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List of works by Christiane Voigt

A climatological view of HNO3partitioning in cirrus clouds

scholarly article by Martina Krämer et al published April 2008 in Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society

A mass spectrometer system for analysis of polar stratospheric aerosols


A quantitative analysis of stratospheric HCl, HNO3, and O3in the tropopause region near the subtropical jet


ACRIDICON–CHUVA Campaign: Studying Tropical Deep Convective Clouds and Precipitation over Amazonia Using the New German Research Aircraft HALO


Aerodynamic Lens System for Producing Particle Beams at Stratospheric Pressures


Aerosol characteristics and particle production in the upper troposphere over the Amazon Basin

scholarly article

Aerosol characteristics and particle production in the upper troposphere over the Amazon Basin

Aerosol concentrations determine the height of warm rain and ice initiation in convective clouds over the Amazon basin


Aerosol influences on low-level clouds in the West African monsoon

scientific article

Aerosol influences on low-level clouds in the West African monsoon

scientific article published on 4 July 2019

Aerosol layers from the 2008 eruptions of Mount Okmok and Mount Kasatochi: In situ upper troposphere and lower stratosphere measurements of sulfate and organics over Europe

scientific article

Airborne limb-imaging measurements of temperature, HNO<sub>3</sub>, O<sub>3</sub>, ClONO<sub>2</sub>, H<sub>2</sub>O and CFC-12 during the Arctic winter 2015/2016: characterization, in situ validation a


Airborne measurements of the nitric acid partitioning in persistent contrails

scholarly article

Airborne observations of the Eyjafjalla volcano ash cloud over Europe during air space closure in April and May 2010

scholarly article

Airborne stratospheric ITCIMS measurements of SO2, HCl, and HNO3in the aged plume of volcano Kasatochi

scholarly article

Aircraft engine particulate matter emissions from sustainable aviation fuels: Results from ground-based measurements during the NASA/DLR campaign ECLIF2/ND-MAX

scientific article published in 2022

Aircraft type influence on contrail properties

scholarly article

Aircraft-based observations of isoprene-epoxydiol-derived secondary organic aerosol (IEPOX-SOA) in the tropical upper troposphere over the Amazon region

scholarly article

An assessment of atmospheric mercury in the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model at an urban site and a rural site in the Great Lakes Region of North America

scholarly article

An introduction to the SCOUT-AMMA stratospheric aircraft, balloons and sondes campaign in West Africa, August 2006: rationale and roadmap

scholarly article

Analysis of MONARC and ACTIVATE Airborne Aerosol Data for Aerosol-Cloud Interaction Investigations: Efficacy of Stairstepping Flight Legs for Airborne In Situ Sampling

scientific article published in 2022

Biofuel blending reduces particle emissions from aircraft engines at cruise conditions

scientific article

Characterization of a Newly Developed Aircraft-Based Laser Ablation Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (ALABAMA) and First Field Deployment in Urban Pollution Plumes over Paris During MEGAPOLI 2009

scholarly article by M. Brands et al published January 2011 in Aerosol Science and Technology

Chemical Analysis of Polar Stratospheric Cloud Particles

scientific article published in Science

Chemical, microphysical, and optical properties of polar stratospheric clouds

scholarly article

Comparing Airborne and Satellite Retrievals of Optical and Microphysical Properties of Cirrus and Deep Convective Clouds using a Radiance Ratio Technique

Comparing airborne and satellite retrievals of cloud optical thickness and particle effective radius using a spectral radiance ratio technique: two case studies for cirrus and deep convective clouds

scholarly article

Comparing calculated microphysical properties of tropical convective clouds at cloud base with measurements during the ACRIDICON-CHUVA campaign

Comparing parameterized versus measured microphysical properties of tropical convective cloud bases during the ACRIDICON–CHUVA campaign

scholarly article

Comparison of chemical and optical in situ measurements of polar stratospheric cloud particles

scholarly article

Condensed-phase nitric acid in a tropical subvisible cirrus cloud

scholarly article

Contrail formation: Analysis of sublimation mechanisms

scholarly article by Bernd Kärcher et al published 29 August 2018 in Geophysical Research Letters

Contrail ice particles in aircraft wakes and their climatic importance

scholarly article

Depletion of ozone and reservoir species of chlorine and nitrogen oxide in the lower Antarctic polar vortex measured from aircraft

scholarly article

Design, Construction and Commissioning of the Braunschweig Icing Wind Tunnel

Design, construction and commissioning of the Braunschweig Icing Wind Tunnel

scholarly article by Stephan E. Bansmer et al published 6 June 2018 in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

Detection of reactive nitrogen containing particles in the tropopause region – evidence for a tropical nitric acid trihydrate (NAT) belt

scholarly article

Dynamics and composition of the Asian summer monsoon anticyclone

scholarly article

Dynamics and composition of the Asian summer monsoon anticyclone


Effective Radius of Ice Particles in Cirrus and Contrails

article published in 2011

Evidence for heterogeneous chlorine activation in the tropical UTLS

scholarly article

Evolution of CO2, SO2, HCl, and HNO3in the volcanic plumes from Etna

scholarly article

Experimental characterization of the COndensation PArticle counting System for high altitude aircraft-borne application

Extinction and optical depth of contrails

scholarly article

Focusing of Aerosols into a Particle Beam at Pressures from 10 to 150 Torr

article published in 1999

Formation of nitric acid/water ice particles in cirrus clouds

scholarly article

Further evidence for CCN aerosol concentrations determining the height of warm rain and ice initiation in convective clouds over the Amazon basin

scholarly article

Global sensitivity of aviation NO<sub>x</sub> effects to the HNO<sub>3</sub>-forming channel of the HO<sub>2</sub> + NO reaction

scholarly article

Ice particle sampling from aircraft – influence of the probing position on the ice water content

scholarly article by Armin Afchine et al published 11 July 2018 in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

Ice particle sampling from aircraft – influence of the probing position on the ice water content

In situ measurements of ice saturation in young contrails

scholarly article

In situ measurements of tropical cloud properties in the West African Monsoon: upper tropospheric ice clouds, Mesoscale Convective System outflow, and subvisual cirrus

scholarly article

In situ mountain-wave polar stratospheric cloud measurements: Implications for nitric acid trihydrate formation

article published in 2003

In-situ observations and modeling of small nitric acid-containing ice crystals

scholarly article

In-situ observations of young contrails – overview and selected results from the CONCERT campaign

scholarly article

Intercomparison of mid-latitude tropospheric and lower stratospheric water vapor measurements and comparison to ECMWF humidity data

Level 2 processing for the imaging Fourier transform spectrometer GLORIA: derivation and validation of temperature and trace gas volume mixing ratios from calibrated dynamics mode spectra


Liquid particle composition and heterogeneous reactions in a mountain wave Polar Stratospheric Cloud

scholarly article

Long-lived contrails and convective cirrus above the tropical tropopause

scholarly article

Long-lived contrails and convective cirrus above the tropical tropopause

ML-CIRRUS: The Airborne Experiment on Natural Cirrus and Contrail Cirrus with the High-Altitude Long-Range Research Aircraft HALO

MOSAiC-ACA and AFLUX - Arctic airborne campaigns characterizing the exit area of MOSAiC

scientific article published in 2022

Measurement of low-ppm mixing ratios of water vapor in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere using chemical ionization mass spectrometry

scholarly article by T. D. Thornberry et al published 4 June 2013 in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

Measurement of low-ppm mixing ratios of water vapor in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere using chemical ionization mass spectrometry

Measurements of HONO, NO, NOyand SO2in aircraft exhaust plumes at cruise

scholarly article

Mitigating the Climate Impact from Aviation: Achievements and Results of the DLR WeCare Project

Mountain waves modulate the water vapor distribution in the UTLS

scholarly article

Mountain waves modulate the water vapor distribution in the UTLS

Multi-campaign ship and aircraft observations of marine cloud condensation nuclei and droplet concentrations

scientific article published in 2023

Nitric Acid Trihydrate (NAT) in Polar Stratospheric Clouds

scientific article published on 01 December 2000

Nitric acid in cirrus clouds

scholarly article

Non-equilibrium compositions of liquid polar stratospheric clouds in gravity waves


Persistent Water-Nitric Acid Condensate with Saturation Water Vapor Pressure Greater than That of Hexagonal Ice.

scientific article published on 8 October 2015

Porous aerosol in degassing plumes of Mt. Etna and Mt. Stromboli

scholarly article

Porous aerosol in degassing plumes of Mt. Etna and Mt. Stromboli

Potential of airborne lidar measurements for cirrus cloud studies

scholarly article published in 2014

Properties of individual contrails: a compilation of observations and some comparisons

scholarly article

Quasi-Spherical Ice in Convective Clouds

Reply to comment from Liotta and Rizzo on “Evolution of CO2, SO2, HCl and HNO3 in the volcanic plumes from Etna” by Voigt et al. [Geophys. Res. Lett.; 41, doi:10.1002/2013GL058974]

Sensitivities of Amazonian clouds to aerosols and updraft speed

scholarly article

Sensitivities of Amazonian clouds to aerosols and updraft speed

article by Micael A. Cecchini et al published 1 March 2017 in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions

Statistical Analysis of Contrail to Cirrus Evolution during the Contrail and Cirrus Experiments (CONCERT)

Statistical analysis of contrail to cirrus evolution during the Contrail and Cirrus Experiment (CONCERT)

scholarly article

Supplementary material to "Sensitivities of Amazonian clouds to aerosols and updraft speed"

scholarly article published 1 March 2017

Susceptibility of contrail ice crystal numbers to aircraft soot particle emissions

scholarly article by Bernd Kärcher & Christiane Voigt published 12 August 2017 in Geophysical Research Letters

The Lagrangian Atmospheric Radionuclide Transport Model (ARTM) — development, description and sensitivity analysis

scientific article published in 2022

The Pagami Creek smoke plume after long-range transport to the upper troposphere over Europe – aerosol properties and black carbon mixing state

scholarly article

The airborne mass spectrometer AIMS – Part 1: AIMS-H 2 O for UTLS water vapor measurements

The airborne mass spectrometer AIMS – Part 1: AIMS-H₂O for UTLS water vapor measurements

The airborne mass spectrometer AIMS – Part 2: Measurements of trace gases with stratospheric or tropospheric origin in the UTLS

article published in 2016

The airborne mass spectrometer AIMS – Part 2: Measurements of trace gases with stratospheric or tropospheric origin in the UTLS

The evolution of microphysical and optical properties of an A380 contrail in the vortex phase

scholarly article

Thin and subvisible cirrus and contrails in a subsaturated environment

scholarly article

Trace gas composition in the Asian summer monsoon anticyclone: A case study based on aircraft observations and model simulations


Trace gas composition in the Asian summer monsoon anticyclone: a case study based on aircraft observations and model simulations

scholarly article

Trapping of trace gases by growing ice surfaces including surface-saturated adsorption

scientific article published in 2009

Vertical distribution of the particle phase in tropical deep convective clouds as derived from cloud-side reflected solar radiation measurements

scholarly article

Vertical distribution of the phase state of particles in tropical deep-convective clouds as derived from cloud-side reflected solar radiation measurements

Widespread persistent polar stratospheric ice clouds in the Arctic

Widespread polar stratospheric ice clouds in the 2015/2016 Arctic winter – Implications for ice nucleation


Widespread polar stratospheric ice clouds in the 2015–2016 Arctic winter – implications for ice nucleation

scholarly article

Wintertime Synoptic Patterns of Midlatitude Boundary Layer Clouds Over the Western North Atlantic: Climatology and Insights From In Situ ACTIVATE Observations

scientific article published in 2023