2015 song by Sia
song by Adele
song by British vocalist Adele
original song written and composed by Adele
2021 song by Adele
original song written and composed by Adele and Eg White
original song written and composed by Adele and Sacha Skarbek
original song written and composed by Adele
original song written and composed by Adele
original song written and composed by Adele and Dan Wilson
2021 single by Adele
original song written and composed by Adele
original song written and composed by Adele and Paul Epworth
Original song written and composed by Adele and Greg Kurstin
2007 single by Adele
2022 single by Adele
2015 song by Adele
original song written and composed by Adele and Paul Epworth
2015 song by Adele
original song written and composed by Adele and Eg White
single by Adele
original song written and composed by Adele
2021 single by Adele
original song written and composed by Adele, Dan Wilson and Greg Wells
original song written and composed by Adele
song by Adele
original song written and composed by Adele, Chris Holley, Leon Michels, Nick Movshon, Jeff Silverman
single by Adele
original song written and composed by Adele and Paul Epworth; first recorded by Adele
original song written and composed by Adele and Ryan Tedder
2016 single by Adele
original song written and composed by Adele and Fraser T. Smith
original song written and composed by Adele and Paul Epworth for the 2012 film "Skyfall"
original song co-written and performed by Adele
Demi Lovato song from the album Confident
2015 song by Adele
original song written and composed by Adele and Eg White
original song written and composed by Eg White and Adele
2021 song by Adele
original song written and composed by Adele and Ryan Tedder
2016 single by Adele
original song written and composed by Adele and Tobias Jesso, Jr.
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