Naomi Shemer
1972 song by Naomi Shemer
1978 song by Naomi Shemer
Hebrew song written by Naomi Shemer
Yiddish musical performed in Israel
Yiddish musical
Yiddish musical performed in Israel
song by Naomi Shemer
song by Naomi Shemer
song by Naomi Shemer
1988 song by Israeli singer Shoshana Damari
1979 Israeli film
song by Naomi Shemer
original song written and composed by Naomi Shemer
original song written and composed by Naomi Shemer
original song written and composed by Naomi Shemer
original song written and composed by Naomi Shemer
original song written and composed by Naomi Shemer
origianl song written and composed by Naomi Shemer
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