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List of works by Birgit Vogel-Heuser

A Hybrid Traffic Simulation Framework for Evaluating Predictive ICT Approaches in Modern Vehicles

A Light-Weight Fault Injection Approach to Test Automated Production System PLC Software in Industrial Practice

scholarly article by Susanne Rösch & Birgit Vogel-Heuser published January 2017 in Control Engineering Practice

A Model-Driven Approach on Object-Oriented PLC Programming for Manufacturing Systems with Regard to Usability

A Multi-Agent Architecture for Compensating Unforeseen Failures on Field Control Level

A comparison of inconsistency management approaches using a mechatronic manufacturing system design case study

A comprehensive approach for managing inter-model inconsistencies in automated production systems engineering

A cybernetic multi-agent approach for a micro grid in rural areas


A flexible architecture for data mining from heterogeneous data sources in automated production systems

A methodological approach to evaluate the benefit and usability of different modeling notations for open loop control in automation systems

scholarly article published August 2011

A model-based failure recovery approach for automated production systems combining SysML and industrial standards

A multivariate process capability index that complies with industry requirements

A verification-supported evolution approach to assist software application engineers in industrial factory automation

A web-based e-learning and exam tool with an automated evaluation process for teaching software engineering

Adapting the concept of technical debt to software of automated Production Systems focusing on fault handling, mode of operation and safety aspects

article by Birgit Vogel-Heuser & Eva-Maria Neumann published July 2017 in IFAC Proceedings Volumes

Agent based control of production systems


Agent-Based Control of Production Systems—and Its Architectural Challenges


Agents enabling cyber-physical production systems


An Analysis of Challenges and State of the Art for Modular Engineering in the Machine and Plant Manufacturing Domain


An Analytical Alarm Flood Reduction to Reduce Operator’s Workload

An Assessment of the Potentials and Challenges in Future Approaches for Automation Software

An Integrated Approach to Analyze Change-situations in the Development of Production Systems


An Orchestration Engine for Services-Oriented Field Level Automation Software

An agent approach to flexible automated production systems based on discrete and continuous reasoning

An approach for discovering and analyzing implicit architectural designs in field level automation software

scholarly article published October 2014

An experimental study on UML Modeling errors and their causes in the education of model driven PLC programming

An interdisciplinary SysML based modeling approach for analyzing change influences in production plants to support the engineering


Analysis framework for evaluating PLC software: An application of Semantic Web technologies

Analysis of user interests in context of Web 2.0 technologies

Anforderungen an CPS aus Sicht der Automatisierungstechnik / Requirements on CPS from the Viewpoint of Automation

Anforderungen an die Softwareevolution in der Automatisierung des Maschinen- und Anlagenbaus

Applicability of Technical Debt as a Concept to Understand Obstacles for Evolution of Automated Production Systems

Architecture-Based Assessment and Planning of Software Changes in Information and Automated Production Systems State of the Art and Open Issues

Automated PLC Software Testing using adapted UML Sequence Diagrams

Automated Test Case Generation for Industrial Control Applications

Automated test case generation approach for PLC control software exception handling using fault injection

scholarly article published November 2011

Automated test suite generation to test modular designed packaging machines using Fault Injection and a simulink-based simulation approach

Automatic Generation of Field Control Strategies for Supporting (Re-)Engineering of Manufacturing Systems

Automatic Generation of Integrated Process Data Visualizations Using Human Knowledge

scholarly article by Felix Mayer et al published 2015 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Automatic generation of field control strategies for supporting (re-)engineering of manufacturing systems

Automatic program verification of continuous function chart based on model checking


Automatische Codegenerierung aus der UML für die IEC 61131-3

Automatisierter modellbasierter Applikationstest für SPS Steuerungsprogramme auf der Basis von UML

Benefit and Evaluation of Interactive 3D Process Data Visualization for the Presentation of Complex Problems

scholarly article by Dorothea Pantförder et al published 2009 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Benefit and evaluation of interactive 3D process data visualization in operator training of plant manufacturing industry


Benefit of an e-learning environment including real and simulated plants for teaching mechanical engineering freshman in programming C


Benefit of e-learning teaching C-programming and software engineering in a very large mechanical engineering beginners class

Benefit of system modeling in automation and control education

Benefits of an Interdisciplinary Modular Concept in Automation of Machine and Plant Manufacturing


Bridging the gap between discrete and continuous simulation of logistic systems in production based on the Modelica modeling language

Challenges for Software Engineering in Automation


Challenges for maintenance of PLC-software and its related hardware for automated production systems: Selected industrial Case Studies

Challenges in integrating requirements in model based development processes in the machinery and plant building industry

Challenges of Parallel Evolution in Production Automation Focusing on Requirements Specification and Fault Handling

scholarly article published 28 January 2014

Changeability of Manufacturing Automation Systems using an Orchestration Engine for Programmable Logic Controllers

Close integration between UML and IEC 61131-3: New possibilities through object-oriented extensions

Co-evolution and reuse of automation control and simulation software: Identification and definition of modification actions and strategies

Combining Knowledge Modeling and Machine Learning for Alarm Root Cause Analysis

scholarly article by Lisa Abele et al published 2013 in IFAC postprint volumes IPPV / International Federation of Automatic Control

Combining a SysML-based Modeling Approach and Semantic Technologies for Analyzing Change Influences in Manufacturing Plant Models


Common communication model for distributed automation systems

Comparison of a transformed Matlab/Simulink model into the programming language CFC on different IEC 61131-3 PLC environments

scholarly article published September 2012

Compatibility and coalition formation: Towards the vision of an automatic synthesis of manufacturing system designs

article published in 2014

Computing dependent industrial alarms for alarm flood reduction

Concept for an integration-framework to enable the crossdisciplinary development of product-service systems

Configuration of PLC software for automated warehouses based on reusable components- an industrial case study

Consideration of Human Factors for Prioritizing Test Cases for the Software System Test

Consistent engineering information model for mechatronic components in production automation engineering

Contribution of personal factors for a better understanding of the gender effects of freshmen in mechanical engineering

Coupling heterogeneous production systems by a multi-agent based cyber-physical production system


Coupling simulation and model checking to examine selected mechanical constraints of automated production systems

Criteria-based alarm flood pattern recognition using historical data from automated production systems (aPS)

scholarly article by Birgit Vogel-Heuser et al published October 2015 in Mechatronics

Cross-disciplinary and cross-life-cycle-phase Technical Debt in automated Production Systems: two industrial case studies and a survey

scientific article

Cross-discipline modeling and its contribution to automation

Cyber-physische Systeme

Data integration in manufacturing industry: Model-based integration of data distributed from ERP to PLC

Data-driven valve diagnosis to increase the overall equipment effectiveness in process industry

Dealing with non-functional requirements in distributed control systems engineering

Delta modeling for variant-rich and evolving manufacturing systems

Design and evaluation of a product model for Web Based Training in engineering sciences


Design and implementation of an integrated, platform independent 3D visualization of complex process data

scholarly article by Felix Mayer et al published 2013 in IFAC postprint volumes IPPV / International Federation of Automatic Control

Design for future: managed software evolution

Design patterns for distributed automation systems with consideration of non-functional requirements

Design, implementation and evaluation of a hybrid approach for software agents in automation

Design, modelling, simulation and integration of cyber physical systems: Methods and applications

Development of PLC-Based Software for Increasing the Dependability of Production Automation Systems


Diagnosis of automation devices based on engineering and historical data

Dynamic redeployment of control software in distributed industrial automation systems during runtime

Efficient 3D voxel reconstruction of human shape within robotic work cells

Efficient modeling of mechatronic systems regarding variety and complexity in the field of automotive

Enabling flexible automation system hardware: Dynamic reconfiguration of a real-time capable field-bus

Energy Management based on a Hybrid Modeling Approach

Engineering Support in the Machine Manufacturing Domain through Interdisciplinary Product Lines: An Applicability Analysis

article published in 2015

Engineering process for an online testing process of control software in production systems

Enhancing a model-based engineering approach for distributed manufacturing automation systems with characteristics and design patterns

Erweiterung des V-Modells®für den Entwurf von verteilten Automatisierungssystemen

Evaluating reconfiguration abilities of automated production systems in Industrie 4.0 with metrics

Evaluation of a UML-Based Versus an IEC 61131-3-Based Software Engineering Approach for Teaching PLC Programming

article published in 2013

Evaluation of a graphical modeling language for the specification of manufacturing execution systems

Evaluation of a newly developed model-driven PLC programming approach for machine and plant automation


Evaluation of modeling notations for basic software engineering in process control

Evolution in industrial plant automation: A case study


Evolution of software in automated production systems: Challenges and research directions


Extension of Electronic Device Description Language for analysing change impacts in modular automation in manufacturing plants


Family model mining for function block diagrams in automation software

scholarly article published 2014

Fault-centric system modeling using SysML for reliability testing

Female characteristics and requirements in software engineering in mechanical engineering


Formal MES Modeling Framework –Integration of Different Views

Framework for a model-based, cross-domain system interconnection in automation technology

From Selling Products to Providing User Oriented Product-Service Systems – Exploring Service Orientation in the German Machine and Plant Manufacturing Industry


Fundamental Aspects Concerning the Usability Evaluation of Model-Driven Object Oriented Programming Approaches in Machine and Plant Automation


Guest Editorial Industry 4.0–Prerequisites and Visions

Guided semi-automatic system testing in factory automation

Highly reconfigurable production systems controlled by real-time agents

Implementation and evaluation of UML as modeling notation in object oriented software engineering for machine and plant automation


Improving Transferability Between Different Engineering Stages in the Development of Automated Material Flow Modules

Increasing Dependability by Agent-Based Model-Checking During Run-Time


Increasing agility in engineering and runtime of automated manufacturing systems

article published in 2013

Increasing flexibility of modular automated material flow systems: A meta model architecture

Integrated Modeling of Complex Production Automation Systems to Increase Dependability


Integrated automation engineering along the life-cycle

Integrating Lab-size Automation Plants into a Web-based E-learning Environment for Teaching C Programming in Teams


Integration of control loops in an UML based engineering environment for PLC

Integration of distributed hybrid multi-agent systems into an industrial IT environment: Improving interconnectivity of industrial IT systems to the shop floor

scholarly article published July 2014

Intelligent Probabilistic Recurrent Fuzzy Control of Human-Machine Systems

Interaction of model-driven engineering and signal-based online monitoring of production systems: Towards Requirement-aware evolution

Interdisciplinary Communication and Comprehension in Factory Automation Engineering - A Concept for an Immersive Virtual Environment

article published in 2016

Interdisciplinary effects of technical debt in companies with mechatronic products — a qualitative study

scientific article

Interdisciplinary product lines to support the engineering in the machine manufacturing domain

Interdisziplinärer Produktlinienansatz zur Steigerung der Wiederverwendung

Interface Behavior Modeling for Automatic Verification of Industrial Automation Systems' Functional Conformance

Introduction of an Assistance System to Support Domain Experts in Programming Low-Code to Leverage Industry 5.0

scientific article published in 2022

Issues on Smart Sensing and Information Processing in Advanced Manufacturing

Keeping requirements and test cases consistent: Towards an ontology-based approach

Konzept eines wissensbasierten Frameworks zur Spezifikation und Diagnose von Inkonsistenzen in mechatronischen Modellen

MDE of manufacturing automation software — Integrating SysML and standard development tools


Mental Models in Process Visualization - Could They Indicate the Effectiveness of an Operator’s Training?

scholarly article by Karin Schweizer et al published 2009 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Model based design of knowledge bases in multi agent systems for enabling automatic reconfiguration capabilities of material flow modules

Model driven engineering of manufacturing execution systems using a formal specification

Model-Driven Engineering and Semantic Technologies for the Design of Cyber-Physical Systems

Model-based Approach to Generate Training Sequences for Discrete Event Anomaly Detection in Manufacturing


Model-based quality assurance in machine and plant automation using sequence diagrams — A comparison of two research approaches


Model-document coupling in aPS engineering: Challenges and requirements engineering use case

Model-driven engineering of Manufacturing Automation Software Projects – A SysML-based approach

Modeling Multicore Programmable Logic Controllers in Networked Automation Systems

Modeling network architecture and time behavior of Distributed Control Systems in industrial plant automation


Modeling of Manufacturing Execution Systems: An interdisciplinary challenge

Modeling of Networked Automation Systems for simulation and model checking of time behavior

Modeling of power consumption in manufacturing: Gross and detailed planning in consideration of all forms of energy as planning resources including load management during runtime

Modeling order effects on errors in object oriented modeling for machine and plant automation from an educational point of view


Modellability of System Characteristics - Using Formal Mark-up Languages for Change Capability by Design

Modellintegration von Verhaltens- und energetischen Aspekten für mechatronische Module

Modularity and architecture of PLC-based software for automated production Systems: An analysis in industrial companies

Modularized control algorithm for automated material handling systems

scholarly article published November 2016

Modules, version and variability management in automation engineering of machine and plant manufacturing


Multi-objective optimization of hybrid electric vehicles considering fuel consumption and dynamic performance

On Modelling the State-Space of Manufacturing Systems using UML

Optimizing modular and reconfigurable cyber-physical production systems by determining parameters automatically


PLC-Statecharts: An Approach to Integrate UML-Statecharts in Open-Loop Control Engineering – Aspects on Behavioral Semantics and Model-Checking


PLC-statecharts: An approach to integrate umlstatecharts in open-loop control engineering

Performance analysis of industrial ethernet networks by means of timed model-checking

Possibilities and challenges of an integrated development using a combined SysML-model and corresponding domain specific models


Proving equivalence between control software variants for Programmable Logic Controllers

Quality despite quantity — Teaching large heterogenous classes in C programming and fundamentals in computer science

scholarly article published April 2014

Reconfiguration architecture for updates of automation systems during operation

Redeployment of control software during runtime for modular automation systems taking real-time and distributed I/O into consideration

Regression Verification for Programmable Logic Controller Software

Requirements of a process control description language for distributed control systems (DCS) in process industry

Reviews and findings on implementing active learning in a large class environment for Mechatronics and Computer Science students

scholarly article published 2010

Selected challenges of software evolution for automated production systems

Semantic integration of multi-agent systems using an OPC UA information modeling approach

Software changes in factory automation: Towards automatic change based regression testing

Sparse representation and its applications in micro-milling condition monitoring: noise separation and tool condition monitoring

Specification of hard real-time industrial automation systems with UML-PA

Specification of the Requirements to Support Information Technology-Cycles in the Machine and Plant Manufacturing Industry


Summer school on intelligent agents in automation: Hands-on educational experience on deploying industrial agents


Supporting Operators in Process Control Tasks—Benefits of Interactive 3-D Visualization

scholarly article by Dorothea Pantforder et al published December 2016 in IEEE transactions on human-machine systems

Supporting integrated development of closed-loop PLC control software for production systems


Supporting the cross-disciplinary development of product-service systems through model transformations

SysML-Based Approach for Automation Software Development – Explorative Usability Evaluation of the Provided Notation


System regression test prioritization in factory automation: Relating functional system tests to the tested code using field data

Technical Debt as indicator for weaknesses in engineering of automated production systems

scientific article

Technical Debt indication in PLC Code for automated Production Systems: Introducing a Domain Specific Static Code Analysis Tool

scientific article

Technical debt in Automated Production Systems


Test case generation approach for industrial automation systems

Time as non-functional requirement in distributed control systems

Towards Effective Management of Inconsistencies in Model-Based Engineering of Automated Production Systems

Towards a Formal Specification Framework for Manufacturing Execution Systems

article published in 2012

Towards a common classification of changes for information and automated production systems as precondition for maintenance effort estimation

Towards a taxonomy of errors in PLC programming

Towards finding the appropriate level of abstraction to model and verify automated production systems in discrete event simulation

Towards industrial application of model-driven platform-independent PLC programming using UML

Towards interdisciplinary variability modeling for automated production systems: Opportunities and challenges when applying delta modeling: A case study

Towards management of Information Technology-cycles in transdisciplinary innovation processes


Towards the co-evolution of industrial products and its production systems by combining models from development and hardware/software deployment in cyber-physical systems


Typical automation functions and their distribution in automation systems

Unified sensor data provisioning with semantic technologies

Usability Experiments to Evaluate UML/SysML-Based Model Driven Software Engineering Notations for Logic Control in Manufacturing Automation


Usability challenges in the design workflow of reusable PLC software for machine and plant automation


Usability evaluation of modeling notations for software engineering in machine and plant automation


Using DSM and MDM methodologies to analyze structural SysML models

Using contact points to integrate discipline spanning real-time requirements in modeling Networked Automation Systems for manufacturing systems

Variability management for automated production systems using product lines and feature models

Vergleich der Anwendbarkeit von UML und UML-PA in der anlagennahen Softwareentwicklung der AutomatisierungstechnikEvaluation of UML and UML-PA for Software Engineering in Plant Automation


Visual Leakage Inspection in Chemical Process Plants Using Thermographic Videos and Motion Pattern Detection

scientific article published on 20 November 2020

Workflow and decision support for the design of distributed automation systems