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List of works by Raymond Joseph Dolan

"Sculpting the response space"--an account of left prefrontal activation at encoding

scientific article published on October 2000

'Theory of mind' in the brain. Evidence from a PET scan study of Asperger syndrome

scientific article

A Bayesian model of context-sensitive value attribution.

scientific article published on 21 June 2016

A Computational Analysis of Aberrant Delay Discounting in Psychiatric Disorders

scientific article

A Goal-Directed Bayesian Framework for Categorization

scientific article published on 22 March 2017

A Reduced Self-Positive Belief Underpins Greater Sensitivity to Negative Evaluation in Socially Anxious Individuals

scientific article published on 28 April 2021

A Stable Sparse Fear Memory Trace in Human Amygdala

scientific article published on June 22, 2011

A behavioral and neural evaluation of prospective decision-making under risk.

scientific article

A cognitive affective role for the cerebellum

scientific article published on April 1, 1998

A common mechanism for adaptive scaling of reward and novelty

scientific article

A computational account of threat-related attentional bias

scientific article published on 10 October 2019

A computational and neural model of momentary subjective well-being

scientific article

A differential neural response in the human amygdala to fearful and happy facial expressions

scientific article published in October 1996

A formal model of interpersonal inference

scientific article published on 25 March 2014

A functional anatomy of anticipatory anxiety

scientific article

A functional neuroanatomy of tics in Tourette syndrome

scientific article published on August 2000

A functional neuroimaging study of patterns of frontal lobe activity in schizophrenia during memory encoding and retrieval

A genetically mediated bias in decision making driven by failure of amygdala control

scientific article published on May 2009

A graded task approach to the functional mapping of brain areas implicated in auditory-verbal memory

scientific article published in December 1994

A map of abstract relational knowledge in the human hippocampal-entorhinal cortex.

scientific article

A mechanistic account of serotonin's impact on mood

scientific article published on 11 May 2020

A neuromodulatory role for the human amygdala in processing emotional facial expressions

scientific article published in January 1998

A novel presenilin mutation (M233V) causing very early onset Alzheimer's disease with Lewy bodies.

scientific article published in November 2001

A regret-induced status quo bias

scientific article

A role for the striatum in regret-related choice repetition

scientific article published on 30 April 2010

A subcortical pathway to the right amygdala mediating "unseen" fear

scientific article

A unifying Bayesian account of contextual effects in value-based choice

scientific article published on 5 October 2017

Abnormal cingulate modulation of fronto-temporal connectivity in schizophrenia

scientific article published in March 1999

Abnormal neural integration related to cognition in schizophrenia

scientific article

Abnormal neural integration related to cognition in schizophrenia

Abnormal neural response to feedback on planning and guessing tasks in patients with unipolar depression

scientific article published in May 1998

Abnormal ventral frontal response during performance of an affective go/no go task in patients with mania

scientific article

Action Dominates Valence in Anticipatory Representations in the Human Striatum and Dopaminergic Midbrain

scientific article published on May 25, 2011

Action and valence modulate choice and choice-induced preference change

scientific article

Action controls dopaminergic enhancement of reward representations

scientific article

Action versus valence in decision making

scientific article

Action-specific value signals in reward-related regions of the human brain.

scientific article published on November 2012

Activation of Different Anterior Cingulate Foci in Association with Hypothesis Testing and Response Selection

scientific article published on July 1, 1998

Activation of reward circuitry in human opiate addicts

scientific article (publication date: March 1999)

Activation of the human hippocampal formation during auditory-verbal long-term memory function.

scientific article published in December 1993

Active Representation of Shape and Spatial Location in Man

article published in 1996

Active inference, evidence accumulation, and the urn task

scientific article published on 16 December 2014

Activity in face-responsive brain regions is modulated by invisible, attended faces: evidence from masked priming

scientific article published on 09 April 2008

Activity in the human brain predicting differential heart rate responses to emotional facial expressions

scientific article published on 24 November 2004

Activity in ventromedial prefrontal cortex covaries with sympathetic skin conductance level: a physiological account of a “default mode” of brain function

scientific article published on 01 May 2004

Acute stress selectively impairs learning to act.

scientific article published on 20 July 2016

Adaptive anterior hippocampal responses to oddball stimuli

scientific article published on January 2001

Adaptive coding of reward prediction errors is gated by striatal coupling

scientific article published on 27 February 2012

Adaptive integration of habits into depth-limited planning defines a habitual-goal-directed spectrum

scientific article published on 24 October 2016

Addiction Research Consortium: Losing and regaining control over drug intake (ReCoDe)-From trajectories to mechanisms and interventions

scientific article published on 20 December 2019

Adolescence is associated with genomically patterned consolidation of the hubs of the human brain connectome

scientific article published on 25 July 2016

Adolescent Tuning Of Association Cortex In Human Structural Brain Networks

Adolescent Tuning of Association Cortex in Human Structural Brain Networks

scientific article published on 27 October 2017

Adolescent friendships predict later resilient functioning across psychosocial domains in a healthy community cohort

scientific article

Affective response to one's own moral violations

scientific article published on 20 February 2006

Age-dependent Pavlovian biases influence motor decision-making

Age-dependent Pavlovian biases influence motor decision-making

Age-related changes in working memory and the ability to ignore distraction

scientific article

Agent-specific learning signals for self-other distinction during mentalising.

scientific article published on 24 April 2018

Alterations in brain connectivity underlying beta oscillations in Parkinsonism

scientific article

Altered magnetic resonance white-matter T1 values in patients with affective disorder

scientific article

Altruistic learning

scientific article published on 8 September 2009

Amygdala activity in obsessive-compulsive disorder with contamination fear: a study with oxygen-15 water positron emission tomography

scientific article published in December 2004

Amygdala automaticity in emotional processing

scientific article

Amygdala control of emotion-induced forgetting and remembering: evidence from Urbach-Wiethe disease

scientific article published on 6 October 2006

Amygdala damage affects event-related potentials for fearful faces at specific time windows

scientific article

Amygdala involvement in self-blame regret

scientific article

Amygdala-hippocampal involvement in human aversive trace conditioning revealed through event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging.

scientific article published in December 1999

An Agent Independent Axis for Executed and Modeled Choice in Medial Prefrontal Cortex.

scientific article published in August 2013

An MEG signature corresponding to an axiomatic model of reward prediction error

scientific article

An agent independent axis for executed and modeled choice in medial prefrontal cortex.

scientific article

An emotion-induced retrograde amnesia in humans is amygdala- and beta-adrenergic-dependent

scientific article (published 2003-11-11)

An fMRI study of intentional and unintentional (embarrassing) violations of social norms

scientific article published in August 2002

An improved algorithm for model-based analysis of evoked skin conductance responses

scientific article

An in vivo assay of synaptic function mediating human cognition

scientific article

Analytic measures for quantification of arousal from spontaneous skin conductance fluctuations

scientific article

Anatomical segregation of component processes in an inductive inference task

scientific article published on January 2000

Annual Research Review: Developmental computational psychiatry

scientific article published on 04 September 2018

Anterior cingulate activity during error and autonomic response

scientific article published in October 2005

Anterior cingulate cortex instigates adaptive switches in choice by integrating immediate and delayed components of value in ventromedial prefrontal cortex

scientific article published on February 2014

Anterior medial temporal lobe in human cognition: memory for fear and the unexpected

scientific article

Anterior prefrontal cortex mediates rule learning in humans

scientific article

Anterolateral prefrontal cortex mediates the analgesic effect of expected and perceived control over pain

scientific article

Anticipation and choice heuristics in the dynamic consumption of pain relief

scientific article

Anticipation of novelty recruits reward system and hippocampus while promoting recollection

scientific article published on 24 July 2007

Anxiety reduction through detachment: subjective, physiological, and neural effects

scientific article published in June 2005

Appetitive and aversive olfactory learning in humans studied using event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging.

scientific article published in December 2002

Approach-Induced Biases in Human Information Sampling

scientific article

Approach-avoidance processes contribute to dissociable impacts of risk and loss on choice.

scientific article published on May 2012

Approach-induced biases in human information sampling


Arbitration between controlled and impulsive choices

scientific article

Assaying the effect of levodopa on the evaluation of risk in healthy humans

scientific article published on 03 July 2013

Association of Neural and Emotional Impacts of Reward Prediction Errors With Major Depression

scientific article

Associations between aversive learning processes and transdiagnostic psychiatric symptoms in a general population sample

scientific article published on 21 August 2020

Asymmetrical activation in the human brain during processing of fearful faces

scientific article

Attentional Load and Sensory Competition in Human Vision: Modulation of fMRI Responses by Load at Fixation during Task-irrelevant Stimulation in the Peripheral Visual Field


Attentional modulation of alpha/beta and gamma oscillations reflect functionally distinct processes

scientific article

Attractor models of working memory and their modulation by reward

scientific article published on 14 December 2007

Attributions and self-esteem in depression and chronic fatigue syndromes.

scientific article

Automatic and intentional brain responses during evaluation of trustworthiness of faces

scientific article published in March 2002

Automatic relevance detection in the absence of a functional amygdala

scientific article

BOLD Repetition Decreases in Object-Responsive Ventral Visual Areas Depend on Spatial Attention

scientific article published on 31 March 2004

BOOK REVIEWS: Clinical Neurology for Psychiatrists, 3rd Edition.

scientific article

BOOK REVIEWS: Recent Advances in Clinical Psychiatry—7.

scientific article published in February 1993

Basal Ganglia Activity Mirrors a Benefit of Action and Reward on Long-Lasting Event Memory

scientific article

Bayesian inferences about the self (and others): a review

scientific article

Beauty in a smile: the role of medial orbitofrontal cortex in facial attractiveness.

scientific article

Behavioral specifications of reward-associated long-term memory enhancement in humans

scientific article published on April 18, 2011

Beta-Blocker Propranolol Modulates Decision Urgency During Sequential Information Gathering

scientific article published on 13 July 2018

Beta-adrenergic blockade during memory retrieval in humans evokes a sustained reduction of declarative emotional memory enhancement.

scientific article

Beta-adrenergic modulation of emotional memory-evoked human amygdala and hippocampal responses

scholarly article

Beta-adrenergic modulation of oddball responses in humans

scientific article published on 13 June 2007

Better than expected: the influence of option expectations during decision-making

scientific article published on 01 December 2018

Blocking central opiate function modulates hedonic impact and anterior cingulate response to rewards and losses

scientific article published on October 2008

Brain activations in schizophrenia during a graded memory task studied with functional neuroimaging

scientific article published in November 1998

Brain activity during biofeedback relaxation: a functional neuroimaging investigation

scientific article published in May 2001

Brain activity during memory retrieval. The influence of imagery and semantic cueing

scientific article published on October 1996

Brain activity relating to the contingent negative variation: an fMRI investigation.

scientific article

Brain activity underlying encoding and retrieval of source memory

scientific article published in October 2002

Brain charts for the human lifespan

scientific article published on 6 April 2022

Brain mechanisms associated with depressive relapse and associated cognitive impairment following acute tryptophan depletion


Brain mechanisms associated with top-down processes in perception

scientific article

Brain mechanisms for detecting perceptual, semantic, and emotional deviance

scientific article published on October 2000

Brain mechanisms for mood congruent memory facilitation.

scientific article

Brain micro-architecture and disinhibition: a latent phenotyping study across 33 impulsive and compulsive behaviours

scientific article published on 12 September 2020

Brain regions associated with acquisition and retrieval of verbal episodic memory

scientific article

Brain regions supporting intentional and incidental memory: a PET study

scientific article published in March 1997

Brain responses to the acquired moral status of faces

scientific article published in February 2004

Brain substrates of recovery from misleading influence

scientific article

Brain systems for assessing facial attractiveness.

scientific article

Brain systems for encoding and retrieval of auditory-verbal memory. An in vivo study in humans

scientific article

Brain systems mediating aversive conditioning: an event-related fMRI study

scientific article

Brain, emotion and decision making: the paradigmatic example of regret

scientific article

Brain-behaviour modes of covariation in healthy and clinically depressed young people

scientific article published on 08 August 2019

Brain-behaviour modes of covariation in healthy and clinically depressed young people:


Building a New Field of Computational Psychiatry

scientific article published on 19 November 2016

Cerebral correlates of autonomic cardiovascular arousal: a functional neuroimaging investigation in humans

scientific article published on 01 February 2000

Cerebral ventricular size in depressed subjects.

scientific article published in November 1985

Change, stability, and instability in the Pavlovian guidance of behaviour from adolescence to young adulthood

scientific article published on 31 December 2018

Changes in brain activity following sacral neuromodulation for urinary retention

scientific article published in December 2005

Changes in cerebral morphology consequent to peripheral autonomic denervation

scientific article published in April 2003

Changes in regional cerebral blood flow on recovery from depression

scientific article published on 01 March 1995

Changing pattern in the basal ganglia: motor switching under reduced dopaminergic drive

scientific article published on 23 March 2016

Characterising reward outcome signals in sensory cortex

scientific article published on 27 June 2013

Characterising the latent structure and organisation of self-reported thoughts, feelings and behaviours in adolescents and young adults

scientific article

Childhood socio-economic disadvantage predicts reduced myelin growth across adolescence and young adulthood

scientific article published on 20 May 2020

Choking on the money: reward-based performance decrements are associated with midbrain activity

scientific article

Cholinergic enhancement modulates neural correlates of selective attention and emotional processing

scientific article published in September 2003

Cholinergic enhancement of visual attention and neural oscillations in the human brain

scientific article published on 2 February 2012

Cholinergic modulation of cognition: insights from human pharmacological functional neuroimaging

scientific article

Cholinergic modulation of experience-dependent plasticity in human auditory cortex

scientific article

Cholinergic stimulation enhances Bayesian belief updating in the deployment of spatial attention

scientific article

Cholinesterase inhibition modulates visual and attentional brain responses in Alzheimer's disease and health

scientific article published on 12 December 2007

Choosing to make an effort: the role of striatum in signaling physical effort of a chosen action

scientific article

Citalopram: labelling with carbon-11 and evaluation in rat as a potential radioligand for in vivo PET studies of 5-HT re-uptake sites

scientific article published in January 1991

Classical fear conditioning in functional neuroimaging

scientific article

Cognitive function in depression: its relationship to the presence and severity of intellectual decline.

scientific article published in November 1994

Cognitive functioning after medial frontal lobe damage including the anterior cingulate cortex: a preliminary investigation

scientific article published on 27 December 2005

Cohort profile: The NSPN 2400 Cohort: a developmental sample supporting the Wellcome Trust NeuroScience in Psychiatry Network

scientific article published on 21 November 2017

Common and distinct neural responses during direct and incidental processing of multiple facial emotions.

scientific article

Common effects of emotional valence, arousal and attention on neural activation during visual processing of pictures

scientific article published in August 1999

Competition strength influences individual preferences in an auction game

scientific article

Compulsivity and impulsivity traits linked to attenuated developmental frontostriatal myelination trajectories

scientific article published on 13 May 2019

Computation in Psychotherapy, or How Computational Psychiatry Can Aid Learning-Based Psychological Therapies

scientific article published on 01 February 2018

Computational Psychiatry of ADHD: Neural Gain Impairments across Marrian Levels of Analysis

scientific article

Computational and dynamic models in neuroimaging.

scientific article

Computational neuroimaging strategies for single patient predictions

scientific article published on 21 June 2016

Computational psychiatry

scientific article

Computational psychiatry: the brain as a phantastic organ

scientific article published on 09 July 2014

Computations of uncertainty mediate acute stress responses in humans

scientific article published on 29 March 2016

Computing Value from Quality and Quantity in Human Decision-Making

scientific article published on 19 November 2018

Conditioned associations and economic decision biases

scientific article

Confidence drives a neural confirmation bias

scientific article published on 26 May 2020

Confidence in recognition memory for words: dissociating right prefrontal roles in episodic retrieval

scientific article published on November 2000

Confidence in value-based choice

scientific article published on 09 December 2012

Conscious and unconscious emotional learning in the human amygdala

scientific article published in June 1998

Conservative and disruptive modes of adolescent change in human brain functional connectivity

scientific article published on 28 January 2020

Consistent spectral predictors for dynamic causal models of steady-state responses

scientific article published on January 13, 2011

Context-dependent human extinction memory is mediated by a ventromedial prefrontal and hippocampal network

scientific article

Contextual Novelty Modulates the Neural Dynamics of Reward Anticipation

scientific article published on September 7, 2011

Contextual interaction between novelty and reward processing within the mesolimbic system

scientific article

Contextual novelty changes reward representations in the striatum

scientific article

Contingency awareness in human aversive conditioning involves the middle frontal gyrus

scientific article published on 24 October 2005

Contrast polarity and face recognition in the human fusiform gyrus

scientific article published in June 1999

Controlling emotional expression: behavioral and neural correlates of nonimitative emotional responses

scientific article published on 5 May 2007

Cooperation and heterogeneity of the autistic mind

scientific article

Correction: A unifying Bayesian account of contextual effects in value-based choice

scientific article published on 02 October 2019

Correction: Approach-Induced Biases in Human Information Sampling

scientific article published on 30 November 2017

Correction: Disentangling the Roles of Approach, Activation and Valence in Instrumental and Pavlovian Responding.

scientific article

Correction: Dread and the Disvalue of Future Pain.

scientific article published on 15 January 2014

Corrigendum to 'Optimal inference with suboptimal models: Addiction and active Bayesian inference' [Med. Hypotheses 84 (2015) 109-117].

scientific article published on 7 March 2016

Corrigendum: Changing pattern in the basal ganglia: motor switching under reduced dopaminergic drive.

scientific article published on 19 August 2016

Cortical and subcortical gray matter abnormalities in schizophrenia determined through structural magnetic resonance imaging with optimized volumetric voxel-based morphometry

scientific article published in September 2002

Cortical drive of low-frequency oscillations in the human nucleus accumbens during action selection

scientific article published on 15 April 2015

Corticolimbic catecholamines in stress: a computational model of the appraisal of controllability

scientific article published on 28 February 2014

Covariation of activity in habenula and dorsal raphé nuclei following tryptophan depletion

scientific article

Credit assignment to state-independent task representations and its relationship with model-based decision making

scientific article published on 18 July 2019

Cross-modal effects of value on perceptual acuity and stimulus encoding.

scientific article

Crossmodal binding of fear in voice and face

scientific article

Crowdsourcing for cognitive science--the utility of smartphones

scientific article

DAT genotype modulates striatal processing and long-term memory for items associated with reward and punishment

scientific article published on August 2013

Decodability of Reward Learning Signals Predicts Mood Fluctuations.

scientific article

Deconstructing risk: separable encoding of variance and skewness in the brain

scientific article

Deep and superficial amygdala nuclei projections revealed in vivo by probabilistic tractography

scientific article

Depression and urinary free cortisol

scientific article published in May 1986

Depression in Parkinson's Disease

scholarly article by H. A. Ring et al published September 1994 in British Journal of Psychiatry

Depression in Parkinson's disease. A positron emission study

scholarly article by H A Ring et al published September 1994 in British Journal of Psychiatry

Depression in parkinson's disease: A pet study

scholarly article by H.A. Ring et al published May 1994 in Biological Psychiatry

Depression is related to an absence of optimistically biased belief updating about future life events.

scientific article published on 15 May 2013

Developmental changes in effects of risk and valence on adolescent decision-making

scientific article published on July 2013

Developmental cognitive neuroscience using Latent Change Score models: A tutorial and applications

Developmental cognitive neuroscience using latent change score models: A tutorial and applications.

scientific article published on 22 November 2017

Dexamethasone suppression test

scientific article published in May 1984

Differentiable Neural Substrates for Learned and Described Value and Risk

scientific article published on September 30, 2010

Differential activation of the prefrontal cortex in successful and unsuccessful memory retrieval

scientific article

Differential encoding of losses and gains in the human striatum

scientific article

Differential extrageniculostriate and amygdala responses to presentation of emotional faces in a cortically blind field

scientific article

Differential involvement of left prefrontal cortex in inductive and deductive reasoning

scientific article published in October 2004

Differential neural response to positive and negative feedback in planning and guessing tasks

scientific article published on October 1, 1997

Differential neural responses during performance of matching and nonmatching to sample tasks at two delay intervals

scientific article

Differential, but not opponent, effects of L -DOPA and citalopram on action learning with reward and punishment

scientific article published on March 2014

Dimensional psychiatry: reward dysfunction and depressive mood across psychiatric disorders

scientific article

Disentangling the roles of approach, activation and valence in instrumental and pavlovian responding

scientific article

Disruption of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex decreases model-based in favor of model-free control in humans.

scientific article published on 24 October 2013

Dissecting the Function of Hippocampal Oscillations in a Human Anxiety Model

scientific article

Dissociable Effects of Serotonin and Dopamine on the Valuation of Harm in Moral Decision Making

scientific article published on 2 July 2015

Dissociable Reward and Timing Signals in Human Midbrain and Ventral Striatum

scientific article published on November 17, 2011

Dissociable amygdala and orbitofrontal responses during reversal fear conditioning

scientific article published in May 2004

Dissociable codes of odor quality and odorant structure in human piriform cortex

scientific article

Dissociable human perirhinal, hippocampal, and parahippocampal roles during verbal encoding.

scientific article published on January 2002

Dissociable influences of skewness and valence on economic choice and neural activity

scientific article

Dissociable neural responses in human reward systems.

scientific article published in August 2000

Dissociable neural responses to facial expressions of sadness and anger

scientific article published in May 1999

Dissociable roles of ventral and dorsal striatum in instrumental conditioning

scientific article

Dissociable temporal lobe activations during emotional episodic memory retrieval

scientific article

Dissociating distractor-filtering at encoding and during maintenance

scientific article

Dissociating intentional learning from relative novelty responses in the medial temporal lobe

scientific article published in March 2005

Dissociating neuromodulatory effects of diazepam on episodic memory encoding and executive function

scientific article published in July 1999

Dissociating prefrontal and hippocampal function in episodic memory encoding

scientific article published on August 7, 1997

Dissociating valence of outcome from behavioral control in human orbital and ventral prefrontal cortices.

scientific article

Dissociation of Mechanisms Underlying Syllogistic Reasoning

scientific article (publication date: November 2000)

Distant influences of amygdala lesion on visual cortical activation during emotional face processing

scientific article published on 24 October 2004

Distinct Processing of Aversive Experience in Amygdala Subregions

scientific article published on 02 August 2019

Distinct Roles of Dopamine and Noradrenaline in Incidental Memory

scientific article published on 12 August 2019

Distinct and convergent visual processing of high and low spatial frequency information in faces

scientific article published on 05 February 2007

Distinct encoding of risk and value in economic choice between multiple risky options

scientific article published on 16 May 2013

Distinct spatial frequency sensitivities for processing faces and emotional expressions

scientific article published in June 2003

Do decisions shape preference? Evidence from blind choice

scientific article

Does temporal discounting explain unhealthy behavior? A systematic review and reinforcement learning perspective

scientific article published on 12 March 2014

Doing the right thing: A common neural circuit for appropriate violent or compassionate behavior


Dopamine Increases a Value-Independent Gambling Propensity

scientific article published on 6 May 2016

Dopamine agonists and risk: impulse control disorders in Parkinson's disease

scientific article

Dopamine and effort-based decision making

scientific article

Dopamine and performance in a reinforcement learning task: evidence from Parkinson's disease

scientific article

Dopamine enhances expectation of pleasure in humans

scientific article

Dopamine enhances model-based over model-free choice behavior

scientific article published on August 2012

Dopamine in amygdala gates limbic processing of aversive stimuli in humans

scientific article

Dopamine modulates episodic memory persistence in old age.

scientific article published on October 2012

Dopamine modulates reward-related vigor

scientific article published on 18 February 2013

Dopamine restores reward prediction errors in old age.

scientific article published on 24 March 2013

Dopamine, Salience, and Response Set Shifting in Prefrontal Cortex

scientific article

Dopamine, affordance and active inference

scientific article

Dopamine, reward learning, and active inference.

scientific article published on 4 November 2015

Dopamine, time, and impulsivity in humans

scientific article

Dopamine-dependent prediction errors underpin reward-seeking behaviour in humans

scientific article published on 23 August 2006

Dopaminergic Modulation of Decision Making and Subjective Well-Being

scientific article published in July 2015

Dopaminergic basis for signaling belief updates, but not surprise, and the link to paranoia

article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Dopaminergic modulation of abnormal brain activations in untreated schizophrenia

scholarly article by P.C. Fletcher et al published February 1996 in Schizophrenia Research

Dopaminergic modulation of impaired cognitive activation in the anterior cingulate cortex in schizophrenia

scientific article published in Nature

Dorsal striatal dopamine D1 receptor availability predicts an instrumental bias in action learning

article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex dysfunction in the major psychoses; symptom or disease specificity?

scientific article

Dose dependent occupancy of central dopamine D2 receptors by the novel neuroleptic CP-88,059-01: a study using positron emission tomography and 11C-raclopride

scientific article published in January 1993

Dread and the disvalue of future pain

scientific article

Dynamic causal modeling of spontaneous fluctuations in skin conductance

scientific article

Dynamic causal modelling of anticipatory skin conductance responses

scientific article

Dynamic causal models and physiological inference: a validation study using isoflurane anaesthesia in rodents

scientific article

Dynamic causal models of steady-state responses

scientific article

ECT and cerebral atrophy. A computed tomographic study

scientific article

Ect and cerebral damage

scientific article

Effect of frontal lobe lesions on the recollection and familiarity components of recognition memory

scientific article published on 12 July 2008

Effect of the 5-HT1A partial agonist buspirone on regional cerebral blood flow in man.

scientific article

Effective Connectivity from Early Visual Cortex to Posterior Occipitotemporal Face Areas Supports Face Selectivity and Predicts Developmental Prosopagnosia

scientific article published on March 2016

Effects of attention and emotion on face processing in the human brain: an event-related fMRI study

scientific article published in June 2001

Effects of attention and emotion on repetition priming and their modulation by cholinergic enhancement

scientific article published on 20 March 2003

Effects of category-specific costs on neural systems for perceptual decision-making

scientific article

Effects of cholinergic enhancement on conditioning-related responses in human auditory cortex.

scientific article published on December 2002

Effects of cholinergic enhancement on visual stimulation, spatial attention, and spatial working memory.

scientific article published in March 2004

Effects of emotional preferences on value-based decision-making are mediated by mentalizing and not reward networks

scientific article published on 14 October 2010

Effects of loss aversion on post-decision wagering: implications for measures of awareness

scientific article

Effects of low-spatial frequency components of fearful faces on fusiform cortex activity

scientific article

Effects of oxytocin and prosocial behavior on brain responses to direct and vicariously experienced pain

scientific article

Effort and valuation in the brain: the effects of anticipation and execution

scientific article published on April 2013

Emotion causes targeted forgetting of established memories

scientific article

Emotion, cognition, and behavior

scientific article

Emotion, decision making, and the amygdala

scientific article published on June 2008

Emotion-induced retrograde amnesia is determined by a 5-HTT genetic polymorphism.

scientific article published on July 2008

Emotion-induced retrograde amnesia varies as a function of noradrenergic-glucocorticoid activity

scientific article

Emotion: Neuroimaging

Emotional and autonomic consequences of spinal cord injury explored using functional brain imaging

scientific article

Empathic neural responses are modulated by the perceived fairness of others

scientific article

Empathy for pain involves the affective but not sensory components of pain

scientific article (publication date: 20 February 2004)

Encoding and retrieval in human medial temporal lobes: An empirical investigation using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

Encoding and retrieval in human medial temporal lobes: an empirical investigation using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

scientific article

Encoding of emotional memories depends on amygdala and hippocampus and their interactions

scientific article published in February 2004

Encoding of marginal utility across time in the human brain

scientific article

Encoding predictive reward value in human amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex

scientific article published in August 2003

Endocrine changes and clinical profiles in depression: I. The dexamethasone suppression test

Endocrine changes and clinical profiles in depression: II. The thyrotropin-releasing hormone test


Endogenous fluctuations in the dopaminergic midbrain drive behavioral choice variability

scientific article published on 26 August 2019

Enhanced alpha-oscillations in visual cortex during anticipation of self-generated visual stimulation

scientific article published on 6 May 2014

Enhanced emotion-induced amnesia in borderline personality disorder

scientific article published on 16 January 2007

Enhanced processing of threat stimuli under limited attentional resources

scientific article published on 29 April 2008

Entropy and cortical activity: information theory and PET findings

scientific article published on May 1992

Episodic memory retrieval success is associated with rapid replay of episode content

scientific article published on 08 June 2020

Erratum: Computational psychiatry

scholarly article by P. Read Montague et al published May 2012 in Trends in Cognitive Sciences

Evaluation of S-[11C]citalopram as a radioligand for in vivo labelling of 5-hydroxytryptamine uptake sites

scientific article published on November 1, 1992

Event-related potential correlates of the retrieval of emotional and nonemotional context

scientific article published in June 2004

Evidence for surprise minimization over value maximization in choice behavior

scientific article

Evolutionarily conserved mechanisms for the selection and maintenance of behavioural activity.

scientific article published on December 2015

Experience and choice shape expected aversive outcomes

scientific article

Experience-dependent coding of facial expression in superior temporal sulcus

scholarly article

Experience-dependent modulation of tonotopic neural responses in human auditory cortex.

scientific article published in April 1998

Explaining enhanced logical consistency during decision making in autism

scientific article published on October 2008

Explaining modulation of reasoning by belief

scientific article published in February 2003

Exploration, novelty, surprise, and free energy minimization

scientific article

Exploring the functional role of monoaminergic neurotransmission. A method for exploring neurotransmitter dysfunction in psychiatric disorders

scientific article published in May 1994

Face adaptation aftereffects reveal anterior medial temporal cortex role in high level category representation.

scientific article published on 18 May 2007

Face repetition effects in implicit and explicit memory tests as measured by fMRI.

scientific article published in February 2002

Facial expression influences face identity recognition during the attentional blink

scientific article

Familiarity enhances invariance of face representations in human ventral visual cortex: fMRI evidence.

scientific article published on 20 April 2005

Fast Sequences of Non-spatial State Representations in Humans

scientific article published on 15 June 2016

Fear conditioning in humans: the influence of awareness and autonomic arousal on functional neuroanatomy

scientific article published in February 2002

Fear from the heart: sensitivity to fear stimuli depends on individual heartbeats

scientific article

Fear recognition ability predicts differences in social cognitive and neural functioning in men

scientific article published on June 2006

Following the crowd: brain substrates of long-term memory conformity

scientific article

Frames, biases, and rational decision-making in the human brain

scientific article

Framing effect following bilateral amygdala lesion

scientific article

Free energy, precision and learning: the role of cholinergic neuromodulation

scientific article

From threat to fear: the neural organization of defensive fear systems in humans

scientific article published on September 2009

Functional anatomy of obsessive-compulsive phenomena

scientific article published on April 1994

Functional dissociation of amygdala-modulated arousal and cognitive appraisal, in Turner syndrome

scientific article published on 9 June 2005

Functional evidence for a dual route to amygdala

scientific article

Functional heterogeneity in human olfactory cortex: an event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging study.

scientific article published in December 2002

Functional imaging and neuropsychiatry

scientific article published on November 1, 1997

Functional imaging and the neurobiology of the psychoses

Functional magnetic resonance imaging of proactive interference during spoken cued recall

scientific article published in October 2002

Functional mapping of brain areas implicated in auditory--verbal memory function

scientific article

Functional neuroanatomy of three-term relational reasoning.

scientific article

Functional neuroimaging in psychiatry and the case for failing better

scientific article published in August 2022

Functional segregation within the human hippocampus

scientific article

Fusiform gyrus face selectivity relates to individual differences in facial recognition ability

scientific article published on 9 July 2010

Game theory of mind

scientific article

Gene transcription profiles associated with inter-modular hubs and connection distance in human functional magnetic resonance imaging networks

scientific article published on October 2016

Genetic association and brain morphology studies and the chromosome 8p22 pericentriolar material 1 (PCM1) gene in susceptibility to schizophrenia

scientific article

Gene–Brain Structure Relationships: Arbitrary Assumptions of Heterogeneity Generate Unfalsifiable Claims—Reply


Go and no-go learning in reward and punishment: Interactions between affect and effect

scientific article published on April 21, 2012

Goals and habits in the brain

scientific article published on October 2013

Happier People Show Greater Neural Connectivity during Negative Self-Referential Processing

scientific article

Harm to others outweighs harm to self in moral decision making

scientific article

Hedging your bets by learning reward correlations in the human brain.

scientific article

Hemispheric asymmetries in global/local processing are modulated by perceptual salience

scientific article

Hemispheric specialization for global and local processing: the effect of stimulus category

scientific article published in 1997

Hierarchical competitions subserving multi-attribute choice

scientific article

High-precision magnetoencephalography for reconstructing amygdalar and hippocampal oscillations during prediction of safety and threat

scientific article published on 30 June 2019

How People Use Social Information to Find out What to Want in the Paradigmatic Case of Inter-temporal Preferences

scientific article published on 22 July 2016

How beliefs about self-creation inflate value in the human brain

scientific article

How choice reveals and shapes expected hedonic outcome

scientific article

How does the brain sustain a visual percept?

scientific article published in May 2000

How dopamine enhances an optimism bias in humans

scientific article

How humans integrate the prospects of pain and reward during choice

scientific article

How the brain learns to see objects and faces in an impoverished context

scientific article published in October 1997

How the brain translates money into force: a neuroimaging study of subliminal motivation

scientific article published on 12 April 2007

How the opinion of others affects our valuation of objects

scientific article

How unrealistic optimism is maintained in the face of reality

scientific article

Human Hippocampus Arbitrates Approach-Avoidance Conflict.

scientific article

Human Replay Spontaneously Reorganizes Experience

scientific article published on 04 July 2019

Human amygdala responses to fearful eyes

scientific article published in September 2002

Human cingulate cortex and autonomic control: converging neuroimaging and clinical evidence

scientific article published on 23 June 2003

Human complex exploration strategies are enriched by noradrenaline-modulated heuristics

scientific article published on 04 January 2021

Human hippocampus arbitrates approach-avoidance conflict

scientific article

Human neural learning depends on reward prediction errors in the blocking paradigm

scientific article

Human orbitofrontal cortex mediates extinction learning while accessing conditioned representations of value

scientific article published on 12 September 2004

Human pavlovian-instrumental transfer

scientific article

Human responses to unfairness with primary rewards and their biological limits

scientific article

Hypotheses About the Relationship of Cognition With Psychopathology Should be Tested by Embedding Them Into Empirical Priors

Images of psychopathology

scientific article published on April 1, 1998

Imaging informational conflict: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study of numerical stroop.

scientific article published on December 2006

Imitating expressions: emotion-specific neural substrates in facial mimicry

scientific article published on September 2006

Impact of nutrition on social decision making.

scientific article published on 12 June 2017

Impaired threat prioritisation after selective bilateral amygdala lesions

scientific article

Improving the reliability of model-based decision-making estimates in the two-stage decision task with reaction-times and drift-diffusion modeling


Impulsive choice and response in dopamine agonist-related impulse control behaviors

scientific article published on 20 October 2009

Incidental retrieval of emotional contexts in post-traumatic stress disorder and depression: an fMRI study

scientific article

Increased decision thresholds enhance information gathering performance in juvenile Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

scientific article

Increased decision thresholds trigger extended information gathering across the compulsivity spectrum

scientific article

Increased fronto-striatal reward prediction errors moderate decision making in obsessive-compulsive disorder.

scientific article published on 9 January 2017

Inferences about moral character moderate the impact of consequences on blame and praise

scientific article published on 17 May 2017

Influence of dopaminergically mediated reward on somatosensory decision-making

scientific article

Information theory, novelty and hippocampal responses: unpredicted or unpredictable?

scientific article published on 19 March 2005

Informational and Normative Influences in Conformity from a Neurocomputational Perspective

scientific article published on October 2015

Integrated neural representations of odor intensity and affective valence in human amygdala.

scientific article published in September 2005

Integration of retinal and extraretinal information across eye movements

scientific article

Intuitive interference in quantitative reasoning

scientific article published on 27 January 2006

Investigations of the functional anatomy of attention using the Stroop test

scientific article published in September 1993

Involvement of human amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex in hunger-enhanced memory for food stimuli.

scientific article published in July 2001

Is choice-induced preference change long lasting?

scientific article published on 28 August 2012

Is multivariate analysis of PET data more revealing than the univariate approach? Evidence from a study of episodic memory retrieval

scientific article published on June 1996

Keep focussing: striatal dopamine multiple functions resolved in a single mechanism tested in a simulated humanoid robot

scientific article

Keynote address: revaluing the orbital prefrontal cortex

scientific article published on 10 September 2007

Knowing how much you don't know: a neural organization of uncertainty estimates

scientific article published on July 11, 2012

Learning Contextual Reward Expectations for Value Adaptation

scientific article published on 26 September 2017

Learning affective values for faces is expressed in amygdala and fusiform gyrus

scientific article published on 8 February 2008

Learning and generalization under ambiguity: an fMRI study

scientific article

Learning-induced plasticity in medial prefrontal cortex predicts preference malleability

scientific article

Learning-related Modulation of Tonotopic Responses in Human Auditory Cortex

scientific article published in 1998

Learning-related neuronal responses in prefrontal cortex studied with functional neuroimaging

scientific article published on March 1999

Left prefrontal cortex control of novel occurrences during recollection: a psychopharmacological study using scopolamine and event-related fMRI.

scientific article published on 17 August 2006

Levels of appraisal: a medial prefrontal role in high-level appraisal of emotional material

scientific article published on 4 January 2006

Life events, depression and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function

scientific article published in October 1985

Local and distributed effects of apomorphine on fronto-temporal function in acute unmedicated schizophrenia

scientific article

Local striatal reward signals can be predicted from corticostriatal connectivity

scientific article

Locus coeruleus imaging as a biomarker for noradrenergic dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases

scientific article published on 01 September 2019

Locus coeruleus integrity in old age is selectively related to memories linked with salient negative events

scientific article published on 12 February 2018

Losing the rose tinted glasses: neural substrates of unbiased belief updating in depression

scientific article

Magnetoencephalography (MEG) determined temporal modulation of visual and auditory sensory processing in the context of classical conditioning to faces

scientific article published on 19 June 2006

Magnetoencephalography decoding reveals structural differences within integrative decision processes

scientific article published on 07 September 2018

Maintenance versus manipulation in verbal working memory revisited: an fMRI study

scientific article published in February 2003

Manipulating the contribution of approach-avoidance to the perturbation of economic choice by valence

scientific article published on 4 December 2013

Mapping value based planning and extensively trained choice in the human brain

scientific article

Measurement of human cerebral monoamine oxidase type B (MAO-B) activity with positron emission tomography (PET): a dose ranging study with the reversible inhibitor Ro 19-6327

scientific article published on 01 January 1991

Measuring the neuromodulatory effects of drugs in man with positron emission tomography

scientific article published in July 1992

Mechanisms of top-down facilitation in perception of visual objects studied by FMRI

scientific article

Mechanisms underlying dopamine-mediated reward bias in compulsive behaviors

scientific article

Memory fMRI in left hippocampal sclerosis: optimizing the approach to predicting postsurgical memory

scientific article published on March 2006

Mental stress and sudden cardiac death: asymmetric midbrain activity as a linking mechanism

scientific article published on 20 October 2004

Metabolic state alters economic decision making under risk in humans

scientific article

Metacognition: computation, biology and function

scientific article published on May 19, 2012

Metacognitive Failure as a Feature of Those Holding Radical Beliefs

article published in 2018

Metacognitive impairments extend perceptual decision making weaknesses in compulsivity

scientific article published on 26 July 2017

Mirror movements in X-linked Kallmann's syndrome. II. A PET study

scientific article published in July 1997

Model averaging, optimal inference, and habit formation

scientific article

Model-Based Reasoning in Humans Becomes Automatic with Training

scientific article published on 17 September 2015

Model-based influences on humans' choices and striatal prediction errors

scientific article

Modelling event-related skin conductance responses

scientific article

Modulation of auditory neural responses by a visual context in human fear conditioning

scientific article published in October 2001

Modulation of fusiform cortex activity by cholinesterase inhibition predicts effects on subsequent memory.

scientific article published on 15 July 2009

Modulation of pain processing in hyperalgesia by cognitive demand

scientific article published in August 2005

Modulation of perception and brain activity by predictable trajectories of facial expressions.

scientific article

Modulation of retrieval processing reflects accuracy of emotional source memory

scientific article

Modulation of spatial attention by fear-conditioned stimuli: an event-related fMRI study

scientific article published in January 2002

Modulatory effects of 5Hz rTMS over the primary somatosensory cortex in focal dystonia--an fMRI-TMS study

scientific article

Mood as Representation of Momentum

scientific article

Mood disorder and abnormal cingulate cortex

scientific article published on 01 November 1997

Moral transgressions corrupt neural representations of value

scientific article published in May 2017

Morphing Marilyn into Maggie dissociates physical and identity face representations in the brain

scientific article published on 12 December 2004

Morphometric Similarity Networks Detect Microscale Cortical Organisation And Predict Inter-Individual Cognitive Variation

Morphometric Similarity Networks Detect Microscale Cortical Organisation and Predict Inter-Individual Cognitive Variation

Morphometric Similarity Networks Detect Microscale Cortical Organization and Predict Inter-Individual Cognitive Variation

scientific article

Multiple Holdouts With Stability: Improving the Generalizability of Machine Learning Analyses of Brain-Behavior Relationships

scientific article published on 10 December 2019

Multiple levels of visual object constancy revealed by event-related fMRI of repetition priming

scientific article published in May 2002

Multiple value signals in dopaminergic midbrain and their role in avoidance contexts

scientific article published on 27 April 2016

Mutualistic Coupling Between Vocabulary and Reasoning Supports Cognitive Development During Late Adolescence and Early Adulthood

scientific article published on August 2017

Network reconfiguration and working memory impairment in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy.

scientific article published on 28 January 2013

Neural Mechanisms of Harm-Avoidance Learning: A Model for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?

scientific article published on 21 September 2016

Neural activation during covert processing of positive emotional facial expressions

scientific article published in December 1996

Neural activation during selective attention to subjective emotional responses

scientific article published in December 1997

Neural activity and fundamental learning, motivated by monetary loss and reward, are intact in mild to moderate major depressive disorder

scientific article published in PLoS ONE

Neural activity associated with episodic memory for emotional context.

scientific article published in January 2001

Neural activity associated with the passive prediction of ambiguity and risk for aversive events

scientific article published on February 2009

Neural activity in the human brain relating to uncertainty and arousal during anticipation

scientific article published in February 2001

Neural activity relating to generation and representation of galvanic skin conductance responses: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study.

scientific article published in April 2000

Neural and computational processes underlying dynamic changes in self-esteem

scientific article published on 24 October 2017

Neural coding of tactile decisions in the human prefrontal cortex

scientific article

Neural consequences of competing stimuli in both visual hemifields: A physiological basis for visual extinction

Neural consequences of competing stimuli in both visual hemifields: a physiological basis for visual extinction

scientific article published in April 2000

Neural correlates of depth of processing effects on recollection: evidence from brain potentials and positron emission tomography

scientific article published in November 1998

Neural correlates of memory retrieval during recognition memory and cued recall

scientific article published in October 1998

Neural correlates of processing valence and arousal in affective words.

scientific article

Neural correlates of self-distraction from anxiety and a process model of cognitive emotion regulation

scientific article

Neural correlates of value, risk, and risk aversion contributing to decision making under risk

scientific article

Neural mechanisms involved in the processing of global and local aspects of hierarchically organized visual stimuli

scientific article published in October 1997

Neural mechanisms of belief inference during cooperative games

scientific article

Neural origins of human sickness in interoceptive responses to inflammation

scientific article

Neural processes mediating contextual influences on human choice behaviour

scientific article

Neural response during preference and memory judgments for subliminally presented stimuli: a functional neuroimaging study.

scientific article published in June 1998

Neural response to emotional faces with and without awareness: event-related fMRI in a parietal patient with visual extinction and spatial neglect

scientific article

Neural responses associated with cue evoked emotional states and heroin in opiate addicts

scientific article published in August 2000

Neural responses during anticipation of a primary taste reward

scientific article published in February 2002

Neural responses to salient visual stimuli

scientific article published in May 1997

Neural segregation of objective and contextual aspects of fairness

scientific article

Neural substrates of norm compliance in perceptual decisions

scientific article published on 20 February 2018

Neural systems engaged by planning: a PET study of the Tower of London task

scientific article (publication date: June 1996)

Neural systems supporting interoceptive awareness

scientific article (publication date: February 2004)

Neuroanatomical basis for first- and second-order representations of bodily states.

scientific article published in February 2001

Neurocomputational mechanisms underpinning aberrant social learning in young adults with low self-esteem

scientific article published on 17 March 2020

Neuroimaging Evidence for Dissociable Forms of Repetition Priming

scientific article (publication date: 18 February 2000)

Neuroimaging of cognition: past, present, and future

scientific article

Neurologic side effects of psychiatric treatments

scientific article published on September 1990

Neuronal Activity in Early Visual Areas during Global and Local Processing: A Comment on Heinze, Hinrichs, Scholz, Burchert, and Mangun

scientific article published on 01 March 2000

Neuronal correlates of familiarity-driven decisions in artificial grammar learning

scientific article published in January 2003

Neuronal distortions of reward probability without choice

scientific article

Neurophysiological correlates of habituation during exposure in spider phobia

scientific article published in December 2004

Neurophysiological correlates of increased verbal working memory in high-dissociative participants: a functional MRI study

scientific article published in February 2005

Neuropsychological dysfunction in depression: the relationship to regional cerebral blood flow

scientific article published in November 1994

No unified reward prediction error in local field potentials from the human nucleus accumbens: evidence from epilepsy patients

scientific article

Noradrenaline blockade specifically enhances metacognitive performance

scientific article published on 10 May 2017

Noradrenaline modulates decision urgency during sequential information gathering

Noradrenergic modulation of emotion-induced forgetting and remembering.

scientific article

Noradrenergic neuromodulation of human attention for emotional and neutral stimuli

scientific article

Older adults fail to form stable task representations during model-based reversal inference

On the neurology of morals

scientific article published in November 1999

Online evaluation of novel choices by simultaneous representation of multiple memories

scientific article published on 08 September 2013

Opponent appetitive-aversive neural processes underlie predictive learning of pain relief

scientific article

Opportunities for emotion and mental health research in the resource-rationality framework

scientific article published on 11 March 2020

Opportunities, risks and challenges in global mental health and population neuroscience: a case of Sino-German cooperation

scientific article published on 29 July 2020

Optimal inference with suboptimal models: addiction and active Bayesian inference

scientific article published on 15 December 2014

Optimistic biases in observational learning of value

scientific article

Optimistic update bias increases in older age

scientific article

Other People's Money: The Role of Reciprocity and Social Uncertainty in Decisions for Others

scientific article published in June 2017

Other minds in the brain: a functional imaging study of "theory of mind" in story comprehension

scientific article

Outlier responses reflect sensitivity to statistical structure in the human brain

scientific article

Overcoming status quo bias in the human brain

scientific article

Oxygen metabolism in the dementias

Oxytocin Attenuates Affective Evaluations of Conditioned Faces and Amygdala Activity

scientific article

Oxytocin Effect on Collective Decision Making: A Randomized Placebo Controlled Study

scientific article

Pain relativity in motor control

scientific article

Parallel Neural Responses in Amygdala Subregions and Sensory Cortex during Implicit Fear Conditioning


Parallel neural responses in amygdala subregions and sensory cortex during implicit fear conditioning

scientific article

Parallel processing streams for motor output and sensory prediction during action preparation

scientific article

Parcellation of the human substantia nigra based on anatomical connectivity to the striatum

scientific article published on 16 May 2013

Peak Frequency in the Theta and Alpha Bands Correlates with Human Working Memory Capacity

scientific article published on November 11, 2010

Perimovement decrease of alpha/beta oscillations in the human nucleus accumbens

scientific article published on 13 July 2016

Peripheral Serotonin 1B Receptor Transcription Predicts the Effect of Acute Tryptophan Depletion on Risky Decision-Making

scientific article

Pharmacological Dissociation of Novelty Responses in the Human Brain

scientific article published on January 10, 2013

Pharmacological challenge and PET imaging

scientific article published in January 1992

Pharmacological modulation of behavioral and neuronal correlates of repetition priming.

scientific article published in September 2001

Positron Emission Tomography in Psychopharmacology

Positron emission tomography as a research tool in the investigation of psychiatric and psychological disorders

scientific article

Positron emission tomography in psychiatric and neuropsychiatric disorders

scientific article published on December 1989

Positron emission tomography in the study of brain metabolism in psychiatric and neuropsychiatric disorders

scientific article published on January 1990

Pre-operative verbal memory fMRI predicts post-operative memory decline after left temporal lobe resection

scientific article published on 30 September 2004

Precision and neuronal dynamics in the human posterior parietal cortex during evidence accumulation

scientific article

Predictive neural coding of reward preference involves dissociable responses in human ventral midbrain and ventral striatum

scientific article published in January 2006

Predictors of risky foraging behaviour in healthy young people

scientific article published on 11 May 2020


Prefrontal contributions to metacognition in perceptual decision making

scientific article

Prefrontal cortex fails to learn from reward prediction errors in alcohol dependence

scientific article published on June 2010

Prefrontal dysfunction in depressed patients performing a complex planning task: a study using positron emission tomography

scientific article published in July 1997

Preparing for selective inhibition within frontostriatal loops

scientific article

Preserved verbal memory function in left medial temporal pathology involves reorganisation of function to right medial temporal lobe

scientific article published in November 2003

Prices need no preferences: social trends determine decisions in experimental markets for pain relief

scientific article published on 12 November 2012

Priming for self-esteem influences the monitoring of one's own performance

scientific article

Proactive and Reactive Response Inhibition across the Lifespan

scientific article

Profiling neuronal ion channelopathies with non-invasive brain imaging and dynamic causal models: Case studies of single gene mutations

scientific article

Prospective and Pavlovian mechanisms in aversive behaviour

scientific article published on 2 November 2015

Psychophysiological and modulatory interactions in neuroimaging

scientific article (publication date: October 1997)

Publisher Correction: Metacognitive impairments extend perceptual decision making weaknesses in compulsivity.

scientific article published on 11 April 2018

Quantitative computed tomography in elderly depressed patients

scientific article

Re-construction of action awareness depends on an internal model of action-outcome timing

scientific article published on 18 February 2014

Receipt of reward leads to altered estimation of effort

scientific article

Reciprocal neural response within lateral and ventral medial prefrontal cortex during hot and cold reasoning

scientific article

Recollection and familiarity in recognition memory: an event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging study.

scientific article

Regional brain activity in chronic schizophrenic patients during the performance of a verbal fluency task

scientific article

Regional cerebral blood flow abnormalities in depressed patients with cognitive impairment

scientific article

Regional cerebral blood flow in depression measured by positron emission tomography: the relationship with clinical dimensions

scientific article published on August 1993

Regret and its avoidance: a neuroimaging study of choice behavior

scientific article

Reinforcement learning as an intermediate phenotype in psychosis? Deficits sensitive to illness stage but not associated with polygenic risk of schizophrenia in the general population

scientific article published on 07 May 2020

Relating introspective accuracy to individual differences in brain structure

scientific article

Relative valuation of pain in human orbitofrontal cortex.

scientific article

Remembrance of odors past: human olfactory cortex in cross-modal recognition memory

scientific article published in May 2004

Remote effects of hippocampal sclerosis on effective connectivity during working memory encoding: a case of connectional diaschisis?

scientific article

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation-induced changes in sensorimotor coupling parallel improvements of somatosensation in humans

scientific article published on February 2006

Representation of probabilistic outcomes during risky decision-making

scientific article published on 15 May 2020

Reprint of: DAT genotype modulates striatal processing and long-term memory for items associated with reward and punishment

scientific article published in October 2013

Response to Small: Crossmodal integration – insights from the chemical senses

Retrospective model-based inference guides model-free credit assignment

scientific article published in Nature Communications

Reward facilitates tactile judgments and modulates hemodynamic responses in human primary somatosensory cortex

scientific article published on August 2008

Reward motivation accelerates the onset of neural novelty signals in humans to 85 milliseconds

scientific article published on 02 July 2009

Reward value coding distinct from risk attitude-related uncertainty coding in human reward systems

scientific article

Reward value of attractiveness and gaze

scientific article

Reward-related activity in ventral striatum is action contingent and modulated by behavioral relevance.

scientific article published on January 2014

Rewarding feedback after correct visual discriminations has both general and specific influences on visual cortex

scientific article

Right prefrontal cortex and episodic memory retrieval: a functional MRI test of the monitoring hypothesis

scientific article

Right prefrontal cortex responds to item familiarity during a memory encoding task

scientific article published in September 1999

Risk Taking for Potential Reward Decreases across the Lifespan

scientific article

Risk-dependent reward value signal in human prefrontal cortex

scholarly article

Role of features and second-order spatial relations in face discrimination, face recognition, and individual face skills: behavioral and functional magnetic resonance imaging data

scientific article


scientific article

Saying it with feeling: neural responses to emotional vocalizations

scientific article

Schizotypy-Related Magnetization of Cortex in Healthy Adolescence Is Colocated With Expression of Schizophrenia-Related Genes

scientific article published on 13 December 2019

Schizotypy-related magnetization of cortex in healthy adolescence is co-located with expression of schizophrenia risk genes:


Scopolamine but not lorazepam modulates face repetition priming: a psychopharmacological fMRI study

scientific article published in August 2002

Seen gaze-direction modulates fusiform activity and its coupling with other brain areas during face processing

scientific article published on June 2001

Segregated encoding of reward-identity and stimulus-reward associations in human orbitofrontal cortex

scientific article published on February 2013

Segregating the functions of human hippocampus

scientific article

Selective attention modulates neural substrates of repetition priming and "implicit" visual memory: suppressions and enhancements revealed by FMRI.

scientific article published in August 2005

Selectively altering belief formation in the human brain

scientific article

Sensory Deviancy Detection Measured Directly Within the Human Nucleus Accumbens

scientific article

Separate coding of different gaze directions in the superior temporal sulcus and inferior parietal lobule

scientific article published in January 2007

Separate mesocortical and mesolimbic pathways encode effort and reward learning signals

scientific article

Sequential inference as a mode of cognition and its correlates in fronto-parietal and hippocampal brain regions

scientific article

Serotonin selectively modulates reward value in human decision-making

scientific article published on April 2012

Serotonin transporter genotype modulates subgenual response to fearful faces using an incidental task

scientific article

Sharing a Context with Other Rewarding Events Increases the Probability that Neutral Events will be Recollected

scientific article

Social and emotional functions in three patients with medial frontal lobe damage including the anterior cingulate cortex

scientific article published on July 2006

Social and motivational functioning is not critically dependent on feedback of autonomic responses: neuropsychological evidence from patients with pure autonomic failure.

scientific article published in January 2004

Social redistribution of pain and money

scientific article

Social regulation of affective experience of humor

scientific article published on September 2007

Social training reconfigures prediction errors to shape Self-Other boundaries

scientific article published on 15 June 2020

Space-based and object-based visual attention: shared and specific neural domains

scientific article

Spatial and temporal factors during processing of audiovisual speech: a PET study

scientific article published on February 2004

Stimulus Novelty Energizes Actions in the Absence of Explicit Reward

scientific article

Striatal D1 and D2 receptor binding in patients with Huntington's disease and other choreas A PET study

scientific article published on June 1, 1995

Striatal activity underlies novelty-based choice in humans

scientific article published on June 2008

Striatal dysfunction during reversal learning in unmedicated schizophrenia patients.

scientific article

Striatal structure and function predict individual biases in learning to avoid pain

scientific article published on 11 April 2016

Structural brain changes in patients with anorexia nervosa

scientific article published on 01 May 1988

Structural covariance networks are coupled to expression of genes enriched in supragranular layers of the human cortex

scientific article

Structural covariance networks are coupled to expression of genes enriched in supragranular layers of the human cortex


Structural integrity of the substantia nigra and subthalamic nucleus predicts flexibility of instrumental learning in older-age individuals

scientific article published on 24 April 2013

Structure of orbitofrontal cortex predicts social influence

scientific article published on February 2012

Subcortical amygdala pathways enable rapid face processing

scientific article

Subliminal action priming modulates the perceived intensity of sensory action consequences

scientific article published on 10 December 2013

Subliminal instrumental conditioning demonstrated in the human brain

scientific article published on August 2008

Surprise leads to noisier perceptual decisions

scientific article

Sustained Magnetic Responses in Temporal Cortex Reflect Instantaneous Significance of Approaching and Receding Sounds

scientific article

Switching between the forest and the trees: brain systems involved in local/global changed-level judgments

scientific article published in January 2001

Synchronization of Medial Temporal Lobe and Prefrontal Rhythms in Human Decision Making

scientific article published on January 9, 2013

Taming the shrewdness of neural function: methodological challenges in computational psychiatry

scholarly article by Peter Dayan et al published October 2015 in Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences

Task and content modulate amygdala-hippocampal connectivity in emotional retrieval

scientific article published in February 2006

Temporal difference models and reward-related learning in the human brain

scientific article published in April 2003

Temporal difference models describe higher-order learning in humans

scientific article published in June 2004

Temporally Dissociable Contributions of Human Medial Prefrontal Subregions to Reward-Guided Learning

scientific article

Testosterone disrupts human collaboration by increasing egocentric choices

scientific article published in February 2012

Testosterone induces off-line perceptual learning

scientific article

The Collaborative Longitudinal Personality Disorders Study: reliability of axis I and II diagnoses

scientific article published in January 2000

The Dopaminergic Midbrain Encodes the Expected Certainty about Desired Outcomes

scientific article

The Dopaminergic Midbrain Mediates an Effect of Average Reward on Pavlovian Vigor.

scientific article published on 15 April 2016

The Known Unknowns: Neural Representation of Second-Order Uncertainty, and Ambiguity

scientific article published on March 30, 2011

The NMDA agonist D-cycloserine facilitates fear memory consolidation in humans

scientific article published on 13 May 2008

The anatomy of choice: active inference and agency

scientific article published on 25 September 2013

The anatomy of choice: dopamine and decision-making

scientific article published on November 2014

The anatomy of melancholia--focal abnormalities of cerebral blood flow in major depression

scientific article published in August 1992

The body in the brain

The brain ages optimally to model its environment: evidence from sensory learning over the adult lifespan

scientific article published on 23 January 2014

The cerebral cortical appearance in depressed subjects.

scientific article published in November 1986

The chronometry of risk processing in the human cortex

scientific article published on 20 August 2013

The computational psychiatry of reward: broken brains or misguided minds?

scientific article

The development of metacognitive ability in adolescence

scientific article published on 30 January 2013

The distinction between depression and dementia in the very old

scholarly article by David Ames et al published May 1990 in International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry

The effect of apomorphine and buspirone on regional cerebral blood flow during the performance of a cognitive task-measuring neuromodulatory effects of psychotropic drugs in man.

scientific article published in January 1992

The effect of apomorphine on regional cerebral blood flow in normal volunteers

The effect of motivation on movement: a study of bradykinesia in Parkinson's disease

scientific article published in 2012

The effect of the dopamine agonist, apomorphine, on regional cerebral blood flow in normal volunteers

scientific article published in August 1993

The effect of the muscarinic antagonist scopolamine on regional cerebral blood flow during the performance of a memory task

scientific article published in January 1995

The effect of visual salience on memory-based choices

scientific article

The effects of interdistracter similarity on search processes in superior parietal cortex

scientific article published in March 2002

The effects of life stress and neural learning signals on fluid intelligence

scientific article published on 21 August 2014

The functional anatomy of humor: segregating cognitive and affective components

scientific article published in March 2001

The functional anatomy of memory

scientific article published on December 1995

The functional anatomy of motor recovery after stroke in humans: a study with positron emission tomography

The functional nature of cerebellar diaschisis

scientific article published in September 1990

The functional roles of prefrontal cortex in episodic memory. I. Encoding

scientific article published in July 1998

The functional roles of prefrontal cortex in episodic memory. II. Retrieval

scientific article published in July 1998

The habenula encodes negative motivational value associated with primary punishment in humans

scientific article (publication date: 12 August 2014)

The human amygdala and orbital prefrontal cortex in behavioural regulation

scientific article

The human amygdala encodes value and space during decision making

scientific article

The human growth hormone response to clonidine: relationship to clinical and neuroendocrine profile in depression

scientific article published on 01 June 1986

The impact of traumatic stress on Pavlovian biases.

scientific article published on 23 June 2017

The influence of contextual reward statistics on risk preference

scientific article published on 17 December 2015

The influence of subcortical shortcuts on disordered sensory and cognitive processing

scientific article published on 08 April 2020

The interaction between mood and cognitive function studied with PET.

scientific article published in May 1997

The mind's eye--precuneus activation in memory-related imagery

scientific article

The modulation of savouring by prediction error and its effects on choice

scientific article published on 21 April 2016

The neural basis of metacognitive ability

scientific article

The neural basis of mood-congruent processing biases in depression

scientific article published on July 2002

The neural consequences of conflict between intention and the senses

scientific article

The neural correlates of the noradrenergic modulation of human attention, arousal and learning

scientific article published in March 1997

The neural response in short-term visual recognition memory for perceptual conjunctions

scientific article

The neural underpinnings of an optimal exploitation of social information under uncertainty

scientific article

The neurobiology of punishment

scientific article published on April 2007

The neurobiology of reference-dependent value computation

scientific article published on March 2009

The neurotransmitter basis of cognition: psychopharmacological activation studies using positron emission tomography

scientific article published in January 1991

The nose smells what the eye sees: crossmodal visual facilitation of human olfactory perception

scientific article published on July 2003

The price of pain and the value of suffering

scientific article

The relationship between global and local changes in PET scans

scientific article published in July 1990

The role of dopamine in dynamic effort-reward integration

scientific article published on 08 April 2020

The role of human orbitofrontal cortex in value comparison for incommensurable objects.

scientific article published on July 2009

The role of the hippocampus in weighting expectations during inference under uncertainty.

scientific article

The role of the prefrontal cortex in higher cognitive functions

scientific article

The role of the prefrontal cortex in recognition memory and memory for source: an fMRI study

scientific article published in November 1999

The role of the right anterior prefrontal cortex in episodic retrieval

scientific article published in March 2000

The roles of online and offline replay in planning

scientific article published on 17 June 2020

The social contingency of momentary subjective well-being

scientific article published on 13 June 2016

The specificity of Pavlovian regulation is associated with recovery from depression

scientific article published on 4 February 2016

The time course of binding to striatal dopamine D2 receptors by the neuroleptic ziprasidone (CP-88,059-01) determined by positron emission tomography

scientific article

The trouble with cognitive subtraction.

scientific article published on October 1996

The value of what's to come: Neural mechanisms coupling prediction error and the utility of anticipation

scientific article published on 19 June 2020

Threatening a rubber hand that you feel is yours elicits a cortical anxiety response

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Time-dependent changes in learning audiovisual associations: a single-trial fMRI study

scientific article

Time-series analysis for rapid event-related skin conductance responses

scientific article

Transcranial direct current stimulation of right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex does not affect model-based or model-free reinforcement learning in humans.

scientific article published on 24 January 2014

Translation of Computational Psychiatry in the Context of Addiction

scientific article published on 01 July 2020

Trust and distrust: the perception of trustworthiness of faces in psychopathic and non-psychopathic offenders

article by R.A. Richell et al published June 2005 in Personality and Individual Differences

Uncertainty Increases Pain: Evidence for a Novel Mechanism of Pain Modulation Involving the Periaqueductal Gray

scientific article published on March 27, 2013

Uncertainty in learning, choice, and visual fixation

scientific article published on 24 January 2020

Unconscious fear influences emotional awareness of faces and voices

scientific article

Unimpaired discrimination of fearful prosody after amygdala lesion

scientific article published on July 16, 2013

Unmasking Latent Inhibitory Connections in Human Cortex to Reveal Dormant Cortical Memories

scientific article

Vagus nerve stimulation for treatment-resistant depression: behavioral and neural effects on encoding negative material

scientific article published on January 2007

Value encoding in the globus pallidus: fMRI reveals an interaction effect between reward and dopamine drive

scientific article published on 23 February 2018

Ventral striatal dopamine reflects behavioral and neural signatures of model-based control during sequential decision making.

scientific article

Ventral striatal prediction error signaling is associated with dopamine synthesis capacity and fluid intelligence

scientific article published on 17 February 2012

Ventromedial prefrontal cortex drives hippocampal theta oscillations induced by mismatch computations

scientific article

Ventromedial prefrontal cortex mediates guessing

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Vigor in the face of fluctuating rates of reward: an experimental examination

scientific article published on 7 July 2011

Volitional control of autonomic arousal: a functional magnetic resonance study

scientific article published in August 2002

Voxel-based morphometry reveals reduced grey matter volume in the temporal cortex of developmental prosopagnosics

scientific article published on December 2009

What Underlies Political Polarization? A Manifesto for Computational Political Psychology

scientific article published on 15 August 2019

What the heart forgets: Cardiac timing influences memory for words and is modulated by metacognition and interoceptive sensitivity

scientific article

When fear is near: threat imminence elicits prefrontal-periaqueductal gray shifts in humans

scientific article

Where in the brain does visual attention select the forest and the trees?

scientific article published in August 1996

White matter tract myelin maturation and its association with general psychopathology in adolescence and early adulthood

scientific article published on 29 October 2019

Whole-Brain Neural Dynamics of Probabilistic Reward Prediction

scientific article

fMRI Activity Patterns in Human LOC Carry Information about Object Exemplars within Category

scientific article published in February 2008

fMRI activity patterns in human LOC carry information about object exemplars within category

scientific article

fMRI correlates of the episodic retrieval of emotional contexts

scientific article published in June 2004

fMRI-Adaptation Reveals Dissociable Neural Representations of Identity and Expression in Face Perception

scientific article published on 28 April 2004