performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1924-1925
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1955-1956
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1942-1943
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1942-1943
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1945-1946
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1925-1926
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1957-1958
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1946-1947
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1958-1959
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1958-1959
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1946-1947
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1957-1958
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1923-1924
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1926-1927
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1939-1940
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1939-1940
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1949-1950
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1949-1950
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1928-1929
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1931-1932
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1948-1949
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1921-1922
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1931-1932
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1923-1924
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1936-1937
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1926-1927
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1928-1929
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1926-1927
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1923-1924
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1959-1960
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1924-1925
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1929-1930
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1925-1926
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1955-1956
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1922-1923
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1929-1930
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1929-1930
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1930-1931
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1921-1922
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1944-1945
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1926-1927
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1932-1933
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1957-1958
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1926-1927
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1952-1953
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1929-1930
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1952-1953
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1952-1953
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1930-1931
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1924-1925
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1930-1931
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1924-1925
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1956-1957
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1922-1923
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1942-1943
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1926-1927
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1953-1954
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1941-1942
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1923-1924
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1923-1924
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1922-1923
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1924-1925
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1924-1925
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1937-1938
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1930-1931
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1946-1947
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1923-1924
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1923-1924
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1955-1956
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1955-1956
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1921-1922
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1921-1922
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1921-1922
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1950-1951
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1950-1951
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1944-1945
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1944-1945
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1947-1948
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1950-1951
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1950-1951
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1924-1925
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1921-1922
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1940-1941
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1925-1926
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1921-1922
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1926-1927
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1925-1926
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1923-1924
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1929-1930
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1930-1931
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1927-1928
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1924-1925
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1925-1926
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1958-1959
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1958-1959
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1921-1922
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1925-1926
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1925-1926
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1927-1928
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1931-1932
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1922-1923
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1923-1924
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1921-1922
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1924-1925
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1925-1926
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1929-1930
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1920-1921
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1927-1928
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1938-1939
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1922-1923
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1922-1923
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1953-1954
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1950-1951
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1951-1952
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1928-1929
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1928-1929
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1949-1950
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1940-1941
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1959-1960
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1929-1930
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1931-1932
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1927-1928
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1922-1923
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1944-1945
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1944-1945
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1960-1961
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1925-1926
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1922-1923
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1942-1943
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1926-1927
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1921-1922
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1956-1957
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1957-1958
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1927-1928
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1921-1922
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1951-1952
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1954-1955
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1938-1939
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1930-1931
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1926-1927
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1924-1925
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1928-1929
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1931-1932
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1922-1923
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1926-1927
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1929-1930
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1951-1952
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1950-1951
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1950-1951
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1957-1958
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1959-1960
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1951-1952
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1948-1949
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1960-1961
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1927-1928
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1922-1923
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1924-1925
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1925-1926
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1922-1923
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1930-1931
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1940-1941
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1930-1931
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1956-1957
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1925-1926
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1929-1930
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1943-1944
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1930-1931
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1952-1953
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1928-1929
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1926-1927
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1931-1932
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1926-1927
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1929-1930
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1944-1945
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1960-1961
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1960-1961
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1942-1943
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1953-1954
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1927-1928
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1923-1924
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1948-1949
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1951-1952
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1954-1955
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1946-1947
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1942-1943
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1925-1926
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1938-1939
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1942-1943
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1938-1939
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1942-1943
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1949-1950
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1941-1942
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1924-1925
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1939-1940
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1922-1923
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1923-1924
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1946-1947
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1943-1944
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1931-1932
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1921-1922
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1949-1950
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1930-1931
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1959-1960
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1943-1944
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1929-1930
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1931-1932
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1925-1926
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1923-1924
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1921-1922
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1926-1927
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1940-1941
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1940-1941
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1929-1930
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1932-1933
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1927-1928
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1950-1951
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1921-1922
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1923-1924
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1925-1926
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1958-1959
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1958-1959
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1931-1932
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1960-1961
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1925-1926
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1948-1949
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1924-1925
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1948-1949
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1922-1923
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1927-1928
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1949-1950
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1948-1949
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1957-1958
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1927-1928
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1930-1931
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1944-1945
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1924-1925
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1926-1927
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1930-1931
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1921-1922
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1922-1923
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1952-1953
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1954-1955
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1955-1956
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1928-1929
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1954-1955
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1924-1925
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1940-1941
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1926-1927
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1946-1947
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1925-1926
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1939-1940
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1958-1959
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1958-1959
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1924-1925
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1957-1958
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1926-1927
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1925-1926
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1958-1959
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1931-1932
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1942-1943
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1924-1925
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1959-1960
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1924-1925
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1943-1944
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1955-1956
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1955-1956
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1941-1942
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1947-1948
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1959-1960
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1947-1948
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1938-1939
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1938-1939
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1942-1943
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1921-1922
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1930-1931
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1957-1958
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1957-1958
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1957-1958
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1928-1929
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1927-1928
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1959-1960
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1942-1943
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1941-1942
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1960-1961
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1923-1924
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1921-1922
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1940-1941
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1932-1933
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1925-1926
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1952-1953
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1952-1953
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1928-1929
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1931-1932
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1955-1956
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1928-1929
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1922-1923
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1922-1923
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1944-1945
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1947-1948
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1930-1931
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1938-1939
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1923-1924
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1928-1929
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1944-1945
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1921-1922
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1953-1954
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1926-1927
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1931-1932
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1930-1931
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1945-1946
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1945-1946
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1931-1932
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1924-1925
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1922-1923
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1927-1928
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1923-1924
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1929-1930
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1928-1929
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1925-1926
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1930-1931
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1951-1952
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1956-1957
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1922-1923
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1949-1950
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1957-1958
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1957-1958
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1949-1950
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1932-1933
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1957-1958
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1956-1957
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1923-1924
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1922-1923
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1945-1946
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1925-1926
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1931-1932
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1929-1930
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1950-1951
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1950-1951
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1931-1932
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1938-1939
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1940-1941
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1939-1940
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1955-1956
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1926-1927
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1924-1925
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1938-1939
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1929-1930
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1949-1950
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1941-1942
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1941-1942
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1948-1949
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1923-1924
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1921-1922
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1938-1939
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1926-1927
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1953-1954
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1953-1954
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1929-1930
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1954-1955
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1953-1954
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1958-1959
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1927-1928
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1936-1937
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1943-1944
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1954-1955
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1945-1946
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1926-1927
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1959-1960
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1928-1929
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1935-1936
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1945-1946
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1946-1947
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1938-1939
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1942-1943
theatrical production of Schauspielhaus Zurich during the season 1941-1942
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1948-1949
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1959-1960
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1942-1943
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1947-1948
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1946-1947
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1941-1942
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1928-1929
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1956-1957
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1945-1946
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1938-1939
performing arts production of the Schauspielhaus Zürich during the season 1943-1944
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1928-1929
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1927-1928
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1931-1932
performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1927-1928
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