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List of works by Stewart Clegg

American Anti-Management Theories of Organization: A Critique of Paradigm Proliferation

An Essay on Archaic Postmodernity: The Case of Portugal

An institutional palimpsest? The case of Cambodia’s political order, 1970 and beyond

article published in 2015

Analyzing competing demands in organizations: A systematic comparison

scholarly article

And rewind! Recycling discourses of knowledge work and knowledge society

Becoming (a) Practice

Bent Flyvbjerg: power and project management – an appreciation

scientific article (publication date: 20 June 2008)

Beyond addiction: Hierarchy and other ways of getting strategy done

Book Reviews : Gibson Burrell and Gareth Morgan: Sociological Paradigms and Organizational Analysis

Bringing Space Back in: Organizing the Generative Building

Business Ethics as Practice

Business coaching: challenges for an emerging industry

article published in 2005

Can We Make Sense of Knowledge Management’s Tangible Rainbow? A Radical Constructivist Alternative

article by Tim Ray & Stewart Clegg published 15 May 2007 in Prometheus

Changing Paradigms in Public Service Management

Clash of the Titans: Temporal Organizing and Collaborative Dynamics in the Panama Canal Megaproject


Collaboration as a Strategic Service in Government Online Communities

Conceptualizing Historical Organization Studies

Contesting the Champs-Elysées

Critical Practices in Organizations

DNA and the politics of truth in socially organized life

Desperately Seeking Legitimacy: Organizational Identity and Emerging Industries

Disciplining customers at the Grand Seaside Hotel

Dishing the dirt: gossiping in organizations

article published in 2009

Disjunctions in the context of management learning: An exemplary publication of narrative fiction

scientific article published in 2022

Dissolving the Iron Cages? Tocqueville, Michels, Bureaucracy and the Perpetuation of Elite Power

Embedded Ethics: Discourse and Power in the New South Wales Police Service

Embodying Sensemaking: Learning from the Extreme Case of Vann Nath, Prisoner at S-21

Enacting ecological and collaborative rationality through multiparty collaboration – a case of innovation in governance


Essai: From Iron Cages to Liquid Modernity in Organization Analysis


Ethical Vitality: Identity, Responsibility, and Change in an Australian Hospital


Ethics and power in business schools and organizations

Everybody Hurts, Sometimes: The Language of Emotionality and the Dysfunctional Organization

scholarly article

Evolving Conceptions of Work-Family Boundaries: In Defense of The Family as Stakeholder

scientific article published in 2022

Explaining Suicide in Organizations: Durkheim Revisited

Exploring identity construction from a critical management perspective: a research agenda

Expressing Compassion in the Face of Crisis: Organizational Practices in the Aftermath of the Brisbane Floods of 2011

For Management?

Foundations of organization power

Friends or Foes? Practicing Collaboration?An Introduction

From bureaucratic to post‐bureaucratic: the difficulties of transition

From the physics of change to Realpolitik

scholarly article

Gemeinschaft in the midst of Gesellschaft? Love as an organizational virtue

article by Miguel Pina e Cunha et al published 18 July 2016 in Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion

Globalization and Organizational Behavior

Governing projects under complexity: theory and practice in project management

Governmentality Matters: Designing an Alliance Culture of Inter-Organizational Collaboration for Managing Projects


Guest Editor's Introduction to Special Forum: Constituting Management in China


Hybridity, sociomateriality and compassion: What happens when a river floods and a city's organizations respond?

article published in 2015

Improvisation as “real time foresight”

Improvisation in the learning organization: A defense of the infra-ordinary

scholarly article

Improvising Prescription: Evidence from the Emergency Room

Incumbent capability enhancement in response to radical innovations


Innovating the Practice of Normative Control in Project Management Contractual Relations

Interpersonal Metaphysics—“We Live in a Political World”: The Paradox of Managerial Wisdom


Kafkaesque power and bureaucracy

Leading and Following (Un)ethically in Limen

article published in 2010


Legitimate Sovereignty and Contested Authority in Public Management Organization and Disorganization: Barangaroo and the Grand Strategic Vision for Sydney as a Globalizing City

Lessons for leaders: Positive organization studies meets Niccolò Machiavelli

scholarly article


Making Interorganizational Relationships Work: An Introduction

Making strategy matter: Social theory, knowledge interests and business education

Management paradoxes: A relational view

Managing Globalization

Managing Performance in Global Crisis

Managing public–private megaprojects: Paradoxes, complexity, and project design

article by Alfons van Marrewijk et al published August 2008 in International Journal of Project Management

Managing the Anthropocene: Relational Agency and Power to Respect Planetary Boundaries

scientific article published in 2019

Managing to Lead in Private Enterprises in China: Work Values, Demography and the Development of Trust


Manna from heaven: The exuberance of food as a topic for research in management and organization

Mission impossible? The paradoxes of stretch goal setting

Mundane Objects and the Banality of Evil

Myopia during emergency improvisation: lessons from a catastrophic wildfire

scientific article published in 2022

Normal Compassion: A Framework for Compassionate Decision Making

Obedience and Evil: From Milgram and Kampuchea to Normal Organizations

On serendipity and organizing

On the dark side of codes: Domination not enlightenment

article published in 2011

Once upon a Time in the Bureaucracy: Power and Public Sector Management

Organizational Ethics, Decision Making, Undecidability

Organizational Improvisation: From the Constraint of Strict Tempo to the Power of theAvant-Garde

article published in 2014

Organizational zemblanity

Organizing reflexivity in designed change: the ethnoventionist approach

Phronesis, projects and power research

Pol Pot, alias Brother Number One: Leaders as instruments of history

Political Hybrids: Tocquevillean Views on Project Organizations

article published in 2004

Political hybrids: Tocquevillean views on project organizations

journal article from 'Journal of management studies' published in 2004

Power and Change

scholarly article

Power, Rules of the Game and the Limits to Knowledge Management: Lessons from Japan and Anglo-Saxon Alarms

Powers of romance

scholarly article

Puritans, Visionaries and Survivors

Radical reformism: towardscritical ecological modernization

Recovering experience, confirming identity, voicing resistance: TheBraceros, the internet and counter‐coordination

Reframing resistance to change via improvisation

scholarly article

Representation and Reflexivity

Resisters at Work: Generating Productive Resistance in the Workplace

Rethinking the polyphonic organization: Managing as discursive practice

article published in 2006

Re‐framing strategy: power, politics and accounting

S-A-P zapping the field

Sketches of Spain: The Politics of Fashion


Smells like team spirit: Opening a paradoxical black box

So!apbox: editorial essays: Strategy as practice?

Some Dare Call it Power

Speak! Paradoxical Effects of a Managerial Culture of ‘Speaking Up’


Strange Fruit Hanging from the Knowledge Tree

scholarly article

Strategies for Conceptualizing, Organizing and Managing Resilience in the Globalizing City

article published in 2012

Strategy as performative practice

Surprises in Management and Organization: Concept, Sources and A Typology

Surprising organization

Tales of the unexpected: Discussing improvisational learning

Temporality in Organization Studies: Implications for Strategic Project Management

Ten propositions concerning security, terrorism and business

The Art of Managing Relationships in Interorganizational Collaboration

The Chronotopes of Change: Actor-Networks in a Changing Business School

The Institutionalization of Genocidal Leadership: Pol Pot and a Cambodian Dystopia

The Outsourcing Debate: Theories and Findings

The Positive Power of Character Strengths and Virtues for Global Leaders

The Sociology of Global Organizations

article published in 2008

The State, Power, and Agency: Missing in Action in Institutional Theory?

The Theory and Practice of Utopia in a Total Institution: The Pineapple Panopticon

article by Stewart Clegg et al published December 2012 in Organization Studies

The Transformative Power of Network Dynamics: A Research Agenda

The Virtues of Leadership


The bounds of rationality: Power/history/imagination

The case for transcendent followership

The dark side of organizational improvisation: Lessons from the sinking of Costa Concordia

The dialectics of serendipity

The end of history and the futures of power

The ethical speaking of objects: ethics and the ‘object-ive’ world of Khmer Rouge young comrades

The lightness of management learning

The organization (Ângkar) as a state of exception: the case of the S-21 extermination camp, Phnom Penh

The politics of gossip and denial in interorganizational relations

The power of quality models: The example of the SIQ model for performance excellence


The value of style in architectural practice

article by Martin Kornberger et al published March 2011 in Culture and Organization

Through the looking glass: Leader personhood and the intersubjective construction of institutions

scholarly article

Translating Intervention: When Corporate Culture Meets Chinese Socialism


Trust as Networking Knowledge: Precedents from Australia


Uncertainty Reduction Through Everyday Performative Language Work

scholarly article

Unpacking the concept of organizational ingenuity: learning from scarcity

Unravelling governmentality in project ecologies

scientific article published in 2023

Using Foucault to make strategy

article published in 2010

Violence and Workplace Bullying

Vita Contemplativa: A Life in Part

article published in 2005

We See Dead People?

When events interact with business ethics


When institutional entrepreneurship failed: The case of a responsibility centre in a Portuguese hospital

scholarly article

When science meets strategic realpolitik: The case of the Copenhagen UN climate change summit

article published in 2011

When the Saints Go Marching In

scholarly article

Why does performance management not perform?

article published in 2018

Why is Organization Theory so Ignorant? The Neglect of Total Institutions

article by Stewart Clegg published December 2006 in Journal of Management Inquiry

Working the Knowledge Game?

‘If I Should Fall From Grace…’: Stories of Change and Organizational Ethics

article by Carl Rhodes et al published 10 June 2009 in Journal of Business Ethics

‘Invisible walls’ and ‘silent hierarchies’: A case study of power relations in an architecture firm

article by Andrew Brown et al published 8 January 2010 in Human Relations

‘The Ethics of Managerial Subjectivity’

‘The revolution will not be televised’: the institutional work of radical change in China’s Cultural Revolution


‘Walls or Boxes’: The Effects of Professional Identity, Power and Rationality on Strategies for Cross-Functional Integration

“Heaven or Las Vegas”: Competing institutional logics and individual experience

“I Used to Care but Things Have Changed”

“These days will never be forgotten …”: A critical mass approach to online activism