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List of works by Robert E. Howard

A Gent from Bear Creek

book by Robert E. Howard

A Lady's Chamber

A Mick in Israel

poem by Robert E. Howard

A Witch Shall Be Born

Donald M. Grant publisher edition of A Witch Shall Be Born

A Witch Shall Be Born

1934 short story by Robert E. Howard


fictional country

Alleys of Peril

short story by Robert E. Howard


1939 novel by Robert E. Howard

Always Comes Evening

book by Robert E. Howard


fictional country


Poem by Robert Ervin Howard


fictional country


fictional country


fictional ethnic group in the Conan the Barbarian series by Robert E. Howard


fictional country


fictional deity


fictional deity


fictional ethnic group


fictional continent

Aw Come On And Fight!

poem by Robert E. Howard


fictional deity

Berkley Conan Series

books series of Berkley Books

Beyond the Black River

1935 short story by Robert E. Howard

Black Abyss

short story by Robert E. Howard and Lin Carter

Black Canaan

short story by Robert E. Howard

Black Colossus

1979 Donals M. Grant Publisher short story collection by Robert E. Howard

Black Colossus

1933 short story by Robert E. Howard

Black Kingdoms

fictional region

Black Talons

short story

Black Vulmea's Vengeance

novella by Robert E. Howard

Black Vulmea's vengeance & Other Tales of Pirates

short story collection by Robert E. Howard

Blood of the Gods

short story by Robert E. Howard

Blow the Chinks Down!

short story by Robert E. Howard

Border Kingdom

fictional country


fictional deity


fictional region

Breed of Battle

short story by Robert E. Howard


fictional country

By This Axe I Rule!

short story by Robert E. Howard

Camoonian Desert

fictional desert

Casonetto's Last Song

short story by Robert E. Howard

Champ of the Forecastle

short story by Robert E. Howard


fictional country


poem by Robert E. Howard

Circus Fists

short story by Robert E. Howard


fictional country


1967 Lancer Books short story collection by Robert E. Howard, L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter

Conan canonical works

Conan literary works by Robert E. Howard

Conan of Cimmeria

1969 Lancer Books short story collection by Robert E. Howard, L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter

Conan the Adventurer

animated television series

Conan the Adventurer

1966 Lancer Books short story collection by Robert E. Howard and L. Sprague de Camp

Conan the Avenger

1968 Lancer Books short story collection by Björn Nyberg, Robert E. Howard and L. Sprague de Camp

Conan the Barbarian

1955 Gnome Press short story collection by Robert E. Howard

Conan the Barbarian

2011 Del Rey Books short story collection by Robert E. Howard

Conan the Barbarian

book edition (en)

Conan the Barbarian books

group of books starring Conan the Barbarian

Conan the Conqueror

Gnome Press edition of The Hour of Dragon

Conan the Conqueror

Lancer Books edition of The Hour of the Dragon

Conan the Freebooter

1968 Lancer Books short story collection by Robert E. Howard

Conan the Usurper

1967 Lancer Books short story collection by Robert E. Howard and L. Sprague de Cam

Conan the Wanderer

1968 Lancer Books short story collection by Robert E. Howard, L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter

Conan the Warrior

1967 Lancer Books short story collection by Robert E. Howard


fictional country


fictional deity


fictional country

Dark Shanghai

short story by Robert E. Howard

Delcardes' Cat

short story by Robert E. Howard

Delcardes' Cat

literary fragment by Robert E. Howard

Dig Me No Grave

short story by Robert E. Howard

Donald M. Grant Conan Series

books series of Donald M. Grant publisher


poem by Robert Ervin Howard

Dreams of Ninevah

poem by Robert E. Howard

Drums of Tombalku

literary fragment by Robert E. Howard

Drums of Tombalku

1966 short story by Robert E. Howard and L. Sprague de Camp

Easter Island

work by Robert E. Howard

Echoes from an Iron Harp

book by Robert E. Howard


fictional city


poem by Robert Ervin Howard

Evil Deeds at Red Cougar

short story

Exile of Atlantis

short story by Robert E. Howard, arrenged by Glenn Lord

Exile of Atlantis

short story by Robert E. Howard


fictional country

Fist and Fang

short story by Robert E. Howard

For the Love of Barbara Allen

short story by Robert E. Howard

Forbidden Magic

poem by Robert E. Howard

Gates of Empire

short story

General Ironfist

short story by Robert E. Howard

Gnome Conan Series

books series of Gnome Press publisher

Gods of the North

short story by Robert E. Howard

Graveyard Rats


fictional country


fictional deity


fictional region

Hawk of Basti

Hawk of the Hills

short story by Robert E. Howard

Hawks of Outremer

collection of historical short stories by Robert E. Howard

Hawks of Outremer

novelette by Robert E. Howard

Hawks over Egypt

Hawks over Shem

1955 short story by Lyon Sprague de Camp

Heroes in the Wind

book by Robert E. Howard

Hyborian Age

fictional period created by Robert E. Howard


fictional ethnic group


fictional country


fictional country

In the Forest of Villefère

short story

Iron Shadows in the Moon

1934 short story by Robert E. Howard

Jewels of Gwahlur

1979 Donald M. Grant Publisher short story collection by Robert E. Howard

John L. Sullivan

poem written by Robert E. Howard


fictional island


fictional country


fictional country


fictional country


fictional country


fictional country

King Conan

1953 Gnome Press short story collection by Robert E. Howard

King Kull

1967 Lancer Books short story collection by Robert E. Howard

King Kull

1976 Sphere Books short story collection by Robert E. Howard

Kings of the Night


fictional country


fictional ethnic group

Kull canonical works

Kull literary works by Robert E. Howard

Kull of Atlantis books

group of books starring Kull of Atlantis

Kull the Conqueror

1997 film by John Nicolella

Kull: Exile of Atlantis

2006 Del Rey Books short story collection by Robert E. Howard


fictional country

L'Homme noir

French collection of short stories by Robert E. Howard

Lancer/Ace Conan Series

books series of Lancer Books and Ace Books publishers

Lemurian Islands

fictional islands


fictional ethnic group

Les Habitants des tombes

short story collection by Robert E. Howard

Letter from Robert E. Howard to P. Schuyler Miller

letter of correspondence from Robert E. Howard


poem by Robert Ervin Howard

Lord of Samarcand

Lord of Samarcand

Lord of the Dead

short story collection by Robert E. Howard

Lord of the Dead

1981 edition


poem by Robert Ervin Howard

Marchers of Valhalla

collection of novelettes by Robert E. Howard

Marchers of Valhalla

short story by Robert E. Howard

Maul of Arenjun

fictional neighborhood

Mayhem on Bear Creek

short story collection by Robert E. Howard

Men of the Shadows

poem by Robert E. Howard

Men of the Shadows

short story by Robert E. Howard


short writing by Robert E. Howard


fictional deity


fictional continent

Nameless Cults

book by Robert E. Howard

Names in the Black Book


fictional country

Night of Battle

short story by Robert E. Howard


fictional region

North of Khyber

short story by Robert E. Howard

Old Garfield's Heart

short story by Robert E. Howard


fictional country

Out of the Deep

short story by Robert E. Howard

People of the Black Coast

short story by Robert E. Howard

People of the Dark

short story collection by Robert E. Howard

People of the Dark

short story by Robert E. Howard

Pictish Islands

fictional islands

Pictish Wilderness

fictional region


fictional ethnic group in works by Robert E. Howard

Pigeons from Hell

short story by Robert E. Howard


poem by Robert Ervin Howard


fictional region

Post Oaks & Sand Roughs

1990 novel by Robert E. Howard


fictional country

Queen of the Black Coast

1978 Donals M. Grant Publicher short story collection by Robert E. Howard

Queen of the Black Coast

1934 short story by Robert E. Howard

Rattle of Bones

short story


1929 poem by Robert Ervin Howard

Red Blades of Black Cathay

short story collection by Robert E. Howard

Red Blades of Black Cathay

novelette by Robert E. Howard and Tevis Clyde Smith

Red Nails

1977 Berkley Books short story collection by Robert E. Howard

Red Nails

Donald M. Grant publisher edition of Red Nails

Red Nails

1936 novella by Robert E. Howard

Red Shadows

short story collection by Robert E. Howard

Red Shadows

short story by Robert E. Howard

Riders Beyond the Sunrise

literary fragment by Robert E. Howard

Riders Beyond the Sunrise

short story by Robert E. Howard and Lin Carter

Robert E. Howard suicide note

Robert E. Howard's fictional universe

self-consistent fictional universe by Robert E. Howard

Rogues in the House

1976 Donald M. Grant Publisher short story collection by Robert E. Howard

Rogues in the House

1934 short story by Robert E. Howard

Sailor's Grudge

short story by Robert E. Howard

Sea Curse

short story by Robert E. Howard

Serpent Men

fictional species


fictional deity

Seven Empires

group of fictional empires from the Thurian Era

Shadows of Dreams

collection of poems by Robert E. Howard

Shadows of Dreams

1989 edition

Sharp's Gun Serenade

short story


fictional country

Singers in the Shadows

collection of poems by Robert E. Howard


novella by Robert E. Howard

Skull-Face and Others

short story collection by Robert E. Howard

Skulls in the Stars

short story

Sleeping Beauty

literary work by Robert E. Howard

Sluggers on the Beach

short story by Robert E. Howard

Solomon Kane

short story collection by Robert E. Howard

Solomon Kane's Homecoming

Son of the White Wolf

short story by Robert E. Howard

Sorcery of the Blood and the Jewel

fictional spell

Spear and Fang

short story


fictional country


fictional river

Summer Morn

poem by Robert Ervin Howard


poem by Robert Ervin Howard

Swords of Shahrazar

novella by Robert E. Howard

Swords of the Purple Kingdom

short story by Robert E. Howard

Swords of the Red Brotherhood

novella by Robert E. Howard

Swordsmen and Supermen

anthology by Robert E. Howard and others

Tales of Conan

1955 Gnome Press short story collection by Robert E. Howard and L. Sprague de Camp

Texas Fists

short story by Robert E. Howard

Texas John Alden

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Altar and the Scorpion

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Black City

literary fragment by Robert E. Howard

The Black Stone

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Black Stranger

1953 short story by Robert E. Howard

The Blood of Belshazzar

short story

The Blood-Stained God

1955 novella by Robert E. Howard and Lyon Sprague de Camp

The Bloody Crown of Conan

2004 Del Rey Books short story collection by Robert E. Howard

The Bull Dog Breed

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Cairn on the Headland

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Castle of the Devil

The Cat and the Skull

literary fragment by Robert E. Howard

The Challenge from Beyond

short story

The Children of the Night

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Coming of Conan

1953 Gnome Press short story collection by Robert E. Howard

The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian

2002 Del Rey Books short story collection by Robert E. Howard

The Coming of El Borak

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Complete Chronicles of Conan

2006 Victor Gollancz Ltd short story collection by Robert E. Howard

The Conan Chronicles

book by Robert E. Howard

The Conan Chronicles 2

book by Robert E. Howard

The Conan Chronicles 2

paperback edition (en)

The Conan Chronicles, 1

2000 Victor Gollancz Ltd short story collection by Robert E. Howard

The Conan Chronicles, 2

2001 Victor Gollancz Ltd short story collection by Robert E. Howard

The Conquering Sword of Conan

2005 Del Rey Books short story collection by Robert E. Howard

The Country of the Knife

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Curse of the Crimson God

novelette by Robert E. Howard

The Curse of the Golden Skull

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Dark Man

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Dark Man and Others

short story collection by Robert E. Howard

The Daughter of Erlik Khan

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Dead Remember

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Devil in Iron

1976 Donald M. Grant Publisher short story collection by Robert E. Howard

The Devil in Iron

1934 short story by Robert E. Howard

The Dream Snake

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Dwellers under the Tombs

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Essential Conan

book by Robert E. Howard

The Fearsome Touch of Death

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Fire of Asshurbanipal

The Flame Knife

Ace Books publisher edition of The Flame Knife

The Flame Knife

1955 novella by Robert E. Howard and L. Sprague de Camp

The Footfalls Within

short story

The Frost-Giant's Daughter

1932 short story by Robert E. Howard

The God in the Bowl

1952 short story by Robert E. Howard

The Gods of Bal Sagoth

novel by Robert E. Howard

The Grisly Horror

short story

The Hall of the Dead

literary fragment by Robert E. Howard

The Hall of the Dead

1967 short story by Robert E. Howard and L. Sprague de Camp

The Hand of Nergal

literary fragment by Robert E. Howard

The Hand of Nergal

1967 short story by Robert E. Howard and Lin Carter

The Haunter of the Ring

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Horror from the Mound

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Hour of the Dragon

Donald M. Grant publisher edition of The Hour of the Dragon

The Hour of the Dragon

Berkley Books edition of The Hour of the Dragon

The Hour of the Dragon

fantasy novel by American writer Robert E. Howard

The Hyborian Age

essay by Robert E. Howard

The Hyena

2018 edition

The Hyena

1928 short story by Robert E. Howard

The Iron Man & Other Tales of the Ring

book by Robert E. Howard

The Isle of Pirate's Doom

short story by Robert E. Howard

The King and the Oak

poem by Robert E. Howard

The Lion of Tiberias

short story

The Lost Race

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Lost Valley of Iskander

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Man on the Ground

The Man-Eaters of Zamboula

1935 short story by Robert E. Howard

The Mirrors of Tuzun Thune

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Moon of Skulls

short story

The Moor Ghost

poem by Robert E. Howard

The Night of the Wolf

The Noseless Horror

short story by Robert E. Howard

The One Black Stain

The People of the Black Circle

1977 Berkley Books short story collection by Robert E. Howard

The People of the Black Circle

Donald M. Grant publisher edition of The People of the Black Circle

The People of the Black Circle

1934 novella by Robert E. Howard

The People of the Black Circle

first instalment in Weird Tales of the short story by Robert E. Howard

The Phoenix on the Sword

1932 short story by Robert E. Howard

The Pit of the Serpent

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Pool of the Black One

1986 Donald M. Grant Publicher short story collection by Robert E. Howard

The Pool of the Black One

1933 short story by Robert E. Howard

The Pride of Bear Creek

book by Robert E. Howard

The Return of Sir Richard Grenville

The Right Hand of Doom

short story by R. E. Howard

The Road of Azrael

collection of historical short stories by Robert E. Howard

The Road of Azrael

The Road of the Eagles

1955 short story by Lyon Sprague de Camp

The Road of the Eagles

short story by Robert E. Howard, non-Conan version

The Scarlet Citadel

1933 short story by Robert E. Howard

The Screaming Skull of Silence

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Servants of Bit-Yakin

1935 short story by Robert E. Howard

The Shadow Kingdom

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Shadow of Doom

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Shadow of the Hun

The Shadow of the Vulture

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Sign of the Snake

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Skull of Silence

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Slugger's Game

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Snout in the Dark

literary fragment by Robert E. Howard

The Snout in the Dark

1969 short story by Robert E. Howard, L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter

The Sowers of the Thunder

collection of historical short stories by Robert E. Howard

The Sowers of the Thunder

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Striking of the Gong

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Supreme Moment

The Sword of Conan

1952 Gnome Press short story collection by Robert E. Howard

The TNT Punch

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Temple of Abomination

The Thing on the Roof

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Tomb's Secret

edition of short story by Robert E. Howard

The Tower of the Elephant

1975 Donald M. Grant Publisher short story collection by Robert E. Howard

The Tower of the Elephant

1933 short story by Robert E. Howard

The Treasure of Tartary

novelette by Robert E. Howard

The Treasure of Tartary


The Treasure of Tranicos

1980 short story and essay collection by Robert E. Howard and L. Sprague de Camp

The Treasure of Tranicos

1953 short story by Robert E. Howard and L. Sprague de Camp

The Treasure of Tranicos

Ace Books publisher edition of The Treasure of Tranicos

The Twilight of the Grey Gods

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Vale of Lost Women

1967 short story by Robert E. Howard

The Valley of the Worm

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Voice of El-Lil

short story by Robert E. Howard

The Witch from Hell's Kitchen

story by Robert E. Howard

Three-Bladed Doom

short story by Robert E. Howard

Three-Bladed Doom

short version of a short story by Robert E. Howard


fictional country


fictional country


fictional continent

Thurian Age

fictional period created by Robert E. Howard

Tigers of the Sea

book by Robert E. Howard

Tower of the Elephant

fictional building


fictional country

Two Against Tyre

Usurp the Night

short story by Robert E. Howard


fictional deity


fictional country


fictional country


fictional country


fictional country

Vikings of the Gloves

short story by Robert E. Howard

Vilayet Sea

fictional inland sea

Waterfront Fists

short story by Robert E. Howard

Western Ocean

fictional ocean

Wings in the Night

short story by Robert E. Howard

Winner Take All

short story by Robert E. Howard

Wizard and Warrior

literary fragment by Robert E. Howard

Wizard and Warrior

short story by Robert E. Howard and Lin Carter


collection of fantasy and horror short stories by author Robert E. Howard


Wolves Beyond the Border

literary fragment by Robert E. Howard

Wolves Beyond the Border

1967 short story by Robert E. Howard and L. Sprague de Camp

Worms of the Earth

short story by Robert E. Howard

Worms of the Earth

short story collection by Robert E. Howard


fictional island

Xuthal of the Dusk

1933 short story by Robert E. Howard


fictional planet


fictional deity


fictional deity


fictional country


fictional language


fictional river


fictional country


fictional country


fictional ethnic group


fictional country

Zingg Valley

fictional valley


fictional character created by Robert E. Howard

fictional universe of the Hyborian Age

self-consistent fictional setting about Hyborian Age

fictional universe of the Thurian Age

self-consistent fictional setting about Thurian Age

...a zrodí se čarodějka

book edition published in 1989


book edition published in 1989

Dobrodruh Conan

book edition published in 2022

Heroes in the Wind

paperback edition (en)

Král Conan

book edition published in 2021

Rudá Soňa - Stín supa

book edition published in 2020

Rudé hřeby

book edition published in 1990

Swordsmen and Supermen

paperback edition (en)

The Complete Chronicles of Conan

hardback edition (en)

Tygři moře

book edition published in 2015

Třetí vzkříšení Junáka

book edition published in 2021

Věž slona a jiné povídky

book edition published in 1989

Černý kámen

book edition published in 2016