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List of works by Richard F. Thompson

17-Beta-estradiol increases neuronal excitability through MAP kinase-induced calpain activation

scientific article

17beta-estradiol modifies stress-induced and age-related changes in hippocampal synaptic plasticity

scientific article published in April 2008

17beta-estradiol suppresses expression of long-term depression in aged rats

scientific article published in December 2000

A negative correlation between the induction of long-term potentiation and activation of immediate early genes

scientific article published in August 1991

AMPA receptor properties in adult rat hippocampus following environmental enrichment

scientific article published on July 13, 1998

Abolition of conditioned heart-rate responses in rabbits following central administration of [N-MePhe3, D-Pro4] morphiceptin

scientific article published on August 1983

Acquisition of classically conditioned eyeblink response following bilateral lesions of flocculus and paraflocculus

scientific article published in January 1994

Activation of immediate early genes after acute stress.

scientific article published in January 1991

Acute stress impairs (or induces) synaptic long-term potentiation (LTP) but does not affect paired-pulse facilitation in the stratum radiatum of rat hippocampus

scientific article published on July 1, 1992

Alterations in spontaneous miniature potential activity during habituation of a vertebrate monosynaptic pathway

scientific article published on May 12, 1980

Associative learning

scientific article published on January 1997

BDNF mRNA expression in the developing rat brain following kainic acid-induced seizure activity.

scientific article published in June 1992

Behavioral stress impairs long-term potentiation in rodent hippocampus

scientific article published in July 1987

Cerebellar cortical lesions and reacquisition in classical conditioning of the nictitating membrane response in rabbits

scientific article

Cerebellar lesions abolish an avoidance response in rabbit

scientific article published in September 1985

Cerebellar stimulation as an unconditioned stimulus in classical conditioning

scientific article published in October 1992

Classical conditioning does not occur when direct stimulation of the red nucleus or cerebellar nuclei is the unconditioned stimulus

scientific article published on February 23, 1988

Classical conditioning in rabbits using pontine nucleus stimulation as a conditioned stimulus and inferior olive stimulation as an unconditioned stimulus

scientific article published in January 1989

Classical conditioning of the rabbit eyelid response with a mossy-fiber stimulation CS: I. Pontine nuclei and middle cerebellar peduncle stimulation

scientific article published in December 1986

Classical conditioning of the rabbit eyelid response with a mossy-fiber stimulation CS: II. Lateral reticular nucleus stimulation

scientific article

Classical conditioning selectively increases AMPA receptor binding in rabbit hippocampus

scientific article published on September 20, 1991

Classical conditioning using stimulation of the inferior olive as the unconditioned stimulus

scientific article published on July 1986

Classical conditioning with electrical stimulation of cerebellum as both conditioned and unconditioned stimulus

scientific article published in October 1996

Classical discrimination conditioning of the rabbit's eyelid response using pontine stimulation as a conditioned stimulus

scientific article published in July 1989

Classical eyeblink conditioning in two strains of mice: Conditioned responses, sensitization, and spontaneous eyeblinks

scientific article published on June 1, 1998

Concomitant classical conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane and eyelid responses: correlations and implications

scientific article published in May 1982

Conditioning using a cerebral cortical conditioned stimulus is dependent on the cerebellum and brain stem circuitry

scientific article published on June 1, 1992

Cortical projections of ascending nonspecific systems

scientific article published on February 1, 1972

Delayed acquisition of eyeblink conditioning in aged F1 hybrid (Fischer-344 x Brown Norway) rats

scientific article published on March 1, 1992

Development of polysensory responses in association cortex of kitten

scientific article published in March 1971

Developmental changes in alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate receptor properties and expression in the rat hippocampal formation

scientific article

Diencephalic distributions of ascending reticular systems

scientific article published on June 15, 1973

Differential effects and rates of normal aging in cerebellum and hippocampus

scientific article

Differential effects of ketamine and MK-801 on the induction of long-term potentiation

scientific article published on May 1, 1991

Effect of adrenalectomy and demedullation on the stress-induced impairment of long-term potentiation

scientific article published on January 1990

Effect of bilateral lesions of the dentate and interpositus cerebellar nuclei on conditioning of heart-rate and nictitating membrane/eyelid responses in the rabbit

scientific article published in July 1984

Effect of kainic acid lesions of the cerebellar interpositus nucleus on eyelid conditioning in the rabbit

scientific article published in February 1985

Effect of phosphatidylserine on the binding properties of glutamate receptors in brain sections from adult and neonatal rats

scientific article published in November 1996

Effects of estrogen, age, and calpain on MAP kinase and NMDA receptors in female rat brain

scientific article published in November 2003

Effects of lidocaine injection in the interpositus nucleus and red nucleus on conditioned behavioral and neuronal responses

scientific article published on December 1990

Effects of subcortical ablations on cortical association responses in the cat

scientific article published on February 1, 1973

Effects of the novel NMDA receptor antagonist, CGP 39551, on field potentials and the induction and expression of LTP in the dentate gyrus in vivo

scientific article published in July 1992

Emergence neophobia correlates with hippocampal and cortical glutamate receptor binding in rats

scientific article published in July 1994

Essential neuronal pathways for reflex and conditioned response initiation in an intracerebellar stimulation paradigm and the impact of unconditioned stimulus preexposure on learning rate.

scientific article published on March 1999

Estrogen and hippocampal plasticity in rodent models

scientific article

Estrogen and hippocampal synaptic plasticity

scientific article

Evidence against conduction failure as the mechanism underlying monosynaptic habituation in frog spinal cord

scientific article published on October 5, 1979

Evidence of plasticity in the pontocerebellar conditioned stimulus pathway during classical conditioning of the eyeblink response in the rabbit

scientific article published in April 1998

Excitability of cutaneous afferent terminals during habituation and sensitization in acute spinal cat.

scientific article published in March 1970

Exposure to a conditioned aversive environment interferes with long-term potentiation induction in the fimbria–CA3 pathway

scientific article published on January 1, 1998

Extra-cellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) activated in the hippocampal CA1 neurons is critical for retrieval of auditory trace fear memory

scientific article published on 24 February 2010

Habituation of the pyramidal response in unanesthetized cat

scientific article published on February 1, 1972

Hippocampal lesions impair contextual fear conditioning in two strains of mice

scientific article published in October 1996

Hippocampal responses to corticosterone and stress, one of which is the 35,000 M(r) protein, glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase

scientific article

Hippocampal unit-behavior correlations during classical conditioning

scientific article published in July 1980

Hippocampectomy impairs the memory of recently, but not remotely, acquired trace eyeblink conditioned responses

scientific article published in April 1995

Identification of pyramidal cells as the critical elements in hippocampal neuronal plasticity during learning

scientific article published on March 1, 1978

IgG-immunostaining in the intact rabbit brain: variable but significant staining of hippocampal and cerebellar neurons with anti-IgG.

scientific article published on November 2002

Impaired memory of eyeblink conditioning in CaMKIV KO mice.

scientific article

Inactivation of brainstem motor nuclei blocks expression but not acquisition of the rabbit's classically conditioned eyeblink response

scientific article published in April 1996

Increased synthesis of two polypeptides in area CA1 of the hippocampus in response to repetitive electrical stimulation

scientific article published in December 1991

Inescapable versus escapable shock modulates long-term potentiation in the rat hippocampus.

scientific article published in April 1989

Inhibitory cerebello-olivary projections and blocking effect in classical conditioning

scientific article published in January 1998

Initial localization of the acoustic conditioned stimulus projection system to the cerebellum essential for classical eyelid conditioning

scientific article

Inter-areal differences in the direct cortical response of the middle suprasylvian gyrus of the cat.

scientific article

Interpositus lesion abolition of the eyeblink conditioned response is not due to effects on performance.

scientific article published in June 1993

Learning of a hippocampal-dependent conditioning task changes the binding properties of AMPA receptors in rabbit hippocampus

scientific article published on November 1, 1992

Learning- and cerebellum-dependent neuronal activity in the lateral pontine nucleus

scientific article published on April 2000

Lesions of the inferior olivary complex cause extinction of the classically conditioned eyeblink response

scientific article published on December 1985

Limbic System Interrelations: Functional Division Among Hippocampal-Septal Connections

scientific article published on August 5, 1977

Localization of a memory trace in the mammalian brain.

scientific article

Locus coeruleus lesions and resistance to extinction of a classically conditioned response: involvement of the neocortex and hippocampus

scientific article published in August 1982

Long-term potentiation is associated with increased [3H]AMPA binding in rat hippocampus

scientific article

Medial septal lesions retard classical conditioning of the nicitating membrane response in rabbits

scientific article published on July 13, 1979

Motor cortex lesions do not affect learning or performance of the eyeblink response in rabbits

scientific article published on August 1, 1997

Neuronal Substrate of Classical Conditioning in the Hippocampus

scientific article published on April 30, 1976

Neuronal plasticity in the limbic system during classical conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane response. I. The hippocampus

scientific article published on April 28, 1978

Neuronal plasticity in the limbic system during classical conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane response. II: Septum and mammillary bodies

scientific article published on November 10, 1978

Neuronal plasticity recorded from cat hippocampus during classical conditioning

scientific article published on March 16, 1979

Number Coding in Association Cortex of the Cat

scientific article published on April 10, 1970

Opioid antagonist eliminates the stress-induced impairment of long-term potentiation (LTP).

scientific article

Overtraining reduces morphine abolition of classically conditioned responses

scientific article published in March 1983

Potentiation of conditioned freezing following dorsomedial prefrontal cortex lesions does not interfere with fear reduction in mice

scientific article published on August 2000

Prediction of learning rate from the hippocampal electroencephalogram

scientific article published on June 16, 1978

Progesterone receptors: form and function in brain

scientific article

Rapid transfer of training occurs when direct mossy fiber stimulation is used as a conditioned stimulus for classical eyelid conditioning

scientific article

Reciprocal anatomical connections between hippocampus and subiculum in the rabbit evidence for subicular innervation of regio superior

scientific article published on February 1980

Regulation of hippocampal synaptic plasticity by estrogen and progesterone

scientific article published on January 2010

Relations between gross and unit evoked activity in pericruciate cortex of cat

scientific article published on April 1, 1971

Response properties of single units in an association area of the kitten neocortex

scientific article published in February 1976

Retention of classically conditioned eyelid responses following acute decerebration

scientific article published in February 1987

Reversal of age-related learning deficits and brain oxidative stress in mice with superoxide dismutase/catalase mimetics

scientific article

Selective changes in AMPA receptors in rabbit cerebellum following classical conditioning of the eyelid-nictitating membrane response

scientific article published on August 24, 1998

Selective increase of AMPA binding to the AMPA/quisqualate receptor in the hippocampus in response to acute stress

scientific article

Stimulation of the lateral septum is a more effective conditioned stimulus than stimulation of the medial septum during classical conditioning of the eye-blink response

scientific article published in February 1989

Stimulus generalization of habituation in spinal interneurons

scientific article published in January 1972

Stress-induced facilitation of classical conditioning

scientific article

The Conditioned Eyeblink Response: A Role for the GABA-B Receptor?

scientific article published on September 1, 1997

The amygdala modulates prefrontal cortex activity relative to conditioned fear

scientific article published in November 1999

The effect of lesions of cerebellar cortex on retention of the classically conditioned eyeblink response when stimulation of the lateral reticular nucleus is used as the conditioned stimulus

scientific article published on May 1, 1988

The effects of 5,6-dihydroxytryptamine in the amphibian spinal cord using silver staining techniques

scientific article

The effects of age on eyeblink conditioning in the freely moving Fischer-344 rat.

scientific article

The nature of reinforcement in cerebellar learning

scientific article

The relationship between association responses and activity in the pyramidal tract

scientific article published in September 1967

Time-dependent blockade of STP and LTP in hippocampal slices following acute stress in mice

scientific article published on September 12, 1997

Trace conditioning: abolished by cerebellar nuclear lesions but not lateral cerebellar cortex aspirations

scientific article published in December 1985

Unilateral inferior olive NMDA lesion leads to unilateral deficit in acquisition and retention of eyelid classical conditioning.

scientific article published in May 1994

Unpredictable and uncontrollable stress impairs neuronal plasticity in the rat hippocampus

scientific article published on May 1990

Vasopressin induction of long-lasting potentiation of synaptic transmission in the dentate gyrus

scientific article