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List of works by Brian Nosek

"Understanding and using the Implicit Association Test: I. An improved scoring algorithm": Correction to Greenwald et al. (2003)

scholarly article published in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

(Ideo)Logical Reasoning: Ideology Impairs Sound Reasoning


(Part of) the case for a pragmatic approach to validity: comment on De Houwer, Teige-Mocigemba, Spruyt, and Moors (2009).

scientific article

A Comparative Investigation of 18 Interventions to Reduce Implicit Racial Preferences

A Comparative Investigation of Seven Implicit Measures of Social Cognition

A Decade of System Justification Theory: Accumulated Evidence of Conscious and Unconscious Bolstering of the Status Quo


A Roadmap for Transparent Research in Special Education and Related Disciplines

article published in 2019

A comparative investigation of seven indirect attitude measures

A manifesto for reproducible science

scientific article (publication date: 10 January 2017)

A meta-analysis of procedures to change implicit measures

scientific article published on 13 June 2019

A multitrait-multimethod validation of the Implicit Association Test: implicit and explicit attitudes are related but distinct constructs

scientific article

A proposal to advance theory and promote collaboration in tropical biology by supporting replications

scientific article

A randomized trial of a lab-embedded discourse intervention to improve research ethics

scientific article published on 09 January 2020

A unified theory of implicit attitudes, stereotypes, self-esteem, and self-concept

scientific article

Advancing FAIR Data in Earth, Space, and Environmental Science


Affective Focus Increases the Concordance Between Implicit and Explicit Attitudes

article published in 2011

Age-Based Hiring Discrimination as a Function of Equity Norms and Self-Perceived Objectivity

Age-based hiring discrimination as a function of equity norms and self-perceived objectivity

scientific article

Alienable Speech: Ideological Variations in the Application of Free-Speech Principles

Ambivalence and Implicit-Explicit Discrepancy Are Not the Same Construct

An Open Toolkit for Tracking Open Science Partnership Implementation and Impact

An Unintentional, Robust, and Replicable Pro-Black Bias in Social Judgment


An open investigation of the reproducibility of cancer biology research

scientific article

An open toolkit for tracking open science partnership implementation and impact

scientific article published on 30 April 2019

An open toolkit for tracking open science partnership implementation and impact.

scientific article published on 4 December 2019

Attitudes and Stereotypes in Lung Cancer versus Breast Cancer

scientific article

Automatic Associations: Personal Attitudes or Cultural Knowledge?

article published in 2012

Badges to Acknowledge Open Practices: A Simple, Low-Cost, Effective Method for Increasing Transparency

scientific article

Belief in a just God (and a just society): A system justification perspective on religious ideology

Call for transparency of COVID-19 models

scientific article published on 01 May 2020

Challenges for assessing replicability in preclinical cancer biology

Childless Lesbian and Gay Adults’ Self-Efficacy About Achieving Parenthood

Childless lesbian and gay adults’ self-efficacy about achieving parenthood

Commentaries and Rejoinder on Klein et al. (2014)


Confidence and precision increase with high statistical power

scientific article published on 3 July 2013

Consequential validity of the implicit association test: comment on Blanton and Jaccard (2006).

scientific article published in January 2006

Consider the Source: Persuasion of Implicit Evaluations is Moderated by Source Credibility

Consider the source: persuasion of implicit evaluations is moderated by source credibility

scientific article published in February 2013

Contextual variations in implicit evaluation

scientific article published in September 2003

Correction: Data Sharing Goals for Nonprofit Funders of Clinical Trials

scientific article published in 2021

Correlational biases in mean response latency differences

scientific article

Creating distinct implicit and explicit attitudes with an illusory correlation paradigm

Credibility of preprints: an interdisciplinary survey of researchers

scientific article published on 28 October 2020

Cumulative and career-stage citation impact of social-personality psychology programs and their members

scientific article

Distinguishing automatic and controlled components of attitudes from direct and indirect measurement methods

scientific article

Do implicit attitudes predict actual voting behavior particularly for undecided voters?

scientific article

Do physicians' implicit views of African Americans affect clinical decision making?

scientific article

Does One Bad Apple(Juice) Spoil the Bunch? Implicit Attitudes Toward One Product Transfer to Other Products by the Same Brand

article by Kate A. Ratliff et al published 5 July 2012 in Psychology and Marketing

E-Research: Ethics, Security, Design, and Control in Psychological Research on the Internet

article by Brian Nosek et al published January 2002 in Journal of Social Issues

Earth and Space Sciences Data Are a World Heritage – Community Partnership to Develop Best Practices Across the Data Lifecycle to Advance Open and FAIR Data

scholarly article published 21 June 2018

Easy preregistration will benefit any research

article by David T. Mellor & Brian Nosek published 22 January 2018 in Nature Human Behaviour

Empirical evidence for low reproducibility indicates low pre-study odds

scientific article published on 23 October 2013

Enabling FAIR Data Across the Earth and Space Sciences

Ensuring the quality and specificity of preregistrations

Ensuring the quality and specificity of preregistrations

scientific article published on 09 December 2020

Evaluating the replicability of social science experiments in Nature and Science between 2010 and 2015

scientific article published on 27 August 2018

Evaluating the replicability of social science experiments in Nature and Science between 2010 and 2015

Evaluative conditioning and conscious knowledge of contingencies: a correlational investigation with large samples

scientific article published on 11 June 2010

Explicit and implicit cognition: a preliminary test of a dual-process theory of cognitive vulnerability to depression

scientific article

Faulty assumptions: A comment on Blanton, Jaccard, Gonzales, and Christie (2006).

scientific article

Gender Differences in Implicit and Explicit Personality Traits

Gender differences in implicit and explicit personality traits

Group-Based Dominance and Opposition to Equality Correspond to Different Psychological Motives

Harvesting implicit group attitudes and beliefs from a demonstration web site

Health Care Providers' Implicit and Explicit Attitudes Toward Lesbian Women and Gay Men


Health of the Implicit Association Test at Age 3


How Moral Migration Geographically Segregates and Polarizes Groups

How ideological migration geographically segregates groups

How open science helps researchers succeed

scientific article

Ideology: Its Resurgence in Social, Personality, and Political Psychology

scientific article

Implicit (and explicit) racial attitudes barely changed during Barack Obama’s presidential campaign and early presidency

Implicit Association Test

Implicit Attitudes

Implicit Race Attitudes Predicted Vote in the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election

Implicit Social Cognition

Implicit Social Cognition: From Measures to Mechanisms

scientific article published in 2011

Implicit Social Cognitions Predict Sex Differences in Math Engagement and Achievement

Implicit and explicit anti-fat bias among a large sample of medical doctors by BMI, race/ethnicity and gender

scientific article

Implicit and explicit stigma of mental illness: links to clinical care

scientific article published in October 2008

Implicit attitude generalization occurs immediately; explicit attitude generalization takes time

scientific article

Implicit social cognition: from measures to mechanisms

scientific article

Implicit–Explicit Relations

In search of an association between conception risk and prejudice

scientific article

Investigating Variation in Replicability

scientific article (publication date: May 2014)

Liberals and conservatives rely on different sets of moral foundations

scientific article

Links Between Psychosocial Variables and Body Dissatisfaction in Homosexual Men: Differential Relations with the Drive for Muscularity and the Drive for Thinness


Make scientific data FAIR

scientific article published in June 2019

Making sense of replications

scientific article (publication date: 19 January 2017)

Many Labs 2: Investigating Variation in Replicability Across Sample and Setting


Many Labs 2: Investigating Variation in Replicability Across Samples and Settings

scientific article published in December 2018

Many Labs 3: Evaluating participant pool quality across the academic semester via replication


Mapping the moral domain

scientific article

Math = male, me = female, therefore math not = me.

scientific article

Meta-Analytic Use of Balanced Identity Theory to Validate the Implicit Association Test

scientific article published on 04 June 2020

Moderators of the relationship between implicit and explicit evaluation

article by Brian Nosek published November 2005 in Journal of Experimental Psychology

Moral Elevation Reduces Prejudice against Gay Men

scientific article published in 2013

Moral elevation reduces prejudice against gay men.

scientific article

Motivated independence? Implicit party identity predicts political judgments among self-proclaimed Independents

scientific article

My Culture Made Me Do It


NSF 19-501 AccelNet Proposal: Community of Open Scholarship Grassroots Networks (COSGN)

scientific article

National differences in gender-science stereotypes predict national sex differences in science and math achievement

scientific article

Negativity and outgroup biases in attitude formation and transfer

scientific article published in September 2011

Observe, hypothesize, test, repeat: Luttrell, Petty and Xu (2017) demonstrate good science

On the gender-science stereotypes held by scientists: explicit accord with gender-ratios, implicit accord with scientific identity

scientific article

Overweight people have low levels of implicit weight bias, but overweight nations have high levels of implicit weight bias.

scientific article

Personalizing the Implicit Association Test Increases Explicit Evaluation of Target Concepts

Pervasiveness and correlates of implicit attitudes and stereotypes

Physicians' implicit and explicit attitudes about race by MD race, ethnicity, and gender.

scientific article

Policy Implications of Implicit Social Cognition

article published in 2012

Policy Implications of Implicit Social Cognition

scientific article published in 2011

Power failure: why small sample size undermines the reliability of neuroscience

Erratum to scientific article

Power failure: why small sample size undermines the reliability of neuroscience

scientific article (publication date: May 2013)

Predicting replication outcomes in the Many Labs 2 study

Preregistration Is Hard, And Worthwhile

scientific article published on 14 August 2019

Presenting survey items one at a time compared to all at once decreases missing data without sacrificing validity in research with internet volunteers

scientific article

Processing goals moderate the effect of co-occurrence on automatic evaluation

Promoting Open Science to Increase the Trustworthiness of Evidence in Special Education

scholarly article by Bryan G. Cook et al published 21 August 2018 in Exceptional Children

Promoting Open Science to Increase the Trustworthiness of Evidence in Special Education


Publication and other reporting biases in cognitive sciences: detection, prevalence, and prevention

scientific article

RESEARCH INTEGRITY. Liberating field science samples and data

scientific article

Rapid Assimilation: Automatically Integrating New Information with Existing Beliefs

Recommendations for Increasing Replicability in Psychology


Redefine statistical significance

article by Daniel J Benjamin et al published January 2018 in Nature Human Behaviour

Redefine statistical significance

Reducing Implicit Gender Leadership Bias in Academic Medicine With an Educational Intervention

scientific article

Reducing Implicit Prejudice

Reducing Implicit Prejudice

scientific article published in 2012

Reducing Social Judgment Biases May Require Identifying the Potential Source of Bias

scientific article published on 06 December 2018

Reducing implicit racial preferences: I. A comparative investigation of 17 interventions

scientific article published on 24 March 2014

Reducing implicit racial preferences: II. Intervention effectiveness across time.

scientific article

Registered Reports

Replication Actually: Comment on Crawford and Pilanski

Replication Actually: Comment on Crawford and Pilanski (2013)

scientific article published in 2012

Reply to Ledgerwood: Predictions without Analysis Plans are Inert

Reply to Ledgerwood: Predictions without analysis plans are inert

article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Reporting intentional rating of the primes predicts priming effects in the affective misattribution procedure

scientific article published on 18 May 2012

Reproducibility concerns

Response to Comment on "Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science".

scientific article

SCIENTIFIC STANDARDS. Promoting an open research culture

scientific article

Scale Invariant Contrasts of Response Latency Distributions

scientific article published in 2006

Scientific Communication Is Changing and Scientists Should Lead the Way

article by Brian Nosek & Yoav Bar-Anan published July 2012 in Psychological Inquiry

Scientific Utopia III: Crowdsourcing Science

scientific article published on 01 July 2019

Scientific Utopia: I. Opening Scientific Communication

scientific article

Scientific Utopia: II. Restructuring Incentives and Practices to Promote Truth Over Publishability

scientific article, 2012

Scientists’ Reputations Are Based on Getting It Right, Not Being Right

scientific article

Seeing the forest through the trees: a comparison of different IAT variants measuring implicit alcohol associations

scientific article published on 24 September 2009

Social science. Promoting transparency in social science research.

scientific article

Statistically small effects of the Implicit Association Test can have societally large effects

scientific article

Sympathy attenuates the impact of negative information on implicit and explicit attitude formation

System Justification: A Motivational Process with Implications for Social Conflict

The Go/No-Go Association Task

The Moral Stereotypes of Liberals and Conservatives: Exaggeration of Differences Across the Political Divide

scientific article published in 2011

The Politics of Intergroup Attitudes


The Preregistration Revolution

The Surprisingly Limited Malleability of Implicit Racial Evaluations

The War of the Words: How Linguistic Differences in Reporting Shape Perceptions of Terrorism

The associations in our heads belong to us: Searching for attitudes and knowledge in implicit evaluation

The best time to argue about what a replication means? Before you do it

scientific article published on 01 July 2020

The influence of one's own body weight on implicit and explicit anti-fat bias

scientific article published in March 2006

The moral stereotypes of liberals and conservatives: exaggeration of differences across the political spectrum

scientific article

The preregistration revolution.

scientific article published on 12 March 2018

The rules of implicit evaluation by race, religion, and age.

scientific article

The sorting paired features task: a measure of association strengths

scientific article

Understanding and Using the Brief Implicit Association Test: I. Recommended Scoring Procedures

scientific article published in 2013

Understanding and using the Implicit Association Test: II. Method variables and construct validity

scientific article

Understanding and using the brief Implicit Association Test: recommended scoring procedures

scientific article

Understanding and using the implicit association test: I. An improved scoring algorithm

scientific article published in August 2003

Understanding the individual implicitly and explicitly

Using prediction markets to estimate the reproducibility of scientific research

scientific article

Validity of the salience asymmetry interpretation of the implicit association test: comment on Rothermund and Wentura (2004).

scientific article published in August 2005

Warning Bell: Liberals Implicitly Respond to Group Morality Before Rejecting it Explicitly

scientific article published in 2012

What is replication?

scientific article published on 27 March 2020

What moderates implicit—explicit consistency?

article published in 2005

When Fatigue Turns Deadly: The Association Between Fatigue and Racial Bias in the Decision to Shoot


When Fatigue Turns Deadly: The Effects of Cognitive Depletion and Sleep Deprivation on the Decision to Shoot


When Ingroups Aren’t 'In': Perceived Political Belief Similarity Moderates Religious Ingroup Favoritism

scientific article published in 2012

When ingroups aren't "In": perceived political belief similarity moderates religious ingroup favoritism

scientific article

Why so little faith? A reply to Blanton and Jaccard's (2006) skeptical view of testing pure multiplicative theories

Why so little faith? A reply to Blanton and Jaccard's (2006) skeptical view of testing pure multiplicative theories: Postcript

“Do Unto Others”: Effects of Priming the Golden Rule on Buddhists’ and Christians’ Attitudes Toward Gay People

article by Oth Vilaythong T. et al published 1 September 2010 in Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion