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List of works by George Roux

Adventures of the Rat Family

literary work

An Antarctic Mystery

1897 novel by Jules Verne

Captain Antifer

novel by the French writer Jules Verne

César Cascabel

novel by Jules Verne



Gil Braltar

short story

Illustrations from The Mighty Orinoco by George Roux

In the Year 2889

short story by Jules Verne

Le Pilote du Danube

1920 French edition

Les Naufragés du Jonathan

Mr. Ray Sharp and Miss Me Flat

literary work


painting by George Roux

The Chase of the Golden Meteor

book by Jules Verne

The Flight to France

1887 novel by Jules Verne

The Golden Volcano

1906 novel by Jules Verne

The Humbug

literary work

The Kip Brothers

novel by Jules Verne

The Lighthouse at the End of the World

1905 novel by Jules Verne

The Lottery Ticket

1886 novel by Jules Verne

The Mighty Orinoco

1898 novel by Jules Verne

The Mighty Orinoco

2003 english edition of The Mighty Orinoco

The Purchase of the North Pole

novel by the French author Jules Verne

The Sea Serpent

novel by Jules Verne

The Survivors of the "Jonathan"

novel by Jules Verne

The Village in the Treetops

novel by Jules Verne

The Will of an Eccentric

novel by Jules Verne

Bratři Kipové

book edition published in 2016

Bratři Kipové

book edition published in 2022

Cesta do Francie: ilustračně kompletní vydání

book edition published in 2018

Druhá vlast

book edition published in 2018

Honba za meteorem

book edition published in 1908

Honba za meteorem

book edition published in 2013

Honba za meteorem

book edition published in 2016

Honba za meteorem

book edition published in 2021

Ledová sfinga

book edition published in 2021

Ledová sfinga

book edition published in 2022

Lodivod dunajský

book edition published in 2022

Maják na konci světa

book edition published in 2020

Maják na konci světa

book edition published in 2019

Maják na konci světa: román

book edition published in 1926

Maják na konci světa: román

book edition published in 1908

Na kometě: dobrodružná cesta napříč sluneční soustavou = Hector Servadac: voyages et aventures à travers le monde solaire

book edition published in 2022

Na krásném žlutém Dunaji

book edition published in 2020

Na vlnách Orinoka

book edition published in 2019

Na vlnách Orinoka: román

book edition published in 1925

Neobyčejná dobrodružství mistra Antifera

book edition published in 2017

Nádherné Orinoco

book edition published in 2020

Oceánem na kře ledové

book edition published sometime between 1901–1920

Okeánem na kře ledové

book edition published in 1902

Podivuhodná dobrodružství výpravy Barsacovy

book edition published in 2020

Příběhy Jeana-Marie Cabidoulina

book edition published in 2016

Včera a zítra: povídky a novely

book edition published in 2019

Ze Země na Měsíc za 97 hodin a 20 minut

book edition published in 2022

Zmatek nad zmatek

book edition published in 2016

Zmatek nad zmatek

book edition published in 2022

Závěť výstředníkova

book edition published in 2016