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List of works by Philip Maini

'Extremotaxis': computing with a bacterial-inspired algorithm

scientific article published on 20 June 2008

3D hybrid modelling of vascular network formation.

scientific article published on 24 November 2016

A Century of Enzyme Kinetics: Reliability of the K M and v max Estimates

scientific article (publication date: March 2003)

A DNA-structured mathematical model of cell-cycle progression in cyclic hypoxia

scientific article published in 2022

A Mathematical Dissection of the Adaptation of Cell Populations to Fluctuating Oxygen Levels

scientific article published on 16 June 2020

A Mechanistic Model of the Intravitreal Pharmacokinetics of Large Molecules and the Pharmacodynamic Suppression of Ocular Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Levels by Ranibizumab in Patients with Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration.

scientific article published on 4 January 2016

A Nonlinear Analysis of a Mechanical Model for Biological Pattern Formation

scientific article published in 1988

A PHABULOSA/cytokinin feedback loop controls root growth in Arabidopsis

scientific article

A Predator--2 Prey Fast--Slow Dynamical System for Rapid Predator Evolution

scientific article published on 05 January 2017

A cell cycle model for somitogenesis: mathematical formulation and numerical simulation.

scientific article published in December 2000

A cellular automaton model for tumour growth in inhomogeneous environment

scientific article published on 01 November 2003

A chemotactic model for the advance and retreat of the primitive streak in avian development.

scientific article published on May 2000

A clock and wavefront mechanism for somite formation.

scientific article

A design principle for vascular beds: the effects of complex blood rheology

scientific article published on 01 May 2005

A fibrocontractive mechanochemical model of dermal wound closure incorporating realistic growth factor kinetics.

scientific article published on 13 January 2012

A filter-flow perspective of haematogenous metastasis offers a non-genetic paradigm for personalised cancer therapy.

scientific article published on 8 October 2014

A general reaction–diffusion model of acidity in cancer invasion

scientific article published on March 28, 2013

A hierarchical Bayesian model for understanding the spatiotemporal dynamics of the intestinal epithelium.

scientific article

A hybrid approach to multi-scale modelling of cancer

scientific article

A lyapunov function and global properties for sir and seir epidemiological models with nonlinear incidence.

scientific article

A mathematical formulation for the cell-cycle model in somitogenesis: analysis, parameter constraints and numerical solutions

scientific article published in June 2004

A mathematical insight into cell labelling experiments for clonal analysis

scientific article published on 07 June 2019

A mathematical investigation of a Clock and Wavefront model for somitogenesis

scientific article published on 7 February 2006

A mathematical model for collagen fibre formation during foetal and adult dermal wound healing

scientific article published in May 1996

A mathematical model for fibro-proliferative wound healing disorders

scientific article published in July 1996

A mathematical model for germinal centre kinetics and affinity maturation

scientific article published in November 2002

A mathematical model for simultaneous spatio-temporal dynamics of calcium and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate in Madin-Darby canine kidney epithelial cells

scientific article published on 26 July 2006

A mathematical model for the capillary endothelial cell-extracellular matrix interactions in wound-healing angiogenesis

scientific article published on December 1, 1997

A mathematical model of Doxorubicin treatment efficacy for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: investigation of the current protocol through theoretical modelling results.

scientific article published in January 2005

A mathematical model of the effects of hypoxia on the cell-cycle of normal and cancer cells.

scientific article

A mathematical model of the use of supplemental oxygen to combat surgical site infection

scientific article published on 16 January 2019

A mathematical model of tumour and blood pHe regulation: The HCO3-/CO2 buffering system

scientific article

A mechanism for morphogen-controlled domain growth

scientific article published on 16 December 2006

A mechanochemical model for adult dermal wound contraction and the permanence of the contracted tissue displacement profile

scientific article published in November 1995

A mechanochemical model of striae distensae.

scientific article published on 14 July 2012

A model for chondrogenic condensations in the developing limb: the role of extracellular matrix and cell tractions

scientific article published in October 1985

A model for colour pattern formation in the butterfly wing of Papilio dardanus

scientific article published in May 2000

A model invalidation-based approach for elucidating biological signalling pathways, applied to the chemotaxis pathway in R. sphaeroides

scientific article

A model of primitive streak initiation in the chick embryo

scientific article published in February 2001

A morphoelastic model for dermal wound closure

scientific article published on 12 August 2015

A multiscale model of complex endothelial cell dynamics in early angiogenesis

scientific article published on 07 January 2021

A new approach to the generation of pattern and form in embryology

scientific article published on 01 January 1986

A numerical approach to the study of spatial pattern formation in the ligaments of arcoid bivalves

scientific article published in May 2002

A resolution of the chemotactic wave paradox

A simple mechanistic model of sprout spacing in tumour-associated angiogenesis

scientific article published on 7 September 2007

A simple mechanochemical model for calcium signalling in embryonic epithelial cells.

scientific article published on 2 March 2019

A stochastic model for tumour control probability that accounts for repair from sublethal damage

scientific article published on 26 February 2017

A theoretical framework for transitioning from patient-level to population-scale epidemiological dynamics: influenza A as a case study

scientific article published on 13 May 2020

A theoretical investigation of the effect of proliferation and adhesion on monoclonal conversion in the colonic crypt

scientific article published on 10 August 2012

A two-dimensional numerical study of spatial pattern formation in interacting Turing systems

scientific article published in May 1999

Ab initio identification of novel regulatory elements in the genome of Trypanosoma brucei by Bayesian inference on sequence segmentation

scientific article

Abnormal morphology biases hematocrit distribution in tumor vasculature and contributes to heterogeneity in tissue oxygenation

scientific article published on 27 October 2020

Achieving coexistence—Comment on “Modelling rain forest diversity: The role of competition” by Bampfylde et al. (2005)


Advection, diffusion, and delivery over a network

scientific article published on August 7, 2012

Age Structure Can Account for Delayed Logistic Proliferation of Scratch Assays

scientific article published on 14 June 2019

Age-related changes in speed and mechanism of adult skeletal muscle stem cell migration.

scientific article published in June 2012

Age-structure as key to delayed logistic proliferation of scratch assays

An analysis of B cell selection mechanisms in germinal centers

scientific article published on 17 May 2006

An integrated approach to quantitative modelling in angiogenesis research

scientific article

An integrative computational model for intestinal tissue renewal.

scientific article published on 20 July 2009

An interdisciplinary approach to investigate collective cell migration in neural crest

scientific article published on 19 November 2019

An ordinary differential equation model for full thickness wounds and the effects of diabetes

scientific article published on 10 July 2014

Analysis of a risk-based model for the growth of AIDS infection

scientific article published on September 1, 1991

Analysis of stationary droplets in a generic Turing reaction-diffusion system

scientific article published on November 23, 2010

Analysis of tumor as an inverse problem provides a novel theoretical framework for understanding tumor biology and therapy

scientific article published in 2002

Angiogenesis and vascular remodelling in normal and cancerous tissues.

scientific article published on 22 October 2008

Approximating the Critical Domain Size of Integrodifference Equations

scientific article published on 31 December 2015

Bifurcating spatially heterogeneous solutions in a chemotaxis model for biological pattern generation

scientific article published in January 1991

Biological Pattern Formation on Two-Dimensional Spatial Domains: A Nonlinear Bifurcation Analysis

scientific article published in 1997

Biomedical modeling: the role of transport and mechanics

scientific article

Bones, feathers, teeth and coat markings: a unified model

scientific article published on January 1, 1997

Breast Cancer: Modelling and Detection

Bulletin of mathematical biology-facts, figures and comparisons

scientific article published in July 2004

Cell proliferation within small intestinal crypts is the principal driving force for cell migration on villi

scientific article published on 20 October 2016

Cellular adaptations to hypoxia and acidosis during somatic evolution of breast cancer

scientific article published on 7 August 2007

Cellular mechanisms of pattern formation in the developing limb

scientific article published on January 1991

Chaste: A test-driven approach to software development for biological modelling


Chaste: Cancer, Heart and Soft Tissue Environment

scientific article published on 13 March 2020

Chronic TNFα-driven injury delays cell migration to villi in the intestinal epithelium

scientific article published on 01 August 2018

Classifying general nonlinear force laws in cell-based models via the continuum limit

scientific article published on 23 February 2012

Clock and induction model for somitogenesis

scientific article published in April 2000

Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential and its impact on patient trajectories after stem cell transplantation

scientific article published on 26 April 2019

Cluster formation for multi-strain infections with cross-immunity.

scientific article published on 30 November 2004

Collagen bundle morphometry in skin and scar tissue: a novel distance mapping method provides superior measurements compared to Fourier analysis

scientific article

Combining Mechanisms of Growth Arrest in Solid Tumours: A Mathematical Investigation

scientific article published in 2022

Comparative analysis of continuum angiogenesis models

scientific article published in 2021

Comparative study between discrete and continuum models for the evolution of competing phenotype-structured cell populations in dynamical environments

scientific article published on 01 October 2020

Comparing a discrete and continuum model of the intestinal crypt

scientific article published on March 16, 2011

Comparing individual-based approaches to modelling the self-organization of multicellular tissues

scientific article

Comparing individual-based approaches to modelling the self-organization of multicellular tissues

Comparing methods for modelling spreading cell fronts.

scientific article published on 12 March 2014

Complex networks generated by the Penna bit-string model: emergence of small-world and assortative mixing

scientific article published on 14 October 2005

Computational modeling of angiogenesis: The importance of cell rearrangements during vascular growth

scientific article published on 12 December 2023

Conformational spread as a mechanism for cooperativity in the bacterial flagellar switch

scientific article

Conformational spread in the flagellar motor switch: a model study

scientific article

Cutting edge: back to "one-way" germinal centers

scientific article published on 01 March 2005

Cyclic dermal BMP signalling regulates stem cell activation during hair regeneration

scientific article

DAN (NBL1) promotes collective neural crest migration by restraining uncontrolled invasion.

scientific article published on 15 August 2017

DendroBLAST: approximate phylogenetic trees in the absence of multiple sequence alignments

scientific article

Dependence of cell-free-layer width on rheological parameters: Combining empirical data on flow separation at microvascular bifurcations with geometrical considerations

scientific article published in 2022

Development and applications of a model for cellular response to multiple chemotactic cues

scientific article published on October 2000

Developmental biology. The Turing model comes of molecular age.

scientific article published in December 2006

Dictyostelium discoideum: cellular self-organization in an excitable biological medium

scientific article published in March 1995

DifFUZZY: a fuzzy clustering algorithm for complex datasets

Different populations of RNA polymerase II in living mammalian cells.

scientific article published in January 2005

Directional persistence and the optimality of run-and-tumble chemotaxis.

scientific article published on 25 June 2009

Dispersion relation in oscillatory reaction-diffusion systems with self-consistent flow in true slime mold

scientific article published on 18 January 2007

Dissecting targeted therapy resistance: Integrating models to quantify environment mediated drug resistance

Distinct mechanisms underlie pattern formation in the skin and skin appendages

scientific article

Distinguishing graded and ultrasensitive signalling cascade kinetics by the shape of morphogen gradients in Drosophila

scientific article published in July 2011

Dynamics of hierarchical weighted networks of van der Pol oscillators

scientific article published on 01 December 2020

Editorial: Special Section on Multiscale Cancer Modeling

scientific article

Edmund John Crampin 1973–2021

scientific article published in 2022

Effects of intrinsic stochasticity on delayed reaction-diffusion patterning systems.

scientific article published on 22 May 2012

Elevated apoptosis impairs epithelial cell turnover and shortens villi in TNF-driven intestinal inflammation

scientific article published on 06 February 2019

Enabling multiscale modeling in systems medicine

scientific article

Enhanced perfusion following exposure to radiotherapy: A theoretical investigation

scientific article published on 16 February 2024

Enzyme kinetics at high enzyme concentration

scientific article published in May 2000

Enzyme kinetics for a two-step enzymic reaction with comparable initial enzyme-substrate ratios

scientific article published in January 1988

Episodic, transient systemic acidosis delays evolution of the malignant phenotype: Possible mechanism for cancer prevention by increased physical activity

scientific article

Ergodic directional switching in mobile insect groups.

scientific article

Estimation of effective vaccination rate: pertussis in New Zealand as a case study

scientific article published in September 2003

Evolutionary dynamics of competing phenotype-structured populations in periodically fluctuating environments

scientific article published on 22 October 2019

Examples of mathematical modeling: tales from the crypt

scientific article published on 27 June 2007

Extracellular volume regulation and growth

scientific article published on 01 January 2005

Feedback control architecture and the bacterial chemotaxis network

scientific article

Fibroblast migration and collagen deposition during dermal wound healing: mathematical modelling and clinical implications

scientific article published on June 2006

From a discrete to a continuum model of cell dynamics in one dimension

scientific article published on 23 September 2009

From invasion to latency: intracellular noise and cell motility as key controls of the competition between resource-limited cellular populations.

scientific article published on 2 April 2015

From segment to somite: segmentation to epithelialization analyzed within quantitative frameworks.

scientific article published on June 2007

Genome organization is a major component of gene expression control in response to stress and during the cell division cycle in trypanosomes.

scientific article

Glucose-lactate metabolic cooperation in cancer: insights from a spatial mathematical model and implications for targeted therapy.

scientific article published on 28 September 2014

Going from microscopic to macroscopic on nonuniform growing domains

scientific article published on 23 August 2012

Growth patterns of noetiid ligaments: implications of developmental models for the origin of an evolutionary novelty among arcoid bivalves

scientific article published in 2000

Growth-induced mass flows in fungal networks.

scientific article published on 10 June 2010

HIV/AIDS epidemic in India and predicting the impact of the national response: mathematical modeling and analysis

scientific article published in October 2009

HTLV-I infection: a dynamic struggle between viral persistence and host immunity

scientific article published on 28 February 2014

Hierarchically coupled ultradian oscillators generating robust circadian rhythms

scientific article published in May 1997

How the mouse got its stripes

scientific article published on 11 August 2003

Hybrid approaches for multiple-species stochastic reaction-diffusion models

scientific article

Identification of a Novel Clinical Phenotype of Severe Malaria using a Network-Based Clustering Approach

scientific article published in Scientific Reports

Implementing vertex dynamics models of cell populations in biology within a consistent computational framework

scientific article published on 09 October 2013

In vitro cell migration quantification method for scratch assays

scientific article published on 01 February 2019

Incorporating chemical signalling factors into cell-based models of growing epithelial tissues

scientific article published on September 7, 2011

Incorporating spatial correlations into multispecies mean-field models.

scientific article published on 20 November 2013

Inferring Tumour Proliferative Organisation from Phylogenetic Tree Measures in a Computational Model

scholarly article published 30 May 2018

Inferring Tumour Proliferative Organisation from Phylogenetic Tree Measures in a Computational Model

scientific article published on 29 October 2019

Inferring parameters of prey switching in a 1 predator-2 prey plankton system with a linear preference tradeoff.

scientific article published in November 2018

Influence of stochastic domain growth on pattern nucleation for diffusive systems with internal noise.

scientific article published on 3 October 2011

Inherent noise can facilitate coherence in collective swarm motion.

scientific article

Integrating models to quantify environment mediated drug resistance

scientific article

Interactions between Shh, Sostdc1 and Wnt signaling and a new feedback loop for spatial patterning of the teeth

scientific journal article

Interpreting two-photon imaging data of lymphocyte motility

scientific article

Intracellular signalling during bacterial chemotaxis

scientific article published on January 2008


Investigating a simple model of cutaneous wound healing angiogenesis.

scientific article published in October 2002

Investigating the Turing conditions for diffusion-driven instability in the presence of a binding immobile substrate

scientific article

Is pigment cell pattern formation in zebrafish a game of cops and robbers?

scientific article published on 27 June 2014

Isolating Patterns in Open Reaction–Diffusion Systems

scientific article published in 2021

Leaky vessels as a potential source of stromal acidification in tumours.

scientific article

Logistic Proliferation of Cells in Scratch Assays is Delayed

scientific article published on 23 March 2017

Macroscopic limits of individual-based models for motile cell populations with volume exclusion

scientific article published on 5 September 2012

Making sense of complex phenomena in biology.

scientific article

Mathematical Modeling of Cortical Neurogenesis Reveals that the Founder Population does not Necessarily Scale with Neurogenic Output

scientific article published on 21 April 2018

Mathematical Oncology

scientific article published on 01 May 2018

Mathematical modeling of cell population dynamics in the colonic crypt and in colorectal cancer

scholarly article

Mathematical modeling of corneal epithelial wound healing

scientific article published in December 1994

Mathematical modelling of anisotropy in fibrous connective tissue

scientific article published in May 1999

Mathematical modelling of cortical neurogenesis reveals that the founder population does not necessarily scale with neuronal output

article published in 2017

Mathematical modelling of digit specification by a sonic hedgehog gradient

scientific article published on 26 November 2013

Mathematical modelling of ethanol metabolism in normal subjects and chronic alcohol misusers.

scientific article published in January 1993

Mathematical modelling of extracellular matrix dynamics using discrete cells: fiber orientation and tissue regeneration

scientific article published in August 1999

Mathematical modelling of tumour acidity

scientific article published on 7 August 2008

Mathematical models for somite formation

scientific article published on January 2008

Mathematical models in physiology

scientific article

Mathematical oncology: cancer summed up.

scientific article published in January 2003

Mesenchymal stem cells used as carrier cells of oncolytic adenovirus results in enhanced oncolytic virotherapy

scientific article published on 16 January 2020

Mesoscopic and continuum modelling of angiogenesis

scientific article published on 11 March 2014

Metabolic alterations during the growth of tumour spheroids

scientific article published on April 2014

Metabolic changes during carcinogenesis: potential impact on invasiveness

scientific article published on 16 September 2006

Microvessel Chaste: An Open Library for Spatial Modeling of Vascularized Tissues

scientific article

Mix and Match: Phenotypic Coexistence as a Key Facilitator of Cancer Invasion

scientific article published on 17 January 2020

Mixed-mode pattern in Doublefoot mutant mouse limb--Turing reaction-diffusion model on a growing domain during limb development

scientific article

Mode transitions in a model reaction-diffusion system driven by domain growth and noise.

scientific article published on 6 June 2006

Mode-doubling and tripling in reaction-diffusion patterns on growing domains: a piecewise linear model.

scientific article published in February 2002

Modeling Longitudinal Preclinical Tumor Size Data to Identify Transient Dynamics in Tumor Response to Antiangiogenic Drugs

scientific article

Modeling angiogenesis: A discrete to continuum description

scientific article published on 25 January 2017

Modeling chemotaxis reveals the role of reversed phosphotransfer and a bi-functional kinase-phosphatase

scientific article

Modeling parr-mark pattern formation during the early development of Amago trout

scientific article published on 21 October 2011

Modeling the effects of transforming growth factor‐β on extracellular matrix alignment in dermal wound repair

scientific article published on July 1, 2001

Modeling the skin pattern of fishes

scientific article published on 18 March 2009

Modelling Delta-Notch perturbations during zebrafish somitogenesis

scientific article published on 16 October 2012

Modelling a new angle on understanding cancer.

scientific article published in December 2002

Modelling acidosis and the cell cycle in multicellular tumour spheroids

scientific article

Modelling aspects of cancer dynamics: a review

scientific article published on June 2006

Modelling biological invasions: Individual to population scales at interfaces.

scientific article published on 13 June 2013

Modelling collective cell migration: neural crest as a model paradigm

scientific article published on 05 October 2019

Modelling corneal epithelial wound closure in the presence of physiological electric fields via a moving boundary formalism.

scientific article published in December 1999

Modelling hair follicle growth dynamics as an excitable medium

scientific article

Modelling multiscale aspects of colorectal cancer

Modelling rain forest diversity: The role of competition


Modelling spatially regulated beta-catenin dynamics and invasion in intestinal crypts

scientific article

Modelling the role of angiogenesis and vasculogenesis in solid tumour growth

scientific article published on 15 September 2007

Modelling the within-host growth of viral infections in insects.

scientific article

Models for pattern formation in somitogenesis: a marriage of cellular and molecular biology

scientific article

Models, measurement and inference in epithelial tissue dynamics

scientific article

Multi-cellular rosettes in the mouse visceral endoderm facilitate the ordered migration of anterior visceral endoderm cells

scientific article

Multidisciplinary approaches to understanding collective cell migration in developmental biology

scientific article

Multiscale mechanisms of cell migration during development: theory and experiment

scientific article

Multiscale modeling of developmental systems. Introduction

scientific article published on 01 January 2008

Multiscale modelling of vascular tumour growth in 3D: the roles of domain size and boundary conditions

scientific article (publication date: 2011)

Multisite Phosphorylation Modulates the T Cell Receptor ζ-Chain Potency but not the Switchlike Response

scientific article published on April 2016

Neural crest cells bulldoze through the microenvironment using Aquaporin 1 to stabilize filopodia

scientific article published on 09 January 2020

Neural crest migration is driven by a few trailblazer cells with a unique molecular signature narrowly confined to the invasive front

scientific article published on 14 May 2015

Non-linear incidence and stability of infectious disease models

scientific article published on 18 March 2005

Nonlinear diffusion of a growth inhibitory factor in multicell spheroids

scientific article published in May 1994

Nonlinear effects on Turing patterns: time oscillations and chaos

scientific article published on 8 August 2012

Nonlinear pattern selection in a mechanical model for morphogenesis

scientific article published in January 1986

Novel methods for analysing bacterial tracks reveal persistence in Rhodobacter sphaeroides

scientific article

Obituary: Hans Meinhardt (1938-2016)

scientific article published on 04 January 2017

Ocular Pharmacokinetics of Therapeutic Antibodies Given by Intravitreal Injection: Estimation of Retinal Permeabilities Using a 3-Compartment Semi-Mechanistic Model

scientific article published on 20 June 2017

On the Spatial Spread of the Grey Squirrel in Britain

scientific article published on 01 November 1989

On the kinetics of suicide substrates

scientific article published on August 1990

On the mathematical modeling of wound healing angiogenesis in skin as a reaction-transport process

scientific article

On the proportion of cancer stem cells in a tumour

scientific article published on 3 August 2010

Optimisation of simulations of stochastic processes by removal of opposing reactions

scientific article published in February 2016

Oscillatory dynamics in a model of vascular tumour growth--implications for chemotherapy

scientific article

Overview of mathematical approaches used to model bacterial chemotaxis I: the single cell

scientific article published on 19 July 2008

Overview of mathematical approaches used to model bacterial chemotaxis II: bacterial populations

scientific article

Pattern Formation in a Generalized Chemotactic Model

scientific article published on January 1, 1998

Pattern formation by lateral inhibition with feedback: a mathematical model of delta-notch intercellular signalling

scientific article published in December 1996

Pattern formation in reaction-diffusion models with nonuniform domain growth

scientific article published on 01 July 2002

Pattern formation of scale cells in lepidoptera by differential origin-dependent cell adhesion

scientific article published on September 1999

Patterns of non-normality in networked systems

scientific article published on 08 July 2019

Periodic pattern formation in reaction-diffusion systems: an introduction for numerical simulation

scientific article published in September 2004

Phenotypic models of T cell activation

scientific article published in September 2014

Pigmentation pattern formation in butterflies: experiments and models

scientific article published on August 1, 2003

Post-buckling behaviour of a growing elastic rod

scientific article published on 11 September 2018

Power spectra methods for a stochastic description of diffusion on deterministically growing domains.

scientific article published on 10 August 2011

Predicting the Influence of Microvascular Structure On Tumor Response to Radiotherapy

scientific article published on 8 September 2016

Predicting the safety and efficacy of buffer therapy to raise tumour pHe: an integrative modelling study.

scientific article

Prey Switching with a Linear Preference Trade-Off

scientific article published in 2014

Quiescence as a mechanism for cyclical hypoxia and acidosis

scientific article published on 3 July 2007

Reaction and diffusion on growing domains: scenarios for robust pattern formation.

scientific article published in November 1999

Reaction-diffusion finite element model of lateral line primordium migration to explore cell leadership

scientific article published on 25 November 2014

Recasting the cancer stem cell hypothesis: unification using a continuum model of microenvironmental forces

Reptile scale paradigm: Evo-Devo, pattern formation and regeneration

scientific article (publication date: 2009)

Response kinetics of tethered bacteria to stepwise changes in nutrient concentration

scientific article published on September 1, 2003

Rethinking Models of Pattern Formation in Somitogenesis

scientific article published on 28 October 2015

Rhythmic firing patterns in suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN): the rôle of circuit interactions

scientific article published in January 1995

Role of fibroblast migration in collagen fiber formation during fetal and adult dermal wound healing

scientific article published on November 1, 1997

STOCHSIMGPU: parallel stochastic simulation for the Systems Biology Toolbox 2 for MATLAB.

scientific article published on 25 February 2011

Self-Organizing and Stochastic Behaviors During the Regeneration of Hair Stem Cells

scientific article published on April 29, 2011

Self-organizing hair peg-like structures from dissociated skin progenitor cells: New insights for human hair follicle organoid engineering and Turing patterning in an asymmetric morphogenetic field

scientific article published on 01 April 2019

Semblance of Heterogeneity in Collective Cell Migration.

scientific article

Sequential pattern formation in a model for skin morphogenesis

scientific article published on January 1, 1992

Simple versus sophisticated models of breath alcohol exhalation profiles

scientific article published in January 1996

Spatial Metrics of Tumour Vascular Organisation Predict Radiation Efficacy in a Computational Model.

scientific article published on 22 January 2016

Spatial and spatio-temporal patterns in a cell-haptotaxis model

scientific article published in January 1989

Spatially varying equilibria of mechanical models: Application to dermal wound contraction

scientific article published on January 1, 1998

Spatio-temporal patterns in a mechanical model for mesenchymal morphogenesis

scientific article published in January 1995

Spatiotemporal modelling of CheY complexes in Escherichia coli chemotaxis

scientific article published on 18 June 2009

Special Collection: Celebrating J.D. Murray’s Contributions to Mathematical Biology

scientific article published in 2021

Speed of pattern appearance in reaction-diffusion models: implications in the pattern formation of limb bud mesenchyme cells

scientific article published in July 2004

Speed of reaction diffusion in embryogenesis

scientific article published on 5 July 2007

Spots and stripes: pleomorphic patterning of stem cells via p-ERK-dependent cell chemotaxis shown by feather morphogenesis and mathematical simulation

scientific article

Stability analysis of non-autonomous reaction-diffusion systems: the effects of growing domains

scientific article published on 29 August 2009

Stability of spikes in the shadow Gierer-Meinhardt system with Robin boundary conditions

scientific article published in September 2007

Steering Evolution with Sequential Therapy to Prevent the Emergence of Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance

scientific article

Stochastic growth pattern of untreated human glioblastomas predicts the survival time for patients

scientific article published on 20 April 2020

Stochastic reaction and diffusion on growing domains: understanding the breakdown of robust pattern formation.

scientific article published on 28 October 2011

Stripe formation in juvenile Pomacanthus explained by a generalized turing mechanism with chemotaxis

scientific article

Structural Features of Microvascular Networks Trigger Blood Flow Oscillations

scientific article published in 2022

Suicide substrate reaction--diffusion equations: varying the source

scientific article published in January 1993

Superposition of modes in a caricature of a model for morphogenesis

scientific article published in January 1990

Systems biologists seek fuller integration of systems biology approaches in new cancer research programs

scientific article

Systems biology and cancer

scientific article published on August 1, 2011

Systems model of T cell receptor proximal signaling reveals emergent ultrasensitivity

scientific article

The Dynamics and Pinning of a Spike for a Reaction-Diffusion System


The Evolution of Tumour Composition During Fractionated Radiotherapy: Implications for Outcome

scientific article published on 27 February 2018

The Goldilocks Window of Personalized Chemotherapy: Getting the Immune Response Just Right

scientific article published on 06 August 2019

The clock and wavefront model revisited

scientific article published on 27 May 2011

The critical domain size of stochastic population models

scientific article published on 09 July 2016

The effect of sampling rate on observed statistics in a correlated random walk

scientific article

The impact of exclusion processes on angiogenesis models.

scientific article published on 6 March 2018

The importance of dead material within a tumour on the dynamics in response to radiotherapy

scientific article published on 10 January 2020

The importance of geometry in the corneal micropocket angiogenesis assay.

scientific article published on 9 March 2018

The mathematical modelling of cell kinetics in corneal epithelial wound healing

scientific article published in March 1999

The mathematics of nature at the Alan Turing centenary.

scientific article published on 4 April 2012

The role of acidity in solid tumour growth and invasion

scientific article (publication date: August 2005)

The role of mechanics in the growth and homeostasis of the intestinal crypt

scientific article published on 21 November 2020

The spatial patterning potential of nonlinear diffusion: Comment on "Phase separation driven by density-dependent movement: A novel mechanism for ecological patterns" by Quan-Xing Liu et al.

scientific article published on 26 October 2016

Theoretical Insights into the Retinal Dynamics of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Patients Treated with Ranibizumab, Based on an Ocular Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Model

scientific article published on 29 May 2018

Theoretical insights into bacterial chemotaxis

scientific article published on March 12, 2012

Towards whole-organ modelling of tumour growth.

scientific article published on June 2004

Traveling wave model to interpret a wound-healing cell migration assay for human peritoneal mesothelial cells.

scientific article published in March 2004

Travelling gradients in interacting morphogen systems

scientific article published on 8 February 2007

Travelling waves in a tissue interaction model for skin pattern formation

scientific article published in January 1994

Travelling-wave analysis of a model of tumour invasion with degenerate, cross-dependent diffusion

scientific article published on 15 December 2021

Tumour angiogenesis: The gap between theory and experiments

scientific article published on January 19, 2011

Tumour–stromal interactions in acid-mediated invasion: A mathematical model

scientific article published on September 8, 2010

Tuneable superradiant thermal emitter assembly

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 95 no. 15, April 2017

Turbulent Luminance in Impassioned van Gogh Paintings

Turing instabilities in general systems

scientific article published in December 2000

Turing patterns in fish skin?

scientific article published in Nature

Turing patterns with pentagonal symmetry

scientific article published on 16 May 2002

Turing's model for biological pattern formation and the robustness problem.

scientific article published on 08 February 2012

Turnover modulates the need for a cost of resistance in adaptive therapy

scientific article published on 10 November 2020

Two-stage Turing model for generating pigment patterns on the leopard and the jaguar

scientific article published on 21 July 2006

Unraveling the Control of Cell Cycle Periods during Intestinal Stem Cell Differentiation

scientific article published on 03 November 2018

Using mathematical models to help understand biological pattern formation

scientific article published in March 2004

VEGF signals induce trailblazer cell identity that drives neural crest migration.

scientific article published on 13 August 2015

Variable renewal rate and growth properties of cell populations in colon crypts

scientific article published on June 4, 2010

Vascular phenotype identification and anti-angiogenic treatment recommendation: A pseudo-multiscale mathematical model of angiogenesis.

scientific article published on 14 March 2016

Visualizing mesoderm and neural crest cell dynamics during chick head morphogenesis

scientific article published on 19 February 2020

Waves and patterning in developmental biology: vertebrate segmentation and feather bud formation as case studies

scientific article

What has mathematics done for biology?

scientific article published in May 2015

Wound Healing in the Corneal Epithelium: Biological Mechanisms and Mathematical Models

scientific article published in 1997