K. Walton and Alastair Wilcox (eds), Low Life and Moral Improvement in Mid-Victorian England: Liverpool through the Journalism of Hugh Shimmin. Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1991. vii + 254pp. £37.50


John K. Walton, Fish and Chips and the British Working Class, 1870–1940. Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1992. 196pp. 4 plates. £35.00

John Landers, Death and the Metropolis: Studies in the Demographic History of London 1670–1830. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. xxiii + 408pp. 69 tables. Bibliography. Index. £40.00.J.A.I. Champion (ed.), Epidemic Disease in London. C

John Schofield and Alan Vince, Medieval Towns. London: Leicester University Press, 1994. xii + 243pp. 97 figures and plates. Bibliography and index. £40.00 hbk, £14.99 pbk.Brian Ayers, English Heritage Book of Norwich. London: Batsford/English Heri

article by Peter Borsay et al published May 1996 in Urban History

John Stevenson, Popular Disturbances in England, 1700–1832. London: Longman, 1992. xi + 347pp. 2 maps. 8 tables. Select bibliography. £11.99


John W. Boyer, Culture and Political Crisis in Vienna: Christian Socialism in Power, 1897–1918. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1995. xvi + 702pp. Bibliography. No price stated


Jon C. Teaford, Cities of the Heartland. The Rise and Fall of the Industrial Midwest. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1993. xiv + 300pp. 22 plates. 9 tables. No price stated

Jon Caulfield, City form and Everyday Life: Toronto's Gentrification and Critical Social Practice. Toronto, Buffalo and London: University of Toronto Press, 1994. xvi + 253pp. 4 maps. 43 illustrations. 4 diagrams. 10 tables. Bibliography. £29.25 hbk

Jonathan Barry (ed.), The Tudor and Stuart Town. A Reader in English Urban History 1530–1688. London: Longman, 1990. viii + 340 pp. Index. £24.00, pbk £10.99

Jonathan Morris, The Political Economy of Shopkeeping in Milan, 1886–1922. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. xv + 312pp. 44 figures. 21 tables. Bibliography £37.50, $64.95

Joseph Melling and Jonathan Barry (eds), Culture in History: Production, Consumption and Values in Historical Perspective. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1992. xiii + 235pp. £12.95 pbk


Joseph W. Childers, Novel Possibilities: Fiction and the Formation of Early Victorian Culture. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1996. x + 218pp. Bibliography. £31.50


Joyce D. Goodfriend, Before the Melting Pot: Society and Culture in Colonial New York City, 1664–1730. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992. xvi + 304pp. 18 illustrations. Tables. £25.00, $35.00


Judith M. Bennett, Ale, Beer, and Brewsters in England: Women's Work in a Changing World, 1300–1600. New York: Oxford University Press/OUP USA, 1996. xviii + 260pp. 4 figures. 7 tables. [1 map.] Bibliography. £42.50


Junichi Hasegawa, Replanning the Blitzed City Centre: A Comparative Study of Bristol, Coventry and Southampton 1941–1950. Themes in the Twentieth Century. Buckingham: Open University Press, 1992. xii + 179pp. £35.00, £14.99 pbk.Jeffrey M. Diefend

Katherine Roper, German Encounters with Modernity: Novels of Imperial Berlin. New Jersey and London: Humanities Press International, 1991. ix + 269pp. Bibliography. Index. $45.00


Keith Laybourne, The Guild of Help and the Changing Face of Edwardian Philanthropy. Lampeter: The Edward Mellen Press, 1994. x + 235pp. £39.95

Kenneth Morgan, Bristol and the Atlantic Trade in the Eighteenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. xxii + 281pp. 6 maps. 49 tables. Bibliography. £35.00, $54.95

Kevin Grady, The Georgian Public Buildings of Leeds and the West Riding. Leeds: Thoresby Society Publications LXII, no. 133, 1989. xv + 192 pp. 30 plates. 18 tables. £9.50.Sylvia Collier with Sarah Pearson, Whitehaven 1660–1800. A New Town of the

Kirsi Saarikangas, Model Houses for Model Families: Gender, Ideology and the Modern Dwelling. The Type-Planned Houses of the 1940s in Finland. Helsinki: Societas Historica Fennica (Studia Historica series, vol. 45), 1993. Illustrated. FIN.140.Renja S


L.D. Schwarz, London in the Age of Industrialisation: Entrepreneurs, Labour Force and Living Conditions, 1700–1850. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. xv + 285pp. 28 figures. 36 tables. Bibliography. £30.00

Lara V. Marks, Model Mothers. Jewish Mothers and Maternity Provision in East London 1870–1939. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. xxi + 320pp. 22 figures. 7 maps. 68 tables. Bibliography. £35.00

Laura Wright, Sources of London English: Medieval Thames Vocabulary. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. x + 245pp. Bibliography. £30.00

Lee Palmer Wandel, Always Among Us. Images of the Poor in Zwingli's Zurich. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. vii + 199 pp. 14 plates. 2 appendices. £27.50

Letters from Bath 1766–1767 by the Rev. John Penrose. Introduction and notes by Brigitte Mitchell and Hubert Penrose. Gloucester: Alan Sutton, 1983. 216 pp. 19 plates. Hardback £8.95. Paperback £4.95

Lila Leontidou, The Mediterranean City in Transition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. xviii + 296pp. 37 figures. Tables. Bibliography. £35.00, $59.50

Lila Leontidou, The Mediterranean City in Transition. Social Change and Urban Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. xviii + 296pp. Figures. Tables. £35.00

Linda Cooke Johnson, Shanghai: From Market Town to Treaty Port, 1074–1858. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1995. ix + 440pp. 12 maps. 8 illustrations. 5 tables. 7 figures. Notes. Bibliography. Character list. Index. £35.00

Lionel Frost, The New Urban Frontier. Urbanisation and City-Building in Australasia and the American West Before 1910. Sydney: New South Wales University Press, 1991. xvii + 226 pp. Illus. $AUS. 9.99

Lorraine C. Attreed (ed.), The York House Books 1461–1490. Far Thrupp/Wolfeboro Falls: Alan Sutton, 1991. 2 volumes, xxxv + 788 pp. 2 plates. 1 map. Glossary. £75

Louise Bruit Zaidman and Pauline Schmitt Pantel, Religion in the Ancient Greek City, trans. P. Cartledge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. Hbk £32.50; Pbk £12.95

Lucy Brewer (ed.), Public Works Administration: Current Public Policy Perspectives. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage, 1997. xix + 355pp. 4 figures. 42 tables. Bibliographies. £39.95; $48.95

Lyn Murfin, Popular Leisure in the Lake Counties 1870–1939. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1990. 256pp. Illus. £29.95


M. Bimbenet-Privat, Écrous de la justice de Saint-Germain-des-Prés au XVIe siècle. Inventaire analytique des registres Z2 3393, 3318, 3394, 3395 (années 1537–1579). Paris: Archives nationales, 1995. 289pp. 8 plates. FF 150

article by Peter Borsay et al published August 1997 in Urban History

M.H. Port, Imperial London: Civil Government Building in London 1850–1915. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1995. 344pp. 295 plates (31 colour, 264 black and white). 3 tables. 2 figures. No price stated

M.W. Greenslade (ed.), The Victoria History of the County of Stafford, Volume XIV: The City of Lichfield. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the University of London, Institute of Historical Research, 1990. xxiv + 319pp. 57 plates. 25 maps, plans an

article by Peter Borsay et al published April 1992 in Urban History

Malcolm Atkin, Norwich: History and Guide. Stroud: Alan Sutton Publishing, 1993. vi + 122pp. Illustrated. £7.99.John Chandler, Swindon: History and Guide. Stroud: Alan Sutton Publishing, 1992.122pp. Illustrated. £7.99.David Fine, Sheffield: History

Manuel Guàrdia, Francisco Javier Monclús, and José Luis Oyón (eds), Atlas Histórico de Ciudades Europeas. Vol. I. Peninsula Ibérica. Barcelona: Salvat, 1994. xv + 335pp. 372 plates. 96 figures. 274 maps. 12 bibliographies. No price stated

Marc Baer, Theatre and Disorder in Late Georgian London. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992. xv + 282pp. 13 plates. 2 figures. Tables. Bibliography. £37.50

article by Peter Borsay et al published October 1993 in Urban History

Margaret R. Hunt, The Middling Sort: Commerce, Gender and the Family in England, 1680–1780. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996. xiii + 343pp. Bibliography. £38.00


Marilyn Thornton Williams, Washing ‘The Great Unwashed’: Public Baths in Urban America, 1840–1920. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press, 1991. 190pp. Illus. No price stated

Mark Bailey (ed.), The Bailiffs′ Minute Book of Dunwich, 1404–1430, Suffolk Records Society, XXXIV. Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 1992. 153pp. £19.50.Edward Roberts and Karen Parker (eds), Southampton Probate Inventories, 1447–1575, 2 volumes, So

article published in 1993

Mark H. Rose, Cities of Light and Heat: Domesticating Gas and Electricity in Urban America. Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvanian State University Press, 1995. xviii + 229pp. 5 tables. Bibliographic essay. $34.50; £30.95

Martha Carlin, Medieval Southwark. London: Hambledon, 1996. xxiii + 351pp. 10 figures. 18 tables. Bibliography. £35.00

Martha D. Pollak, Turin 1564–1680. Urban Design, Military Culture and the Creation of the Absolutist Capital. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1991. xxii + 267pp. 145 illustrations


Martin Biddleet al., Object and Economy in Medieval Winchester, Winchester Studies 7. ii. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991. cxii + 1271pp. 66 plates. 387 figures. 103 tables. £200.00

Martin Foreman, Further Excavations at the Dominican Priory, Beverley, 1986–89. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996. xiv + 300pp. 17 plates. 91 figures. 38 tables. 1 microfiche. Bibliography. £45.00

article by Peter Borsay et al published December 1997 in Urban History

Mary Corbin Sies and Christopher Silver (eds), Planning the Twentieth-Century American City. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. xiv + 594pp. Plates, figures, tables. Bibliography. £45.50 hard cover, £20.50 paper


Mary E. Fissell, Patients, Power, and the Poor in Eighteenth-Century Bristol. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991. xi + 266pp. 4 tables. 13 figures. 4 maps. Bibliography. Index. £35.00. $54.50

article by Peter Borsay et al published April 1994 in Urban History

Maryanne Kowaleski, Local Markets and Regional Trade in Medieval Exeter. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. xvi + 442pp. 7 figures. 35 tables. Bibliography. £50.00

Maura Cronin, Country, Class or Craft? The Politicisation of the Skilled Artisan in Nineteenth-century Cork. Cork: Cork University Press, 1994. ix + 294pp. 4 tables. Bibliography. £22.50

Mervyn Miller, Raymond Unwin: Garden Cities and Town Planning. Leicester, London and New York: Leicester University Press, 1992. x + 299pp. 64 illustrations. £42.50

Michael Faraday, Ludlow 1085–1660: A Social, Economic and Political History. Chichester: Phillimore, 1991. xii + 257pp. 54 plates and figures. £20.00

Michael Farr (ed.). The Great Fire of Warwick, 1694. Publications of the Dugdale Society, Vol. XXXVI. Hertford: S. Austin, 1992. xxxvii + 606pp. 8 plates. £28.00

Michael Gibbs and Bernard Morris (ed. Patricia Moore). Thomas Rothwell. Views of Swansea in the 1790s. Cardiff and Swansea: Glamorgan Archive Service, 1991. 56 pp. 14 plates. £4.95

Michael J. Deer, H. Eric Schockman and Greg Hise (eds), Rethinking Los Angeles. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, 1996. xiv + 278pp. 16 plates. 6 maps. 8 figures. 14 tables. $58.00 hbk, $26.95 pbk

Michael Lynch, Edinburgh and the Reformation. Aldershot: Gregg Revivals, 1993 [reprint of 1981 edition], xv + 416pp. 4 maps. Bibliography. £40.00

article by Peter Borsay et al published August 1995 in Urban History

Michael Rocke, Forbidden Friendships: Homosexuality and Male Culture in Renaissance Florence. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. x + 371pp. 2 figures. 14 tables. Bibliography. £30.00


Mike Savage and Alan Warde, Urban Sociology, Capitalism and Modernity. London: Macmillan, 1993. viii + 221pp. Bibliography. £10.99 pbk

Mitziko Sawada, Tokyo Life, New York Dreams: Urban Japanese Visions of America, 1880–1924. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996. xvii + 268pp. 3 maps. 12 figures. 9 tables. 2 appendices. Bibliography. $40.00; £32.00

Murray Bookchin, From Urbanization to Cities: Towards a New Politics of Citizenship. London: Cassall, 1995. 279pp. Index. No price stated

Museum of London, Department of Urban Archaeology, The Annual Review 1989. London, Museum of London, 1990. 48 pp. Illustrated. £4.95


N. Christie and S.T. Loseby (eds), Towns in Transition: Urban Evolution in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Aldershot: Scolar Press, 1996. ix + 318pp. £47.50

Nicholas Papayanis, Horse-Drawn Cabs and Omnibuses in Paris: The Idea of Circulation and the Business of Public Transit. Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana State University Press, 1996. xiv + 217pp. 15 plates. 12 tables. Bibliography. £47.50

Nicholas Papayanis, The Coachmen of Nineteenth Century Paris: Service Workers and Class Consciousness. Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana State University Press, 1993. xvi + 247pp. 12 plates. 30 tables. Bibliography. £42.75

Nicholas Rogers, Whigs and Cities. Popular Politics in the Age of Walpole and Pitt. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989. xii + 440pp. Tables. Bibliography. £40.00

Nicholas Terpstra, Lay Confraternities and Civic Religion in Renaissance Bologna. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. xx + 251pp. 13 figures. 7 tables. Bibliography. £37.50

article by Peter Borsay et al published May 1997 in Urban History

Nick Hayes, Consensus and Controversy: City Politics in Nottingham 1945–1966. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1996. iv + 259pp. 1 map. 6 tables. Bibliography. £27.50 hbk, £14.50 pbk

Olaf Mörke, Die Ruhe im Sturm. Die Katholische Landstadt Mindelheim unter die Herrschaft der Frundsberg im Zeitalter der Reformation. Augsburg: Schwäbische Forschungsgemeinschaft, 1991. 207pp. DM29

Oswyn Murray and Simon Price (eds), The Greek City from Homer to Alexander, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990. xvi + 372 pp. 4 plates. 19 figures. Bibliographical references. Index. £40.00

P.A. Koolmees, Symbolen van openbare hygiëne: gemeentelijke slachthuizen in Nederland 1795–1940. [Symbols of Public Hygiene: Municipal Slaughterhouses in the Netherlands 1795–1940.] Rotterdam: Erasmus Publishing, 1997. 309pp. Illustrations. Bibl

P.J. Atkins, The Directories of London, 1677–1977. London and New York: Mansell, 1990. 732pp. 38 figures. Tables. Bibliography. £60.00

P.J. Davey, D.J. Freke and D.A. Huggins, Excavations in Castletown, Isle of Man, 1989–1992. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1996. xvi + 177pp. 70 figures. Bibliography. £35.00 hbk, £15.00 pbk

article by Peter Borsay et al published December 1998 in Urban History

P.J.P. Goldberg (ed. and transl.), Women in England c. 1275–1525. Manchester: Manchester University Press, Medieval Sources series, 1995. x + 307pp. Bibliography. £14.99 pbk.Helen Jewell, Women in Medieval England. Manchester: Manchester Universit


POCИЦA ПAHOBA, Cmoлuųнuяm zpa∂ в κyлmypama нa cpe∂нoвeκoвнa Бōлzapuя, Yнuвepcumemcκo uз∂ameлcmвo Rosica Panova, The Capital City in Bulgarian Medieval Culture. Sofia: St Kliment Ohridski University Press, 1995. 207pp.


Pascale Lambrechts and Jean-Pierre Sosson (eds), Les Métiers au Moyen Age: Aspects Économiques et Sociaux (Actes du colloque international de Louvain-La-Neuve: 7–9 Octobre 1993). Louvain-La-Neuve: Université catholique de Louvain, Publications d

Patricia Hyde, Thomas Arden in Faversham: The Man Behind the Myth. Faversham: The Faversham Society, 1996. xii + 616pp. 4 plates, many illustrations. Bibliography. £37.50

Patrick Ottaway, Archaeology in British Towns: From the Emperor Claudius to the Black Death. London: Routledge, 1992. xvi + 249pp. 48 figures. 46 plates. Bibliography. £35.00.Patrick Ottaway, Roman York. London: Batsford/English Heritage, 1993. 125p

Paul Griffiths, Adam Fox and Steve Hindle (eds), The Experience of Authority in Early Modern England. London: Macmillan Press, 1996. viii + 331pp. 3 figures. £13.99.Paul Griffiths, Youth and Authority: Formative Experiences in England, 1560–1640.


Pedja J. Markovitć, Beograd i Evropa 1918–1941 (Belgrade and Europe 1918–1941). Belgrade: Savremena administracija, 1992. 235pp. In Serbian with English language summary. Illus

Penelope J. Corfield and Derek Keene (eds), Work in Towns 850–1850. Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1990. xiv + 250 pp. 34 figures. 21 tables. £48.00

Penelope J. Corfield, Power and the Professions in Britain 1700–1850. London and New York: Routledge, 1995. ix + 269pp. 17 tables. 23 illustrations. Select bibliography. Index. £45.00

Penny Roberts, A City in Conflict. Troyes during the French Wars of Religion. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1996. xii + 228pp. £40.00


Penèlope, No. 13, special issue on Lisboa – Cidade, Corte, Capitale e Metrépole. Lisbon: Cosmos, 1994. 250pp. No price stated

Perry Gaud, Politics and Society in Great Yarmouth 1660–1722. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. xi + 299pp. Bibliography. Index. £40.00

Peter Alter (ed.), Im Banne der Metropolen. Berlin und London in den zwanziger Jahren (Veröffentlichungen des Deutschen Historischen Instituts London, Bd. 29). Göttingen/Zürich: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1993. 374pp. DM98

Peter Borsay (ed.), The Eighteenth-Century Town. A Reader in English Urban History, 1688–1820. London: Longman, 1990. viii + 383 pp. Bibliography. £24.00, pbk £10.99

Peter Carrington, English Heritage Book of Chester. London: Batsford/English Heritage, 1994. 128pp. 16 plates. 80 illustrations. £14.99 pbk

article by Peter Borsay et al published May 1996 in Urban History

Peter Clark and Lyn Murfin, The History of Maidstone: The Making of a Modern County Town. Stroud: Alan Sutton, 1995. x + 261pp. 48 plates. 3 figures. 7 tables. Bibliographical notes. £8.99 pbk

Peter Clark, The English Alehouse: a Social History 1200–1830. Harlow: Longman, 1983. xiv + 353 pp. 21 plates. 9 figures. Tables. Paperback: £9.95

Peter Coss, Lordship, Knighthood, and Locality. A Study in English Society c. 1180-c. 1290. Past and Present Publications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991. xv + 361 pp. 1 plate. 5 maps. Bibliography. £37.50

Peter J. Larkham and Andrew N. Jones, A Glosssary of Urban Form. Historical Geography Research Series Number 26. Cheltenham: 1991. 98pp. 33 figures. £7.95.Brian Short, The Geography of England and Wales in 1910. An Evaluation of Lloyd George's ‘Do


Peter J. Ling, America and the Automobile: Technology, Reform and Social Change, 1893–1923. Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 1990. 202pp. Bibliography. £29.95

Peter McCaffery, When Bosses Ruled Philadelphia: The Emergence of the Republican Machine, 1867–1933. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1993. xxi + 264pp.Kenneth Finegold, Experts and Politicians: Reform Challenges to Machine

Peter Scott, The Property Masters: A History of the British Commercial Property Sector. London: E. & F.N. Spon, 1996. xxii + 331pp. 12 plates. 26 figures. 42 tables. Bibliography. No price stated

Philip Benedict (ed.), Cities and Social Change in Early Modern France. London: Unwin Hyman, 1989. xii + 251pp. 7 maps. Tables. £30.00


Philip Jacks, The Antiquarian and the Myth of Antiquity: The Origins of Rome in Renaissance Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. xix + 376pp. 103 illustrations £45.00, $65.00

article by Peter Borsay et al published August 1995 in Urban History

Philippa C. Maddern, Violence and Social Order: East Anglia 1422–1442. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992. ix + 270pp. 3 figures. 12 tables. 2 maps. Bibliography. £35.00

Philippe Guignet, Le Pouvoir dans la Ville au XVIIIe Siècle: Pratiques Politiques, Notabilité et Ethique Sociale de Part et d'autre de la Frontière Franco-Belge. Paris: Editions de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 1990. 591pp. Figur

Philomena Connolly and Geoffrey Martin (eds), The Dublin Guild Merchant Roll c. 1190-1265. Dublin: Dublin Corporation, 1992. xxiv + 159pp. 5 plates. £ IR/Stg 19.95 + £IR/Stg 2.00 p. & p

Phyllis Hembry, The English Spa, 1560–1815. A Social History. London: Athlone Press, 1990. xiv + 401pp. 24 plates. Tables. Bibliography. £35.00

Phyllis Lambert and Alan Stewart (eds), Opening the Gates of Eighteenth-Century Montreal. Montreal: Canadian Centre for Architecture, 1992. 93pp. 20 plates and figures. No price stated


R. Grassby, The English Gentleman in Trade: The Life and Works of Sir Dudley North, 1641–1691. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. xvii + 390pp. 12 figures. 5 tables. Bibliography. £45.00

R.C. Richardson (ed.), Town and Countryside in the English Revolution. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1992. ix + 278pp. 2 tables. Index. £40.00

R.C. Whiting (ed.), Oxford. Studies in the History of a University Town since 1800. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1993. viii + 198pp. 11 figures. 9 tables. £40.00

R.H. Hilton, English and French Towns in Feudal Society: A Comparative Study. Past and Present Publications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. xi + 174pp. Bibliography. £24.95


R.J. Goulden, Kent Town Guides 1763–1900. A Bibliography of Locallypublished Kent Town Guides, together with Accounts of the Printing, Publishing, and Production of Town Guides in Certain Towns in Kent. London: British library, 1995. 134pp. 6 plate

Ralph Hyde, Gilded Scenes and Shining Prospects: Panoramic Views of British Towns 1575–1900. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale Center for British Art, 1985. 207 pp. 105 plates. No price given

Rebecca Zurier, Robert W. Synder and Virginia M. Mecklenburg, Metropolitan Lives. The Ashcan Artists and Their New York. New York and London: The National Museum of American Art, in association with W.W. Norton & Company, 1995. 232pp. 216 plates. $50

Review of periodical articles

Review of periodical literature


Review of: Robert W. Berger, A Royal Passion: Louis XIV as Patron of Architecture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. xix + 204pp. 160 illustrations. Bibliography. £35.00, $50.00

book review

Richard A. Etlin, Symbolic Space: French Enlightenment Architecture and Its Legacy. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1994. xxv + 235pp. 113 illustrations, £31.95, $45.95.Gerard Béaur, L'immobilier et la Révolution: Marché de la Pi


Richard Britnell and John Hatcher (eds), Progress and Problems in Medieval England: Essays in Honour of Edward Miller. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. xv + 317pp. 3 figs. 9 maps. 14 tables. Bibliography. £35.00


Richard Goy, The House of Gold: Building a Palace in Medieval Venice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. xxiv + 304pp. 13 colour, 100 black and white illustrations. Bibliography. £60.00

article by Peter Borsay et al published April 1994 in Urban History

Richard H. Trainor, Black Country Elites. The Exercise of Authority in an Industrialized Area, 1830–1900. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993. xix + 437pp. 4 plates. 22 figures. 35 tables. Bibliography. £48.00

Richard Harris, Unplanned Suburbs: Toronto's American Tragedy, 1900 to 1950. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. xvi + 356pp. 52 figures. 28 maps. 25 tables. £33.00

Richard Holt and Gervase Rosser (eds), The Medieval Town: A Reader in English Urban History 1200–1540. Longman, 1990. viii + 291pp. Paperback £9.95. Hardback £19.95

Richard Lawton and Colin G. Pooley, Britain 1740–1950: An Historical Geography. London: Edward Arnold, 1992. xiv + 338pp. 79 figures. 52 tables. £14.99

Richard Lawton and Robert Lee (eds), Urban Population Development in Western Europe from the Late-Eighteenth Century to the Early-Twentieth Century. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1989. xvi + 288pp. 59 figures. 94 tables. £25.00


Richard Pommer and Christian F. Otto, Weissenhof 1927 and the Modern Movement in Architecture. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1991. xxii + 304pp. 273 plates. £51.95

article by Peter Borsay et al published October 1992 in Urban History

Richard Rodger (ed.), Scottish Housing in the Twentieth Century. Leicester, London and New York: Leicester University Press, 1989. 253pp. 24 figures. Tables. £27.50


Rob Sindall, Street Violence in the Nineteenth Century: Media Panic or Real Danger? Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1990. 168pp. Illus. Tables. £27.50

Robert Beevers, The Garden City Utopia: A Critical Biography of Ebenezer Howard. Basingstoke: Macmillan Press, 1988. xi + 206 pp. 10 plates. No price stated.Helen Meller, Patrick Geddes: Social Evolutionist and City Planner. London and New York: Rout


Robert Brenner, Merchants and Revolution: Commercial Change, Political Conflict, and London's Overseas Traders, 1550–1653. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. xx + 734pp. 12 tables. 1 map. £40.00

Robert Tittler, Architecture and Power. The Town Hall and the English Urban Community c. 1500–1640. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991. xii + 211pp. 8 plates. 1 figure. 5 tables. Map. Bibliography. £30.00

Roberta Senechal, The Sociogenesis of a Race Riot: Springfield, Illinois, in 1908. Blacks in the New World Series. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 1990. $29.95

Roger Swift (ed.), Victorian Chester. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1996. xii + 251pp. 20 tables. £13.95.Sydney Towill, Georgian and Victorian Carlisle. Preston: Carnegie Publishing, 1996. xiii + 194pp. £14.95

Ronald C. Tobey, Technology as Freedom: The New Deal and the Electrical Modernization of the American Home. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996. xviii + 316pp. 10 plates. 33 illustrations. 19 tables. Bibliography. $35.00

Ronald E. Zupko and Robert A. Laures, Straws in the Wind. Medieval Urban Environmental Law. Colorado and Oxford: Westview Press, 1996. vii + 152pp. Bibliography. No price stated

Ronald M. Berger, The Most Necessary Luxuries: The Mercers' Company of Coventry, 1550–1680. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1993. xvii + 317pp. 10 illustrations. 14 tables. Bibliography of Principal Primary Sources in the

Rosalind Mitchison, Coping with Destitution: Poverty and Relief in Western Europe. The 1989 Joanne Goodman Lectures. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991. xvi + 91pp. Selected bibliography, hbk $30.00, pbk $13.95

Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England, Salisbury Cathedral: Perspectives on the Architectural History. London: HMSO, 1993. x + 104pp. Colour frontispiece. 60 plates. 28 figures. Plan in end-pocket. Bibliography. £12.95.Royal Commis


Ruth Richardson and Robert Thorne (eds), The Builder Illustrations Index 1843–1883. London: The Builder Group and Hutton + Rostron, 1994. xiii + 66pp in review pack. 44 plates in review pack. £125.00


S. Bennett and N. Bennett (eds), An Historical Atlas of Lincolnshire. Hull: University of Hull Press, 1993.159pp. 77 maps. Bibliography. £14.95

S.H. Rigby, Medieval Grimsby. Growth and Decline, Hull Monographs in Regional and Local History, No. 3. Hull: University of Hull Press, 1993. 224pp. £8.95

article published in 1995

Sandra Cavallo, Charity and Power in Early Modern Italy. Benefactors and Their Motives in Turin, 1541–1789. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. xv + 280pp. 17 plates. 6 figures. 10 tables. £45.00, $69.95 hbk; £17.95, $27.95 pbk


Scott Molloy, Trolley Wars: Streetcar Workers on the Line. Washington and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1996. xvii + 238pp. 26 plates. 1 table. £28.50

article by Peter Borsay et al published August 1998 in Urban History

Simon Woodiwiss (ed.), Iron Age and Roman Salt Production and the Medieval Town of Droitwich, CBA Research Report No. 813. York: Council for British Archaeology, 1992. xiv + 223pp. 14 plates. 234 figures (112 in microfiche). 34 tables (20 in fiche).

scholarly article by Peter Borsay published in May 1995

Sounding the town

Sources and Methodology D.M. Short, A Bibliography of Printed Items relating to the City of Lincoln. Lincoln Record Society, vol. 79. Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 1990. xx + 540pp. 1 plate. £19.50

Sources and Methodology Dennis Mills and Carol Pearce, People and Places in the Victorian Census. A review and bibliography of publications based substantially on the manuscript Census Enumerators' Books, 1841–1911. Historical Geography Research Se

article by Peter Borsay et al published May 1991 in Urban History

Sources and Methodology Margaret M. Rowe and John M. Draisey (eds), The Receivers' Accounts of the City of Exeter, 1304–53. Exeter: Devon and Cornwall Record Society, new series, volume 32, 1989. xxxi + 128pp. 1 plate

Sources and Methodology Mary D. Lobel (ed.), The British Atlas of Historic Towns: Volume III: The City of London from Prehistoric Times to c.1520. Oxford: Oxford University Press in conjunction with the Historic Towns Trust, 1989. xvi + 99pp. 10 maps

article by Peter Borsay et al published May 1991 in Urban History

Sources and Methodology Michael Hunter and Annabel Gregory (eds), An Astrological Diary of the Seventeenth Century: Samuel Jeake of Rye 1652–1699. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988. xiv + 297pp. 36 illust. 4 figures. 1map. £40.00

article published in 1991

Stefan Petrow, Policing Morals: The Metropolitan Police and the Home Office, 1870–1914. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. 343pp. 2 figures. 3 tables. Bibliography. £35.00

Stephen K. Roberts (ed.), Evesham Borough Records of the Seventeenth Century, 1605–1687. Worcestershire Historical Society, New Series Vol. 14, 1994. xxx + 122pp. 1 plate. 1 map. £15.00

Stephen P. Blake, Shahjahanabad: The Sovereign City in Mughal India 1639–1739. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991. xvi + 226pp. 2 figures. 5 maps. 7 tables. £27.50

Stephen Porter (ed.), London and the Civil War. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1996. xi + 236pp. 3 figures. £40 hbk, £14.99 pbk

Stephen V. Ward (ed.), The Garden City: Past, Present and Future. London: Spon, 1992. xiii + 215pp. £39.95

Steven Burt and Kevin Grady, The Illustrated History of Leeds. Derby: Breedon Books, 1994. 272pp. Illustrated. Bibliography. £16.95

Stuart Lowe and David Hughes (eds), A New Century of Social Housing. Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1991. 190pp. £39.50

Susan Reynolds, Ideas and Solidarities of the Medieval Laity: England and Western Europe. Aldershot: Variorum, 1995. viii + 253pp. (no continuous pagination). 2 figures. 5 tables. Index. £42.50


Susan Reynolds, Wietse de Boer, Gearóid Mac Niocaill (eds), Elenchus Fontium Historiae Urbanae, Vol. II, 2. Leiden: Brill for the International Commission for the History of Towns, 1988. 175 pp. Index of words. Index of geographical names

Sydney Towill, A History of Carlisle. Chichester: Phillimore, 1991. ix + 158pp. 132 plates. Tables. Bibliography. £14.95

T.M. Devine and Gordon Jackson (eds), Glasgow. Volume I: Beginnings to 1830. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1995. xii + 435pp. 26 figures. Index. £60.00

T.R. Mahoney, River Towns in the Great West: The Structure of Provincial Urbanization in the American Midwest, 1820–1870. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991. xi + 319pp. Figures. Tables. £30.00, $39.50.Stuart M. Blumin, The Emergence of t

T.R. Slater (ed.), The Built Form of Western Cities. Essays for M.R.G. Conzen on the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday. Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1990. xvii + 445pp. 119 figures. £50.00

The London Connection: Cultural Diffusion and the Eighteenth-Century Provincial Town

journal article; published in The London Journal in 1994

Theo Barker and Anthony Sutcliffe (eds), Megalopolis: The Giant City in History. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1993. xi + 213pp. £40.00

Theodore Koditschek, Class Formation and Urban-Industrial Society: Bradford, 1750–1850. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. xi + 611pp. £40.00

Thomas Beaumont James (ed.), The Port Books of Southampton 1509–10, 2 vols. Southampton Records Series, 32 and 33. Southampton: Southampton University Press, 1990. xxxvii + 310pp

Thomas N. Bonner, Medicine in Chicago, 1850–1950. A Chapter in the Social and Scientific Development of a City (2nd edn). Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1991. xvi + 335pp. Illus. Bibliography. $42.50

Timothy Mowl, To Build the Second City: Architects and Craftsmen of Georgian Bristol. Bristol: Redcliffe, 1991. 197pp. 120 illustrations. Select bibliography. £19.95.Neil Jackson, Nineteenth Century Bath Architects & Architecture. Bath: Ashgrove Pre

Tom Begg, Housing Policy in Scotland. Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers, 1996. ix + 240pp. Illustrations and plates. Bibliography. £16.00


Town or country? British spas and the urban–rural interface

journal article; published in Journal of Tourism History in 2012

Trevor Fawcett and Stephen Bird, Bath: History and Guide. Stroud: Alan Sutton, 1994. vi + 122pp. Illustrated. Bibliography. £7.99.Trevor Fawcett (ed.), Bath History: Volume V. Bath: Millstream Books, 1994.192pp. 54 figures. £7.99.Trevor Fawcett, Vo

Trevor Fawcett, Georgian Imprints: Printing and Publishing at Bath, 1729–1815. Bath: Ruton, 2008. 120pp. 103 figures. £9.00. Available from bookshops or directly from Ruton, 25 Northampton Street, Bath BA1 2SW, £9 + £1 p&p

Tydfil Thomas, Poor Relief in Merthyr Tydfil Union in Victorian Times. Bridgend: Glamorgan Archive Service, 1992. xiv + 185pp. 83 illustrations and maps. Bibliography. £15.00

Ullrich Kockel (ed.), Landscape, Heritage and Identity: Case Studies in Irish Ethnography. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1995. ix + 262pp. £15.00

scholarly article by Peter Borsay et al published August 1997 in Urban History

Vanessa Harding and Laura Wright (eds), London Bridge: Selected Accounts and Rentals, 1381–1538. London: London Record Society, 1995. xxix + 287pp. £20.00 to non-members.Pamela Nightingale, A Medieval Mercantile Community: the Grocers' Company and

Vivian Bickford-Smith, Ethnic Pride and Racial Prejudice in Victorian Cape Town. Group Identity and Social Practice, 1875–1902. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. xxiii + 281pp. 12 plates. 3 maps. Bibliography. No price stated

W. Hamish Fraser and Irene Maver (eds), Glasgow. Volume II: 1830–1912. Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 1996. xi + 532pp. 44 plates. 20 figures. £69.99

W. Hamish Fraser and R.J. Morris (eds), People and Society in Scotland. Volume II. 1830–1914. Edinburgh: John Donald, 1991. xvi + 363pp. 63 illustrations. Pbk, £12.50.Robert J. Naismith, The Story of Scotland's Towns. Edinburgh: John Donald, 1989.


W.E. Marsden, Educating the Respectable: A Study of Fleet Road Board School, Hampstead 1879–1903. London: The Woburn Press, 1991. xvi + 282pp. 31 plates. 10 maps. 33 tables. £30.00Ronald K. Goodenow and William E. Marsden (eds), The City and Educa

Welsh Seaside Resorts: Historiography, Sources and Themes

scientific article published in December 2008

Wilhelm Ribhegge (ed.), with Eva-Maria Schönbach and Manfred Witt, Geschichte der Stadt und Region Hamm im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Düsseldorf: Schwann, 1991. 520pp. 59 plates. No price stated

William Cronin, Nature's Metropolis. Chicago and the Great West. New York and London: Norton, 1991. xxiii + 340pp. 32 plates. 19 maps. 6 graphs. Bibliography. £10.95


William Fitzstephen, Norman London, with an essay by Sir Frank Stenton, and introduction by F. Donald Logan. New York: Italica Press, 1990. xvi + 109pp. 2 maps. Bibliography. $12.00


Yvonne-Hélène Le Maresquier-Kesteloot, Les officiers municipaux de la ville de Paris au XVe siècle [Le commerce fluvial dans la région parisienne au XVe siècle III]. Commission des travaux historiques de la ville de Paris. Paris: Paris musées,

‘Hommage à Bernard Lepetit’, Cahiers du Centre de Recherches Historiques, no. 17, 10 1996. Paris: Centre de Recherches Historiques. 240pp. 60 FF