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List of works by Takasi Tuyama

'Taiyoo' and 'Ooba' as a prefix of Japanese plant name

scientific article published in 1964

A New Orchidaceous Plant from Taiwan

scientific article published in 1940

A new cultivar of presumable hybrid between Camellia japonica and C. Sasanqua

scientific article published in 1975

A new double form of Hydrangea involucrata found growing wild in Mt. Hakone

scientific article published in 1952

A new saprophytic orchid, Lecanorchis kiusiana

scientific article published in 1955

A new species of Cheirosylis (Orchidaceae) from Ins. Tanega-shima

scientific article published in 1951

A new species of Hedyotis (Rubiaceae) from the Volcano Islands

scientific article published in 1968

A new species of Orchidaceae, Oreorchis porphyranthes from Nepal

scientific article published in 1975

A pale-colored Iris nertchinskia

scientific article published in 1953

Again on 'Erechtites missionum Malme'

scientific article published in 1956

An addition to the flora of Minami-iwoto or Isl. San Augustino

scientific article published in 1982

An adventive of Composite family, Erechtites missionum Malme

scientific article published in 1955

An albino form of Isodon umbrosus

scientific article published in 1952

Ancient records of Camellia japonica in the Chinese literatures

scientific article published in 1966

B. Hayata: An interpretation of Goethe's Blatt in his “Metamorophose der Pflanzen”, as an explanation of the principle of natural classification

scientific article published in 1960

Behavior of winter-bud scales in Clethra barbinervis Sieb. et Zucc.

scientific article published in 1979

Betula platyphylla var. japonica found growing wild at an unexpectedly low altitude in Chiba Pref.

scientific article published in 1953

Book review

Book review

Book review

Book review

Book review

Book review

scientific article published in 1957

Book review

Book review T. Iwata: Illustrated dendrology, pt. 2. Broad-leaved ever-green trees of Japan

scientific article published in 1966

Botanical exploration of Isl. San Augustino or Minamiiwoto

scientific article published in 1981

Camellias in Japan

scientific article published in 1971

Discussion on the first record of Santalum from the Bonin Islands

scientific article published in 1951

Dr. Makino's Erigeron pseudoannuus

scientific article published in 1961


scientific article published in 1968

Explanation of Japanes plant name 'Eishukazura'

scientific article published in 1970

Explanation of Japanese plant name 'Kurarindou'

scientific article published in 1970

Fragmenta Florae Micronesiacae (I)

scientific article published in 1940

Lecanorchis japonica Bl. var. suginoana Tuyama, a new variety, with comments on the other taxa of the genus

scientific article published in 1982

Littoral variety of Eupatorium lindleyanum DC.

scientific article published in 1956

Materials for the distribution of vascular plants in Japan (129) Cymbidium nipponicum (Franch. et Savat.) Makino

scientific article published in 1990

Miscellaneous notes on Camellias

scientific article published in 1966

Mr. Kiyotaka HISAUCHI (1884-1981)

scientific article published in 1981

Mr. Shunki Okuyama (1909-1998)

scientific article published in 1999

Neue Triuridace^|^aelig; Micronesiens (Mit 4 Textfiguren)

scientific article

New locality of Bupleurum rotundifolium L.

scientific article published in 1955

Notes on Gastrodia of Japan (2)

scientific article published in 1956

Notes on Gastrodia of Japan (3)

scientific article published in 1966

Notes on Gastrodia of Japan (4) On Gastrodia confusa Honda et Tuyama

scientific article published in 1967

Notes on Gastrodia of Japan. (1) Rediscovery of Gastrodia gracilis Bl. from Dr. Makino's Herbarium

scientific article published in 1952

Notes on Genus Gastrodia of Southeastern Asia

scientific article published in 1941

Notes on Himalayan orchids (1)

scientific article published in 1964

Notes on Japanese species of the genus Fimbristylis (I)

scientific article published in 1935

Observation on Camellia Hayaoi or C. japonica var. macrocarpa Masamune

scientific article published in 1957

Old Japanese cultivar names of Camellia in Kaempfer's Amoenitatum Exoticarum

scientific article published in 1971

On Camellia hiemalis Nakai

scientific article published in 1967

On Camellia rusticana Honda

scientific article published in 1949

On Camellia sasanqua Thunb. cv. Kantsubaki and cv Shishigashira

scientific article published in 1989

On Epipogium roseum (D. Don) Lindl. in Japan and its adjacent regions, with remarks on other species of the genus

scientific article published in 1967

On Genus Melampyrum of Japan

scientific article published in 1941

On Goodyera augustini Tuyama

scientific article published in 1984

On Theopsis chrysantha Hu

scientific article published in 1975

On Viola boninensis Nakai

scientific article published in 1971

On a queer cultivar of snow Camellia group

scientific article published in 1958

On genus Haloragis and Micronesian species

scientific article published in 1940

On some horticultural varieties of Deutzia crenata Sieb. et Zucc.

scientific article published in 1950

On some morphological features of Camellia japonica and C. rusticana

scientific article published in 1956

On the Ganus Phacellanthus of Eastern Asia

scientific article published in 1947

On the Japanese name of Sideroxylon ferrugineum Hook. et Arn.

scientific article published in 1951

On the double-flowering trends of the wild snow camellias

scientific article published in 1963

On the etymology of three Japanese names of Ficus erecta

scientific article published in 1952

On the genera Camelliastrum and Theopsis (Theaceae)

scientific article published in 1980

On the genus Yunnanea Hu (Theaceae)

scientific article published in 1984

On the inflorescence of Cymbidium virescens etc.

scientific article published in 1949

On the leaf-margin morphology of Cercidiphyllum japonicum Sieb. et Zucc. (Studies on the leaf-margins 2).

scientific article published in 1975

On the pleuriloculate and pleuriovulate tendencies observed in “Snow Camellias”

scientific article published in 1964

On the relationship of the plant names on the Bonin Islands and the Sandwich Islands

scientific article published in 1968

On the true status of Erigeron canadensis L. var. levis Makino (1)

scientific article published in 1967

On the true status of Erigeron canadensis var. levis Makino (2)

scientific article published in 1967

On the tuber of Dioscorea japonica Thunb.

scientific article published in 1971

On the vernacular name of Smilax China

scientific article published in 1951

On vessels of Equisetum

scientific article published in 1959

On “Shunran”, an orchid which has been called as Cymbidium virescens Lindl.

scientific article published in 1966

Orchidaceae Micronesiacae. IV

scientific article

Orchidaceae Novae Micronesiacae, II

scientific article

Orchidaceae Novae Micronesiacae, III

scientific article

Orchidaceae Novae Micronesicae

scientific article

Orchidaceae Novae Mieronesiacae (V)

scientific article published in 1941

Pittosporum bicarpellatum Nakai et Tuyama never found wild in the Bonin Islands

scientific article published in 1980

Plant^|^aelig; Boninenses Nov^|^aelig; vel Critic^|^aelig; I

scientific article

Plant^|^aelig; Boninenses Nov^|^aelig; vel Critic^|^aelig; III

scientific article

Plant^|^aelig; Boninenses Nov^|^aelig; vel Critic^|^aelig; X.

scientific article

Plant^|^aelig; Boninenses Nov^|^aelig; vel Critic^|^aelig;. IX

scientific article

Plant^|^aelig; Boninenses Nov^|^aelig; vel Critic^|^aelig;. VI

scientific article

Plant^|^aelig; Boninenses Nov^|^aelig; vel Critic^|^aelig;. VII

scientific article

Plant^|^aelig; Boninenses Nov^|^aelig; vel Critic^|^aelig;. XI.

scientific article

Plant^|^aelig; Boninenses Nov^|^aelig; vel Critic^|^aelig;. XII

scientific article

Plantae Boninenses Novae vel Criticae I

scholarly article (1935)

Plantae Boninenses Novae vel Criticae II

scientific article

Plants of Marcus Island

scientific article published in 1938

Podostemaceae found in Eastern Himalaya

scientific article published in 1964

Professor Dr. Masao KITAGAWA 1910-1995

scientific article published in 1995

Range of Erigeron pusillus Nutt. in the Pacific

scientific article published in 1970

Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi is naturalizing on the Bonin Islands

scientific article published in 1970

So-called Jalap cultivated in Japan

scientific article published in 1954

Some analogy of Japanese and foreign plant names

scientific article published in 1949

Supposed origin of a common Japanese name of Melampyrum

scientific article published in 1952

Systematic relationship of Camellia chekiangoleosa Hu and C. japonica L. including C. rusticana Honda

scientific article published in 1966

The late Prof. Bunzo Hayata's botanical journey to Indochina and Thailand

scientific article published in 1960

Tricholaena repens, a grass naturalized on Iwo-jima (Volcano group)

scientific article published in 1970

Two camellia species of recent introduction

scientific article published in 1970

on Platypholis boninsimae MAXIMOWICZ and Its Systematic Position

scientific article published in 1937