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List of works by Lars Hedenäs

(1237-1238) Proposals to Conserve the Names Hypnum plumosum and H. salebrosum (Brachytheciaceae, Musci) with Conserved Types

scientific article (publication date: August 1996)

(1257) Proposal to Reject the Name Hypnum polymorphum Hedw. (Musci, Amblystegiaceae)

scientific article

(1387) Proposal to Conserve the Name Calliergon megalophyllum against Hypnum moldavicum (Musci, Amblystegiaceae)

scientific article (publication date: February 1999)

(1771) Proposal to Conserve the Name Hypnum molle (Bryopsida, Amblystegiaceae) with a Conserved Type

scientific article published on May 2007

A Caribbean epiphyte community preserved in Miocene Dominican amber

A Cladistic Analysis of the Moss Genus Orthotrichum

scientific article

A Cladistic Evaluation of Relationships between the Hookeriales, the Sematophyllaceae and Some Other Taxa

A Cladistic Overview of the ""Hookeriales""

A New Species of Campylium from the Northern Holarctic Region

scientific article published in 1990

A New Species of Gymnostomum

A Partial Generic Revision of Campylium (Musci)

scientific article

A Phylogenetic Analysis of the Sematophyllaceae

A Plio-Pleistocene moss assemblage from Store Koldewey, NE Greenland

scientific article published in 2008

A Subfossil Find of Pseudocalliergon brevifolium in Northern Sweden

scientific article published in 1990

A Subfossil Occurrence of Loeskypnum wickesii in Northern Sweden

scientific article published in 1993

A farewell to Tortella bambergeri (Pottiaceae) as understood over the last decades

A multiproxy macrofossil record of Eemian palaeoenvironments from Klaksvík, the Faroe Islands

Accounting for data heterogeneity in patterns of biodiversity: an application of linear mixed effect models to the oceanic island biogeography of spore-producing plants


Additions to the Moss Floras of Estonia and Latvia

scientific article published in 1990

Amblystegiaceae (Musci)

scientific article published in 2003

Amblystegium longicuspis Lindb. & H. Arn., Its Status and Taxonomic Position

An Evaluation of Phylogenetic Relationships among the Thuidiaceae, the Amblystegiaceae, and the Temperate Members of the Hypnaceae

An Interesting Find of Calliergon sarmentosum in Southern Sweden

scientific article published in 1990

An acrocarpous moss in Cretaceous amber from Myanmar

scholarly article by Jochen Heinrichs et al published September 2014 in Cretaceous Research

An annotated checklist of bryophytes of Europe, Macaronesia and Cyprus

An in situ preserved moss community in Eocene Baltic amber

Are Annual Growth Intervals Independent Units in The Moss Pseudocalliergon Trifarium (Amblystegiaceae)


Are the Remains of the Central European Population of Drepanocladus turgescens Genetically Distinct from Scandinavian Populations?

scholarly article published in 2019

Axillary Hairs in Pleurocarpous Mosses: A Comparative Study

scientific article published in 1990

Baker's law and the island syndromes in bryophytes

scientific article published in 2013

Bryophyte conservation on a North Atlantic hotspot: threatened bryophytes in Madeira and Selvagens Archipelagos (Portugal)

scientific article published in 2014

Bryophytes of Europe Traits ( BET ) data set: A fundamental tool for ecological studies

Bryophytes of the Burmese amber forest: Amending and expanding the circumscription of the Cretaceous moss genus Vetiplanaxis

Calcium and iron as key drivers of brown moss composition through differential effects on phosphorus availability

scientific article published in 2018

Callicladium haldanianum in Central and Northern Sweden

scientific article published in 1989

Campylium (Musci, Amblystegiaceae), a Name Typified by Pfeiffer

scientific article (publication date: May 1997)

Circumscription of European Taxa within the Sciuro-hypnum reflexum Complex (Brachytheciaceae, Bryophyta), Based on Molecular and Morphological Data

scientific article published on May 2009

Circumscription, Classification, and Taxonomy of Amblystegiaceae (Bryopsida) Inferred from Nuclear and Chloroplast DNA Sequence Data and Morphology

scientific article (publication date: February 2002)

Conservation status of the two cryptic species of<i>Hamatocaulis vernicosus</i>(Bryophyta) in Sweden

scientific article published in 2018

Crown Group Lejeuneaceae and Pleurocarpous Mosses in Early Eocene (Ypresian) Indian Amber

scientific article

Differentiation in DNA Fingerprinting and Morphology among Species of the Pleurocarpous Moss Genus, Rhytidiadelphus (Hylocomiaceae)

scientific article (publication date: May 2003)

Disentangling generic limits in Chionoloma, Oxystegus, Pachyneuropsis and Pseudosymblepharis (Bryophyta: Pottiaceae): An inquiry into their phylogenetic relationships

scientific article (publication date: 8 March 2016)

Disentangling knots of rapid evolution: origin and diversification of the moss order Hypnales

scientific article published in September 2012

Distributions and habitats of the two partly allopatric cryptic species of the vulnerable moss <i>Hamatocaulis vernicosus</i> (Bryophyta) in Europe

scientific article published in 2022

Do Male and Female Plants Display Different Haplotype Patterns in the Moss Drepanocladus Trifarius (Bryophyta, Amblystegiaceae)?

scientific article

Drepanocladus vernicosus in the Dominican Republic

scientific article

Early Holocene land floras and faunas from Edgeøya, eastern Svalbard

scientific article published in 1995

Early divergence of an Azorean endemic species in the moss genus Rhynchostegiella (Brachytheciaceae)

scientific article

Elsa Cecilia Nyholm (1911-2002)

article published in 2003

Elsa Cecilia Nyholm (1911–2002)

article published in June 2003

Environments Indicated by Bryophytes in Early Weichselian Interstadial Deposits from Northern Sweden

scientific article published in 1994

Family affiliation, sex ratio and sporophyte frequency in unisexual mosses

scientific article published in 2013

Habitat Differentiation within Palustriella

Hamatocaulis lapponicus [Hamatocaulis lapponicus (Musci: Amblystegiaceae) in Germany.

scientific article published on 7 November 2002

How Do We Select Bryophyte Species for Conservation, and How Should We Conserve Them?

How do temperate bryophytes face the challenge of a changing environment? Lessons from the past and predictions for the future.

scientific article

How many species ofIsothecium(Lembophyllaceae, Bryophyta) are there in Macaronesia? A survey using integrative taxonomy

scientific article published in 2015

Identifying sex in non-fertile individuals of the moss Drepanocladus turgescens (Bryophyta: Amblystegiaceae) using a novel molecular approach

scientific article

Important Complexes of Intercorrelated Character States in Pleurocarpous Mosses

Incongruence among morphological species circumscriptions and two molecular datasets in Sarmentypnum (Bryophyta: Calliergonaceae)

scientific article published on December 2011

Intraspecific differentiation: Implications for niche and distribution modelling

scientific article published on 11 November 2020

Lectotypification of Hedwig names : holarctic pleurocarpus mosses

scientific article

Leskea rupestris, an Older Name for Pseudoleskeella sibirica

scientific article published in 1992

Mate limited reproductive success in two dioicous mosses

scientific article published in 2004

Mid-Miocene cooling and the extinction of tundra in continental Antarctica

scientific article (publication date: 5 August 2008)

Miocene Ethiopian amber: A new source of fossil cryptogams

scientific article published on 31 August 2021

Molecular and morphological incongruence in European species of Isothecium (Bryophyta).

scientific article

Moss Remains from the Last Interglacial at Thule, NW Greenland

article by Lars Hedenäs & Ole Bennike published 2003 in Lindbergia

Mosses of southwest Ethiopian montane forests – notes on their occurrence pattern and many new country records

Neckera and Thamnobryum (Neckeraceae, Bryopsida): Paraphyletic assemblages

scientific article published on February 2011

New Views on the Relationships among European Pleurocarpous Mosses

New interglacial deposits from Copenhagen, Denmark: marine Isotope Stage 7

scientific article

New national and regional bryophyte records, 18

scientific article published in June 2008

New national and regional bryophyte records, 22

New national and regional bryophyte records, 26

No evidence of sexual niche partitioning in a dioecious moss with rare sexual reproduction

scientific article published on 10 September 2015

Nomenclatural notes on Fennoscandian bryophytes

scientific article published on 1992

Notes on Some Taxa of Amblystegiaceae

scientific article

Notes on Tortula norvegica in Southern Sweden

scientific article published in 1989

On the Identity of Brachythecium campestre (C. Müll.) B., S. & G. in Sweden, Norway and Finland

scholarly article by Lars Hedenäs published 1995 in Lindbergia

Oncophorus wahlenbergii var. elongatus I. Hagen, an Overlooked Taxon in Northern Europe

scientific article published in 2005

Origin and evolution of the northern hemisphere disjunction in the moss genus Homalothecium (Brachytheciaceae).

scientific article

Phylogenetic Relationships within the Plagiotheciaceae

Phylogenetic analyses reveal high levels of polyphyly among pleurocarpous lineages as well as novel clades

scientific article

Phylogenetic reconstructions of the Hedwigiaceae reveal cryptic speciation and hybridisation in Hedwigia

scholarly article by Volker Buchbender et al published 31 December 2014 in Bryophyte diversity and evolution

Phylogeny and morphological evolution of the amblystegiaceae (Bryopsida).

scientific article published in April 2002

Phylogeny of the Moss Family Bryaceae Inferred from Chloroplast DNA Sequences and Morphology

scientific article published in 2003

Phylogeny-based comparative methods question the adaptive nature of sporophytic specializations in mosses

scientific article (publication date: 2012)

Phylogeography of Alpine populations of Rhytidium rugosum (Bryophyta) in a European context

Pseudocalliergon is nested within Drepanocladus (Bryophyta: Amblystegiaceae)

scientific article published in 2008

Ptychomitrium subcrispatum Thér. & la Varde, an east southern African species excluded from the Cape Verde bryoflora

Red Data Book of European Bryophytes by European Committee for Conservation of Bryophytes

scientific article

Relationships in Scorpidium (Calliergonaceae, Bryophyta), Especially between S. cossonii and S. scorpioides

scientific article published on February 2008

Relationships within Timmia , especially within T. austriaca Hedw. (Musci, Timmiaceae)

Reproductive effort and costs of reproduction do not explain female-biased sex ratios in the moss Pseudocalliergon trifarium (Amblystegiaceae).

scientific article

Resolution of the ordinal phylogeny of mosses using targeted exons from organellar and nuclear genomes

scientific article published on 02 April 2019

Sex expression and sex ratios in dwarf male-producing pleurocarpous mosses – have we missed something?

scientific article published in 2012

Solving nomenclatural problems surrounding Mollia thrausta Stirt. , Barbula tortuosa var. fragilifolia Jur. and Tortella fasciculata (Culm.) Culm.

Some Neglected Character Distribution Patterns among the Pleurocarpous Mosses

scientific article

Species delimitation in the recalcitrant moss genus Rhynchostegiella (Brachytheciaceae)

scientific article

Taxonomic Notes on Brachythecium erythrorrhizon B. S. & G., Based Mainly on Studies of Swedish Material

Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Notes on the Genera Calliergonella and Breidleria

scientific article published in 1990

The Basal Pleurocarpous Diplolepidous Mosses: A Cladistic Approach

scientific article

The Evolutionary Diversity of Mosses – Taxonomic Heterogeneity and its Ecological Drivers

scientific article published on 12 October 2018

The Genera Scorpidium and Hamatocaulis, gen. nov., in Northern Europe

scientific article published in 1989

The Genus Pseudocalliergon in Northern Europe

scientific article published in 1990

The Nordic Bryological Society's Excursion 1989

scientific article published in 1989

The distribution of bryophytes in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, IV. Hamatocaulis and Pseudocalliergon

scientific article published in 2003

The first sex-specific molecular marker discovered in the moss Pseudocalliergon trifarium

scientific article published on 22 May 2008

The genus Sanionia (Musci) in Northwestern Europe, a taxonomic revision

scientific article published on 1989

The moss Helicophyllum torquatum (Bryopsida: Helicophyllaceae) has survived since at least the Miocene

article by Rimas A Kubilius et al published 4 July 2017 in Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society

The overlooked dwarf males in mosses—Unique among green land plants


The status of Orthothecium lapponicum and O. complanatum (Musci, Plagiotheciaceae)

scientific article published in 1988

Three molecular markers suggest different relationships among three Drepanocladus species (Bryophyta: Amblystegiaceae)

scientific article published in 2017

Three species for the price of one within the moss Homalothecium sericeum s.l.

scientific article (publication date: April 2014)

Tuppiap Qeqertaa (Tobias Island): a newly discovered island off northeast Greenland

scholarly article by Ole Bennike et al published October 2006 in Polar Record

Under which humidity conditions are moss spores released? A comparison between species with perfect and specialized peristomes

scientific article published on 08 November 2018

Unveiling the nature of a miniature world: a horizon scan of fundamental questions in bryology

What are the evolutionary mechanisms explaining the similar species richness patterns in tropical mosses? Insights from the phylogeny of the pantropical genus Pelekium

scientific article