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List of works by Rudolf Schmid

"Les Cèdres": An Exceptional Botanical Garden

scientific article (publication date: May 2000)

"Mamy Ny Aina" (Malagasy Approximating "Life Is Sweet")

scientific article (publication date: February 1998)

"The Systematic Arrangement of Dicotyledonous Families"

scientific article (publication date: February 1984)

"TropAusWoodies/GiantHerbs": An Effective Interactive Identification System

scientific article (publication date: May 2003)

A "Desert Island" Work: The Most Used Botany Book on My Reference Shelf

scientific article (publication date: February 1998)

A Bevy of New Zealand Beauties

scientific article (publication date: August 1992)

A Bibliographically Kafkaesque Situation

scientific article (publication date: August 1998)

A Blatant Case of Plagiarism: S. S. Negi's "Handbook of Fir and Spruce Trees of the World"

scientific article (publication date: February 1997)

A Botanical Pioneer in South West China: Experiences and Impressions of an Austrian Botanist during the First World War

scientific article (publication date: August 1997)

A Celebration of Flowers: Two Hundred Years of Curtis's Botanical Magazine

scientific article (publication date: February 1988)

A Century of Diatom Research in North America: A Tribute to the Distinguished Careers of Charles W. Reimer and Ruth Patrick

scientific article (publication date: February 1998)

A Classic, Landmark Flora Redone. Tradition Maintained but with a New Facelift

scientific article (publication date: May 1998)

A Congenial Fellowship: A Botanical Correspondence between Charles C. Deam and Floyd A. Swink, 1946-1951

scientific article (publication date: August 2001)

A Contemplation upon Flowers: Garden Plants in Myth and Literature

scientific article (publication date: November 1999)

A Contribution to the Flora and Plant Formations of Mount Kinabalu and the Highlands of British North Borneo

scientific article (publication date: November 2003)

A Curious Indian Reissue of Agnes Arber's (1879-1960) Classic Work on Herbals

scientific article (publication date: November 2000)

A Dictionary of Landscape Architecture

scientific article (publication date: February 1991)

A Dictionary of Plant Pathology

scientific article (publication date: August 2001)

A Field Guide to the Families and Genera of Woody Plants of Northwest South America (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru), with Supplementary Notes on Herbaceous Taxa

scientific article (publication date: August 1996)

A Fine New Harvest of Timber Press Books

scientific article (publication date: November 1994)

A Flora of San Diego County, California

scientific article (publication date: November 1986)

A Guide to the Carnivorous Plants of the World

scientific article (publication date: May 1996)

A Heap of Fine Books from Mountain Press Publishing Company

scientific article (publication date: May 1995)

A History of the Orchid

scientific article (publication date: February 1997)

A Key to Vascular Plant Species of Kern County, California

scientific article (publication date: August 1995)

A Lament about Increasingly Bibliographically Vague Title Pages, or Their Versos

scientific article (publication date: August 2003)

A Life of Sir Francis Galton: From African Exploration to the Birth of Eugenics

scientific article (publication date: February 2002)

A Magnificent Handbook on Succulents: Rich in Desirable Qualities and Affording Mental Nourishment

scientific article (publication date: February 2003)

A Magnificent Tome Initiates a Series on Greece's Endemic Plants: Perfection Personified

scientific article (publication date: November 2001)

A Mania about Tulips (Tulipomania) Is Better than a Fever from Them

scientific article (publication date: November 2000)

A Manual of California Vegetation

scientific article (publication date: May 1996)

A Model Checklist, One Giving New Meaning to the Word "Checklist"

scientific article (publication date: August 1997)

A Modern Multilingual Glossary for Taxonomic Pteridology

scientific article (publication date: November 2002)

A Most Remarkable Flora

scientific article (publication date: November 1991)

A Naturalist's Guide to Seashore Plants: An Ecology for Eastern North America

scientific article (publication date: May 2003)

A New Edition of a Classic, "The Art of Botanical Illustration," with Bibliographic Clarifications

scientific article (publication date: November 1994) by Rudolf Schmid

A New Edition of a Classic, Linnaeus: The Compleat Naturalist, with Bibliographic Clarifications

scientific article (publication date: August 2002)

A Resolution for Abbreviations of Authors of Entomological Names

scientific article (publication date: August 1999)

A Resolution of the Eugenia-Syzygium Controversy (Myrtaceae)

scientific article (publication date: April 1972)

A Sampling of the Botany (And Zoology and Geology) in E. G. Gudde's "California Place Names," 4th Edition (1998): Over 300 Willows, about 200 Pines, Almost 150 Oaks, but Only about 50 Tules, 25 Laurels, and 10 Pepperwoods

scientific article (publication date: May 1999)

A Survey of the Lepidoptera, Biogeography and Ecology of New Caledonia

scientific article (publication date: May 1985)

A Synonymized Checklist of the Vascular Flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland

scientific article (publication date: August 1994)

A Synoptic Classification of Living Organisms

scientific article (publication date: August 1985)

A Testimonial to Career Hyphenates, Botanical and Otherwise

scientific article (publication date: February 2002)

A Treasury of Flowers: Rare Illustrations from the Collection of the New York Botanical Garden

scientific article (publication date: May 1992)

A Tropical Garden Flora: Plants Cultivated in the Hawaiian Islands and Other Tropical Places

scientific article (publication date: February 2006)

A Valuable Synthesis on Germanic Holism, 1890-1945

scientific article (publication date: August 1997)

A Victorian Flora: The Flower Paintings of Caroline May

scientific article (publication date: November 1991)

A Welcome Desertification of California's "The Jepson Manual" (1993)

scientific article (publication date: May 2002)

A Wild Flower by Any Other Name: Sketches of Pioneer Naturalists Who Named Our Western Plants

scientific article (publication date: February 1995)

AMC Field Guide to the New England Alpine Summits

scientific article (publication date: May 1996)

Adolf Engler (1844-1930): A Life for Botany

scientific article (publication date: August 2000)

African Traditional Medicine: A Dictionary of Plant Use and Applications, with Supplement: Search System for Diseases

scientific article (publication date: February 2001)

Agapanthus for Gardeners

scientific article (publication date: November 2005)

Agaves of Continental North America

scientific article (publication date: August 1998)

Agaves, Yuccas, and Related Plants: A Gardener's Guide

scientific article (publication date: August 2000)

Aglaophyton Major

scientific article (publication date: August 1987)

Agnes Arber, Scientific Reductionism, and the Need for Arberia

scientific article (publication date: August 1976)

Agnes Chase's First Book of Grasses: The Structure of Grasses Explained for Beginners

scientific article (publication date: February 1997)

Ahead of His Time: Wilhelm Pfeffer, Early Advances in Plant Biology

scientific article (publication date: May 1991)

Ainsworth & Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi

scientific article (publication date: May 1996)

Alan Mitchell's Trees of Britain

scientific article (publication date: May 1998)

Alpine Flora of Kashmir Himalaya

scientific article (publication date: November 1984)

Alpine Plants of North America: An Encyclopedia of Mountain Flowers from the Rockies to Alaska

scientific article (publication date: November 2003)

Alpines: The Illustrated Dictionary

scientific article (publication date: November 1995)

America's Botanical Beauty: Illustrations from the Library of Congress

scientific article (publication date: November 1998)

An Almanac of Botanical Trivia

scientific article (publication date: May 1996)

An Annotated Catalogue of the Plants of the Cape Region, Baja California Sur, Mexico

scientific article (publication date: August 1993)

An Excellent Flora of New York City and Its Easterly and Northerly Environs sensu latissimo

scientific article (publication date: May 2000)

An Illustrated Flora of Yosemite National Park

scientific article (publication date: November 2001)

An Illustrated Survey of Orchid Genera

scientific article (publication date: February 1996)

An Impressive New Series Debuts

scientific article (publication date: November 1994)

An Integrated System of Classification of Flowering Plants

scientific article (publication date: May 1995)

An Oak Spring pomona: A Selection of Rare Books on Fruit in the Oak Spring Garden Library

scientific article (publication date: February 1991)

Anatomie des Blattes. II. Blattanatomie der Angiospermen. B. Experimentelle und okologische Anatomie des Angiospermenblattes

scientific article (publication date: May 1987)

Anatomy of the Dicotyledons, Vol. 3, Magnoliales, Illiciales, and Laurales (Sensu Armen Takhtajan)

scientific article (publication date: November 1988)

Another Excellent, User-Friendly Antipodal Flora

scientific article (publication date: November 2002)

Anthony Blunt: His Lives

scientific article (publication date: November 2002)


scientific article (publication date: February 1992)

Archives of Natural History

scientific article (publication date: August 2002)

Armchair Botanizing in Deserts (And Elsewhere) with a DVD Player

scientific article (publication date: August 2002)

Armen Takhtajan's Latest System of Angiosperm Classification

scientific article (publication date: February 1998)

Aroids: Plants of the Arum Family

scientific article (publication date: November 2000)

Art in Nature: Classic Botanical Prints from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century

scientific article (publication date: August 1992)

Arthur Harry Church: The Anatomy of Flowers

scientific article (publication date: February 2001)

Atlas of Nevada Conifers: A Phytogeographic Reference

scientific article (publication date: February 1997)

Australian Tropical Rain Forest Trees: An Interactive Identification System

scientific article (publication date: February 1994)

B-P-H/S: Botanico-periodicum-Huntianum/Supplementum

scientific article (publication date: August 1992)

Background to Discovery: Pacific Exploration from Dampier to Cook

scientific article (publication date: August 1991)

Baja California und seine Inseln: Naturkundliche Reise durch einige der letzten Paradiese

scientific article (publication date: August 2000)

Bamboozled by Botany, Beatrix Bypasses Bigoted Biology, Begins Babying Bountiful Bunnies: OR Beatrix Potter [1866-1943] as a Mycologist: The Period before Peter Rabbit and Friends

scientific article (publication date: May 1999)

Bibliographia discipuli Linnœi: Bibliographies of the 331 Pupils of Linnœus

scientific article (publication date: February 1998)

Bibliographic Comment on Roos's Monograph on Drynarioideae (Polypodiaceae)

scientific article (publication date: November 1989)

Bibliographic Info Solely on Dust Jackets, Being Ephemera, Will End up in the Dust Bin of History

scientific article (publication date: August 1994)

Bibliography on Seed Morphology

scientific article (publication date: November 2000)

Biodiversity in Some Brassicaceae, or Taxonomy Can Be Fun

scientific article (publication date: May 2003)

Biodiversity of Poland: An Exemplary New Series

scientific article (publication date: February 2004)


scientific article (publication date: August 1987)

Biogeography of the tropical Pacific: Proceedings of a symposium

scientific article (publication date: November 1985)

Biologie-Dokumentation: Bibliographie der deutschen biologischen Zeitschriftenliteratur 1796-1965

scientific article (publication date: May 1986)

Biology Takes Form: Animal Morphology and the German Universities, 1800-1900

scientific article (publication date: November 1998)

Biology and Management of Noxious Rangeland Weeds

scientific article (publication date: August 1999)

Biology of Eucalypts

scientific article (publication date: May 1978)

Biology of Plants

scientific article (publication date: November 1986)

Biosystematic Investigations in the Family of Duckweeds (Lemnaceae)

scientific article (publication date: November 1988)

Biotic Communities: Southwestern United States and Northwestern Mexico

scientific article (publication date: November 1995)

Borneo Island Light Hardwoods: Anisoptera, Parashorea, Shorea (Red, White and Yellow Meranti)

scientific article (publication date: May 1997)

Botanica North America: The Illustrated Guide to Our Native Plants, Their Botany, History, and the Way They Have Shaped Our World

scientific article (publication date: May 2004)

Botanica's Annuals & Perennials: Over 1,000 Pages and over 2,000 Plants Listed

scientific article (publication date: February 2001)

Botanica: The Illustrated A--Z of over 10,000 Garden Plants and How to Cultivate Them

scientific article (publication date: February 1998)

Botanical Art Transcends Botanical Pornography

scientific article (publication date: February 1998)

Botanical Fraud on Small British Islands

scientific article (publication date: November 2000)

Botanical Juvenilia II

scientific article (publication date: February 1991)

Botanical Juvenilia III

scientific article (publication date: February 1992)

Botanical Juvenilia IV

scientific article (publication date: February 1993)

Botanical Juvenilia V

scientific article (publication date: November 1995)

Botanical Juvenilia VI

scientific article (publication date: August 2002)

Botanical Monkeys

scientific article (publication date: February 1994)

Botanische Jahrbucher, Vol. 108, Nos. 2-3

scientific article (publication date: February 1988)

Botany Manifold in St. Louis: The XVI International Botanical Congress

scientific article (publication date: November 1999)

Botany on Microfiche

scientific article (publication date: November 1990)


scientific article (publication date: August 1996)

Bryostephane Steereana: A Collection of Bryological Papers Presented to William Campbell Steere on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday

scientific article (publication date: November 1988)


scientific article (publication date: August 1991)

Bulbs of North America

scientific article (publication date: May 2002)

Bulky, Heavy, Expensive, but Very Good: Quattrocchi's "World Dictionary of Plant Names"

scientific article (publication date: August 2001)

Bulletin of the Geobotanical Institute ETH

scientific article (publication date: February 1997)

CORTBASE: A Nomenclatural Database of Corticioid Fungi. Version 1

scientific article (publication date: August 1996)

California Native Plant Society's Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants of California

scientific article (publication date: February 2002)

California Native Plant Society's Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants of California

scientific article (publication date: November 2001)

California Native Plant Society's Inventory of Rare and Endangered Vascular Plants of California

scientific article (publication date: August 1994)

California Natural History Guides, Revamped and Relaunched: Finally

scientific article (publication date: February 2004)

California Place Names: The Origin and Etymology of Current Geographical Names

scientific article (publication date: May 1995)

California Vegetation

scientific article (publication date: May 1998)

California est omnis divisa in partes tres: NoCal, CenCal, et SoCal. Stuart & Sawyer's "Trees and Shrubs of NoCal and CenCal"

scientific article (publication date: August 2001)

California's Changing Landscapes: Diversity and Conservation of California Vegetation

scientific article (publication date: February 1994)

Carnivorous Plant Newsletter

scientific article (publication date: May 1990)

Carnivorous Plants

scientific article (publication date: February 1990)

Carnivorous Plants of Australia

scientific article (publication date: August 1999)

Catalogue of Portraits of Naturalists, Mostly Botanists, in the Collections of the Hunt Institute, the Linnean Society of London, and the Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de la Ville de Genève. Pt. 3. Portraits of Individuals, E--H

scientific article (publication date: May 2000)


scientific article (publication date: November 1992)

Caudiciform & Pachycaul Succulents: Pachycauls, Bottle-, Barrel- and Elephant-Trees and Their Kin: A Collector's Miscellany

scientific article (publication date: August 1989)

Celebrations of Ferdinand von Mueller (1825-96)

scientific article (publication date: August 1999)

Charles Darwin: Interviews and Recollections

scientific article (publication date: February 2001)

Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen

scientific article (publication date: February 1995)

Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen. Eine Ubersicht uber die Verbreitung und die systematische Bedeutung der Pflanzenstoffe, Vol. 8. Nachtrage zu Band 3 und Band 4 (Acanthaceae bis Lythraceae)

scientific article (publication date: August 1989)

Chemotaxonomie der pflanzen. Bd. 11b-2. Leguminosae. Tl. 3. Papilionoideae

scientific article (publication date: August 2001)

Choice Words: Definitions & Synonyms

scientific article published on February 1989

Cladogramly Dull versus Cladogramly Interesting

scientific article (publication date: November 1998)

Classification, Evolution, and Phylogeny of the Families of Dicotyledons

scientific article (publication date: May 1987)

Classification, Evolution, and Phylogeny of the Families of Monocotyledons

scientific article (publication date: August 1990)

Codex Botanicus Linnaeanus. Vol. 1. with a Biographical Sketch by H. Walter Lack and a Translation of the Introductory Text by Sten Hedberg

scientific article (publication date: May 2004)

Colorado Flora: Eastern Slope

scientific article (publication date: February 1997)

Comment on the Bibliography of Flora Hawaiiensis by Mill et al.

scientific article (publication date: May 1986)

Comments on a Cruciferous Hedge in Greece

scientific article (publication date: November 2003)

Comments on the Printing and Availability of Theses and Dissertations (Especially European)

scientific article (publication date: February 1986)

Common Ferns of the Philippines

scientific article (publication date: February 1996)

Comparative Anatomy and Morphology of Psiloxylon and Heteropyxis, and the Subfamilial and Tribal Classification of Myrtaceae

scientific article (publication date: November 1980)

Comparative Morphology Done in a Taxonomic Vacuum

scientific article (publication date: May 1990)

Compilations from the Works of Historians of Science

scientific article (publication date: August 2002)

Complete Flora Published in 11 Years-18 Kilos, 50 cm, 9 Volumes, 6624 Pages, 44 Color Plates, 10 B&W Photos, 52 Charts/Maps, 2 Large Folded Color Maps, 5023 Figures of Plants for 9809 Species-Bravo!

scientific article (publication date: May 2006)

Complete Garden Guide to the Native Shrubs of California

scientific article (publication date: August 1994)

Composition of Scientific Words: A Manual of Methods and a Lexicon of Materials for the Practice of Logotechnics

scientific article (publication date: November 2000)


scientific article (publication date: August 1987)

Conifers of the Pacific Northwest

scientific article (publication date: November 1999)

Conifers: Morphology and Variation

scientific article (publication date: August 1993)

Conifers: The Illustrated Encyclopedia

scientific article (publication date: August 1997)

Conservation Biology in the Antipodes

scientific article (publication date: February 1998)

Contemporary Plant Systematics

scientific article (publication date: August 1991)

Contemporary Plant Systematics

scientific article (publication date: May 1997)

Contemporary Plant Systematics

scientific article (publication date: February 2001)

Contrad 70, an Effective Softener of Herbarium Material for Anatomical Study

scientific article (publication date: November 1977)

Contributions from the Bolus Herbarium

scientific article (publication date: August 1993)

Crocosmia and Chasmanthe

scientific article (publication date: May 2005)

Croizat's Panbiogeography & Principia Botanica: Search for a Novel Biological Synthesis

scientific article (publication date: November 1985)

Curtis's Botanical Magazine (Incorporating The Kew Magazine)

scientific article (publication date: February 1997)

Cycad Reproduction

scientific article (publication date: November 1992)

Cyclamen: A Guide for Gardeners, Horticulturalists and Botanists

scientific article (publication date: August 1997)

Dancing on the Pinhead. Room for Still More

scientific article (publication date: May 1998)

Darwin without Malthus: The Struggle for Existence in Russian Evolutionary Thought

scientific article (publication date: August 1990)

Darwinism Comes to America

scientific article (publication date: August 1999)

De causis plantarum [Greek and English Text]

scientific article (publication date: August 1991)

Descriptors Used to Indicate Abundance and Frequency in Ecology and Systematics

scientific article (publication date: February 1982)

Dictionary of Plant Names in Latin, German, English and French

scientific article (publication date: August 1997)

Dictionnaire du Darwinisme et de l'évolution

scientific article (publication date: May 1998)

Die Farn- und Blutenpflanzen Baden-Wurttembergs

scientific article (publication date: August 1991)

Die Ferokakteen der Baja California: Eine Präsentation der Arten und Unterarten in ihren Verbreitungsgebieten auf der Halbinsel Niederkalifornien und den im Pazifik und im Golf von Kalifornien gelegenen Inseln = The Ferocacti of Baja California: A...

scientific article (publication date: February 2006)

Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigsten Arten, inbesondere den Nutzpflanzen/unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher hervorragender Fachgelehrter begrundet von A. Engler und K. Prantl

scientific article (publication date: November 1995)

Dimethyl trisulphide is a strong attractant for some calliphorids and a muscid but not for the reindeer oestrids Hypoderma tarandi and Cephenemyia trompe

Diversity of Plants and Fungi

scientific article (publication date: November 1992)

Documented Chromosome Number Checklist of Austrian Vascular Plants

scientific article (publication date: August 2001)

Doom and Glume: Separating the Grain from the Padded Chaff

scientific article (publication date: August 2006)

Dream Plants for the Natural Garden

scientific article (publication date: November 2000)

Driftwood Valley: A Woman Naturalist in the Northern Wilderness

scientific article (publication date: May 2000)

Durham to Gudde (And Alice to Humpty Dumpty): "'Must a Name Mean Something?'"

scientific article (publication date: August 2002)

Early Southwest Ornithologists, 1528-1900

scientific article (publication date: February 2002)

Economic Botany: Principles and Practices

scientific article (publication date: May 2001)

Economic and Medicinal Plant Research

scientific article (publication date: November 1993)

Ecuador: Flores del camino

scientific article (publication date: November 2005)

Ein Garten Eden: Meisterwerkeder botanischen Illustration = Garden [Of] Eden: Masterpieces of Botanical Illustration = Un jardín d'Eden: Chefs-d'œuvre de l'illustration botanique

scientific article (publication date: August 2001)

Ein Garten für die Ewigkeit: Der Codex Liechtenstein

scientific article (publication date: November 2000)

Emanuel D. Rudolph's Studies in the History of North American Botany: With an Appendix: Relationships between Science and Religion

scientific article (publication date: February 2001)

Embryological Questions

scientific article (publication date: November 1990)

Embryological Questions: 2-5

scientific article (publication date: May 1986)

Embryology of Compositae

scientific article (publication date: November 1986)

England's National Nature Reserves

scientific article (publication date: August 1997)

Engler Silver Medal for 2016 Awarded to C.A. Stace, C.D. Preston & D.A. Pearman for Their Hybrid Flora of the British Isles (2015)

scientific article (publication date: 30 August 2016)

Envisioning Information

scientific article (publication date: February 1991)

Erdtman's Handbook of Palynology

scientific article (publication date: August 1995)

Esau's Plant Anatomy: Meristems, Cells, and Tissues of the Plant Body: Their Structure, Function, and Development

scientific article (publication date: May 2008)

Essays of an Information Scientist, Vol. 5, 1981-1982

scientific article (publication date: November 1984)

Essentials of Paleobotany

scientific article (publication date: August 1986)

Etymologie der wissenschaftlichen Gattungsnamen der Flechten

scientific article (publication date: August 1999)

Etymologisches Wörterbuch der botanischen Pflanzennamen

scientific article (publication date: February 2002)

Eucalyptus I: New or Little-Known Species of the Corymbosae

scientific article (publication date: February 1986)

Eucalyptus II: The Rubber Cuticle, and Other Studies of the Corymbosae

scientific article (publication date: August 1989)

Eucalyptus in California

scientific article (publication date: November 1984)

European-Style Field Floras Needed for the United States and Other Lands

scientific article (publication date: August 1999)

Evolutionary Trends in Basic Botany Textbooks since 1960

scientific article (publication date: May 1995)

Excerpta Botanica

scientific article published on February 1989

Experience the California Coast: A Guide to Beaches and Parks in Northern California: Counties Included: Del Norte, Humboldt, Mendocino, Sonoma, Marin

scientific article (publication date: February 2006)

Extinct and Endangered Plants of Australia

scientific article (publication date: February 1986)

FNA Comps Completed-14 Tribes, 418 Genera, and 2413 Species

scientific article (publication date: May 2006)

Facsimile Reprint [of] Joseph Knight's Cultivation of the Plants Belonging to the Natural Order Proteeae, London 1809

scientific article (publication date: February 1988)

Families and Genera of Spermatophytes Recognized by the Agricultural Research Service

scientific article (publication date: August 1992)

Fantastic Trees

scientific article (publication date: November 1995)

Fern Grower's Manual

scientific article (publication date: May 2001)

Ferns and Allied Plants of Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia

scientific article (publication date: August 1987)

Ferns and Fern Allies of Canada

scientific article (publication date: May 1990)

Ferns of Malaysia in Colour

scientific article published on February 1989

Field Guide to Orchids of North America: From Alaska, Greenland, and the Arctic, South to the Mexican Border

scientific article (publication date: November 1984)

Field Guide to the Palms of the Americas

scientific article (publication date: November 1995)

Fire in Sierra Nevada Forests: A Photographic Interpretation of Ecological Change Since 1849

scientific article (publication date: May 2002)

Five Kingdoms: An Illustrated Guide to the Phyla of Life on Earth

scientific article (publication date: November 1988)

Fleurs et plantes de Nouvelle-Caledonie

scientific article (publication date: February 1985)

Flora Alpina: Atlas des 4500 Plantes Vascularies des Alpes

scientific article (publication date: August 2005)

Flora Britannica

scientific article (publication date: May 1998)

Flora Europaea on CD-ROM (All Five Volumes, 1968-93) Usurps the Screen but Not the Heart

scientific article (publication date: August 2001)

Flora Malesiana

scientific article (publication date: May 1998)

Flora Malesiana. Series I: Seed Plants

scientific article (publication date: February 2006)

Flora Nordica. Vol. 1. Lycopodiaceae to Polygonaceae

scientific article (publication date: February 2001)

Flora Novo-Galiciana: A Descriptive Account of the Vascular Plants of Western Mexico

scientific article (publication date: November 1989)

Flora Vitiensis Nova: A New Flora of Fiji (Spermatophytes Only). Comprehensive Indices

scientific article (publication date: August 1997)

Flora Vitiensis nova: A New Flora of Fiji (Spermatophytes Only)

scientific article (publication date: May 1992)

Flora arborea

scientific article (publication date: May 1984)

Flora of Australia

scientific article (publication date: August 2000)

Flora of Australia Supplementary Series

scientific article (publication date: May 1997)

Flora of Australia, Vol. 19, Myrtaceae--Eucalyptus, Angophora

scientific article (publication date: August 1989)

Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea. Vol. 6. Hydrocharitaceae to Arecaceae

scientific article (publication date: August 1998)

Flora of Glamorgan

scientific article (publication date: August 1994)

Flora of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 5. Butomaceae--Orchidaceae

scientific article (publication date: August 1997)

Flora of Hong Kong

scientific article (publication date: May 2008)

Flora of India (Series 1-4)

scientific article (publication date: May 1990)

Flora of New South Wales

scientific article (publication date: August 1992)

Flora of New South Wales. Vol. 3

scientific article (publication date: May 1994)

Flora of New Zealand, Vol. 4, Naturalized Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons

scientific article (publication date: November 1989)

Flora of North America North of Mexico

scientific article (publication date: February 1994)

Flora of North America North of Mexico. Vol. 3. Magnoliophyta: Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae: Magnoliales (Magnolia Order), Laurales (Laurel Order), Piperales (Pepper Order), Aristolochiales (Birthwort Order), Illiciales (Star-Anise Order), Nymphaea...

scientific article (publication date: February 1998)

Flora of Pakistan

scientific article (publication date: February 2002)

Flora of Southern Africa, Which Deals with the Territories of South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Namibia and Botswana

scientific article (publication date: February 2001)

Flora of Thailand: Old and New, and Night and Day

scientific article (publication date: February 1991)

Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands (Supplement), Vol. 10

scientific article (publication date: May 1989)

Flora of Victoria. Vol. 2. Ferns and Allied Plants, Conifers and Monocotyledons

scientific article (publication date: May 1995)

Flora of Victoria. Vol. 4. Dicotyledons: Cornaceae to Asteraceae

scientific article (publication date: May 2000)

Flora of the Bahama Archipelago (Including the Turks and Caicos Islands)

scientific article (publication date: February 1997)

Flora of the District Garhwal, North West Himalaya (With Ethnobotanical Notes)

scientific article (publication date: November 2000)

Flora of the Russian Arctic: A Critical Review of the Vascular Plants Occurring in the Arctic Region of the Former Soviet Union. Vol. 1. Polypodiaceae--Gramineae

scientific article (publication date: August 1996)

Flora of the Shroud of Turin

scientific article (publication date: February 2000)

Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana

scientific article (publication date: February 1996)

Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana

scientific article (publication date: August 2003)

Flora of the Yukon Territory

scientific article (publication date: February 1997)

Flora of the Yukon Territory

scientific article (publication date: August 2005)

Flora silvestre de Chile, zona araucana: Una guia ilustrada para la identificacion de las especies de plantas lenosas del sur de Chile (Entre el rio Maule y el seno de Reloncavi)

scientific article (publication date: August 1993)

Flora: The Mother of All Hort Encyclopedias

scientific article (publication date: February 2004)

Floral Bundle Fusion and Vascular Conservatism

scientific article (publication date: August 1972)

Floral Initiation in Field Crops: An Atlas of Scanning Electron Micrographs

scientific article (publication date: November 1982)

Flore et végétation du Jebel Uweinat (Désert de Libye: Libye, Egypte, Sudan)

scientific article (publication date: August 2002)

Floristic Inventory of Tropical Countries: The Status of Plant Systematics, Collections and Vegetation, Plus Recommendations for the Future

scientific article (publication date: August 1990)

Flowering Plants of Africa: A Magazine Containing Colour Plates with Descriptions of Flowering Plants of Africa and Neighbouring Islands

scientific article (publication date: November 1999)

Flowering Plants of Florida: A Guide to Common Families

scientific article (publication date: November 1990)

Flowering Plants of the Neotropics

scientific article (publication date: February 2005)

Flowering Plants of the World

scientific article (publication date: May 1986)

Flowering Plants of the World

scientific article (publication date: May 1994)

Flowering Plants: Taxonomy and Phylogeny

scientific article (publication date: August 2000)

Flowers from the Royal Gardens of Kew: Two Centuries of Curtis's Botanical Magazine

scientific article (publication date: May 1989)

Flowers of the Himalaya

scientific article (publication date: February 1998)

Food Webs and Container Habitats: The Natural History and Ecology of Phytotelmata

scientific article (publication date: February 2001)

Forest Fungi Phytogeography: Forest Fungi Phytogeography of China, North America, and Siberia, and International Quarantine of Tree Pathogens = Sen lin zhenjun bing li di li

scientific article (publication date: May 2004)

Forest Giants of the Pacific Coast

scientific article (publication date: February 2002)

Fossil Treasures of the Anza-Borrego Desert

scientific article (publication date: August 2006)

Fougeres, preles etlycopodes: Guide d'identification Fleurbec

scientific article (publication date: August 1994)

Fremontia: A Journal of the California Native Plant Society

scientific article (publication date: August 1997)

Freshwater Algae in Australia: A Guide to Conspicuous Genera

scientific article (publication date: February 1998)

From Agnes Arber to New Explonatory Models for Vascular Plant Development

scientific article (publication date: February 2002)

From Squaw Tit to Whorehouse Meadow: How Maps Name, Claim, and Inflame

scientific article (publication date: May 2008)

Fruits and Seeds of Genera in the Subfamily Faboideae (Fabaceae)

scientific article (publication date: May 2004)

Fruits of the Philippines

scientific article (publication date: November 2000)

Fruits of the Rain Forest: A Guide to Fruits in Australian Tropical Rain Forests

scientific article (publication date: November 1995)

Fundamentals of Palaeobotany

scientific article (publication date: February 1988)

Fungi of Australia

scientific article (publication date: November 1999)

Fungi versus Angiosperms

scientific article (publication date: May 1990)

Fynbos: South Africa's Unique Floral Kingdom

scientific article (publication date: November 1996)

Garden Literature: An Index to Periodical Articles and Book Reviews

scientific article (publication date: August 1993)

Garden Literature: An Index to Periodical Articles and Book Reviews

scientific article (publication date: February 1994)

Genera Solanacearum: The Genera of Solanaceae Illustrated, Arranged According to a New System

scientific article (publication date: November 2001)

George Bentham: Autobiography, 1800-1834

scientific article (publication date: February 1998)

Gestalt und Urbild: Gesammelte Aufsatze zu Grundfragen der organischen Morphologie, 3

scientific article (publication date: August 1986)

Getting the Lay of the Land: Atlases from Benchmark Maps That Set a New Standard

scientific article (publication date: May 1999)

Glossary for Horticultural Crops

scientific article (publication date: November 1986)

Goethe and His Publishers

scientific article (publication date: February 1998)

Goethe and the Sciences: A Reappraisal

scientific article (publication date: August 1989)

Goethe in the History of Science

scientific article (publication date: February 2000)

Goethe: The Poet and the Age. Vol. 1. The Poetry of Desire (1749-1790)

scientific article (publication date: May 1992)

Golden Poppies of California: In Celebration of Our State Flower

scientific article (publication date: May 2005)

Gottinger Biologen 1737-1945: Eine biographisch-bibliographische Liste

scientific article (publication date: August 1989)


scientific article (publication date: August 1989)

Grasses, Ferns, Mosses & Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland

scientific article (publication date: November 1984)

Gregor Mendel and the Roots of Genetics

scientific article (publication date: May 2002)

Guide to Flowering Plant Families

scientific article (publication date: February 1995)

Guide to Sources for Agricultural and Biological Research

scientific article (publication date: May 1985)

Guide to Standard Floras of the World: An Annotated, Geographically Arranged Systematic Bibliography of the Principal Floras, Enumerations, Checklists, and Chorological Atlases of Different Areas

scientific article (publication date: August 2001)

Guns, Germs, and Steel: A National Geographic Presentation

scientific article (publication date: August 2005)

Gustav Hegi's Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa, Bd. 1, Pteridophyta, Spermatophyta, 3. Aufl., Tl. 1, Pteridophyta

scientific article published in 1987

Gustav Hegi['s] Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa. Bd. 4, Tl. 2A. Spermatophyta: Angiospermae: Dicotyledones 2(2)

scientific article (publication date: November 1998)


scientific article (publication date: May 1998)

HP LaserJet 4/4M

scientific article (publication date: February 1993)

Handbook of North European Garden Plants, with Keys to Families and Genera

scientific article (publication date: November 2001)

Handbook of Northwestern Plants

scientific article (publication date: November 2001)

Handbook of Protoctista: The Structure, Cultivation, Habitats and Life Histories of the Eukaryotic Microorganisms and Their Descendants Exclusive of Animals, Plants and Fungi: A Guide to the Algae, Ciliates, Foraminifera, Sporozoa, Water Molds, [...]

scientific article (publication date: August 1990)

Handbook of Seed Science and Technology

scientific article (publication date: November 2006)

Hardcard II XL

scientific article (publication date: February 1991)

Harvard Papers in Botany: A Publication of the Harvard University Herbaria including the Journal of the Arnold Arboretum

scientific article (publication date: February 1997)

Haworthia Revisited: A Revision of the Genus

scientific article published in 2002

Hawthorns and Medlars

scientific article (publication date: November 2003)

Helmut Gams's Kleine Kryptogamenflora. Bd. 4. Die Moos- und Farnpflanzen Europas

scientific article (publication date: August 1995)

Herbals, Their Origin and Evolution: A Chapter in the History of Botany, 1470-1670

scientific article (publication date: February 1988)

Herbarium Linnaeanum: The Linnaean Collection of the Herbarium of Moscow State University: Digital Images, Comments, Historical Review

scientific article (publication date: November 2001)

Herbarium: Una inedita collezione dipiante del XVIII secolo conservata presso L'Orto Botanico dell'Universita di Padova

scientific article (publication date: November 1995)

Herbs for the Home: A Definitive Sourcebook to Growing and Using Herbs

scientific article (publication date: August 1995)

History in the Service of Systematics

scientific article (publication date: February 1984)

History of Life

scientific article (publication date: February 1992)

History of Systematic Botany in Australasia

scientific article (publication date: November 1990)


scientific article (publication date: February 1997)

How to Know Western Australian Wildflowers: A Key to the Flora of the Extratropical Regions of Western Australia. Pt. 2. Dicotyledons (Amaranthaceae to Lythraceae)

scientific article (publication date: August 1999)

Ian Jackson (1951–2018), Bookseller and Prolific Reviewer Par Excellence

scientific article published in 2018

Icones Pleurothallidinarum. X. Systematics of Dracula. [p. 1: Systematics of the Genus Dracula (Orchidaceae)]

scientific article (publication date: August 1994)

Iconographie descriptive des Cactees ou essais systematiques et raisonnes sur l'histoire naturelle, la classification et la culture des plantes de cette famille

scientific article (publication date: February 1994)

Illustrated Flora of East Texas. Vol. 1. Introduction, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, and Monocotyledons

scientific article (publication date: November 2006)

In the Company of Mushrooms: A Biologist's Tale

scientific article (publication date: August 1997)

Indicator Plants of Coastal British Columbia

scientific article (publication date: November 1989)

Infinite-Dimensional Lie Groups and Algebras in Mathematical Physics

scholarly article by Rudolf Schmid published 2010 in Advances in Mathematical Physics

Instant Answers: The Electronic Associated Press Stylebook, Version 1.0

scientific article (publication date: February 1993)

Introduction to Orchids: With Illustrations and Descriptions of 150 South Indian Orchids

scientific article (publication date: August 1984)

Introduction to The Jepson Manual: Identification Key to California Plant Families, Taxonomic Treatment of Saxifragaceae, Introductory Information

scientific article (publication date: November 1989)

Introduction to the Algae: Structure and Reproduction

scientific article (publication date: August 1985)

Invasive Plants of California's Wildlands

scientific article (publication date: May 2001)

Inventory of Rare and Endangered Vascular Plants of California

scientific article (publication date: May 1989)

Java, a Cup of Tea, and Even Chunks of Chocolate

scientific article (publication date: November 2001)

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-78), an Early Student and Teacher of Botany (1763-78)

scientific article (publication date: May 2000)

John Lindley 1799-1865: Gardener, Botanist and Pioneer Orchidologist: Bicentennial Celebration Volume

scientific article (publication date: August 1999)

Joseph Banks' Florilegium: The Flowering of the Pacific

scientific article (publication date: November 2002)

Joseph Banks: A Life

scientific article (publication date: August 1998)

Journal of the Arnold Arboretum

scientific article (publication date: February 1992)

Journeys in Microspace: The Art of the Scanning Electron Microscope

scientific article (publication date: May 1996)

Kenya Trees, Shrubs, and Lianas

scientific article (publication date: February 1998)

Kew: The History of the Royal Botanic Gardens

scientific article (publication date: February 1996)

Kiefern in Europa: Bildtafeln und Beschreibungen der in europaischen Waldern, Garten und Parks anzutreffenden einheimischen und fremdlandischen Arten

scientific article (publication date: August 1995)

Koeltz Reissue Redux

scientific article (publication date: May 2005)

Kosciuszko Alpine Flora

scientific article (publication date: November 2003)

Kwongan Plant Life of the Sandplain: Biology of a South-West Australian Shrubland Ecosystem

scientific article (publication date: February 1987)

La grande flore en couleurs de Gaston Bonnier: France, Suisse, Belgique et pays voisins

scientific article (publication date: May 1992)

Ladies in the Laboratory?: American and British Women in Science, 1800-1900: A Survey of Their Contributions to Research

scientific article and book review (publication date: November 2001)

Lamas, Princes, and Brigands: Joseph Rock's Photographs of the Tibetan Borderlands of China

scientific article (publication date: November 1992)

Land above the Trees: A Guide to American Alpine Tundra

scientific article (publication date: February 1998)

Langtang Himal: Flora und Vegetation als Klimazeiger und -zeugen im Himalaya: A Prodromus of the Vegetation Ecology of the Himalayas

scientific article (publication date: August 1991)

Leaf Venation Patterns. Vol. 4. Melastomataceae

scientific article (publication date: February 1991)

Legumes of the World

scientific article (publication date: February 2006)

Leonhart Fuchs's Great Herbal of 1542: A Masterpiece of Analysis and Commentary

scientific article (publication date: February 2000)

Lewis-and-Clark Bicentennial Effusia

scientific article (publication date: February 2005)

Lewisia and the Lewis & Clark Expedition (1804-06): Two Excellent Books

scientific article (publication date: August 2000)

Library of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, the Cumulated Index Kewensis

scientific article (publication date: May 1985)

Lichens of North America

scientific article (publication date: November 2001)

Lindleyana: The Scientific Journal of the American Orchid Society, Vol. 1, No. 1

scientific article (publication date: February 1987)

Litteratura taxonomica dipterorum (1758-1930): Being a Selected List of the Books and Prints of Diptera Taxonomy from the Beginning of Linnaean Zoological Nomenclature to the End of the Year 1930; Containing Information on the Biographies, Bibliog...

scientific article (publication date: November 1998)

Longevity of needle fascicles of Pinus longaeva (Bristlecone pine) and other North American pines

scientific article

Lost in the Ozone, Lost in Space, or Deep in the Heart of Cyberspace

scientific article (publication date: August 1994)

MO's Mighty Year: The Publication Prelude to the St. Louis Botanical Congress

scientific article (publication date: November 1999)

Magical Mushrooms, Mischievous Molds

scientific article (publication date: November 1999)

Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference

scientific article (publication date: May 1993)

Manual of Climbers and Wall Plants

scientific article (publication date: November 1995)

Manual of Cultivated Broad-Leaved Trees & Shrubs

scientific article (publication date: August 1987)

Manual of Foreign Languages for the Use of Librarians, Bibliographers, Research Workers, Editors, Translators, and Printers

scientific article (publication date: February 1984)

Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada

scientific article (publication date: February 1992)

Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada

scientific article (publication date: August 1998)

Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada

scientific article (publication date: May 2004)

Manual of the Flowering Plants of Hawai'i

scientific article (publication date: November 1990)

Mapping Land Resource Potential and Agricultural Pressure in Papua New Guinea

scientific article (publication date: August 2001)

Marianne North: Hagiography(?) of a Botanical Artist versus Deconstructionism Run Amuck

scientific article (publication date: November 1996)

Marin Flora: Manual of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of Marin County, California

scientific article (publication date: May 1987)

Mary Bowerman's Exemplary 1944 Flora of Mt. Diablo, California, Superbly Updated by Barbara Ertter and Company

scientific article (publication date: February 2003)

Medicinal Plants of South Africa

scientific article (publication date: August 1998)

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants-Industrial Profiles. Mistletoe: The Genus Viscum

scientific article (publication date: August 2005)

Merriam-Webster's Geographical Dictionary

scientific article (publication date: May 1998)

Mesembs of the World

scientific article (publication date: May 1999)

Michigan Flora: A Guide to the Identification and Occurrence of the Native and Naturalized Seed-Plants of the State. Pt. 1. Gymnosperms and Monocotyledons

scientific article (publication date: May 1997)

Mints: A Family of Herbs and Ornamentals

scientific article (publication date: May 2002)

Mojave Desert Wildflowers: A Field Guide to High Desert Wildflowers of California, Nevada, and Arizona

scientific article (publication date: August 1998)

Monocotyledons and gymnosperms of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands

scientific article (publication date: February 2006)

Monograph of the Genus Aponogeton (Aponogetonaceae)

scientific article (publication date: May 1987)

More Books on the Rain Forest (And Why I Want to Cut down the "Rainforest")

scientific article (publication date: August 1992)

More on Sharad Singh Negi's Plagiarism

scientific article (publication date: May 1997)

Morphologie florale: En microscopie electronique a balayage

scientific article (publication date: August 1989)

Morphology and Evolution of Vascular Plants

scientific article (publication date: November 1989)

Morphology of Plants and Fungi

scientific article (publication date: August 1987)

Moss Flora of Central America. Pt. 1. Sphagnaceae--Calymperaceae

scientific article (publication date: August 1994)

Muenscher's Keys to Woody Plants: An Expanded Guide to Native and Cultivated Species

scientific article (publication date: February 2002)

Multilingual Dictionary of Agronomic Plants

scientific article (publication date: May 1995)

Mushrooms and Truffles: Botany, Cultivation, and Utilization

scientific article (publication date: May 1988)

National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Wildflowers: Western Region

scientific article (publication date: August 2002)

Native American Ethnobotany

scientific article (publication date: November 1998)

Naturae Novitates, 1879-1944: Its Publication and Intercontinental Transit Times Mirror European History

scientific article (publication date: November 1984)

Natural History Book Reviews

scientific article (publication date: November 1991)

Nature out of Place: Biological Invasions in the Global Age

scientific article (publication date: November 2001)

New Aids to Identify Polynesian Plants, including Those in Gauguin's Landscapes

scientific article (publication date: May 1998)

New Flora of the British Isles

book review of the New Flora of the British Isles (2nd edition) (publication date: February 1998)

New Floridian Floras

scientific article (publication date: August 1999)

New Zealand Ferns and Allied Plants

August 1990 book review in the journal Taxon by Rudolf Schmid

New Zealand Ferns and Allied Plants

May 2001 book review in the journal Taxon by Rudolf Schmid

New Zealand Lichens: Checklist, Key, and Glossary

scientific article (publication date: February 1998)

New Zealand's Vascular-Plant Flora Is Done: Five Volumes, 1961-2000

scientific article (publication date: August 2000)

NoiseBuster Noise Canceling Headphones, Model NB-FX

scientific article (publication date: May 2006)

North American Landscape Trees

scientific article (publication date: August 1996)

North American Terrestrial Vegetation

scientific article (publication date: May 2000)

North American Wildland Plants: A Field Guide

scientific article (publication date: May 2004)

Northwest Woodland Wildflowers

scientific article (publication date: February 2004)

Novelties in Satureia Sect. Gardoquia (Labiatae)

scientific article

Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature

scientific article (publication date: November 1991)

Numerical and Other Confusion in the Antipodes: Is It Thingamajigs or Thingamabobs?

scientific article (publication date: February 1997)

Objective Science or Evolutionary Speculation? A Reply to P. B. Tomlinson

scientific article (publication date: May 1985)

Ocean Shores to Desert Dunes: The Native Vegetation of New South Wales and the ACT

scientific article (publication date: November 2005)

Of Plants and People

scientific article (publication date: February 1986)

On Cornerian and Other Terminology of Angiospermous and Gymnospermous Seed Coats: Historical Perspective and Terminological Recommendations

scientific article (publication date: August 1986)

On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen

1989 journal article

On Her Own Terms: Annie Montague Alexander and the Rise of Science in the American West

scientific article (publication date: November 2001)

On the Publication of van Tieghem's "Recherches sur la Structure du Pistil et sur l'Anatomie Comparée de la Fleur"

scientific article (publication date: November 1975)

On the Reification and Deification of the Stelar Concept. Additional Comment on Tomlinson

scientific article (publication date: May 1985)

One Hundred and One Botanists

scientific article (publication date: February 1995)

Orchid Biology: Reviews and Perspectives, IV

scientific article (publication date: February 1988)

Orchids from the Botanical Register, 1815-1847. The Illustrations

scientific article (publication date: November 1991)

Orchids of Guatemala and Belize

scientific article (publication date: February 1986)

Orchids of Southern Africa

scientific article (publication date: February 2000)

Origin and Evolution of Diversity in Plants and Plant Communities

scientific article (publication date: May 1986)

Out of the past: CRC Press's Pricey New "Herbal Reference Library" Series

scientific article (publication date: November 2001)

Oxbridge versus the Yanks: A Sampling of Biographical Dictionaries

scientific article (publication date: February 2003)

Oxford Atlas of the World

scientific article (publication date: August 2002)

Oxford Science Shelf, The: Instant Access to Oxford Reference, Version 1.0

scientific article (publication date: February 1995)

PRD+, Productivity Plus

scientific article (publication date: May 1989)

PROSEA (Plant Resources of South-East Asia)

scientific article (publication date: May 1996)


scientific article (publication date: May 1989)

Paradisus: Hawaiian Plant Watercolors

scientific article (publication date: November 1999)

Passion Flowers

scientific article (publication date: February 1997)

Passion Flowers

scientific article (publication date: November 2000)


scientific article (publication date: February 1986)

Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry, Medicinal Plants

scientific article (publication date: August 1995)

Phytogeography and Vegetation Ecology of Cuba

scientific article (publication date: May 1998)

Pinaceae: Drawings and Descriptions of the Genera Abies, Cedrus, Pseudolarix, Keteleeria, Nothotsuga; Tsuga, Cathaya, Pseudotsuga, Larix and Picea

scientific article (publication date: May 1991)

Pine Away No Longer. Three Masterpieces on Pinus Are Here

scientific article (publication date: May 1998)

Pines: Drawings and Descriptions of the Genus Pinus

scientific article (publication date: August 1986)

Plant Anatomy

scientific article (publication date: November 1988)

Plant Biology

scientific article (publication date: May 2005)

Plant Identification Terminology: An Illustrated Glossary

scientific article (publication date: February 1995)

Plant Identification Terminology: An Illustrated Glossary

scientific article (publication date: August 2002)

Plant Life in the World's Mediterranean Climates: The Mediterranean Basin, South Africa, Australia, Chile, and California

scientific article (publication date: August 1999)

Plant Life of Kentucky: An Illustrated Guide to the Vascular Flora

scientific article (publication date: August 2005)

Plant Life of South-West Asia, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section B (Biological Sciences), Vol. 89

scientific article (publication date: August 1987)

Plant Life of the Pacific World

scientific article (publication date: February 1991)

Plant Microtechnique and Microscopy

scientific article (publication date: August 1999)

Plant Migration: The Dynamics of Geographic Patterning in Seed Plant Species

scientific article (publication date: August 1989)

Plant Resources of South-East Asia

scientific article (publication date: August 2003)

Plant Resources of South-East Asia. No. 5(2). Timber Trees: Minor Commercial Timbers

scientific article (publication date: August 1996)

Plant Resources of South-East Asia. No. 5(3). Timber Trees: Lesser-Known Timbers

scientific article (publication date: May 1998)

Plant Resources of South-East Asia: A Selection

scientific article (publication date: May 1990)

Plant Resources of Tropical Africa = Ressources vegetales de l'Afrique tropicale

scientific article (publication date: August 2003)

Plant Science

scientific article (publication date: May 1987)

Plant Systematics

scientific article (publication date: February 2006)

Plant Systematics: A Phylogenetic Approach

scientific article (publication date: February 2000)

Plant Systematics: A Phylogenetic Approach

scientific article (publication date: November 2007)

Plant Systematics: An Integrated Approach

scientific article (publication date: February 2005)

Plant Talk: News and Views on Plant Conservation Worldwide

scientific article (publication date: May 1996)

Plant Taxonomic Literature: Bibliographic Guide

scientific article (publication date: August 1990)

Plantas medicinales en el Sur Andino del Peru

scientific article (publication date: May 1995)

Plants and Their Names: A Concise Dictionary

scientific article (publication date: August 1995)

Plants of Desert Dunes

scientific article (publication date: August 1996)

Plants of Southern Africa: Names and Distribution. Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa

scientific article (publication date: February 1994)

Plants of the Oregon Coastal Dunes

scientific article (publication date: November 1999)

Plants of the San Francisco Bay Region: Mendocino to Monterey

scientific article (publication date: August 2003)

Plantwatching: How Plants Remember, Tell Time, Form Partnerships, and More

scientific article (publication date: May 1990)

Poisons of the Past: Molds, Epidemics, and History

scientific article (publication date: May 1990)

Polish Botanical Studies

scientific article (publication date: August 1997)

Polish Botanical Studies: Guidebook Series

scientific article (publication date: February 1998)

Portraits of Indian Trees: Catalogue of Exhibitions: Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, "Portraits of Indian Trees: Arundhati Vartak," 16 September 1999 to 29 February 2000. Chatham College Art Gallery, "Arundhati Vartak's Sketches: [...]

scientific article (publication date: November 1999)

Progress in Botany/Fortschritte der Botanik, Vol. 47

scientific article (publication date: February 1987)

Prosyllabus tracheophytorum: Tentamen systematis plantarum vascularum (Tracheophyta) = Prosyllabus tracheophytorum: Opyt sistemy sosudistykh rasteniy (Tracheophyta)

scientific article (publication date: February 2004)

Pteridophytes (And Gymnosperms) of Florida

scientific article (publication date: August 2002)

Public Gardens of Michigan

scientific article (publication date: February 2003)

Publisher's Postdating Dishonesty IV: Y2K-Problem Books, Ones Dated 2000 but It Is Still Autumn 1999!

scientific article (publication date: February 2000)

Publisher's Postdating Dishonesty IX: Books Dated 2005 but It Is Still Autumn 2004!

scientific article (publication date: February 2005)

Publisher's Postdating Dishonesty V: Books Dated 2001 but It Is Still Autumn 2000!

scientific article (publication date: February 2001)

Publisher's Postdating Dishonesty VI: Books Dated 2002 but It Was Autumn 2001!

scientific article (publication date: February 2002)

Publisher's Postdating Dishonesty VII: Books Dated 2003 but It Is Still Autumn 2002!

scientific article (publication date: February 2003)

Publisher's Postdating Dishonesty VIII: Books Dated 2004 but It Is Still Autumn 2003!

scientific article (publication date: February 2004)

Publisher's Postdating Dishonesty: Four Books Dated 1997 but It Is Still Autumn 1996!

scientific article (publication date: February 1997)

Pulmonarias and the Borage Family

scientific article (publication date: August 2003)

Páramos: A Checklist of Plant Diversity, Geographical Distribution, and Botanical Literature

scientific article (publication date: August 1999)

Quotes on Line: Words from the Wise: A Collection from Keith D. Mohler, Version 1.0

scientific article (publication date: May 1994)

Rainforest Remedies: One Hundred Healing Herbs of Belize

scientific article (publication date: November 1995)

Random House Webster's Electronic Dictionary & Thesaurus, College Edition, Version 1.2

scientific article (publication date: May 1992)

Rare Plants of the World

scientific article (publication date: August 1993)

Recent Awards of IAPT'S Stafleu and Engler Medals

scientific article (publication date: 30 June 2014)

Reproductive Anatomy and Morphology of Myrtales in Relation to Systematics

scientific article published in 1984

Review of New Atlas of the British & Irish Flora: An Atlas of the Vascular Plants of Britain, Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands

scientific article (publication date: November 2003)

Review: A Colour Atlas of Poisonous Fungi: A Handbook for Pharmacists, Doctors, and Biologists by Andreas Bresinsky, Helmut Besl, Norman Grainger Bisset; A Colour Atlas of Poisonous

scientific article (publication date: February 1992)

Review: Rafflesia of the World

scientific article (publication date: November 2003)

Review: [Untitled] Reviewed Work: The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants. Vol. 1. Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms

scientific article (publication date: May 1991)

Review: [Untitled] Reviewed Works: The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants

scientific article (publication date: May 2005)

Reviewed Work: Floristic Regions of the World by A. Takhtajan, T. J. Crovello, A. Cronquist

book review

Reviews and Notices of Publications

taxon article (02-03-2015)

Reviews and Notices of Publications

taxon article (05-05-2015)

Reviews and Notices of Publications

taxon article (25-06-2015)

Reviews and Notices of Publications

taxon article (28-08-2015)

Reviews and Notices of Publications

taxon article (28-10-2015)

Reviews and Notices of Publications

taxon article (31-12-2015)

Reviews and Notices of Publications

taxon article (01-02-2014)

Reviews and Notices of Publications

taxon article (01-04-2014)

Reviews and Notices of Publications

taxon article (30-06-2014)

Reviews and Notices of Publications

taxon article (29-10-2014)

Reviews and Notices of Publications

taxon article (22-12-2014)

Reviews and Notices of Publications

taxon article (20-04-2013)

Reviews and Notices of Publications

taxon article (20-06-2013)

Reviews and Notices of Publications

taxon article (20-08-2013)

Reviews and Notices of Publications

taxon article (22-10-2013)

Reviews and Notices of Publications

taxon article (20-10-2013)

Revision of the Genus Sambucus

scientific article (publication date: November 1994)

Ridding Botany of Its Sexist Terminology

scientific article (publication date: August 1977)

Roadside Geology of Northern and Central California

book review (publication date: August 2001)

Rote Compilation Done in an Intellectual Vacuum: A Database Unworthy of Publication

scientific article (publication date: May 2000)

Rumphius (1627-1702), That Job of Biology with the Flinty Character and Iron Soul

scientific article (publication date: May 2000)

Samenpflanzen: Morphologie und Systematik der Angiospermen und Gymnospermen

scientific article (publication date: November 1983)

Sand Forests: A Historical Perspective of the Stabilisation and Afforestation of Coastal Sands in New Zealand

scientific article (publication date: August 1999)

Scandinavian Ferns: A Natural History of the Ferns, Clubmosses, Quillworts, and Horsetails of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden

scientific article (publication date: November 1993)

Schmid's Crotchety Sermon #2 (Actually Probably #227 or so)

scientific article (publication date: August 1994)

Schumannia: Beiträge zur Biologie und Kultur sukkulenter Pflanzen

scientific article (publication date: August 1999)

Science and Civilisation in China, Vol. 6, Biology and Biological Technology

scientific article (publication date: August 1989)

Science at Oxford 1914-1939: Transforming an Arts University

scientific article (publication date: May 1998)

Science in the Twentieth Century

scientific article (publication date: November 2000)

Science, Especially Biology, under the Third Reich

scientific article (publication date: August 1996)

Scientific and Common Names of 7,000 Vascular Plants in the United States

scientific article (publication date: February 1995)

Scientist, The: The Newspaper for the Science Professional, Vol. 1, No. 1

scientific article (publication date: May 1987)

Scottish Wild Plants: Their History, Ecology and Conservation

scientific article (publication date: August 2003)

Searching for the past: Some Text Retrieval Systems

scientific article (publication date: November 1988)

Seduced Online, but 3.6 Meters of Books Sure Are Nice to Look At

scientific article (publication date: November 2005)

Seed Anatomy

scientific article (publication date: May 1998)

Seed Fate: Predation, Dispersal, and Seedling Establishment

scientific article (publication date: August 2005)

Seedlings of Secondary Forest Tree Species of East Kalimantan, Indonesia = Semai-semai pohon hutan sekunder di Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia

scientific article (publication date: February 2000)

Seeds of Woody Plants in North America

scientific article (publication date: November 1992)

Seven Lives on Salt River

scientific article (publication date: February 1991)

Seven Years of Regnum Vegetabile (1988-94): The Koeltz Years

scientific article (publication date: February 1995)

Shinners & Mahler's Illustrated Flora of North Central Texas

scientific article (publication date: November 1999)

Sida: Contributions to Botany

scientific article (publication date: February 2000)

Slipshod Book Production in the WWW Age

scientific article (publication date: November 1999)

Smith's Guide to the Literature of the Life Sciences

scientific article (publication date: May 1985)

Smoke Blackened Thatch: A Unique Source of Late Medieval Plant Remains from Southern England

scientific article (publication date: February 2002)

Solanaceae: Biology and Systematics

scientific article (publication date: February 1987)

Some Desiderata to Make Floras and Other Types of Works User (And Reviewer) Friendly

scientific article (publication date: February 1997)

Some Electronic Dictionaries (And Thesauri)

scientific article (publication date: November 1991)

Some New Floras That Are Statistically Deficient: Why This Unrelenting Annoyance?

scientific article (publication date: February 1997)

Some Recent Botany Books for Children and Young Adults, Especially the Artistry of Carol Lerner and Anne Ophelia Todd Dowden

scientific article (publication date: February 1990)

Some Superbly Executed Works by Dorling Kindersley

scientific article (publication date: August 1995)

Sonoran Desert Plants: An Ecological Atlas

scientific article (publication date: February 1996)

Sonoran Desert Wildflowers: A Field Guide to Common Species of the Sonoran Desert, including Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, Saguaro National Park, Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Ironwood Forest National Monument, and the Sonoran Portions [...]

scientific article (publication date: November 2003)

South African Parasitic Flowering Plants

scientific article (publication date: November 1983)

Sravnitel'naia anatomiia semian

scientific article (publication date: August 1994)

Stafleu Medal for 2014 Awarded to Charles Boewe for his 2011 Works on C.S. Rafinesque

scientific article (publication date: 29 October 2014)

Stafleu Medal for 2016 Awarded to Hans Walter Lack for His 2015 Opus on the Bauer Brothers

scientific article published on 18 August 2017

Standard Forms for Authors of Botanical Names

scientific article (publication date: February 1998)

Stapeliads of Southern Africa and Madagascar

scientific article (publication date: August 2006)

Stem Rust of Wheat: From Ancient Enemy to Modern Foe

scientific article (publication date: November 2001)

Steyermark's Flora of Missouri

scientific article (publication date: August 1999)

Steyermark's Flora of Missouri

scientific article (publication date: August 2006)

Strategies to Conserve Biodiversity in California and Oregon

scientific article (publication date: November 1998)

Structural Diversity of Bryophytes

scientific article (publication date: November 2001)

Sukkulente Euphorbien

scientific article (publication date: November 1999)

Sunset National Garden Book

scientific article (publication date: August 1998)

Sunset Western Garden Book

scientific article (publication date: August 1995)

Sunset Western Garden Book

scientific article (publication date: May 2001)

Systematik der Flora von Neu-Caledonien (Melanesien-Sudpazifik): Grundlagen, Ruck- und Ausblicke auf 200 Jahre Floristik und Systematik an neucaledonischen Pflanzen

scientific article (publication date: November 1995)

TL2S, Vol. 6: "The Present Volume Will Probably Be the Last of This Series"

scientific article (publication date: May 2000)

Takhtajan's Latest System of Classification for the Angiosperms

scientific article (publication date: May 1988)

Tangible Memories: Californians and Their Gardens, 1800-1950

scientific article (publication date: May 2005)

Taschenworterbuch der botanischen Pflanzennamen fur Gartner, Garten- und Pflanzenfreunde, Land- und Forstwirte

scientific article (publication date: February 1990)

Taxonomic Literature: A Selective Guide to Botanical Publications and Collections, with Dates, Commentaries and Types

scientific article (publication date: August 1995)

Taxonomic Literature: A Selective Guide to Botanical Publications and Collections, with Dates, Commentaries and Types. Suppl. 5. Da--Di

scientific article (publication date: May 1999)

Tea for Two. One for the Coffee Table, the Other for the Tea Table

scientific article (publication date: February 1997)


scientific article (publication date: May 1996)

Telopea, Vol. 2, No. 6

scientific article (publication date: May 1987)

Text Left, Illustrations Right versus Illustrations on Versos, Text on Rectos

scientific article (publication date: May 1999)

The Alpine Flora of the Rocky Mountains. Vol. 1. The Middle Rockies

scientific article (publication date: May 1997)

The American Horticultural Society Encyclopedia of Gardening

scientific article (publication date: May 1995)

The Bamboos

scientific article (publication date: August 1994)

The Biology and Evolution of Fossil Plants

book review (publication date: February 1993)

The Botanizers: Amateur Scientists in Nineteenth-Century America

scientific article (publication date: November 1992)

The Botany and Natural History of Panama: La Botanica e historia natural de Panama

scientific article (publication date: May 1986)

The Botany of Mangroves

scientific article (publication date: February 1987)

The Brown Algal Origin of Land Plants and the Algal Origin of Life on Earth and in the Universe

scientific article (publication date: November 1998)

The Cactus Primer

scientific article (publication date: February 1987)

The Cambridge Illustrated Glossary of Botanical Terms

scientific article (publication date: November 2001)

The Complete Book of Plant Propagation

scientific article (publication date: November 2002)

The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Botany

scientific article (publication date: February 1993)

The Conifer Manual. Vol. 1

scientific article (publication date: August 1991)

The Contents Page: Increased Sloppiness Nowadays

scientific article (publication date: November 1999)

The Counter-Creationism Handbook

scientific article (publication date: November 2005)

The Cruciferae of Continental North America: Systematics of the Mustard Family from the Arctic to Panama

scientific article (publication date: February 1994)

The Desert Training Center/California-Arizona Maneuver Area, 1942-1944: Historical and Archaeological Contexts

scientific article (publication date: May 2001)

The Ecozones of the World: The Ecological Divisions of the Geosphere

scientific article (publication date: November 1995)

The Encyclopedia of Herbs and Herbalism

scientific article (publication date: May 1990)

The Encyclopedia of Rhododendron Species

scientific article (publication date: February 1998)

The European Discovery of the Indian Flora

scientific article (publication date: February 1993)

The European Garden Flora: A Manual for the Identification of Plants Cultivated in Europe, Both Out-of-Doors and under Glass. Vol. 4. Dicotyledons (Part II)

scientific article (publication date: November 1995)

The Flora of China, an English-Language Update and Condensation of the FRPS: Quite a Few Improvements Needed for User Friendliness

scientific article (publication date: February 1997)

The Flora of Eastern Saudi Arabia

scientific article (publication date: August 1991)

The Flora of Guadalupe Island, Mexico

scientific article (publication date: November 1996)

The Genus Ultricularia: A Taxonomic Monograph

scientific article (publication date: November 1990)

The Great Cacti: Ethnobotany & Biogeography

scientific article (publication date: May 2008)

The Great Safari: The Lives of George and Joy Adamson, Famous for Born Free

scientific article (publication date: February 1994)

The HarperCollins Dictionary of Biology

scientific article (publication date: May 1991)

The History of Natural History: An Annotated Bibliography

scientific article (publication date: August 1994)

The Identification of Flowering Plant Families, including a Key to Those Native and Cultivated in North Temperate Regions

scientific article (publication date: February 1998)

The Illustrated A to Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants: A Guide to Choosing the Best Plants for Your Garden

scientific article (publication date: February 2006)

The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Trees

scientific article (publication date: May 2003)

The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California

scientific article (publication date: May 1993)

The Latest Brouhaha over a Stale Cup of Tea

scientific article (publication date: May 2008)

The Life and Work of Thomas Baines

scientific article (publication date: February 1998)

The Literature of the Life Sciences: Reading, Writing, Research

scientific article (publication date: May 1986)

The Long Dry: Bush Colours of Summer and Autumn in South-Western Australia

scientific article (publication date: May 2002)

The Long-Overdue German Translation of Kure Shûzô's Classic 1826 Biography of Philipp Franz von Siebold (1796-1866)

scientific article (publication date: August 2001)

The Manual of Cultivated Orchid Species

scientific article (publication date: February 1987)

The Monumental Flora of Australia Rolls on: 21 Volumes to Date, Plus One as a Second Edition

scientific article (publication date: August 1999)

The Mother of All Web Sites in Botany

scientific article (publication date: May 1996)

The Names of Plants

scientific article (publication date: May 1986)

The Names of Plants

scientific article (publication date: February 2003)

The Naturalist in Britain: A Social History

scientific article (publication date: May 1995)

The Nature of Nebraska: Ecology and Biodiversity

scientific article (publication date: February 2002)

The New Book of Salvias: Sages for Every Garden

scientific article (publication date: May 2003)

The Novelization of Facts (One Hopes Not Their Fictionalization): How to Recognize Mass-Market, Novel-like Works That Treat Scientific Topics

scientific article (publication date: November 2000)

The Oxford Companion to Food

scientific article (publication date: May 2000)

The Oxford Dictionary of Natural History

scientific article published on February 1987

The Oxford Dictionary of the World

scientific article (publication date: August 1998)

The Perfect Plant: For Every Site, Habitat, and Garden Style

scientific article (publication date: May 2001)

The Permanence and Care of Color Photographs: Traditional and Digital Color Prints, Color Negatives, Slides, and Motion Pictures

scientific article (publication date: May 1996)

The Plant

scientific article (publication date: August 1992)

The Plant Locator: Western Region [Cover Sub-Subtitle: More than 50,000 Plants and Where to Find Them]

scientific article (publication date: May 2004)

The Plant-Book: A Portable Dictionary of the Higher Plants [Utilising Cronquist's Än Integrated System of Classification of Flowering Plants" (1981) and Current Botanical Literature Arranged Largely on the Principles of Editions 1-6 [...]

scientific article (publication date: May 1988)

The Plants of Mount Kinabalu. Vol. 5. Dicotyledon Families Magnoliaceae to Winteraceae

scientific article (publication date: February 2006)

The Pteridophytes of Mexico

scientific article (publication date: November 2007)

The Role of Scent Glands in Pollination: On the Structure and Function of Osmophores

scientific article (publication date: May 1992)

The Scientific Names of the British Lepidoptera: Their History and Meaning

scientific article (publication date: February 1997)

The Sessé & Mociño Biological Illustrations Now Readily Available to the CD-ROM World

scientific article (publication date: February 2000)

The Smithsonian Guides to Natural America: The Far West--California and Nevada

scientific article (publication date: November 1996)

The Structural Biology of Palms

scientific article (publication date: February 1991)

The Study of Plant Structure: Principles and Selected Methods

scientific article (publication date: November 1982)

The Tallgrass Restoration Handbook: For Prairies, Savannas, and Woodlands

scientific article (publication date: February 1998)

The Tree Ofliff

scientific article (publication date: May 1998)

The Tree of Life: A Book Depicting the Life of Charles Darwin, Naturalist, Geologist & Thinker

scientific article (publication date: November 2003)

The Tropical Look: An Encyclopedia of Dramatic Landscape Plants

scientific article (publication date: November 1998)

The Useful Wild Plants of Texas, the South-Eastern and Southwestern United States, the Southern Plains, and Northern Mexico. Vol. 1

scientific article (publication date: November 1999)

The Visitors: Culture Shock in Nineteenth-Century Britain

scientific article (publication date: August 2001)

The Visual Display of Quantitative Information

review article

The Wealth of India: A Dictionary of Indian Raw Materials & Industrial Products. Raw Materials. Vol. 2. B

scientific article (publication date: August 1990)

The Yew Tree: A Thousand Whispers: Biography of a Species

scientific article (publication date: May 1992)

Themes in Biogeography

scientific article (publication date: November 1985)

Then-and-Now Photography, Repeat Photography, Comparison Photography, or Rephotography

scientific article (publication date: August 1998)

Theodore Dru Alison Cockerell, Expatriate in America and Granduncle of the Hovercraft

scientific article (publication date: May 2000)

Theoretical Plant Morphology

scientific article (publication date: November 1982)

Three Australian Books on Palms and Cycads

scientific article (publication date: November 1994)

Three Books on Chocolate. One for the Coffee Table, Two for the Bookshelf

scientific article (publication date: August 1997)

Three Electronic Databases for Californian Vascular Plants

scientific article (publication date: February 1996)

Three Excellent New Guidebooks for Especially Coastal Areas of the Pacific Northwest

scientific article (publication date: February 1996)

Three Floristic Works on the San Francisco Bay Region, California

scientific article (publication date: February 1995)

Three More Masterpieces by Aljos Farjon on Conifers: Two Updates and One New

scientific article (publication date: February 2006)

Timber Press Dictionary of Plant Names

scientific article (publication date: May 1991)

To and Fro, up and down California

scientific article (publication date: February 2004)

Torrey Pines: Landscape and Legacy

scientific article (publication date: May 1995)

Toxic Plants of North America

scientific article (publication date: November 2001)

Translations of Regional Floras of the Former U.S.S.R. and Adjacent Lands

scientific article (publication date: February 2000)

Tree Bark: A Color Guide

scientific article (publication date: May 2003)

Tree Rings and Environment: Dendroecology

scientific article (publication date: August 1997)

Trees in Canada

scientific article (publication date: February 1997)

Trees in Canada on CD-ROM

scientific article (publication date: November 1999)

Trees of Amani Nature Reserve, ne [sic] Tanzania

scientific article (publication date: May 2000)

Trees of Santa Barbara

scientific article (publication date: August 2005)

Trees of the Northern United States and Canada

scientific article (publication date: May 1996)

Trees, Shrubs, and Vines on the University of Notre Dame Campus

scientific article (publication date: August 1994)

Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Vol. 1, No. 1

scientific article (publication date: February 1987)

Tropical Flowering Plants: A Guide to Identification and Cultivation

scientific article (publication date: February 2004)

Two Complementary Cornucopias for Succulent Plants (Other than Cacti)

scientific article (publication date: February 1995)

Two Country Lists from Opposite Ends of the Earth

scientific article (publication date: November 1999)

Two Handy Books on the Cyprus Flora

scientific article (publication date: May 1997)

Two Impressive Works by Amateur Botanists

scientific article (publication date: August 1990)

Two More General Textbooks on Cultivated Plants

scientific article (publication date: November 1988)

Two New Online, Refereed, Botanical Journals: Constancea and Vulpia

scientific article (publication date: February 2003)

Two New Orchid Bibles: Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Orchids

scientific article (publication date: February 1994)

Two Publishers of Succulent Tomes, Meet Each Other. Rudolf Schulz and Herman Schwartz

scientific article (publication date: August 1998)

Two Reviews of Stearn's Invaluable Dictionary

scientific article (publication date: August 1995)

Two Scrumptious Botanical Works on Madagascar

scientific article (publication date: February 1996)

Two Significant Works on Saprophytic Angiosperms

scientific article (publication date: November 1986)

Two Spectacular Travelogue Histories: J. D. Hooker versus Sibthorp, Bauer, and Hawkins

scientific article (publication date: February 2000)

Two Splendid New State Orchid Floras

scientific article (publication date: November 1995)

Units, Symbols, and Terminology for Plant Physiology: A Reference for Presentation of Research Results in the Plant Sciences

scientific article (publication date: February 1997)

Useful General Websites for Retrieval Indices and for Complete Texts of Books and Other Literary Works

scientific article (publication date: November 2000)

Vascular Flora of Illinois

scientific article (publication date: February 2003)

Vascular Plant Families and Genera: A Listing of the Genera of Vascular Plants of the World According to Their Families, as Recognized in the Kew Herbarium, with an Analysis of Relationships of the Flowering Plant Families According to Eight [...]

scientific article (publication date: November 1994)

Vascular Plants of Texas: A Comprehensive Checklist including Synonymy, Bibliography, and Index

scientific article (publication date: August 1998)

Verbreitungsatlas der Farn- und Blutenpflanzen Karntens

scientific article (publication date: August 1993)

Verklarend woordenboek van wetenschappelijke plantennamen: De namen van de in Nederland en Nederlands-Indië in het wild groeiende en in tuinen en parken gekweekte varens en hogere planten

book review (publication date: February 2001)

Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative

scientific article (publication date: August 1997)

Wall Charts (Wandtafeln). Remembrance of Things Past

scientific article (publication date: August 1990)

Water Greed by Los Angeles: "There It Is! Take It!"

scientific article (publication date: February 1998)

Water and Wetland Plants of the Prairie Provinces [Cover Subtitle: A Field Guide for Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and the Northern United States]

scientific article (publication date: May 2004)

Wayside Trees of Malaya

scientific article (publication date: May 1991)

Weather of the San Francisco Bay Region

scientific article (publication date: February 2003)

Weeds in My Garden: Observations on Some Misunderstood Plants

scientific article (publication date: May 2003)

Weeds of the Northeast

scientific article (publication date: February 1998)

Which-Hunting, or Whatever Happened to That?

scientific article (publication date: November 1983)

Wild New Zealand

scientific article (publication date: November 1995)

Wild Plants of the Sierra Nevada

scientific article (publication date: August 2006)

Wildflower: North America's Magazine of Wild Flora

scientific article (publication date: August 2000)

Wildflowers and Other Plants of Iowa Wetlands

scientific article (publication date: November 1999)

Wildflowers of Northern Mongolia

scientific article (publication date: February 2002)

Wildflowers of Saudi Arabia

scientific article (publication date: February 2000)

Wildflowers of the Olympics and Cascades

scientific article (publication date: February 1990)

Wildflowers: A Collection of U.S. Commemorative Stamps

scientific article (publication date: February 1993)

Wistfully Waddling within Wattle Woodlands, Whereupon Wondering: "Which Wretched, Wily Wattle?"

scientific article (publication date: November 2001)

Women Botanists of Ohio Born before 1900, with Reference Calendars from 1776 to 2028

scientific article (publication date: August 1992)

Women and the "Dictionary of National Biography": A Guide to DNB Volumes 1885-1985 and Missing Persons

scientific article (publication date: November 1999)

Women at Cambridge

scientific article (publication date: November 2000)

Women in the Biological Sciences: A Biobibliographic Sourcebook

scientific article (publication date: November 1999)

Women, Science, and The Royal Society: An Exhibition to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Election of the First Women to Fellowship of The Royal Society, 19 April 1995-22 September 1995

scientific article (publication date: November 2000)

Wonders and the Order of Nature: 1150-1750

scientific article (publication date: August 1998)

Wood Anatomy and Identification of Trees and Shrubs from Israel and Adjacent Regions

scientific article (publication date: May 1987)

Word Processor Battles: Round I

scientific article (publication date: May 1989)

WordPerfect, Version 5.1

scientific article (publication date: May 1993)

WordStar Professional, Release 4

scientific article (publication date: August 1987)

Wordstar for DOS, Version 7.0

scientific article (publication date: August 1992)

World Checklist of Seed Plants

scientific article (publication date: August 1996)

World Weeds: Natural Histories and Distribution

scientific article (publication date: February 1998), or How Serendipity Led Me to the Indian Reissue of Arber's Herbals Book

scientific article (publication date: November 2000)

Zander Goes International and Worldwide with Its 16th Edition (2000)

scientific article (publication date: August 2001)