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List of works by Adam Sobel

A Poisson Regression Index for Tropical Cyclone Genesis and the Role of Large-Scale Vorticity in Genesis

article by Michael K. Tippett et al published May 2011 in Journal of Climate

A Simple Model of a Convectively Coupled Walker Circulation Using the Weak Temperature Gradient Approximation

article by Christopher S. Bretherton & Adam H. Sobel published October 2002 in Journal of Climate

A Simple Time-Dependent Model of SST Hot Spots


A Systematic Relationship between Intraseasonal Variability and Mean State Bias in AGCM Simulations


A global perspective on African climate


A mechanism denial study on the Madden-Julian Oscillation

AGU Climate Crisis Position Statement: Society must undertake transformative action now to mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis


An Empirical Relation between U.S. Tornado Activity and Monthly Environmental Parameters


An Environmentally Forced Tropical Cyclone Hazard Model

article by Chia-Ying Lee et al published January 2018 in Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems

An Extreme Value Model for U.S. Hail Size

An Idealized Prototype for Large-Scale Land–Atmosphere Coupling

An Idealized Semi-Empirical Framework for Modeling the Madden–Julian Oscillation

An empirical model relating U.S. monthly hail occurrence to large-scale meteorological environment


Association of U.S. tornado occurrence with monthly environmental parameters

scholarly article

Asymptotic solutions of the axisymmetric moist Hadley circulation in a model with two vertical modes


Autoregressive Modeling for Tropical Cyclone Intensity Climatology

article by Chia-Ying Lee et al published November 2016 in Journal of Climate

Changes in the structure and propagation of the MJO with increasing CO2.

scientific article published on 22 May 2017

Characteristics of tropical cyclones in high-resolution models in the present climate


Characterization of Moist Processes Associated With Changes in the Propagation of the MJO With Increasing CO2.

scientific article published on 17 December 2017

Cloud-resolving simulation of TOGA-COARE using parameterized large-scale dynamics


Clouds, circulation and climate sensitivity


Comparison of a single-column model in weak temperature gradient mode to its parent AGCM


Correction to “A role for ocean biota in tropical intraseasonal atmospheric variability”

scholarly article published in Geophysical Research Letters

Correction to “Single-layer axisymmetric model for a Hadley circulation with parameterized eddy momentum forcing”


Coupling with ocean mixed layer leads to intraseasonal variability in tropical deep convection: Evidence from cloud-resolving simulations


Delayed Sahel rainfall and global seasonal cycle in a warmer climate


Development of Synoptic-Scale Disturbances over the Summertime Tropical Northwest Pacific


Diagnosis of Zonal Mean Relative Humidity Changes in a Warmer Climate


Diagnosis of the MJO Modulation of Tropical Cyclogenesis Using an Empirical Index

Diffusion versus Nonlocal Models of Stratospheric Mixing, in Theory and Practice

Dry and moist dynamics shape regional patterns of extreme precipitation sensitivity

scientific article published on 06 April 2020

Dynamic amplification of extreme precipitation sensitivity

article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Dynamics-oriented diagnostics for the Madden-Julian Oscillation

Effect of ENSO and the MJO on western North Pacific tropical cyclones

article by Adam H. Sobel & Eric D. Maloney published 15 June 2000 in Geophysical Research Letters

Effect of Surface Fluxes versus Radiative Heating on Tropical Deep Convection

Effects of Relative and Absolute Sea Surface Temperature on Tropical Cyclone Potential Intensity Using a Single-Column Model


Evolution of Tropical Cyclone Properties Across the Development Cycle of the GISS‐E3 Global Climate Model

scientific article published in 2022

Extreme Weather and Climate: Workshop Report

Factors Controlling Rain on Small Tropical Islands: Diurnal Cycle, Large-Scale Wind Speed, and Topography

Fog and rain in the Amazon

scientific article

Forcings and feedbacks on convection in the 2010 Pakistan flood: Modeling extreme precipitation with interactive large-scale ascent

scholarly article by Ji Nie et al published 10 July 2016 in Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems

Foreword: R. Alan Plumb—A brief biographical sketch and personal tribute

scientific article

Global Circulation of the Atmosphere (2004)

Global energetics and local physics as drivers of past, present and future monsoons

Gross Moist Stability and MJO Simulation Skill in Three Full-Physics GCMs

Human influence on tropical cyclone intensity

scientific article published on July 2016

Hurricanes and Climate: The U.S. CLIVAR Working Group on Hurricanes


Hurricanes and Climate: The U.S. CLIVAR Working Group on Hurricanes

scholarly article published in Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

Idealized Hot Spot Experiments with a General Circulation Model

Impact of the Tropopause Temperature on the Intensity of Tropical Cyclones: An Idealized Study Using a Mesoscale Model


Implementation of the Quasi-equilibrium Tropical Circulation Model 2 (QTCM2): Global simulations and convection sensitivity to free tropospheric moisture


Implementing the Weak Temperature Gradient Approximation with Full Vertical Structure

Influence of Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclones on Their Large-Scale Environment

article by Adam H. Sobel & Suzana Camargo published September 2005 in Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences

Influence of condensate evaporation on water vapor and its stable isotopes in a GCM

scholarly article

Influence of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation on tornado and hail frequency in the United States


Instability of the axisymmetric monsoon flow and intraseasonal oscillation

scientific article

Intercomparison of methods of coupling between convection and large-scale circulation: 1. Comparison over uniform surface conditions

scientific article published on 24 October 2015

Intercomparison of methods of coupling between convection and large-scale circulation: 2. Comparison over nonuniform surface conditions

scientific article published on 18 March 2016

Intraseasonal variability in an aquaplanet general circulation model


Kinetic Energy Budget for the Madden–Julian Oscillation in a Multiscale Framework

Large-Scale Meteorology and Deep Convection during TRMM KWAJEX

scientific article

Model projections of atmospheric steering of Sandy-like superstorms

scientific article

Modeling Tropical Precipitation in a Single Column

article by Adam H. Sobel & Christopher S. Bretherton published December 2000 in Journal of Climate

Modeling the Interaction between Quasigeostrophic Vertical Motion and Convection in a Single Column

Modeling the MJO in a cloud-resolving model with parameterized large-scale dynamics: Vertical structure, radiation, and horizontal advection of dry air


Moist Static Energy Budget of the MJO during DYNAMO

Moisture Modes and the Eastward Propagation of the MJO

Multiple Equilibria of the Hadley Circulation in an Intermediate-Complexity Axisymmetric Model


Multiple equilibria in a cloud-resolving model using the weak temperature gradient approximation


Nonlinear shallow-water solutions using the weak temperature gradient approximation

article by Bo Zhou & Adam H. Sobel published 26 August 2006 in Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics

Ocean–Atmosphere Coupling in the Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillation: A Simple Model Study


On the Coexistence of an Evaporation Minimum and Precipitation Maximum in the Warm Pool


On the Wavelength of the Rossby Waves Radiated by Tropical Cyclones

article by Kyle D. Krouse et al published February 2008 in Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences

On the impact angle of Hurricane Sandy's New Jersey landfall

scholarly article

Poleward-Propagating Intraseasonal Monsoon Disturbances in an Intermediate-Complexity Axisymmetric Model


Potentially Extreme Population Displacement and Concentration in the Tropics Under Non-Extreme Warming

scientific article published on 09 June 2016

Probabilistic Multiple Linear Regression Modeling for Tropical Cyclone Intensity

scholarly article by Chia-Ying Lee et al published March 2015 in Monthly Weather Review

Process-Oriented Diagnosis of Tropical Cyclones in High-Resolution GCMs

scholarly article by Daehyun Kim et al published March 2018 in Journal of Climate

Projected Changes in the Seasonal Cycle of Surface Temperature


Projected Future Seasonal Changes in Tropical Summer Climate


Projected Twenty-First-Century Changes in the Length of the Tropical Cyclone Season

article by John G. Dwyer et al published August 2015 in Journal of Climate

Projected changes in the physical climate of the Gulf Coast and Caribbean

Propagating versus Nonpropagating Madden–Julian Oscillation Events

Propagation Characteristics of BSISO Indices

scholarly article by Shuguang Wang et al published 19 September 2018 in Geophysical Research Letters

Quantitative Diagnostics of Mixing in a Shallow Water Model of the Stratosphere

article by Adam H. Sobel & R. Alan Plumb published August 1999 in Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences

Radiative–Convective Equilibrium over a Land Surface

Raised bar for rain

Rapid intensification and the bimodal distribution of tropical cyclone intensity

scientific article

Regional Simulation of the October and November MJO Events Observed during the CINDY/DYNAMO Field Campaign at Gray Zone Resolution

article by Shuguang Wang et al published March 2015 in Journal of Climate

Regional modeling of decadal rainfall variability over the Sahel

article by Deborah Herceg et al published 2 February 2007 in Climate Dynamics

Response of Atmospheric Convection to Vertical Wind Shear: Cloud-System-Resolving Simulations with Parameterized Large-Scale Circulation. Part I: Specified Radiative Cooling


Response of Atmospheric Convection to Vertical Wind Shear: Cloud-System-Resolving Simulations with Parameterized Large-Scale Circulation. Part II: Effect of Interactive Radiation


Response of tropical sea surface temperature, precipitation, and tropical cyclone-related variables to changes in global and local forcing


Responses of Tropical Deep Convection to the QBO: Cloud-Resolving Simulations


Revisiting the Influence of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation on Tropical Cyclone Activity

article by Suzana Camargo & Adam H. Sobel published November 2010 in Journal of Climate

Role of Radiative–Convective Feedbacks in Spontaneous Tropical Cyclogenesis in Idealized Numerical Simulations


Seamless Precipitation Prediction Skill in the Tropics and Extratropics from a Global Model

Seamless precipitation prediction skill comparison between two global models

scholarly article by Matthew C. Wheeler et al published 11 November 2016 in Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society

Seasonal Noise Versus Subseasonal Signal: Forecasts of California Precipitation During the Unusual Winters of 2015-2016 and 2016-2017


Simulations of cloud-radiation interaction using large-scale forcing derived from the CINDY/DYNAMO northern sounding array

Single-layer axisymmetric model for a Hadley circulation with parameterized eddy momentum forcing


Storylines: an alternative approach to representing uncertainty in physical aspects of climate change

article by Ted G. Shepherd et al published 2018 in Climatic Change

Subseasonal Tropical Cyclone Genesis Prediction and MJO in the S2S Dataset

scholarly article by Chia-Ying Lee et al published August 2018 in Weather and Forecasting

Summary of workshop on sub-seasonal to seasonal predictability of extreme weather and climate

Surface Fluxes and Ocean Coupling in the Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillation

article by Eric D. Maloney & Adam H. Sobel published November 2004 in Journal of Climate

Surface fluxes and tropical intraseasonal variability: A reassessment

article published in 2010

Testing the Performance of Tropical Cyclone Genesis Indices in Future Climates Using the HiRAM Model


The ENSO Signal in Tropical Tropospheric Temperature

The Eastern Pacific ITCZ during the Boreal Spring


The Effect of Greenhouse Gas–Induced Changes in SST on the Annual Cycle of Zonal Mean Tropical Precipitation

The Effect of Imposed Drying on Parameterized Deep Convection

The Gill Model and the Weak Temperature Gradient Approximation

The Influence of Natural Climate Variability on Tropical Cyclones, and Seasonal Forecasts of Tropical Cyclone Activity

scholarly article published April 2010

The Mechanics of Gross Moist Stability

The Mesoscale Characteristics of Tropical Oceanic Precipitation during Kelvin and Mixed Rossby–Gravity Wave Events

scholarly article by Christopher T. Holder et al published September 2008 in Monthly Weather Review

The Tropical Subseasonal Variability Simulated in the NASA GISS General Circulation Model


The Water Cycle across Scales

The Weak Temperature Gradient Approximation and Balanced Tropical Moisture Waves*

The boundary layer contribution to intertropical convergence zones in the quasi-equilibrium tropical circulation model framework


The role of surface heat fluxes in tropical intraseasonal oscillations

article by Adam H. Sobel et al published 21 September 2008 in Nature Geoscience

Tropical Cyclone Frequency

scientific article published in 2021

Tropical Intraseasonal Variability in Version 3 of the GFDL Atmosphere Model


Tropical Tropospheric Temperature Variations Caused by ENSO and Their Influence on the Remote Tropical Climate*

Tropical cyclone genesis potential index in climate models


Tropical cyclone genesis potential index in climate models

article by Suzana Camargo et al published August 2007 in Tellus A

Tropical cyclones and climate change


Tropical cyclones in the GISS ModelE2

article by Suzana Camargo et al published 25 July 2016 in Tellus A

Understanding Hadley Cell Expansion versus Contraction: Insights from Simplified Models and Implications for Recent Observations

article published in 2013

Understanding the Dynamics of Future Changes in Extreme Precipitation Intensity


Use of a Genesis Potential Index to Diagnose ENSO Effects on Tropical Cyclone Genesis

article by Suzana Camargo et al published October 2007 in Journal of Climate

Using Weather Data and Climate Model Output in Economic Analyses of Climate Change


Very high resolution rainfall patterns measured by TRMM precipitation radar: seasonal and diurnal cycles

scientific article

Water vapor as an active scalar in tropical atmospheric dynamics.

scientific article published on June 2002

Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Intensity and ENSO

article by Suzana Camargo & Adam H. Sobel published August 2005 in Journal of Climate

Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Model Tracks in Present and Future Climates

article by Jennifer Nakamura et al published 27 September 2017 in Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres

What Is the Polar Vortex and How Does It Influence Weather?

Workshop on Tropical Cyclones and Climate

article by Suzana Camargo & Adam H. Sobel published March 2007 in Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society