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List of works by Jean-Yves Rasplus

(1626-1628) Proposals to Conserve Names of Extant Fig Trees against Senior Homonyms of Fossils: Ficus Crassipes F. M. Bailey against F. Crassipes (Heer) Heer, Ficus Tiliifolia Baker against E Tiliifolia (A. Braun) Heer and Ficus Tremula Warb, [...]

scientific article (publication date: May 2004)

A molecular phylogeny of the Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera)

scientific article published in 2011

A multilocus phylogeny of the world Sycoecinae fig wasps (Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae).

scientific article

A new species of Josephiella (Hymenoptera: Agaonidae) forming leaf galls on Ficus microcarpa L. (Moraceae)

scientific article

A phylogenetic analysis of the megadiverse Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera)

scientific article published on 4 January 2013

Active Pollination of Ficus sur by Two Sympatric Fig Wasp Species in West Africa


An extreme case of plant-insect codiversification: figs and fig-pollinating wasps

scientific article

An integrative approach to species discrimination in the Eupelmus urozonus complex (Hymenoptera, Eupelmidae), with the description of 11 new species from the Western Palaearctic


Are generalist Aphidiinae (Hym. Braconidae) mostly cryptic species complexes?


Assessing the Risk of Invasion by Tephritid Fruit Flies: Intraspecific Divergence Matters

scientific article published on 14 August 2015

Availability of eleven species names of Eupelmus (Hymenoptera, Eupelmidae) proposed in Al khatib et al. (2014)

scientific article

Boucek (Z.), 1988. — Australasian Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) -A biosystematic revision of genera of fourteen families, with a reclassification of species. Wallingford, C.A.B. International. Adresse éditeur : C.A.B. International, Wallingford, OXON…

scientific article


scientific article published in 2000




scholarly article by Emmanuelle Jousselin et al published June 2003 in Evolution

Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) obtained from common reed, Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. (Poaceae) in Iran with new records and descriptions of two new species

scientific article published on 28 August 2020

Conidarnes, a new oriental genus of Sycophaginae (Hymenoptera, Agaonidae) associated with Ficus section Conosycea (Moraceae)

scientific article

Constraints on convergence: hydrophobic hind legs allow some male pollinator fig wasps early access to submerged females

scientific article published in 2017

Contribution à la connaissance des Sphingidae de Guyane Française. 2e Partie [Lep.]

scientific article

Contribution à la connaissance des Sphingidae de Guyane Française. lre Partie [Lep.]

scientific article

DNA barcoding and the associated PhylAphidB@se website for the identification of European aphids (Insecta: Hemiptera: Aphididae).

scientific article

Description de deux nouvelles espèces du genre Anisopteromalus Rutschka. Clé des espèces afrotropicales [Hym. Pteromalidae]

scientific article

Description of a new genus, Chileana (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Torymidae), with four new species

scientific article (publication date: 3 December 2013)

Dictyoptera (Blattodea, Isoptera), Orthoptera, Phasmatodea and Dermaptera. Chapter 13.3

scientific article published on 6 July 2010

Dispersal and fighting in male pollinating fig wasps

scientific article published on January 1, 2003

Dispersal of fig pollinators in Asian tropical rain forests


Distribution and phylogeny of Wolbachia inducing thelytoky in Rhoditini and 'Aylacini' (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae).

scientific article

Diversification and spatial structuring in the mutualism between Ficus septica and its pollinating wasps in insular South East Asia

scientific article published on 29 August 2017

Diversification patterns and processes of wingless endemic insects in the Mediterranean Basin: historical biogeography of the genusBlaps(Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)

scholarly article by Fabien L. Condamine et al published June 2013 in Journal of Biogeography

Echoes of ancient introgression punctuate stable genomic lineages in the evolution of figs

scientific article published in 2023

Empirical assessment of RAD sequencing for interspecific phylogeny

scientific article published on 3 February 2014

Entomofaune chalcidienne de Ficus sycomorus L. : répartition et abondance dans différentes zones climatiques du Sénégal (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea)

scientific article

Erimerinae, a prior name to Microdontomerinae (Hymenoptera, Torymidae) with the description of a new genus and three new species from Iran

scientific article published in 2024

Eurytoma caninae sp. n. (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae), a common species previously overlooked with E. rosae

scientific article published on 19 November 2007

Evolution of fruit traits in ficus subgenus Sycomorus (Moraceae): to what extent do frugivores determine seed dispersal mode?

scientific article published in 2012

Evolution, systematics and historical biogeography of sand flies of the subgenus Paraphlebotomus (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotomus) inferred using restriction-site associated DNA markers

scholarly article published in 2021

Extinction threat evaluation of endemic fig trees of New Caledonia: Priority assessment for taxonomy and conservation with herbarium collections

Ficus racemosa is pollinated by a single population of a single agaonid wasp species in continental South-East Asia

scientific article published on 18 June 2010

Fig–fig wasp mutualism: the fall of the strict cospeciation paradigm?

Fine-scale genetic structure of two carabid species with contrasted levels of habitat specialization

scientific article published in July 2003

First record of a non-pollinating fig wasp (Hymenoptera: Sycophaginae) from Dominican amber, with estimation of the size of its host figs

scholarly article by Fernando H. A. Farache et al published 12 July 2016 in Journal of Natural History

Gauld (I.) & Bolton (B.), 1988. — The Hymenoptera. — Oxford University Press, British Museum (Natural History). Adresse de l'éditeur : Oxford University Press, Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, England

scientific article

High similarity between flanking regions of different microsatellites detected within each of two species of Lepidoptera: Parnassius apollo and Euphydryas aurinia

scientific article

High-throughput sequencing of multiple amplicons for barcoding and integrative taxonomy

scientific article

Hybridization, developmental stability, and functionality of morphological traits in the ground beetleCarabus solieri(Coleoptera, Carabidae)

scholarly article by STEPHANE GARNIER published in August 2006

Hymenoptera. Chapter 12

scientific article

Identification of molecular markers for DNA barcoding in the Aphidiinae (Hym. Braconidae).

scientific article published on 17 October 2011

Impact of past climatic changes and resource availability on the population demography of three food-specialist bees

scientific article

Is phylogeography helpful for invasive species risk assessment? The case study of the bark beetle genus Dendroctonus


Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Galapagos caterpillar hunters (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Calosoma)

scholarly article by Hilde Dhuyvetter published in September 2002

Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the Galapagos Opuntia weevil Gerstaeckeria galapagoensis (Coleoptera, Curculionidae)

scholarly article by Hilde Dhuyvetter published in December 2002

Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the ground beetleCarabus problematicus(Coleoptera, Carabidae)

scholarly article by Eva Gaublomme published in September 2003

Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellites in Parnassius apollo and Euphydryas aurinia (Lepidoptera)

scholarly article by FREDERIC PETENIAN et al published 17 February 2005 in Molecular Ecology Notes

Isolation by distance and sharp discontinuities in gene frequencies: implications for the phylogeography of an alpine insect species, Carabus solieri

scientific article

Key innovations and the diversification of Hymenoptera

scientific article published on 03 March 2023

Laying the foundations for a new classification of Agaonidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea), a multilocus phylogenetic approach

scholarly article by Astrid Cruaud et al published October 2009 in Cladistics

Methods for species delimitation in bumblebees (Hymenoptera, Apidae,Bombus): towards an integrative approach


Microsatellites and allozymes as the genetic memory of habitat fragmentation and defragmentation in populations of the ground beetleCarabus auronitens(Col., Carabidae)

Molecular dating and biogeography of fig-pollinating wasps

scientific article published on 13 June 2009

Molecular identification of Epitrix potato flea beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Europe and North America

scientific article published in March 2013

Molecular mechanisms of mutualistic and antagonistic interactions in a plant–pollinator association

scientific article published on 17 May 2021

Molecular phylogenetics of cixiid planthoppers (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha): new insights from combined analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear genes

scientific article

Molecular phylogenies of fig wasps: partial cocladogenesis of pollinators and parasites

scientific article published in October 2001

Molecular phylogeny and evolution of host-plant use in conifer seed chalcids in the genus Megastigmus (Hymenoptera: Torymidae)


Molecular phylogeny of fig wasps Agaonidae are not monophyletic

scientific article published in June 1998

Molecular phylogeny of the Ceratosolen species pollinating Ficus of the subgenus Sycomorus sensu stricto: biogeographical history and origins of the species-specificity breakdown cases

scientific article published on April 1999

Molecular systematics and evolution of the subgenus Mesocarabus Thomson, 1875 (Coleoptera: Carabidae:Carabus), based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA

scientific article

Molecular systematics and evolutionary history of the genus Carabus (Col. Carabidae).

scientific article

Morphometric analysis and taxonomic revision of Anisopteromalus Ruschka (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae) - an integrative approach

scientific article

Multilocus phylogeny and ecological differentiation of the "Eupelmus urozonus species group" (Hymenoptera, Eupelmidae) in the West-Palaearctic.

scientific article published on 19 January 2016

Mutualists with attitude: coevolving fig wasps and figs

scientific article published in 2003

Neomegadicylus, a new genus of Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from the Palaearctic region

scientific article published in 2023

Nest architecture and genetic differentiation in a species complex of Australian stingless bees.

scientific article

Networking of integrated pest management: A powerful approach to address common challenges in agriculture

New insights on systematics and phylogenetics of Mediterranean Blaps species (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Blaptini), assessed through morphology and dense taxon sampling

scholarly article by FABIEN L. CONDAMINE published in March 2011

Nine polymorphic microsatellite loci from the psyllid Cacopsylla pruni (Scopoli), the vector of European stone fruit yellows

scientific article

Nomenclature of the Endemic Monoecious Fig Trees (Moraceae: Ficus L.) of New Caledonia and Vanuatu (Pacific Ocean)

scientific article (publication date: May 2003)

Non-Pollinating Afrotropical Fig Wasps Affect the Fig-Pollinator Mutualism in Ficus within the Subgenus Sycomorus

scientific article published in 1996

Notes taxonomiques et identification desFicusmalgaches

scientific article published in 2011

Nouvelles espèces afrotropicales du genre Entedon Dalman et notes sur leur biologie [Hym. Eulophidae]

scientific article


scientific article published on 01 July 2008

Ooctonus vulgatus (Hymenoptera, Mymaridae), a potential biocontrol agent to reduce populations of Philaenus spumarius (Hemiptera, Aphrophoridae) the main vector of Xylella fastidiosa in Europe

scientific article published on 24 March 2020

Optimized DNA extraction and library preparation for minute arthropods: Application to target enrichment in chalcid wasps used for biocontrol

scientific article published on 01 May 2019

Orientopius Fischer (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Opiinae) new for Europe, with first notes on its biology and description of a new species


Out of Australia and back again: the world-wide historical biogeography of non-pollinating fig wasps (Hymenoptera: Sycophaginae)


Ovipositor morphology correlates with life history evolution in agaonid fig wasps

scientific article published in 2018

Patterns of diversification of Afrotropical Otiteselline fig wasps: phylogenetic study reveals a double radiation across host figs and conservatism of host association

scientific article published in January 2006

Patterns of genetic and reproductive traits differentiation in Mainland vs. Corsican populations of bumblebees

scientific article

Phylogenetic analysis of Eurytominae (Chalcidoidea: Eurytomidae) based on morphological characters


Phylogeny and evolution of life-history strategies in the Sycophaginae non-pollinating fig wasps (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea)

scientific article

Phylogeny of the genus Aphis Linnaeus, 1758 (Homoptera: Aphididae) inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences.

scientific article published on 17 October 2006

Pollination of Ficus elastica: India rubber re-establishes sexual reproduction in Singapore

scientific article published on 14 September 2017

Population genetic structure of male black grouse (Tetrao tetrix L.) in fragmented vs. continuous landscapes


Population genetic structure of rock ptarmigan Lagopus mutus in Northern and Western Europe

scientific article

Pushing the limits of whole genome amplification: successful sequencing of RADseq library from a single microhymenopteran (Chalcidoidea, )


RADIS: analysis of RAD-seq data for interspecific phylogeny

scientific article

Redefining Ormyridae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) with establishment of subfamilies and description of new genera

scientific article published on 30 April 2024

Restriction-site associated DNA markers provide new insights into the evolutionary history of the bark beetle genus Dendroctonus

scientific article published on 06 June 2019

Revision of the Australasian genus Pseudidarnes Girault, 1927 (Hymenoptera, Agaonidae, Sycophaginae)

scientific article

Revision of the Australian species of Pleistodontes (Hymenoptera: Agaonidae) fig-pollinating wasps and their host-plant associations


Revision of the Papua New Guinean fig wasp genus Robertsia Boucek (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae: Sycoecinae)

scientific article (publication date: 31 March 2005)

Scent of a break-up: phylogeography and reproductive trait divergences in the red-tailed bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius)

scientific article

Shift to mutualism in parasitic lineages of the fig/fig wasp interaction

scientific article published in 2001

Specialization and habitat: spatial and environmental effects on abundance and genetic diversity of forest generalist and specialist Carabus species

scientific article published in July 2004

Spodophagus, a new genus of Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera), for an important parasite of Spodoptera littoralis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Madagascar

article by Gérard Delvare & Jean-Yves Rasplus published June 1994 in Bulletin of Entomological Research

Structure spatio-temporelle d'une communauté parasitaire inféodée aux Coléoptères séminivores de Légumineuses à Lamto (RCI)

scientific article

Sycidiphaga, a new genus of Sycophaginae Walker, 1975 (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Agaonidae) associated with Ficus subgenus Sycidium in southern China

scientific article published on 15 August 2017

Taxonomic revision and molecular phylogenetics of the Idarnes incertus species-group (Hymenoptera, Agaonidae, Sycophaginae)

scientific article (publication date: 2017)

Taxonomic revision and molecular phylogeny of the fig wasp genusAnidarnesBouček, 1993 (Hymenoptera: Sycophaginae)

scientific article published in January 2013

Testing cospeciation through large-scale cophylogenetic studies

scientific article published on 19 October 2016

Testing the emergence of New Caledonia: fig wasp mutualism as a case study and a review of evidence

scientific article (publication date: 2012)

Tetramesa amica and its parasitoid Eurytoma amicophaga (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae): two new species associated with medusahead, Taeniatherum caput-medusae (Poaceae)

scientific article published on 18 December 2020

The Chalcidoidea bush of life: evolutionary history of a massive radiation of minute wasps

scientific article published on 2 November 2023

The Evolution of Dioecy among Ficus (Moraceae): An Alternative Hypothesis Involving Non-Pollinating Fig Wasp Pressure on the Fig-Pollinator Mutualism

scientific article published in 1996

The alien's identity: consequences of taxonomic status for the international bumblebee trade regulations

The global phylogeny of the subfamily Sycoryctinae (Pteromalidae): parasites of an obligate mutualism

scientific article published on 7 June 2012

The unknown followers: Discovery of a new species of Sycobia Walker (Hymenoptera: Epichrysomallinae) associated with Ficus benjamina L. (Moraceae) in the Neotropical region

scientific article published on 31 December 2018

Torymidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) revised: molecular phylogeny, circumscription and reclassification of the family with discussion of its biogeography and evolution of life-history traits

scholarly article by Petr Janšta et al published 1 November 2017 in Cladistics

Toward the DNA Library of Life

scientific article published on 30 January 2017

Using insects to detect, monitor and predict the distribution of Xylella fastidiosa: a case study in Corsica

scientific article published in Scientific Reports

Vectors as Sentinels: Rising Temperatures Increase the Risk of Xylella fastidiosa Outbreaks

scientific article published in 2022

What causes latitudinal gradients in species diversity? Evolutionary processes and ecological constraints on swallowtail biodiversity

scientific article

When morphometry meets genetics: inferring the phylogeography of Carabus solieri using Fourier analyses of pronotum and male genitalia

scientific article published in March 2005

Xylella fastidiosa: climate suitability of European continent.

scientific article

Cecinothofagus Nieves-Aldrey & Liljeblad (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae) is likely an endoparasitoid of the gall-maker genus Aditrochus Rübsaamen (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae)

scientific article published on 31 October 2022

From hell’s heart I stab at thee! A determined approach towards a monophyletic Pteromalidae and reclassification of Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera)

scientific article published on 20 December 2022