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List of works by Donald Harden

A Glass Bottle Neck from Cornbury Park

scientific article published in 1952

A Ring-ditch at Long Hanborough, Oxon.

scientific article published in 1946

A Series of Terracottas representing Artemis, found at Tarentum

A glass bowl of Dark Age date and some medieval grave-finds from Shaftesbury Abbey

A. Ward William (ed.): The role of the Phoenicians in the interaction of Mediterranean civilizations. Papers presented to the Archaeological Symposium at the American University of Beirut; 03 1967. 164 pp., 40 pls., 21 figs. Beirut: American Universi

scholarly article by Donald Harden published in January 1971

An Early Saxon Settlement within the Romano-British Small Town at Heybridge, Essex

scientific article published in January 1982

Ancient Glass

Ancient Glass, I: Pre-Roman

Ancient Glass, II: Roman

article published in 1969

Ancient Glass, III: Post-Roman

scholarly article by Donald Harden published in January 1971

Anglo-Saxon and Later Medieval Glass in Britain: Some Recent Developments

scientific article published in January 1978

Antike Lampen im römisch-germanischen Zentralmuseum zu Mainz (R.-G. Zentralmuseum Katalog 15). By H. Menzel. 11¾ × 8½. Pp. viii + 120. Mainz, 1954

Archaeological Finds in the City of Oxford

scientific article published in 1940

Archaeological Notes

scientific article published in 1940

Aspects of Archaeology in Britain and beyond. Essays presented to O. G. S. Crawford. Edited by W. F. Grimes. 9¾ X 7¼. Pp. xviii + 386. London: H. W. Edwards, 1951. 50s

Atlas der Urgeschichte, Band I: Der römische Import im freien Germanien. By H. J. Eggers. 11½ × 8¼. Pp. 212 + 4 text-figs.+ 16 plates +65 maps. 2 vols. Hamburg: Museum für Volkerkunde und Vorgeschichte, 1951

Beginning in Archaeology. By Kathleen M. Kenyon. 7¼ × 5. Pp. 203. London. Phoenix House Ltd., 1952. 12s. 6d

Cast-iron Water-pipes from Woodstock, Oxon.

scientific article published in 1940

Crete and Mycenae. By S. Marinatos, with photographs by Max Hirmer. Translated from the Greek by John Boardman. 188 pp., 52 colour plates, 236 monochrome; 28 text-figures. London, Thames & Hudson, 1960. Price £6. 6s.--- Either ISSN or Journal title

Die römischen Gläser von Nida-Heddernheim. By Edith Welker. (Schriften des Frankfurter Museums für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, III.) 20·5 × 26·5. Pp. 150 + 23 pls. + 1 table. Frankfurt am Main: Waldemar Kramer Verlag, 1974. DM. 38.--- Either ISSN


Essays in Roman coinage presented to Harold Mattingly. Ed. by R. A. G. Carson and C. H. V. Sutherland. Pp. xiv + 292, frontispiece, 8 plates, 10 figs. Oxford University Press, 1956. 60s.

Excavations at Stanton Harcourt, Oxon, 1940, II

scientific article published in 1945

Excavations in Smith's Pit II, Cassington, Oxon.

scientific article published in 1942

Excavations on Grim's Dyke, North Oxfordshire

scientific article published in 1937

Figürlich geschliffene Glaser: eine Kolner Werkstatt des 3. Jahrhunderts. Von F. Fremersdorf, 9½ × 12½. Pp. iv + 32. (R.-G. Komm. des Deutschen Archaol. Instituts, Röm.-Germ. Forschungen, Band 19.) Berlin, 1951. Price not stated

Fritz Fremersdorf, Römische Gläser aus Köln. (Schriften der R.-G. Abteilung des Wallraf-Richartz-Museums, Köln, Heft 2.) Köln and Leipzig: Volker-Verlag, 1939. Pp. 32 with 4 plates in colours and 48 in monochrome. No price stated

GLASS AND GLAZES FROM ANCIENT EGYPT. By Mrs Elizabeth Riefstahl . Brooklyn Museum, 1948. 24 pp., 36 figs. 40 cents

scholarly article by Donald Harden published September 1950 in Antiquity

GLASS FROM IRAN IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUM, STOCKHOLM. By Carl Johan Lamm. Stockholm: C. E. Fritzes K. Hovbokh; London: Kegan Paul. pp. 22, and 48 plates. 10s 6d

GLASS THROUGH THE AGES. By E. Barrington Haynes. 240 pp., 64 plates in photogravure. Penguin Books, 1948. 2s

GLASS VESSELS BEFORE GLASS-BLOWING. By Poul Fossing. Copenhagen: Ejnar Munksgaard, 1940. pp. XVI, 150, and 109 text-figures. 12 Kr

Gerhard Herm: The Phoenicians. Translated by Caroline Hillier. London: Gollancz, 1975. First published by Econ Verlag GmbH in Düsseldorf and Vienna, 1973. 288 pp., 20 pls., 5 figs., 8 maps. £5.00

Glass beaker from Colchester Castle

Glass from the Ancient World: The Ray Winfield Smith Collection. A Special Exhibition, 1957. 9 × 6¾. Pp. 298 + 452 figs. Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, New York, 1957

Glass through the Ages (revised ed.). By E. Barrington Haynes. 7¼ × 4½. Pp. 310 + pls. 96. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1959. 8s. 6d

Glass vessels in Britain, A.D. 400-1000

chapter published in 1956

Guides to the Danish National Museum: Department of Oriental and Classical Antiquities. Egypt, Western Asia, Greece and Rome. Pp. 108, 32 pl. Copenhagen: Danish National Museum, 1950. Price not given


Journal of Glass Studies. Vol. 1, 1959. Corning, N.Y.: the Corning Museum of Glass, Corning Glass Center. 1959. Pp. 135. 1 colour plate and numerous text figures. Foreign subs. $5.50

La Nécropole de Furfooz. By J. A. E. Nenquin (Dissertationes Archaeologicae Gandenses, I). 10 × 6½. Pp. 112. Brugge: De Tempel, 1953

M. C. Calvi: I verri romani del Museo di Aquileia. Pubblicacioni dell' Associazione Nazionale per Aquileia, 7. Aquileia: 1968. 208 pp., 31 colour-plates. 3 figs., 14 pp. line drawings. Price not stated

Maurice Dunand, Le Musée de Soueïda, Inscriptions et Monuments Figurés (Haut-Commissariat de la République française en Syne et au Liban, Service des Antiquités, Bibliothèque archéol, et hist., tome xx, Mission archéol, au Djebel Druze). Par

Mr. E. T. Leeds

scientific article published in Nature

ORIENTAL GLASS OF MEDIAEVAL DATE FOUND IN SWEDEN AND THE EARLY HISTORY OF LUSTRE-PAINTING. By Carl Johan Lamm. Stockholm: Wahlström and Widstrand, 1941 (Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademiens Handingar, Del 50 :1). pp. 114 and 24 plat

scholarly article by Donald Harden published September 1945 in Antiquity

Origine e passato dell' isola d'Ischia. By G. Buchner. and A. Rittmann. Pp. 80. Naples: G. Macchiaroli, 1948. Lire 300

Oxford Replanned

scientific article published in 1946

PHOENICIA AND THE PHOENICIANS. By Dimitri Baramki. Beirut, Khuyats, 1961. xiv + 128 pp., 10 pls., 28 text-figs., 1 map. Price not known

Philological Studies in Ancient Glass. By Mary Luella Trowbridge. Extract from University of Illinois Studies in Language and Literature, Vol. XIII, Nos. 3–4, August, November, 1928. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1930. Pp.206. $1.50


scientific article published on January 1958


scientific article published on January 1962


Roman glass from dated finds. By C. Isings. 9½ × 6¼. Pp. viii + 186 + figs. 134. Groningen: I. B. Walters, 1957

academic work

Romano-Syrian Glasses with Mould-blown Inscriptions

Rozelle Parker Johnson, Compositiones Variae, from Codex 490, Biblioteca Capitolare, Lucca, Italy. An introductory study. Illinois Studies in Language and Literature XXIII, no. 3. Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1939. Pp. 116. $1.50

S. Moscati: The World of the Phoenicians (translated from the Italian by Alisair Hamilton). London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1968. 303 pp., 113 pls., 50 figs., 7 maps. 63s


Scheduled Monuments in Oxfordshire

scientific article published in 1954

Select Exhibition of Sir John and Lady Beazley's Gifts to the Ashmolean Museum 1912–1966. 9½ ×7. Pp. 188 + 84 pls. London: published for the Ashmolean Museum by the Oxford University Press, 1967. £1.50

Seventeenth-century lining papers

Snake-thread Glasses found in the East

Soknopaiou Nesos. The University of Michigan Excavations at Dimê in 1931–32, edited by A. E. R. Boak, with the collaboration of E. E. Peterson and a chapter by R. A. Haatvedt (Univ. of Michigan Studies, Humanistic Series, vol. xxxix). Ann Arbor :

Studies in Magical Amulets, chiefly Graeco-Egyptian. By C. Bonner. Pp. xxiv + 334, with 25 pll. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press (London: Geoffrey Cumberlege), 1950. £5

The Ancient Clock from Combe Church, Oxon

scientific article published in 1938

The Ancient Clock from Combe Church, Oxon. : a further note

scientific article published in 1946

The Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Abingdon, Berkshire

book published in 1936

The Athenian Agora, V: Pottery of the Roman Period, Chronology. By H. S. Robinson, 12×9¼. Pp. xiv+149+pls. 76. Princeton, N.J., Amer. School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1959. $12.50

The Centenary of the Buckinghamshire Architectural and Archaeological Society

scientific article published in 1946

The Excavations at Dura-Europos: Final Report IV, Part III, The Lamps. By P. V. C. Baur. 12 × 9. Pp. viii + 84. New Haven: Yale University Press, and London: Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford University Press, 1947. 27s. 6d

book review by Donald Harden published October 1949 in Antiquaries Journal

The Face of the Ancient Orient (translated from the Italian). By S. Moscati. 8¾ × 5½. Pp. xvi + 328 + pls. 32 + 5 text plans and 1 map. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1960. 30s


The Geological origin of four stone axes found in the Oxford District

scientific article published in 1940

The Gold-glass Collection of the Vatican Library, with additional catalogues of other gold-glass collections (Catalogo del Museo Sacro, IV). By C. R. Morey (1877-1955). Ed. by Guy Ferrari. 16 × 13¼. Pp. xii + 88 + pls. 38 (2 in colour). Biblioteca

The Highdown Hill Glass Goblet with Greek Inscription

article published in 1959

The Mortar Wreck in Mellieha Bay. By Honor Frost. (The Gollcher Foundation, Archaeological Series, I.) 11 × 8½. Pp. vi + 38 + 4 pls.+ 10 figs. London: Appetron Press, Ltd., 1969. £1.25

scholarly article by Donald Harden published in March 1973

The Phoenicians on the West Coast of Africa


The Roman Fort at Nanstallon, Cornwall

article published in 1972

The Rothschild Lycurgus Cup

article published in 1959

The Wint Hill hunting bowl and related glasses

article published in 1960

The brooch from West Stow, Suffolk

The glass

chapter published in 1963 in Dinas Powys. An Iron Age, Dark Age and Early Medieval Site in Glamorgan

Three Post-Roman finds from the Temple Well at Pagans Hill, Somerset

scientific article published on January 1958

Two Romano-British Potters' Fields near Oxford

scientific article published in 1936

Ur in Retrospect. Being Iraq, vol. xxii (1960). Edited by M. E. L. Mallowan. Issued in special binding as a Memorial to Sir C. Leonard Woolley. 11 × 7½ Pp. 250 + pls. 31 + 14 figs. British School of Archaeology in Iraq, London, 1960. £4. 4s. (post

W. A. Thorpe, English Glass. London: A. & C. Black, Ltd., 1935. Pp. 302 + xvi, with 24 plates, and 30 text figures. 7s. 6d