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List of works by Iracilda Sampaio

A New Species of Amazon Freshwater Toad-Headed Turtle in the Genus Mesoclemmys (Testudines: Pleurodira: Chelidae) from Brazil

A molecular analysis of the evolutionary relationships in the Callitrichinae, with emphasis on the position of the dwarf marmoset


A molecular phylogeny of the tamarins (genus Saguinus) based on five nuclear sequence data from regions containing Alu insertions

scientific article

A profile of scorpionism, including the species of scorpions involved, in the State of Amazonas, Brazil

scientific article published on May 2016

Alu elements and the phylogeny of capuchin (Cebus and Sapajus) monkeys.

scientific article

An integrative analysis uncovers a new, pseudo-cryptic species of Amazonian marmoset (Primates: Callitrichidae: Mico) from the arc of deforestation

journal article from 'Scientific Reports' published in 2021

Analysis of propagule pressure and genetic diversity in the invasibility of a freshwater apex predator: the peacock bass (genus Cichla)


Characterization and isolation of DNA microsatellite primers for Arapaima gigas, an economically important but severely over-exploited fish species of the Amazon basin


Chromosomal diversity and molecular divergence among three undescribed species of Neacomys (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae) separated by Amazonian rivers

scientific article published on August 2017

Commercialization of a critically endangered species (largetooth sawfish, Pristis perotteti) in fish markets of northern Brazil: Authenticity by DNA analysis


Comparative analyses of species delimitation methods with molecular data in snappers (Perciformes: Lutjaninae).

scientific article

Comparative analysis of the transcriptome of the Amazonian fish species Colossoma macropomum (tambaqui) and hybrid tambacu by next generation sequencing

scientific article published on 25 February 2019

Cytogenetic analysis of Scinaxauratus and Scinaxeurydice (Anura, Hylidae) with emphasis on cytotaxonomy

scientific article published on 26 May 2015

Cytogenetic studies in six species of Scinax (Anura, Hylidae) clade Scinax ruber from northern and northeastern Brazil.

scientific article

DNA barcode reveals candidate species of Scinax and Ololygon (Anura: Hylidae) in Atlantic Forest

scientific article published on 07 March 2022

DNA barcoding reveals mislabeling and commercial fraud in the marketing of fillets of the genus Brachyplatystoma Bleeker, 1862, the Amazonian freshwater catfishes economically important in Brazil

scientific article published on 14 September 2020

DNA-based identification reveals illegal trade of threatened shark species in a global elasmobranch conservation hotspot

scientific article published on 20 February 2018

De novo transcriptome based on next-generation sequencing reveals candidate genes with sex-specific expression in Arapaima gigas (Schinz, 1822), an ancient Amazonian freshwater fish

scientific article published in PLoS ONE

Development and characterization of microsatellite loci for Rhinella marina (Amphibia, Bufonidae) and their transferability to two closely related species


Development of EPIC-PCR Markers for Lutjanus purpureus (Lutjanidae-Perciformes) and their Potential Applicability in Population Analyses

scientific article

Dispersal Capacity and Genetic Structure of Arapaima gigas on Different Geographic Scales Using Microsatellite Markers

scientific article published on January 23, 2013

Divergence of cryptic species of Doryteuthis plei Blainville, 1823 (Loliginidae, Cephalopoda) in the Western Atlantic Ocean is associated with the formation of the Caribbean Sea.

scientific article

Diversity and Karyotypic Evolution in the Genus Neacomys (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae).

scientific article published on 21 November 2015

Expression profiling of the Leishmania life cycle: cDNA arrays identify developmentally regulated genes present but not annotated in the genome

scientific article published in July 2004

First Report of Sex Chromosomes in Achiridae (Teleostei: Pleuronectiformes) with Inferences About the Origin of the Multiple X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y System and Dispersal of Ribosomal Genes in Achirus achirus

scientific article published on 27 September 2016

First cytogenetic information for Lonchothrix emiliae and taxonomic implications for the genus taxa Lonchothrix + Mesomys (Rodentia, Echimyidae, Eumysopinae)

scientific article published on 16 April 2019

Fish diversity of the largest deltaic formation in the Americas - a description of the fish fauna of the Parnaíba Delta using DNA Barcoding

scientific article published on 17 May 2019

Forensic analysis reveals fraud in fillets from the "Gurijuba" Sciades parkeri (Ariidae - Siluriformes): a vulnerable fish in Brazilian Coastal Amazon

scientific article published on 12 June 2019

Genetic analysis reveals candidate species in the Scinax catharinae clade (Amphibia: Anura) from Central Brazil

scientific article

Genetic characterization of native and introduced populations of the neotropical cichlid genus Cichla in Brazil

scientific article

Genetic diversity and structuring in the arapaima (Osteoglossiformes, Osteoglossidae) population reveal differences between the Amazon and the Tocantins-Araguaia basins

scientific article published on 13 March 2020

Genetic identification of bucktooth parrotfish Sparisoma radians (Valenciennes, 1840) (Labridae, Scarinae) by chromosomal and molecular markers

scientific article

Genetic variability of Acartia tonsa (Crustacea: Copepoda) on the Brazilian coast


Genetic variation in native and farmed populations of Tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) in the Brazilian Amazon: regional discrepancies in farming systems.

scientific article

High levels of genetic connectivity among populations of yellowtail snapper, Ocyurus chrysurus (Lutjanidae-Perciformes), in the western South Atlantic revealed through multilocus analysis

scientific article published on 13 March 2015

High-throughput sequencing of black pepper root transcriptome

scientific article

How many Pygmy Marmoset (Cebuella Gray, 1870) species are there? A taxonomic re-appraisal based on new molecular evidence

scientific article

Hybridization and massive mtDNA unidirectional introgression between the closely related Neotropical toads Rhinella marina and R. schneideri inferred from mtDNA and nuclear markers

scientific article (publication date: 22 September 2011)

Identification and characterization of the expression profile of the microRNAs in the Amazon species Colossoma macropomum by next generation sequencing

scientific article published on 10 February 2017

Identification and phylogenetic inferences on stocks of sharks affected by the fishing industry off the Northern coast of Brazil.

scientific article

Identification of the taxonomic status of Scinax nebulosus and Scinax constrictus (Scinaxinae, Anura) based on molecular markers

scientific article published on 23 October 2020

Inclusion of South American samples reveals new population structuring of the blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus) in the western Atlantic

scientific article

Innovative molecular approach to the identification of Colossoma macropomum and its hybrids

scientific article published on April 26, 2012

Is Nematocharax (Actinopterygii, Characiformes) a monotypic fish genus?

scientific article

Isolation and characterization of 11 microsatellite loci in the mangrove crab, Ucides cordatus (Ocypodidae: Ucidinae).

scientific article

Isolation of microsatellite markers for the red mangrove, Rhizophora mangle (Rhizophoraceae).

scientific article

Lack of Spatial Subdivision for the Snapper Lutjanus purpureus (Lutjanidae - Perciformes) from Southwest Atlantic Based on Multi-Locus Analyses

scientific article


scientific article published on 12 April 2018

Microsatellites for the mangrove tree Avicennia germinans (Acanthaceae): Tools for hybridization and mating system studies

scientific article published on August 6, 2010

Mitochondrial COII Gene Sequences Provide New Insights into the Phylogeny of Marmoset Species Groups (Callitrichidae, Primates)


Mitochondrial DNA reveals population structuring inMacrodon atricauda(Perciformes: Sciaenidae): a study covering the whole geographic distribution of the species in the southwestern Atlantic

scientific article published on May 8, 2013

Mitochondrial heteroplasmy and pseudogenes in the freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium amazonicum (Heller, 1862): DNA barcoding and phylogeographic implications

scientific article published on 09 November 2020

Molecular Identification and Traceability of Illegal Trading in Lignobrycon myersi (Teleostei: Characiformes), a Threatened Brazilian Fish Species, Using DNA Barcode.

scientific article published on 7 September 2016

Molecular analyses reveal the occurrence of three new sympatric lineages of velvet worms (Onychophora: Peripatidae) in the eastern Amazon basin

scientific article

Molecular data highlight hybridization in squirrel monkeys (Saimiri, Cebidae).

scientific article

Molecular data indicate the presence of a novel species of Centropomus (Centropomidae - Perciformes) in the Western Atlantic.

scientific article

Molecular evidence of two new species of Eleotris (Gobiiformes: Eleotridae) in the western Atlantic.

scientific article

Molecular identification, phylogeny and geographic distribution of Brazilian mangrove oysters (Crassostrea).

scientific article published on July 2010

Molecular phylogenetic inference of the howler monkey radiation (Primates: Alouatta)

scientific article published on 02 September 2020

Molecular phylogeny and diversification of a widespread Neotropical rainforest bird group: The Buff-throated Woodcreeper complex, Xiphorhynchus guttatus/susurrans (Aves: Dendrocolaptidae).

scientific article published on 12 February 2015

Molecular phylogeny of the genus Lolliguncula steenstrup, 1881 based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences indicates genetic isolation of populations from north and South atlantic, and the possible presence of further cryptic species

scientific article

Molecular phylogeny of the western South Atlantic Sciaenidae based on mitochondrial and nuclear data

scientific article published on October 4, 2012

Molecular phylogeny of weakfish species of the Stellifer group (Sciaenidae, Perciformes) of the western South Atlantic based on mitochondrial and nuclear data

scientific article

Molecular protocol for authentication of snappers (Lutjanidae-Perciformes) based on multiplex PCR.

scientific article

Molecular systematics of tamarins with emphasis on genus <i>Tamarinus</i> (Primates, Callitrichidae)

scientific article published in 2023

Multiloci analyses suggest synonymy among Rhomboplites, Ocyurus and Lutjanus and reveal the phylogenetic position of Lutjanus alexandrei (Lutjanidae: Perciformes)

scientific article published in 2019

Multiple substitutions and reduced genetic variability in sharks

scientific article published in 2013

Mutations in the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) gene have no influence on the distinct patterns of melanic plumage found in the manakins of the genus Antilophia (Aves: Pipridae)


New insights about species delimitation in red snappers (Lutjanus purpureus and L. campechanus) using multilocus data

scientific article published on 02 March 2020

New molecular evidence supports the species status of Kaempfer's Woodpecker (Aves, Picidae).

scientific article published on 17 May 2013

New molecular phylogeny of the squids of the family Loliginidae with emphasis on the genus Doryteuthis Naef, 1912: mitochondrial and nuclear sequences indicate the presence of cryptic species in the southern Atlantic Ocean

scientific article

New record of the mangrove rivulid Kryptolebias hermaphroditus Costa, 2011 (Cyprinodontiformes: Cynolebiidae) in the Pará state, northern Brazil

scientific article published on 17 April 2017

Occurrence of the Indo-Pacific freshwater prawn Macrobrachium equidens Dana 1852 (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) on the coast of Brazilian Amazonia, with notes on its reproductive biology

scientific article published on 01 June 2011

On a new species of titi monkey (Primates: Plecturocebus Byrne et al., 2016), from Alta Floresta, southern Amazon, Brazil


Patterns of Genetic Variability in Island Populations of the Cane Toad (Rhinella marina) from the Mouth of the Amazon

scientific article

Phylogenetic analyses of the genera Pipra, Lepidothrix and Dixiphia (Pipridae, Passeriformes) using partial cytochrome b and 16S mtDNA genes


Phylogenetic analysis of 16S mitochondrial DNA data in sloths and anteaters

scientific article (publication date: 2003)

Phylogenetic relationships among Capuchin (Cebidae, Platyrrhini) lineages: An old event of sympatry explains the current distribution of Cebus and Sapajus

scientific article published on 01 July 2018

Phylogenetic relationships in the genus Cheracebus (Callicebinae, Pitheciidae)

scientific article published on 11 July 2020

Phylogenetic relationships of the New World titi monkeys (Callicebus): first appraisal of taxonomy based on molecular evidence

scientific article

Phylogenetic systematics of the Neotropical caecilian amphibian Luetkenotyphlus (Gymnophiona: Siphonopidae) including the description of a new species from the vulnerable Brazilian Atlantic Forest

scientific article published in July 2019

Phylogeny and Evolution of Selected Primates as Determined by Sequences of the ε-Globin Locus and 5′ Flanking Regions


Phylogeny and biogeography of theRhinella marinaspecies complex (Amphibia, Bufonidae) revisited: implications for Neotropical diversification hypotheses

scholarly article by Marcelo Vallinoto et al published March 2010 in Zoologica Scripta

Phylogeny of the genus Hypophthalmus Cuvier, 1829 (Pimelodidae - Siluriformes), based on a multilocus analysis, indicates diversification and introgression in the Amazon basin

scientific article published on 20 May 2019

Phylogeny of the subfamily Stelliferinae suggests speciation in Ophioscion Gill, 1863 (Sciaenidae: Perciformes) in the western South Atlantic

scientific article published on 19 March 2018

Phylogeny of the titi monkeys of the Callicebus moloch group (Pitheciidae, Primates).

scientific article

Phylogeny, molecular dating and zoogeographic history of the titi monkeys (Callicebus, Pitheciidae) of eastern Brazil

scientific article published on 2 March 2018

Polymerase chain reaction banding patterns of the 5S rDNA gene as a diagnostic tool for the discrimination of South American mullets of the genus Mugil


Population Genetic Studies of Mitochondrial Pseudo-Control Region in the Endangered Araripe Manakin (Antilophia bokermanni)

scientific article published in 2010

Population Structure of Lutjanus purpureus (Lutjanidae - Perciformes) on the Brazilian coast: further existence evidence of a single species of red snapper in the western Atlantic

scientific article published on December 1, 2012

Population genetic analysis of Arapaima gigas, one of the largest freshwater fishes of the Amazon basin: implications for its conservation


Population genetic structuring of the king weakfish, Macrodon ancylodon (Sciaenidae), in Atlantic coastal waters of South America: deep genetic divergence without morphological change

scientific article

Primers for the amplification of the MHC IIβ chain exon 2 in the Atlantic goliath grouper (Epinephelus itajara)

article published in 2014

Range distribution and contributions to taxonomy of Elops smithi (ELOPIFORMES: ELOPIDAE)

scientific article published on 02 December 2019

Revisiting the phylogeny of the genus Lolliguncula steenstrup 1881 improves understanding of their biogeography and proves the validity of Lolliguncula argus Brakoniecki & Roper, 1985

scientific article published on 06 October 2020

Species distribution and introgressive hybridization of two Avicennia species from the Western Hemisphere unveiled by phylogeographic patterns.

scientific article

Spider monkey, Muriqui and Woolly monkey relationships revisited

scientific article published on 28 September 2006

Successful invasion of the Amazon Coast by the giant river prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii: evidence of a reproductively viable population

scientific article published in 2016

Surveying cephalopod diversity of the Amazon reef system using samples from red snapper stomachs and description of a new genus and species of octopus

scientific article published on 11 April 2019

Systematic revision of the Spotted Antpitta (Grallariidae: Hylopezus macularius), with description of a cryptic new species from Brazilian Amazonia

scientific article published in April 2012

The complete mitochondrial genome of <i>Menticirrhus littoralis</i> (Sciaenidae, Perciformes) and its phylogeny

scientific article published on 02 June 2020

The history of the introduction of the giant river prawn, Macrobrachium cf. rosenbergii (Decapoda, Palaemonidae), in Brazil: New insights from molecular data

scientific article

The invasive status of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man, 1879) in Northern Brazil, with an estimation of areas at risk globally


The largest fish in the world's biggest river: Genetic connectivity and conservation of Arapaima gigas in the Amazon and Araguaia-Tocantins drainages

scientific article published on 16 August 2019

The past and present of an estuarine-resident fish, the "four-eyed fish" Anableps anableps (Cyprinodontiformes, Anablepidae), revealed by mtDNA sequences

scientific article

The roles of vicariance and dispersal in the differentiation of two species of the Rhinella marina species complex

scientific article published on 28 December 2019

The systematics and evolution of New World primates - A review

scientific article

Titi monkey biogeography: Parallel Pleistocene spread by Plecturocebus and Cheracebus into a post-Pebas Western Amazon

scholarly article by Hazel Byrne published in July 2018

Tracing individuals and populations of the tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818), from Brazilian hatcheries using microsatellite markers

scientific article published on 13 January 2019

Unveiling hidden diversity of Oecomys (Rodentia: Cricetidae) from Brazilian Central Amazonia: description of a new species and new lineages

scientific article published on 12 October 2023