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List of works by David S. Powars

An Appalachian Amazon? Magnetofossil evidence for the development of a tropical river-like system in the mid-Atlantic United States during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum


Anatomy of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure revealed by seismic imaging, Delmarva Peninsula, Virginia, USA

scientific article published in 2008

Calcareous nannofossil assemblage changes across the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum: Evidence from a shelf setting


Cenozoic stratigraphy and structure of the Chesapeake Bay region

Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure—Development of “Brim” Sedimentation in a Multilayered Marine Target

scientific article published in 2018

Chesapeake Bay impact structure: A blast from the past

Chesapeake Bay impact structure: Morphology, crater fill, and relevance for impact structures on Mars

scientific article published in October 2006

Comparison of clast frequency and size in the resurge deposits at the Chesapeake Bay impact structure (Eyreville A and Langley cores): Clues to the resurge process

scientific article published in 2009

Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 612 bolide event: New evidence of a late Eocene impact-wave deposit and a possible impact site, U.S. east coast

scientific article

Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 612 bolide event: New evidence of a late Eocene impact-wave deposit and a possible impact site, U.S. east coast: Comment and Reply

scientific article

Deep drilling into the Chesapeake Bay impact structure

scientific article

Detailed sections from auger holes in the Bowling Green, Penola, Sparta, and Supply quadrangles, Virginia

scientific article published in 1993

Drilling the central crater of the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure: A first look

scholarly article

Earthquake-induced liquefaction features in the coastal setting of South Carolina and in the fluvial setting of the New Madrid seismic zone

scholarly article by S.F. Obermeier et al published 1990 in Geological Survey Professional Paper

Geologic Map of the Stafford Quadrangle, Stafford County, Virginia


Geologic columns for the ICDP-USGS Eyreville A and B cores, Chesapeake Bay impact structure: Sediment-clast breccias, 1096 to 444 m depth

scientific article published in 2009

Geologic columns for the ICDP-USGS Eyreville A and C cores, Chesapeake Bay impact structure: Postimpact sediments, 444 to 0 m depth

scientific article published in 2009

Geologic map of the Fredericksburg 30' x 60' quadrangle, Virginia and Maryland

scholarly article published 2000

Geologic map of the Washington West 30’ × 60’ quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and Washington D.C


Geology and paleontology of the Haynesville cores; northeastern Virginia coastal plain

scientific article published in 1989

High-resolution seismic reflection/refraction images near the outer margin of the Chesapeake Bay impact crater, York-James Peninsula, southeastern Virginia

scientific article published in 2001

High-resolution seismic-reflection images across the ICDP-USGS Eyreville deep drilling site, Chesapeake Bay impact structure

scientific article published in 2009

Impact disruption and recovery of the deep subsurface biosphere

scientific article published on March 2012

Impact effects and regional tectonic insights: Backstripping the Chesapeake Bay impact structure

scientific article

Inside the crater, outside the crater: Stratigraphic details of the margin of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure, Virginia, USA

scientific article published in 2010

Integrated sequence stratigraphy of the postimpact sediments from the Eyreville core holes, Chesapeake Bay impact structure inner basin

Meteoroid mayhem in Ole Virginny: Source of the North American tektite strewn field

scholarly article

Microbial abundance in the deep subsurface of the Chesapeake Bay impact crater: Relationship to lithology and impact processes

scientific article published in 2009

Operational summary for the USGS -- NASA Langley Corehole, Hampton, Virginia

report of the United States Geological Survey

Origin and emplacement of impactites in the Chesapeake Bay impact structure, Virginia, USA

scientific article published in 2007

Palynostratigraphy of Cretaceous and Quaternary strata in the Robins Point corehole, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Harford County, Maryland

scientific article published in 1997

Petrographic observations on the Exmore breccia, ICDP-USGS drilling at Eyreville, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, USA

scientific article published in 2009

Pore-water chemistry from the ICDP-USGS core hole in the Chesapeake Bay impact structure—Implications for paleohydrology, microbial habitat, and water resources

scientific article published in 2009

Postimpact deposition in the Chesapeake Bay impact structure: Variations in eustasy, compaction, sediment supply, and passive-aggressive tectonism

scientific article published in 2009

Preliminary Geologic Summary for the USGS – NASA Langley Corehole, Hampton, Virginia

USGS Open-File Report 01-87-B

Preliminary lithologic log for a stratigraphic corehole on Horn Island, Mississippi Sound

scientific article published in 1994

Preliminary physical stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and geophysical data of the USGS South Dover Bridge Core, Talbot County, Maryland

scientific article published in 2012

Preliminary report on the USGS-NASA Langley Corehole -- the Chesapeake Bay Impact Crater Project

article by Gregory S. Gohn et al published 2001 in Open-File Report

Recent research on the Chesapeake Bay impact structure, Impact debris and reworked ejecta

Rock-avalanche and ocean-resurge deposits in the late Eocene Chesapeake Bay impact structure: Evidence from the ICDP-USGS Eyreville cores, Virginia, USA

scientific article published in 2009

Shallow marine response to global climate change during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Salisbury Embayment, USA

scholarly article by Jean M. Self-Trail et al published July 2017 in Paleoceanography

Site Report for USGS Test Holes Drilled at Cape Charles, Northampton County, Virginia, in 2004

scientific article published in 2007

Stafford fault system: 120 million year fault movement history of northern Virginia

Stratigraphy and geophysical logs from a corehole drilled to bedrock at Robins Point, J-Field, Edgewood area, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland

scientific article published in 1997

Studies of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure : the USGS-NASA Langley corehole, Hampton, Virginia, and related coreholes and geophysical surveys

scientific article published in 2005

Supplemental materials for the ICDP-USGS Eyreville A, B, and C core holes, Chesapeake Bay impact structure: Core-box photographs, coring-run tables, and depth-conversion files

scientific article published in 2009

Surficial geologic map of New Jersey; southern sheet

article by Wayne L. Newell et al published 1995 in Open-File Report

The Chesapeake Bay impact structure

The effects of the Chesapeake Bay impact crater on the geologic framework and the correlation of hydrogeologic units of southeastern Virginia, south of the James River

scientific article published in 2000

The effects of the Chesapeake Bay impact crater on the geological framework and correlation of hydrogeologic units of the lower York-James Peninsula, Virginia

scientific article published in 1999