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List of works by Roland Thaxter

A New American Phytophthora

A New American Species of Wynnea

A New Order of Schizomycetes

A Revision of the Endogoneae

Annals of Botany


Contributions from the Cryptogamic Laboratory of Harvard University. LVI. Notes on the Myxobacteriaceae

Contributions from the Cryptogamic Laboratory of Harvard University. XIX. Note on Phallogaster saccatus

Contributions from the Cryptogamic Laboratory of Harvard University. XXVII. New or Peculiar Aquatic Fungi. I. Monoblepharis

article published in 1895

Contributions from the Cryptogamic Laboratory of Harvard University. XXVIII. New or Peculiar Aquatic Fungi. 2. Gonapodya Fischer and Myrioblepharis, Nov. Gen

Contributions from the Cryptogamic Laboratory of Harvard University. XXXIX. Further Observations on the Myxobacteriaceæ

scientific article published in June 1897

Cryptogams of Florida

Harvard University Botany Libraries

Descriptions of larvae

Harvard University Botany Libraries

Extra-American Dipterophilous Laboulbeniales

scientific article

Further Additions to the North American Species of Laboulbeniaceæ

scientific article

George Golding Kennedy correspondence

archival material; correspondence 1872-1917

Hibernation of Amphipyra Pramidoides

scientific article published in 1875

Hosts of Laboulbeniae

Harvard University Botany Libraries

Identification of Lichens of Chile with accession numbers

Harvard University Botany Libraries

LINCOLN WARE RIDDLE. (Born in Jamaica Plain, October 17, 1880 Died in Cambridge, January 16, 1921.)

scientific article published in 1921

Laboulbeniales Parasitic on Chrysomelidae

scientific article

List of Sphingidae Taken About Newton, Mass.

scientific article published in 1874

New Dimorphomyceteae

scientific article

New Genera and Species of Laboulbeniaceæ, with a Synopsis of the Known Species

scientific article

New Indo-Malayan Laboulbeniales

scientific article

New Laboulbeniales from Chile and New Zealand

scientific article

New Laboulbeniales, Chiefly Dipterophilous American Species

scientific article

New Species of Laboulbeniaceæ from Various Localities

scientific article

New or Critical Laboulbeniales from the Argentine

scientific article

New or Critical Species of Chitonomyces and Rickia

scientific article

New or Peculiar American Zygomycetes. I. Dispira

New or Peculiar Aquatic Fungi. 3. Blastocladia

New or Peculiar Aquatic Fungi. 4. Rhipidium, Sapromyces, and Araiospora, Nov. Gen

New or Peculiar North American Hyphomycetes. III

New or Peculiar Zygomycetes. 2. Syncephalastrum and Syncephalis

New or Peculiar Zygomycetes. 3: Blakeslea, Dissophora, and Haplosporangium, Nova Genera

Note on Myxotheca Hypocreoides and its Synonymy

scientific article published in 1927

Note on Two Remarkable Ascomycetes

scientific article

Note on the Structure and Reproduction of Compsopogon

Notes on Chilean Fungi. I

Notes on Cultures of Gymnosporangium made in 1887 and 1888


Notes on Laboulbeniaceæ, with Descriptions of New Species

Notes on Some Noctuid Larvae Found About Newton, Mass.

scientific article published in 1878

Observations on the Genus Naegelia of Reinsch

article published in 1894

On Certain Cultures of Gymnosporangium, with Notes on Their Rœsteliæ

scientific article

On Certain New or Peculiar North American Hyphomycetes. I. Oedocephalum, Rhopalomyces and Sigmoideomyces n. g.

scientific article

On Certain New or Peculiar North American Hyphomycetes. II. Helicocephalum, Gonatorrhodiella, Desmidiospora Nov. Genera and Everhartia lignatilis N. Sp.

On Certain Peculiar Fungus-Parasites of Living Insects

On Some North American Species of Laboulbeniaceæ

scientific article

On the Myxobacteriaceæ, a New Order of Schizomycetes

Preliminary Descriptions of New Species of Rickia and Trenomyces

scientific article

Preliminary Diagnoses of New Species of Laboulbeniaceae. III


Preliminary Diagnoses of New Species of Laboulbeniaceae. IV

Preliminary Diagnoses of New Species of Laboulbeniaceae. V

Preliminary Diagnoses of New Species of Laboulbeniaceae. VI

Preliminary Diagnoses of New Species of Laboulbeniaceæ

Preliminary Diagnoses of New Species of Laboulbeniaceæ. I


Reliquiae Farlowianae

scientific article published in 1922

Reliquiae Farlowianae. Distributed from the Farlow Herbarium of Harvard University

scientific article published in May 1922

Roland Thaxter sketch book

Harvard University Botany Libraries

Second Note on Certain Peculiar Fungus-Parasites of Living Insects

article by Roland Thaxter published January 1920 in Botanical Gazette

South American cryptogams

Harvard University Botany Libraries

South American diary

Harvard University Botany Libraries

Supplementary Note on North American Laboulbeniaceæ

scientific article

The Connecticut species of gymnosporangium (cedar apples)

[New Haven]: Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, 1891.

The Entomophthoreae of the United States

Boston, Pub. by the Society, 1888.

W. I

Harvard University Botany Libraries

William Gilson Farlow
