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List of works by A. M. Woodward

(A. G.) Woodhead The Study of Greek Inscriptions. Cambridge: University Press. 1959. Pp. xi + 139. 4 plates. 3 text figures. £1 2s. 6d

(C.) Pélékidis Histoire de l'éphébie attique des origines à 31 av. J.-C. (École française d'Athènes, travaux et mémoires, 13.) Paris: E. de Boccard. 1962. Pp. 350. Price not stated

(H. W.) Pleket Epigraphica, vol. 1: texts on the economic history of the Greek world. (Textus minores, xxxi.) Leiden: E. J. Brill. 1964. Pp. 72. Fl. 7.50

(H. W.) Pleket The Greek Inscriptions in the ‘Rijksmuseum van Oudheden’ at Leyden. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1958. Pp. xvi + 103, with 16 plates. Price not stated

(J.) Pouilloux Choix d'inscriptions grecques. Textes, traductions et notes [Bibliothèque de la Faculté des Lettres de Lyon, IV]. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1960. Pp. 195. NFr 10

(W. M.) Calder III The inscription from temple G at Selinus. (Greek, Roman and Byzantine monographs, 4.) Durham, N. C.: Duke University. 1963. Pp. x + 63. 3 plates. 1 text figure. $2.50

A Decorative Bronze Silenus-Mask from Ilkley

scientific article published in November 1920

A Journey in South-Western Asia Minor


A Panathenaic Amphora from Kameiros

A Transfer from Eleusis

ATHENIAN TRIBUTE LISTS. By B. D. Meritt, H. T. Wade-Gery. and M. F. McGregor. Vol. I,

review article

Ancient Sparta: a Re–examination of the Evidence. By K. M. T. Chrimes. Pp. xv + 527, 9 pll. and map. Manchester: University Press, 1949. 45s


Archaeology in Greece, 1922–24

scholarly article by Arthur M. Woodward published in January 1924

Archaeology in Greece, 1924–25

scholarly article by Arthur M. Woodward published in January 1925

Archaeology in Greece, 1925-26

scholarly article by A. M. Woodward published in January 1926

Archaeology in Greece, 1925–26

scholarly article by A. M. Woodward published in January 1926

Archaeology in Greece, 1926–27

scholarly article by A. M. Woodward published in January 1927

Athens and the oracle of Ammon

Chapters on Mediaeval and Renaissance Visitors to Greek Lands (Gennadeion Monographs III). By J. M. Paton. Pp. xii + 212. Princeton: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1951. Price not given

article by A. M. Woodward published November 1952 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies


Excavations at Sparta, 1924–1928: I.—The Theatre: Architectural Remains

article by A. M. Woodward published November 1930 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Excavations at Sparta, 1924–1928: II.—Votive Inscriptions from the Acropolis

article by A. M. Woodward published November 1930 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Excavations at Sparta, 1924—25: Note on the Coins found in 1924–25

article by A. M. Woodward published November 1925 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Excavations at Sparta, 1924—25: The Acropolis. The Finds

article by A. M. Woodward published November 1925 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Excavations at Sparta, 1924—25: § 1.—Introductory

article by A. M. Woodward published November 1925 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Excavations at Sparta, 1924—25: § 2.—The Theatre

article by A. M. Woodward published November 1925 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Excavations at Sparta, 1924—25: § 3.—The Inscriptions

article by A. M. Woodward published November 1925 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Excavations at Sparta, 1924—25: § 4.—The Acropolis. The Site

article by A. M. Woodward & M. B. Hobling published November 1925 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Excavations at Sparta, 1924—28: Part II. Four Hellenistic Decrees

article by A. M. Woodward & Louis Robert published November 1928 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Excavations at Sparta, 1924—28: § 1.—Introductory

article by A. M. Woodward published November 1928 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Excavations at Sparta, 1924—28: § 2.—The Inscriptions, Part I

article by A. M. Woodward published November 1928 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Excavations at Sparta, 1926: § 1.—Introductory

article by A. M. Woodward published November 1926 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Excavations at Sparta, 1926: § 3.—The Inscriptions

article by A. M. Woodward published November 1926 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Excavations at Sparta, 1926: §2.—The Theatre

article by A. M. Woodward published November 1926 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Excavations at Sparta, 1927: Appendix: Sculptures from the Theatre and the Nymphaeum

article by A. M. Woodward published November 1927 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Excavations at Sparta, 1927: § 1.—Introductory

article by A. M. Woodward published November 1927 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Excavations at Sparta, 1927: § 2.—The Theatre

article by A. M. Woodward published November 1927 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Excavations at Sparta, 1927: § 3.—The Acropolis, 1926–27

article by A. M. Woodward published November 1927 in Annual of the British School at Athens

I.—Excavations At Sparta, 1907: §10.—Inscriptions

article by Marcus Niebuhr Tod et al published January 1907 in Annual of the British School at Athens

I.—Excavations At Sparta, 1908 § 5.—Inscriptions

article by Arthur M. Woodward published November 1908 in Annual of the British School at Athens

I.—Excavations at Sparta, 1909: § 4.—Inscriptions

article by Arthur M. Woodward published November 1909 in Annual of the British School at Athens

I.—Excavations at Sparta, 1910: § 6.—Inscriptions

article by Arthur M. Woodward published November 1910 in Annual of the British School at Athens


article published in 1921

II.—Topography: § 2.—Taenarum and Southern Maina

Inscriptiones Graecae, V. I: Some Afterthoughts

Inscriptions from Thessaly and Macedonia

Inscriptions from Western Pisidia

Notes and Queries on Athenian Coinage and Finance

Notes on Some Attic Decrees

Notes on some Attic Decrees III

Notes on some Greek Inscriptions, mainly in Athens

P. V. C. Baur and M. I. Rostovtzeff, The Excavations at Dura-Europos, Conducted by Yale University and the French Academy Of Inscriptions and Letters. Preliminary Report Of Second Season Of Work, October, 1928-April, 1929. New Haven; Yale University

scholarly book review

Some New Fragments of Attic Building-Records

Some Note-Books of Sir William Gell, Part II


Some Note-Books of Sir William Gell—I


Some Notes on the Monument of Porphyrios at Constantinople

Some Unpublished Attic Inscriptions

Some more Fragments of Attic Treasure-Records of the Fifth Century

Some more unpublished fragments of Attic Treasure-Records

Studies in Attic Treasure-Records

The Antiquities from Lanuvium in the Museum at Leeds and Elsewhere

The Antiquities from Lanuvium in the Museum at Leeds and elsewhere

The Athenian Agora. Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Vol. III. Literary and Epigraphical Testimonia. By R. E. Wycherley. Princeton, New Jersey. 1957. Pp. x + 259, with 4 plates. Price not stated

article by A. M. Woodward published November 1960 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies

The Excavations at Dura-Europos conducted by Yale University and the French Academy of Inscriptions and Letters: Preliminary Report of Fifth Season of Work, October, 1931–March, 1932. Edited by M. I. Rostovtzeff. New Haven: Yale University Press; L

The Gortyn ‘Labyrinth’ and its Visitors in the Fifteenth Century

The Quota-List of the Year 427–6 B.C

Three New Fragments of Attic Treasure-Records

Vienna. Griechische und lateinische Inschriften der Wiener Antikensammlung. By R. Noll. Vienna: Notring der wissenschaftlichen Verbände Österreichs. 1962. Pp. 135. 10 plates. Price not stated

Voyages and Travels in Greece, the Near East and Adjacent Regions Made Previous to the Year 1801 (Catalogues of the Gennadius Library, II). By S. H. Weber. Pp. vii + 208. Princeton: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1953. Price not stat

Voyages and Travels in the Near East made during the XIX Century: being part of a larger Catalogue of works on Geography, Cartography, Voyages and Travels, in the Gennadius Library, Athens. Compiled and provided with a Preface and Index by Shirley Ho

§ IV.—Mounds and other ancient Sites in the Region of Salonika

§ VII—The Byzantine Castle of Avret-Hissar