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List of works by Vincent Megaw

A Bohemian paradise

A British Bronze Bowl of the Belgic Iron Age from Poland


A Bronze Mount from Mâcon: A Miniature Masterpiece of the Celtic Iron Age Reappraised

A Bronze Spear-head from the Heathery Burn Cave, Co. Durham

A Celtic cornucopiaRalph Röber (ed.) Die Welt der Kelten: Zentren der Macht—Kostbarkeiten der Kunst. 552 pages, c. 700 colour & b&w illustrations. 2012. Ostfildern: Jan Thorbecke; Konstanz: Archäologisches Landesmuseum Baden-Württemberg 978-3-79

A Celtic mystery:

A Decorated Iron Age Bridle-bit in the London Museum: its place in Art and Archaeology

scholarly article by James Barber published in December 1963

A Decorated Iron Age Copper Alloy Knife from Hertfordshire

A Decorated Late Iron Age Torc from Dinnington, South Yorkshire

A Late Iron Age Cast Bronze Head Probably from Chepstow

scholarly article by Vincent Megaw published in March 1992

A Medieval Bone Pipe from White Castle, Monmouthshire

article published in 1963

A late iron age neck-ring from Pentire, Newquay, Cornwall, with a note on the find from Boverton, vale of Glamorgan

scholarly article by Jacqueline Nowakowski published in July 2009

A ‘Bull Cult’ in Late Bronze Age Europe: a musical footnote

Aboriginal Australia

encyclopedia article

Across the Northe Sea: A Review


Aleksandar Durman (ed.), One Hundred Croatian Archeological Sites. (Zagreb: Leksikografski Zavod Miroslav Krleža, in collaboration with the Croatian Archaeological Society, 2007, xv + 367 pp., c.700 illus., incl. 53 maps and diagrams, hbk, ISBN 953

An End-Blown Flute or Flageolet from White Castle

article published in 1961

An Iron Age Mirror from Ruxox, Maulden, Bedfordshire

An end-blown flute from medieval Canterbury

article published in 1968

Analyses of British and Irish Early Bronze Age Axes in the Nicholson Museum, Sydney

scientific article published on 12 February 2015

Ancient Celts and modern ethnicity

Ancient salt-mining in Austria

scholarly article by Vincent Megaw et al published March 2000 in Antiquity

Animals in Celtic Life and Myth. By Miranda Green. 240mm. Pp. xix + 283, ills. London: Routledge, 1992. ISBN 0-415-05030-8. £35.00

Archaeology without politics ? some European experiences

scientific article published in June 1988

Bearing the truth about Celtic art: Kunst der Kelten in Bern

Book reviews. Simon James. The Atlantic Celts: ancient people or modern invention? 160 pages, 14 figures. 1999. London: British Museum; 0-7141-2165-7; paperback; £6.99

Brian M. Fagan (ed. and introductions): Prehistoric times. Readings from Scientific American. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman & Company, 1983. 262 pp., many illustrations & tables. $US 12.95 (paper-bound)


Brian M. Fagan: Men of the earth: an introduction to world prehistory. Boston and Toronto: Little, Brown, 1974. 434 pp., 174 figs., 23 tables. $7.95, $4.40 (paper-back)


British Decorated Axes: A Footnote on Fakes.

article by J. Burke & Vincent Megaw published December 1966 in Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, London

British Iron Age Swords and Scabbards. By I M Stead. 296mm. Pp xvi + 287, 31 b&w ills, 106 line drawings. London: British Museum Press, 2006. ISBN 978-0-714123-23-3. £85 (hdbk).Iron Age and Roman Burials in Champagne. By I M Stead, J-L Flouest and V

Captain Cook and Bone Barbs at Botany Bay

scholarly article by Vincent Megaw published in September 1969

Cartoons, Crocodiles and Celtic art: Images from a Scholar's Notebooks

scholarly article by Vincent Megaw published in March 1998

Celtic Art in Europe: Five Protohistoric Centuries—L'art celtique en Europe protohistorique: débuts, développements, styles, techniques. Edited by Paul-Marie Duval and Christopher Hawkes. 7 × 9½. Pp. xxii + 316 + 115 illus. London: Seminar Pres

Celtic Art: An Introduction. By Finlay Ian. 183 pages, 49 figures, map, 115 plates (4 in colour). Faber and Faber, London, 1973. Price £7.50

Celtic Art: Reading the Messages. By Miranda Aldhouse Green. 235mm. Pp 176, 122 figs. London: Everyman Art Library, George Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1996. ISBN 0-297-8336-0. £7.99Celtic Art in Britain Before the Conquest. By Ian Stead. 245mm. Pp 96,

Celtic Craftsmanship in Bronze. By H. E. Kilbride-Jones. 24·5 × 18·5 cm. Pp. 266 + 83 figs. London: Croom Helm, 1980. £15·95.

Celtic art

encyclopedia article

Celts: History and Civilization. By Venceslas Kruta with photographs by Dario Bertuzzi, Werner Forman and Erich Lessing. 346mm. Pp 240, ills. London: Hachette Illustrated, 2004. ISBN 1844300986. £25 (hdbk).L'art des Celtes. By Christiane Éluère. 2

Cheshire Cat and Mickey Mouse: analysis, interpretation and the art of the La Tène Iron Age

scientific article published in December 1970

Confessions of a wild colonial boy

scientific article published in January 2000

Corpus of Celtic Finds in Hungary. Vol. I. Transdanubia I. Edited by T. Kovács, É. F. Petres and M. Szabó. 30 × 21 cm. Pp. 248, 85 figs. + 89 pls. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1987. ISBN 963-05-3807-5. $54

D.W. Harding. The Archaeology of Celtic Art. xvi+302 pages, 25 colour plates. 2007. Abingdon & New York (NY): Routledge; 978-0-415-35177-5 hardback £ 70; 978-0-415-42866-8 paperback £24.99; 978-0-203-69853-2 e-book

Das Rätsel der Kelten vom Glauberg: Glaube — Mythos — Wirklichkeit. Edited by Holger Baitinger and Bernhard Pinkser. 300mm. Pp 344, ills. Stuttgart: Theiss Verlag, 2002. ISBN 3806215928. €39.90 (pbk)

Der Dürrnberg bei Hallein I. By Ernst Penninger with the collaboration of Ludwig Pauli and with contributions by Hans Hirschhuber, Josef Reiderer, and Walter Specht. (Münchner Beiträge zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte 16.) 11¾ × 8¼. Pp. 128 + 13 fi

Der Keltenfürst von Hochdorf: Methoden und Ergebnisse des Landesarchäologie. Catalogue of an exhibition held at Stuttgart 14 August to 13 October 1985. Landesdenkmalamt Baden-Würrtemberg. Stuttgart: Konrad Theiss. 512 pp., 773 illus., many in colo

Die Enstehung der Situlenkunst. By Otto-Herman Frey. (Römisch-Germanische Kommission: Römisch-Germanische Forschungen, Band 31.) 12 × 9. Pp. vi + 125 + 52 figs. + 91 pls. Berlin: Verlag Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1969. DM 102

Die mittelalterlichen Kernspaltflöten Mittel- und Nordeuropas. By Christine Brade. (Göttingen Schriften zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, 14.) 11½ × 8¼. Pp. 92 + 12 pls. + 28 figs, and 13 tables. Neumünster: Karl Wachholtz Verlag, 1975. DM 46.--- E


encyclopedia article

Early Celtic Art in the British Isles. By E M Jope. 310mm. 2 vols. Pp xviii + 395, 320 + xii plates, chronological chart, 11 distribution maps. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. ISBN 01981773180. £250

Early Celtic Masterpieces from Britain in the British Museum. By Brailsford John. 103 pages, 137 black-and-white illustrations, 10 in colour. British Museum Publications Limited, London, 1975. Price £4·50 (cased), £2·95 (paper-bound)


Emeritus Professor Derek Douglas Alexander Simpson

obituary published in 2005

Exploring the World of the Celts. By Simon James. 250mm. Pp. 192, 311 ills., 59 in full colour. London: Thames and Hudson, 1993. ISBN 0-500-05067-8. £16.95

Figuring it out: What are we? Where do we come from? The parallel visions of artists and archaeologistsBy Colin Renfrew. Pp 224, 175 illustrations. ISBN 0 500 05114 3 London: Thames & Hudson, 2003. Price £32 (hb)

Fritz Moosleitner: Die Schnabelkanne vom Dürrnberg: ein Meisterwerk keltischer Handwerkskunst. Salzburg: Salzburg Museum Carolino Augusteum, 1985. 112 pp., 79 illustrations (10 in colour). AS 120

From the South Pole to Irn Bru: the new Museum of Scotland


Further Finds from the Le Câtillon Hoard

scientific article published in 1987

Graham Connah (ed.): Australian field archaeology: a guide to techniques. Canberra: Australian Institute of Aborignal Studies, n.s. no. 39, 1983. 182 pp., many illustrations & tables. Recommended price $A15.95 (paper)


Harold Haefner (ed.): Frühes Eisen im Europa, Festschrift Walter Ulrich Guyan zu seinem 70 Geburstag. Schaffhausen: Verlag Peter Meili, 1981, 139 pp., 70 figs

Helen Hickey: Images of stone. Figure sculpture of the Lough Erne basin. Belfast: Blackstaff Press, 1976. 119 pp., 90 pls. and figs., 2 maps. £2.25

I. M. Stead with Valerie Rigby (line drawings by Robert Pengelly). The Gauls: Celtic antiquities from France. London: British Museum Publications, 1981. 41 pp., 39 pls., 6 figs. Paperback, £4.95


Ian Hodder (ed.). The archaeology of contextual meanings. viii + 144 pages, 61 illustrations. 1987. Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press, New Directions in Archaeology series; ISBN 0-521-32924-8 hardback £25 & $39.50.Ian Hodder (ed.). Ar

Identifying Celts

Iona and Celtic Britain WITH AN INTERIM ACCOUNT OF The Russell Trust Excavations, 1958–1963

scientific article published in June 1965

Isabel McBryde (ed): Who owns the past? Papers from the annual symposium of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1985. 198 pp., 13 illustrations. $Aus. 29.50


J. A. Brongers & P. J. Woltering: De prehistorie van Nederland, economisch technologisch. Haarlem: Fibula-Van Dishoeck, 1978. 137 pp., 23 pls., 65 figs. No price stated

J. Allen, J. Golson and R. Jones (eds.): Sunda and Sahul. Prehistoric studies in South East Asia, Melanesia and Australia. London, New York, San Francisco: Academic Press, 1977. 647 pp., 115 figs and tables. £12.50


Jevenstedt: ein Urnenfriedhof der älter en vorrömischen Eisenzeit im Kreise Rendsburg-Eckernförde, Holstein. By Hans Hingst. (Offa-Bücher, Band 27.) 11½ × 8¼. Pp. 124 + 93 pls. (4 in col.)+ 11 tables + 23 plans (one loose). Neumünster: Karl W

John Collis: The European Iron Age. London: Batsford, 1984. 188 pp., 55 illustrations. £17.95 (bound); £8.95 (paper)


Konrad Spindler: Die Frühen Kelten. Stuttgart: Philipp Reclam jun., 1983. 447 pp., 18 pls., 114 figs

Kurt Bittel, Wolfgang Kimmig & Siegwalt Schiek (eds): Die Kelten in Baden-Württemberg. Stuttgart: Konrad Theiss, 1981. 536 pp., 438 figs. (30 in colour). DM 68

L. P. Louwe Kooijmans: The Rhine-Meuse delta: four studies on its prehistoric occupation and Holocene geology. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1974. 445 pp., 16 pls., 125 figs. No price

L.P. Louwe Kooijmans, P.W. van den Broeke, H. Fokkens & A.L. van Gijn (ed.). The Prehistory of the Netherlands. 2 volumes, 844 pages, 501 illustrations, 48 colour plates, 12 tables. 2005. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press; 90-5356-160-9 (both vol

La Tène

encyclopedia article

Luisa Banti (trans. Erika Bizzari), The Etruscan Cities and their Culture. London: B. T. Batsford, 1973. vi + 322 pp. 13 maps. 96 plates. £5·50


Massimo Pallottino (trans. J. Cremona, ed. David Ridgway), The Etruscans. London: Allen Lane, 1975. 317 pp. 6 figs. 102 plates. £4

Miranda Green. The gods of the Celts. Gloucester: Alan Sutton & Totowa (NJ): Barnes & Noble, 1986. x + 257 pages, 103 illustrations. £14.95 hardback.Ralph Merrifield. The archaeology of ritual and magic. London: B.T. Batsford, 1987. xiv + 224 pages,

Notes on Iron Age and Neolithic material from Sidbury Camp

article published in 1967

Ole Klindt-Jensen: Slusegårdgravpladsen: Bornholm fra 1 årh.f.til 5 årh. e.v.t. I-II. Jysk Arkæologisk Selskabs Skrifter XIV. Copenhagen: Gyldendalske Boghandel, Nordisk Forlag, 1978. 2 vols., 509 pp., 58 pls., 160 figs., plans

Palmette and Circle: Early Celtic Art in Britain and its Continental Background

scientific article

Penny Whistles and Prehistory

scientific article

Penny Whistles and Prehistory: Further Notes

scholarly article by Vincent Megaw published in March 1961

Philip Macdonald with Kilian Anheuser, Tony Daly, Mary Davis, Jim Wild & Tim Young. Llyn Cerrig Bach: a study of the copper alloy artefacts from the insular La Tène assemblage. xvi+ 296 pages, 26 figures, 13 b&w & colour plates, 19 tables. 2007. Car

article by Vincent Megaw published September 2008 in Antiquity

Questioning the time machine

Reviews of Books

Rupert Bruce-Mitford (ed.): Recent archaeological excavations in Europe. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1975. 363 pp., 46 pls., 113 figs. £12.00

S. J. De Laet: Prehistorische Kulturen in het zuiden der Lage Landen. Wetteren: Universa, 1974. 564 pp., 253 figs. 1100 B.Fr. or NFL.76.50 (paperbound), 1300 B.Fr. or NFL.90. (casebound).L. P. Louwe Kooijmans: The Rhine-Meuse delta: four studies on i

Strike the lyre: notes on an Eastern Celtic motif

scientific article published in December 2006

Style and style groupings in continental early La Tène art

scholarly article by Vincent Megaw published in February 1972

The Alps. Archaeology and Early History. By Ludwig Pauli; translated by Eric Peters. 23 × 21 cm. Pp. 304, 166 ills. London: Thames and Hudson, 1984. ISBN 0-500-05041-4. £16.00

The Animal-Headed Torc from Vieille-Toulouse

The Art of the Wandjina: Aboriginal Cave Paintings in Kimberley, Western Australia. By I. M. Crawford. 10 × 7½. Pp. 144 + 129 photographs (46 in full colour), line drawings, and maps. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1968. $A. 6.00. U.K. price ?


The Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies and the 1963 Conference on Nomenclature of Implements and Cultures


The Celts: A Very Short Introduction. By Barry Cunliffe. 180mm. Pp 161, ills. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. ISBN 0192804189. £9.99

The Celts: the first Europeans?

article by M. Ruth Megaw & Vincent Megaw published March 1992 in Antiquity

The Dowgate Plaque: A Bronze Mount of the Belgic Iron Age from the City of London

scholarly article by Vincent Megaw published in January 1969

The Economy of Dürrnberg-Bei-Hallein: An Iron Age Salt-mining Centre in the Austrian Alps

The European Iron Age with – and Without – Celts: A Bibliographical Essay

scholarly article by Vincent Megaw published in January 2005

The Felmersham Fish-Head Spout

The Flying Dutchman reaches port

The Iron Age Mirror Burial at Pegsdon, Shillington, Bedfordshire: An Interim Account

scholarly article by Gilbert R. Burleigh published in September 2007

The Prehistory of Australia. By D. J. Mulvaney. 8¼× 6. Pp. 276 +81 pls. + 38 figs. London: Thames & Hudson, 1969. £2. 2s. (£2.10)


The Salisbury Hoard. By Ian M Stead. 240mm. Pp 160, 23 col pls, 13 figs. Stroud: Tempus, revised edition, 2000. ISBN 0–7524–1404–6. £17.00 (p/b)

The View From Up Top - Annotations on a Conference Theme

scientific article published in December 1980

The stone head from Mšecké Žehrovice: a reappraisal

Through a window on the European iron age darkly: Fifty years of reading early Celtic art

scholarly article by M. Ruth Megaw published in February 1994

Třísov: a Celtic oppidum in South Bohemia. By Jiří Břeň. 8½ × 5½. Pp. 160 + 32 pls. +28 figs. Guides to Prehistory 2. Prague: National Museum, 1966. Kˇs. 31.

Vencelas Kruta (with Miklos Szabo and photographs by Erich Lessing): Les Celtes. Paris: Hatier, 1978. 255 pp., 116 col. Pls., 10 figs. Frs. 300

Venceslas Kruta & Werner Forman. The Celts of the west. London: Orbis, 1985. 128 pp., 132 colour illus. £12.95

Visualising archaeology: Has the past a future? a


encyclopedia article

Werner Krämer. Die Grabfunde von Manching und die latènezeitlichen Flachgräber in Südbayern. (Die Ausgrabungen in Manching 9.) Römisch-Germanische Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts zu Frankfurt am Main. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner

‘Tales of a flying Dutchman’: An Exaugural Lecture 1

scientific article published in January 2004

‘The mechanism of (Celtic) dreams?’: a partial response to our critics

‘There’s A Hole In My Shield...’A Textual Footnote

scientific article published in January 1994