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List of works by Oliver Dickhäuser

(Biased) Grading of Students' Performance: Students' Names, Performance Level, and Implicit Attitudes

scientific article

A fresh look: testing the internal/external frame of reference model with frame-specific academic self-concepts

A prospective correlational analysis of achievement goals as mediating constructs linking distal motivational dispositions to intrinsic motivation and academic achievement

Accurately detecting students’ lies regarding relational aggression by correctional instructions

Achievement after failure: The role of achievement goals and negative self-related thoughts

Antecedents and consequences of students' achievement goals: A mediation analysis

Assessing task difficulty for other people: when deeper evaluation means “it’s more about me!”

Berufliche Zielorientierungen und wahrgenommener Leistungsmangel bei Lehrkräften

Besser als ..., schlechter als ..

article published in 2004

Boon and bane of being sure: the effect of performance certainty and expectancy on task performance

Corrigendum: Effects of an Inquiry-Based Short Intervention on State Test Anxiety in Comparison to Alternative Coping Strategies

scholarly article published in Frontiers in Psychology

Coursework selection: a frame of reference approach using structural equation modelling

scientific article published in December 2005

Das zeigt doch nur, dass ich’s nicht kann

Daumenregel oder Kopfzerbrechen?

Deconstructing performance goal orientations: The merit of a dimensional approach

Der Zusammenhang von Need for Cognition und Stereotypen bei der Beurteilung der Glaubwürdigkeit von Schülern

Die Auswertung des Subtests Labyrinthe im CFT 1

Die Rolle von Eltern, Peers und intrinsischem Wert für die rezeptive hochkulturelle Praxis von Gymnasiasten der Sekundarstufe II

Dimensional comparisons in subject-specific academic self-concepts and achievements: A quasi-experimental approach

article by Detlef H. Rost et al published December 2005 in Learning and Instruction

Does implicit theory of intelligence cause achievement goals? Evidence from an experimental study


Effects of an Inquiry-Based Short Intervention on State Test Anxiety in Comparison to Alternative Coping Strategies

scientific article published on 20 February 2018

Entwicklung der Fünf-Item-Kurzskala STAI-SKD zur Messung von Zustandsangst

Fachspezifische Selbstkonzepte und Schulleistungen im dimensionalen Vergleich

article published in 2004

Factors underlying expectancies of success and achievement: the influential roles of need for cognition and general or specific self-concepts

scientific article published in March 2006

From basic personality to motivation: Relating the HEXACO factors to achievement goals


Gender Differences in Computer Work: Evidence for the Model of Achievement-Related Choices


Here today, gone tomorrow? Revisiting the stability of teachers' achievement goals

High-school students' need for cognition, self-control capacity, and school achievement: Testing a mediation hypothesis

article by Alex Bertrams & Oliver Dickhäuser published January 2009 in Learning and Individual Differences

How affective states, task difficulty, and self-concepts influence the formation and consequences of performance expectancies

scientific article published in February 2011

How do teachers perceive cheating students? Beliefs about cues to deception and detection accuracy in the educational field

How need for cognition affects the formation of performance expectancies at school

How need for cognition affects the processing of achievement-related information

How students build their performance expectancies: The importance of need for cognition

How task experience influences students' performance expectancies: the role of certainty

scientific article published in October 2011

Knowing One's Place: Parental Educational Background Influences Social Identification with Academia, Test Anxiety, and Satisfaction with Studying at University

scientific article published on 3 August 2017

Longitudinal relations between teaching-related motivations and student-reported teaching quality

Längsschnittliche Effekte von Zielorientierungen auf Dimensionen des beruflichen Belastungserlebens im Lehrberuf

article published in 2009

Messung dispositioneller Selbstkontroll-Kapazität

Momentan verfügbare Selbstkontrollkraft – Vorstellung eines Messinstruments und erste Befunde aus pädagogisch-psychologischen Kontexten 1Dieser Beitrag wurde unter der geschäftsführenden Herausgeberschaft von Jens Möller angenommen.

Motivational school climate and teachers' achievement goal orientations: A hierarchical approach

scientific article published on 27 July 2020

Need for cognition, task difficulty, and the formation of performance expectancies

scientific article published in May 2009

Negative Veränderungen von Zielorientierungen über Schülergenerationen hinweg: Ein10-Jahresvergleich der SELLMO

Passionate Thinkers Feel Better

Rethinking teachers’ goal orientations: Conceptual and methodological enhancements

Role of self-control strength in the relation between anxiety and cognitive performance

scientific article published on 25 March 2013

Saving cognitive resources when possible: the role of judgment consequences and the judgment tendency of other teachers in teachers’ assessment of students

Self-control strength in the relation between trait test anxiety and state anxiety

article published in 2010

Structure and Relationships of University Instructors' Achievement Goals

scientific article published on 23 March 2016

Teachers' professional goal orientations: Importance for further training and sick leave

The Relationship Between Self-Compassion and Well-Being: A Meta-Analysis

scientific article published on 26 August 2015

The case of Pinocchio: teachers’ ability to detect deception

The effects of affective states on the formation of performance expectancies

article published in 2008

The female fish is more responsive: gender moderates the BFLPE in the domain of science

The lag effect in secondary school classrooms: Enhancing students’ memory for vocabulary

article published in 2013

The role of perceived need satisfaction at work for teachers' work-related learning goal orientation

article published in 2015

University and School Students’ Motivation for Effortful Thinking

article by Alex Bertrams & Oliver Dickhäuser published January 2010 in European Journal of Psychological Assessment

Wie gut schätzen Lehrer die Fähigkeitsselbstkonzepte ihrer Schüler ein? Zur diagnostischen Kompetenz von Lehrkräften

Zielorientierung und Bezugsnormorientierung: Zum Zusammenhang zweier Konzepte

Zielorientierungen von Lehrkräften als Prädiktoren lernrelevanten Verhaltens

Überprüfung des erweiterten Modells des internal/external frame of reference

“Letztes Halbjahr stand ich zwei”

“Of course I will ...”: The combined effect of certainty and level of expectancies on persistence and performance