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List of works by Friedrich Dürrenmatt

A Dangerous Game

1956 novel by Friedrich Dürrenmatt

A Dangerous Game

German audio drama based on the book

An angel comes to Babylon

literary work

Besuch der alten Dame. Tragische Komödie in drei Akten

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1956-1957

Cold Light of Day

1996 film by Rudolf van den Berg

Der Besuch der alten Dame

1959 film by Ludwig Cremer

Der Blinde

German play by Friedrich Dürrenmatt

Der Doppelgänger

1946 play by Friedrich Dürrenmatt

Die Ehe des Herrn Mississippi. Eine Komödie in zwei Teilen

performing arts production of Stadttheater Bern during the season 1953-1954

Die Physiker

1964 film by Fritz Umgelter

Emilia Galotti

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1973-1974

End of the Game

1975 film by Maximilian Schell

Es steht geschrieben

German play by Friedrich Dürrenmatt


Swedish television play (1968)


1992 film by Djibril Diop Mambéty

It Happened in Broad Daylight

1958 film by Ladislao Vajda


1993 film directed by Hans W. Geißendörfer

La guerra invernale nel Tibet

edition part of the Piccola Biblioteca collection by Adelphi

La morte della Pizia

edition part of the Piccola Biblioteca collection by Adelphi

La panne

edition part of the Piccola Biblioteca collection by Adelphi

Once a Greek

1955 novel by Friedrich Dürrenmatt

Play Strindberg

play written by Friedrich Dürrenmatt

Play Strindberg

Greek stage production of Friedrich Dürrenmatt's play, 1982/83

Play Strindberg

film directed by Petr Koliha

Play Strindberg.

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1968-1969

Portrait eines Planeten (Zürcher Fassung)

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1970-1971

Romulus the Great

play by Friedrich Dürrenmatt


detective novel by the Swiss writer Friedrich Dürrenmatt, published in 1952

The Assignment

1986 novella by Friedrich Dürrenmatt

The Execution of Justice

1985 novel by Friedrich Dürrenmatt

The Judge and His Hangman

1952 crime novel by Friedrich Dürrenmatt

The Marriage of Mr. Mississippi

literary work

The Marriage of Mr. Mississippi

1961 film by Kurt Hoffmann

The Most Wonderful Evening of My Life

1972 film by Ettore Scola

The Physicists


The Physicists

Israeli play, Habima 1963

The Pledge: Requiem for the Detective Novel

literary work

The Tunnel

story by Friedrich Dürrenmatt

The Visit

1964 film by Bernhard Wicki

The Visit

tragicomic play by Friedrich Dürrenmatt

The Visit

Greek stage production of Durrenmatt's play "The visit", 2013/14

The Visit of the Old Lady

Greek stage production of Durrenmatt's play "The visit", 2008/09

The Visit of the Old Lady

Greek stage production of Durrenmatt's play "The visit", 2014/15

The Visit of the Old Lady

Greek stage production of Durrenmatt's play, by National Theater of Greece, 1960/61

The Visit of the Old Lady

Greek stage production of Durrenmatt's play, 1991/92

The Visit of the Old Lady

Greek stage production of Durrenmatt's play, by NTNG, 1978/79

The Visit of the Old Lady

Greek stage production of Durrenmatt's play, by NTNG, 1998/99

The meteor

play by Friedrich Dürrenmatt


performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1970-1971

Urfaust. Szenische Interpretation

performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1970-1971


performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1971-1972

Frank V.

book edition published in 2022


book edition published in 2018

Herkules a Augiášův chlív

book edition published in 2021

Manželství pana Mississippiho: komedie

book edition published in 1968

Návštěva staré dámy

book edition published in 2018

Návštěva staré dámy: tragická komedie

book edition published in 1964

Play Strindberg

book edition published in 1969

Romulus Veliký

book edition published in 2021

Romulus Veliký: nedoloženě historická komedie o čtyřech dějstvích

book edition published in 1964

Soudce a jeho kat

book edition published in 1964