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List of works by Gottfried August Bürger

Actenstücke über einen poetischen Wettstreit

work by Gottfried August Bürger to decide a poetic competition, with a collection of various poems

An August Wilhelm Schlegel

sonnet by Gottfried August Bürger in honour of August Wilhelm Schlegel

Auf einen Zeitschriftsteller

poem by Gottfried August Bürger

Bürgers Lenore

cantata composed by Anton Reicha; musical setting of the poem "Lenore" by Gottfried August Bürger

Bürger’s sämmtliche Schriften

edition of the writings of Gottfried August Bürger in 6 volumes

Das Lied vom braven Manne

1778 poem written by Gottfried August Bürger

Das Lied von Treue

poem by Gottfried August Bürger

Der Vogel Urselbst, seine Recensenten und der Genius

poem by Gottfried August Bürger

Der wohlgesinnte Liebhaber

poem by Gottfried August Bürger

Die Erscheinung

poem by Gottfried August Bürger

Duch Německa

Czech book edition from 1917 year


poetry collection by Gottfried August Bürger

Gedichte Zweyter Theil


Dostal-Lutinov's Czech translation of Burger's German poem

Hübnerus redivivus

work by Gottfried August Bürger

Lenardo and Blandine

German poem written by Gottfried August Bürger, 1778


poem by Gottfried August Bürger


ballad composed by Franz Liszt; musical setting of the poem "Lenore" by Gottfried August Bürger


ballad composed by Richard Kügele: musical setting of the poem "Lenore" by Gottfried August Bürger

Singular Travels, Campaigns, Voyages, and Sporting Adventures of Baron Munnikhouson, commonly pronounced Munchausen

narrative by Gottfried August Bürger


poem by Gottfried August Bürger

Vorläufige Antikritik und Anzeige

article by Gottfried August Bürger in response to the scathing criticism of his poems by Friedrich Schiller

Über Antikritiken

poem by Gottfried August Bürger