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List of works by Alice Munro

A Basket of Strawberries

short story by Alice Munro

A Better Place Than Home

short story by Alice Munro

A Queer Streak

short story by Alice Munro

A Real Life

short story by Alice Munro

A Trip to the Coast

short story by Alice Munro

A Wilderness Station

short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

Age of Faith

short story by Alice Munro

Alice Munro's Best

short story collection by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

An Ounce of Cure

short story by Alice Munro

At the Other Place

short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

Bardon Bus

short story by Alice Munro

Before the Change

short story by Alice Munro

Boys and Girls

short story by Alice Munro


2008 film by Mani Haghighi

Carried Away

short story by Alice Munro

Carried Away

2006 short story collection by Alice Munro

Chaddeleys and Flemings I: The Connection

short story by Alice Munro

Chaddeleys and Flemings II: The Stone in the Field

short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

Changes and Ceremonies

short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

Child's Play

short story by Alice Munro

Circle of Prayer

short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

Cortes Island

short story by Alice Munro

Dance of the Happy Shades

short story by Alice Munro

Dance of the Happy Shades And Other Stories

1968 short story collection by Alice Munro

Dance of the Happy Shades And Other Stories

paperback edition (en)

Dance of the Happy Shades And Other Stories

2001 paperback edition (en)

Day of the Butterfly

short story by Alice Munro

Dear Life

book by Alice Munro

Dear Life

short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

Epilogue: The Photographer

short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

Family Furnishings

short story by Alice Munro

Family Furnishings: Selected Stories 1995-2014

short story collection by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro


story collection by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

Five Points

short story by Alice Munro

Floating Bridge

short story by Alice Munro

Forgiveness in Families

short story by Alice Munro

Free Radicals

short story by Alice Munro

Friend of My Youth

1990 short story collection by Alice Munro

Friend of My Youth

short story by Alice Munro

Goodness and Mercy

short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

Half a Grapefruit

short story by Alice Munro

Hard-Luck Stories

short story by Alice Munro

Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage

2001 short story collection by Alice Munro

Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage

short story by Alice Munro

Hateship, Loveship

2013 film by Liza Johnson


short story by Alice Munro

Heirs of the Living Body

short story by Alice Munro

Hired Girl

short story by Alice Munro

Hold Me Fast, Don't Let Me Pass

short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

How Could I Do That?

short story by Alice Munro

How I Met My Husband

short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

In Sight of the Lake

short story by Alice Munro


story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

Jesse and Meribeth

short story by Alice Munro

Labor Day Dinner

short story by Alice Munro

Leaving Maverley

short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

Lives of Girls and Women

short story by Alice Munro

Lives of Girls and Women

book by Alice Munro

Lives of Girls and Women

book edition (en)

Lying Under the Apple Tree

short story by Alice Munro

Lying Under the Apple Tree

short story collection by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

Miles City, Montana

short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

Monsieur les Deux Chapeaux

short story by Alice Munro

Mrs. Cross and Mrs. Kidd

short story by Alice Munro

My Mother's Dream

short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

New Selected Stories

short story collection by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

No Advantages

short story by Alice Munro

No Love Lost

book by Alice Munro

Oh, What Avails

short story by Alice Munro

Open Secrets

1994 short story collection by Alice Munro

Open Secrets

short story by Alice Munro

Open Secrets

2021 book edition (en)

Oranges and Apples

short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

Pictures of the Ice

short story by Alice Munro

Post and Beam

short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

Princess Ida

short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

Queenie: A Story

short story by Alice Munro

Red Dress—1946

short story by Alice Munro

Rich as Stink

short story by Alice Munro

Royal Beatings

short story by Alice Munro


book of short stories by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

Save the Reaper

short story by Alice Munro

Selected Stories (Munro)

1996 short story collection by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

Simon's Luck

short story by Alice Munro

Some Women

short story by Alice Munro

Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You

book by Alice Munro

Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You

short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

Spaceships Have Landed

short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

Story for Sunday

short story by Alice Munro

Sunday Afternoon

short story by Alice Munro

Tell Me Yes or No

short story by Alice Munro

Thanks for the Ride

short story by Alice Munro

The Albanian Virgin

short story by Alice Munro

The Bear Came Over the Mountain

short story by Alice Munro

The Beggar Maid

short story by Alice Munro

The Children Stay

short story by Alice Munro

The Dangerous One

short story by Alice Munro

The Dimensions of a Shadow

short story by Alice Munro

The Edge of Town

short story by Alice Munro

The Eye

short story by Alice Munro

The Ferguson Girls Must Never Marry

short story by Alice Munro

The Flats Road

short story by Alice Munro

The Found Boat

short story by Alice Munro

The Idyllic Summer

short story by Alice Munro

The Jack Randa Hotel

short story by Alice Munro

The Love of a Good Woman

1998 short story collection by Alice Munro

The Love of a Good Woman

short story by Alice Munro

The Moon in the Orange Street Skating Rink

short story by Alice Munro

The Moons of Jupiter

1982 short story collection by Alice Munro

The Moons of Jupiter

1978 short story by Alice Munro

The Office

short story by Alice Munro

The Ottawa Valley

short story by Alice Munro

The Peace of Utrecht

short story by Alice Munro

The Progress of Love

book by Alice Munro

The Progress of Love

short story by Alice Munro

The Shining Houses

short story by Alice Munro

The Spanish Lady

short story by Alice Munro

The Ticket

short story by Alice Munro

The Time of Death

short story by Alice Munro

The Turkey Season

short story by Alice Munro

The View from Castle Rock

book by Alice Munro

The View from Castle Rock

short story by Alice Munro

The Widower

short story by Alice Munro

The Wilds of Morris Township

short story by Alice Munro

To Reach Japan

short story by Alice Munro

Too Much Happiness

book by Alice Munro

Too Much Happiness

2009 edition

Too Much Happiness

short story by Alice Munro

Too Much Happiness

edition (en)


short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

Vintage Munro

book by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

Walker Brothers Cowboy

short story by Alice Munro

Walking on Water

short story by Alice Munro

Wenlock Edge

short story by Alice Munro

What Do You Want to Know For?

short story by Alice Munro

What is Real?

short story by Alice Munro

What is Remembered

short story by Alice Munro

White Dump

short story by Alice Munro

Who Do You Think You Are?

1978 short story collection by Alice Munro

Who Do You Think You Are?

short story by Alice Munro

Who Do You Think You Are?

1978 edition (en)


short story by Alice Munro

Wild Swans

short story by Alice Munro

Winter Wind

short story by Alice Munro


short story by Alice Munro

Working for a Living

short story by Alice Munro

Přítelkyně z mládí

book edition published in 2021

Veřejná tajemství

book edition published in 2017