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List of works by Kiyotaka Hisauti

A Chinese name, Liang Fen Tsao for Mesona

scientific article published in 1958

A Formosan name for Orthosiphon stamineus

scientific article published in 1971

A Large Tree of Aoi at Sendai, Prov. Rikuzen. (Ilinst.)

scientific article published in 1929

A Plant new to the Flora of Japan.

scientific article published in 1918

A Rare Teratological Form of the Head of Chrysanthemum sibiricum.

scientific article published in 1930

A Story of Ephippianthus Schmidtii Reich. Fil

scientific article published in 1933

A colloquial reading of a local name

scientific article published in 1979

A commercial name used in Formosa for Psidium guajava

scientific article published in 1971

A form of Pinus Thunbergii Parl.

scientific article published in 1933

A form of Tricyrtis hirta Hooker

scientific article published in 1966

A fruit basket

scientific article published in 1969

A group of Crepidiastrum Nakai (Compositae)

scientific article published in 1934

A locality of Ilex pedunculosa Miq.

scientific article published in 1954

A new Crowfoot from Nippon

scientific article published in 1935

A new Japanese name for Linum flavum L.

scientific article published in 1971

A new Japanese name for Lithospermum diffusum Lag. (= L. prostratum Lois.)

scientific article published in 1965

A new Japanese name for Scrophularia ningpoensis

scientific article published in 1969

A new Linden from Nippon proper

scientific article published in 1937

A new alien grass collected in Nagoya

scientific article published in 1960

A new alien grass found in Hokkaido

scientific article published in 1961

A new alien in Japan

scientific article published in 1968

A new locality of Astragalus reflexistipulus Miq.

scientific article published in 1952

A new locality of Botrychium nipponicum Makino

scientific article published in 1927

A new locality of Malus Tschonoskii

scientific article published in 1953

A new locality of Pseudopyxis heterophylla Max.

scientific article published in 1952

A newly given name for Fatshedera

scientific article published in 1970

A note on Solanum aculeatissimum

scientific article published in 1950

A queer Pinellia

scientific article published in 1951

A teratological form of Dryopteris acuminata Nakai.

scientific article published in 1934

A teratology of Scirpus cyperinus Kunth var. Wichurai Makino

scientific article published in 1934

A teratorogical note.

scientific article published in 1933

A vanacular name of Scopolia japonica Max.

scientific article published in 1958

Abies Veitchii Lindl. brown by Typhoon

scientific article published in 1934

Additional localities for Silene dichotoma and Cynosurus echinata

scientific article published in 1962

Additions to the localities of Lycopodium cernuum

scientific article published in 1951

Affiliate Boshyu peninsula as a locality of Miscanthus condensatus Hackel

scientific article published in 1965

Again of Liang Fen Tsao as food material

scientific article published in 1960

Aliens in Island Sado

scientific article published in 1958

Alyssum saxatilis L. found in Tokyo as an escape

scientific article published in 1967

An Account of the Botanical Excursion by the Members of the Tôkyô Botanical Club. II.

scientific article published in 1926

An adventive found in Japan

scientific article published in 1953

An instance of leguminous plants having milk-sap

scientific article published in 1952

An unusual distribution of plants found in Chiba Prefecture

scientific article published in 1952

Anthemis tinctoria in cultivation

scientific article published in 1955

Betula dahurica Pall. stands alorie in mt. Bonore Prov. Musashi

scientific article published in 1953

Boiariiocal Notes (XVI)

scientific article published in 1942

Book review

Book review

Book review

Book review

Book review

Book review

Book review

Book review

Book review

Book review

Book review R. Hegnauer: Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen

scientific article published in 1966

Botanical Notes (II)

scientific article published in 1940

Botanical Notes (III)

scientific article published in 1940

Botanical Notes (IV)

scientific article published in 1940

Botanical Notes (V)

scientific article published in 1940

Botanical Notes (VI)

scientific article published in 1940

Botanical Notes (VII)

scientific article published in 1940

Botanical Notes (VIII)

scientific article published in 1940

Botanical Notes (X)

scientific article published in 1941

Botanical Notes (XI)

scientific article published in 1941

Botanical Notes (XII)

scientific article published in 1941

Botanical Notes (XIII)

scientific article published in 1941

Botanical Notes (XIV)

scientific article published in 1941

Botanical Notes (XV)

scientific article published in 1941

Botanical Notes from the Tochûken, X.

scientific article published in 1929

Botanical Notes from the Tochûken, XI.

scientific article published in 1929

Botanical Notes from the Tochûken, XII.

scientific article published in 1929

Botanical Notes from the Tochûken, XIV.

scientific article published in 1931

Botanical Notes from the Tochûken, XV.

scientific article published in 1931

Botanical Notes from the Tochûken, XVI.

scientific article published in 1932

Botanical Notes from the Tochûken, XVII

scientific article published in 1932

Botanical Notes from the Tochûken. (VI)

scientific article published in 1927

Botanical Notes from the Tochûken. (VII)

scientific article published in 1928

Botanical Notes from the Tochûken. (VIII)

scientific article published in 1928

Broad-leaved Pepperwort is collected in Japan

scientific article published in 1964

Canavalia cultivated in Japan

scientific article published in 1937

Capt. Hall's “Account of a Voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Corea, and the Great Loo-Choo Island” as Read Under the Plant-Lover's Eyes.

scientific article published in 1929

Carolina popular as arbored walk trees of Tokyo

scientific article published in 1957

Centaurium or Common Centaury has been found as an alien at Kure City near Hiroshima

scientific article published in 1960

Colloquial names of Pansy

scientific article published in 1977

Contents and dates of publication of “Gunpo-zufu”

scientific article published in 1954

Convolvulus farinosa is cultivable in Tokyo.

scientific article published in 1950

Coronilla varia is cultivated in Tokyo

scientific article published in 1951

Corydalis incisa Pres. has two Cotyledons

scientific article published in 1927

Cotula anthemoides found in Tokyo as an alien

scientific article published in 1966

Cultivation of Sea Milkwort

scientific article published in 1960

Current Japanese market name of Pecan

scientific article published in 1976

Dinebra arabica (Gramineae) found at Kochi-city in island Shikoku

scientific article published in 1965

Disanthus cercidifolius Bearing the Flowers, Fruits and Scarlet-tinged Leaves Simultaneously.

scientific article published in 1928

Distribution of Aucuba japonica Th. var. ovoidea Koidz.

scientific article published in 1934

Does What Part of Radish Correspond to its Stem?

scientific article published in 1927

Dr. G. Koizumi on Clematis chinensis Retz.

scientific article published in 1933

Enumeratio Spermatophytarum Japonicaruin Pars 1

scientific article published in 1949



Eulophia ochobiensis Hayata has been collected in Kyushu

scientific article published in 1958

Eupatorium rugosum is found in Tokyo

scientific article published in 1971

Euphorbia cyparissias L. in Japanese garden and new Japanese name for it

scientific article published in 1971

Eustoma selenifolium is cultivated in Tokyo

scientific article published in 1950

Flaveria has been collected at Nagoya, Japan

scientific article published in 1960

Flowers came out on a zinger from Thailand

scientific article published in 1969

From my diary

scientific article published in 1953

From of Some Cotyledons.

scientific article published in 1929

Fruit and Flower of Maesa japonica Moritzi

scientific article published in 1938

Galeopsis bifida

scientific article published in 1955

Glands on scales of Dryopteris crassirhizoma Nakai, etc.

scientific article published in 1936

Gossip on the Teratological Plants, II.

scientific article published in 1932

Gossip on the Teratological Plants, III.

scientific article published in 1932

Having read Hutchinson's The Families of Flowering Plants.

scientific article published in 1928

Historical note on cultivated Aquilegia

scientific article published in 1959

Hosts of Phacellanthus tubiflorus Sieb. et Zucc.

scientific article published in 1959

I Adovocate Superiority of Taxonomy in Studying Botany.

scholarly article by 久内清孝(Kiyotaka Hisauchi) published in January 1927

I support Genus Amana Honda

scientific article published in 1957

Indigo is not found in Japanese Dog's Mercury

scientific article published in 1969

Ipomoea lacunosa, a new alien

scientific article published in 1955

Ixeris musashensis Makino and Hisauchi, a new species

scientific article published in 1935

J. F. Rock's Collecting Journey on the Chaulmoogra-Plants.

scientific article published in 1932

Japanese Aucuba, which is much esteemed in Europe as an Ornamental Plant.

scientific article published in 1926

Japanese name for Echeveria gibbijflora DC.

scientific article published in 1978

Japanese name of Nierenbergia rivularis

scientific article published in 1950

Japanese name of Scorzonera hispanica

scientific article published in 1949

Lamenting the death of the late Dr. Genichi Koidzumi

scientific article published in 1954

Lemna trisulca L. var. sagittata Makino as a Material to Demonstrate Raphides.

scientific article published in 1928

Lycopodinm cernuum L. was collected at Kamakura as a survivor

scientific article published in 1951

Madeira-vine is found as an alien at Boshu-beach, south of Tokyo

scientific article published in 1971

Melia azedarach from Lucknow growing in Japan

scientific article published in 1970

Merremia hederacea is found occasionally in Tokyo

scientific article published in 1949

Monophyllous pines

scientific article published in 1935

More about on a teratological form of Dryopteris acuminata Nakai

scientific article published in 1934

More alien grasses found in Nagoya

scientific article published in 1962

My Point of View on the Verticillate Leaves.

scientific article published in 1929

Native Bamboo in the United States of North America.

scientific article published in 1932

New Localities of Some Plants.

scientific article published in 1926

New localities of Scirpus nipponicus Makino in Japan

scientific article published in 1934



scientific article published in 1972

Non-vascular plants from Lake Nosori, Gunma Prefecture

scientific article published in 1953

Of a Japanese name of Orychophragmus violaceus Schulz.

scientific article published in 1966

Of a locality of Solanum megacarpum Koidz. near Tokyo

scientific article published in 1965

Of the dialect of Senecio cannabifolius Lessing

scientific article published in 1960

Of the length of a spike of Piper kadsura Ohwi

scientific article published in 1960

Oharu-san Has a Taste for Plants.

scientific article published in 1931

Old concern in Japan with Lythrum flower

scientific article published in 1954

On An Obscure Plant in Enoshima, Prov. Sagami.

scientific article published in 1928

On Clematis chinensis Retzius

scientific article published in 1933

On Ice produced on the Dead Stems of Some Plants.

scientific article published in 1927

On Osmanthus ilicifolius var. myrtifolius

scientific article published in 1949

On Some Compositaeous Plants.

scientific article published in 1929

On Something contained in “Shokubutsu-Kai” Vol. I. No. 1, edited by J. Sugimoto

scientific article published in 1926

On a 3-foliate Pine.

scientific article published in 1931

On another Japanese name for Scirpus ternatanus

scientific article published in 1967

On perenniality of Talinum in Japan

scientific article published in 1969

On the Fruit and its Number of the Parietal Placentas of Phacellanthus tubiflorus Sieb.. et Zucc.

scientific article published in 1928

On the Geminate Pistils on a Flowering Cherry.

scientific article published in 1929

On the Japanese name for Prunus nipponica var. kurilensis Wilson

scientific article published in 1970

On the Pedicellate-flowered Form of Anemone Hepatica.

scientific article published in 1929

On the Two Teratological Forms of Compositeous Plants.

scientific article published in 1929

On the arrangement of curved spurs of Uncaria rhynchophylla

scientific article published in 1967

On the author name for Kwa-wi

scientific article published in 1975

On the first Japanese equivalent for pharmacognosy

scientific article published in 1969

On the floating leaf of Cabomba caroliniana A. Gray

scientific article published in 1953

On the flowers of Convolvulus farinosa

scientific article published in 1950

On the folious inflorescens of Sedum kamtschaticum

scientific article published in 1956

On the genus Zabelia Makino

scientific article published in 1954

On the new Japanese name given by Dr. Hatsushima for Solanum eleagnifolium Cav.

scientific article published in 1971

On the proper name of the author of the Somoku-seifu and Yudoku-somoku-zufu (1827)

scientific article published in 1975

On the reprints and their pagination of Shinrin-Jumoku-Chibyo-Zusetsu or illustrations of Seedlings of Japanese Forest trees by Yoshizo Yanagita

scientific article published in 1960

Penstemon? but Pentstemon?

scientific article published in 1926

Phyllostachys bambusoides Sieb. et Zucc. var. castellonis Makino began to bloom

scientific article published in 1965

Pimpinella nikoensis and its new variety

scientific article published in 1937

Plants of Mt. Akiba prov. Totomi and its Vicinity (Illust.)

scientific article published in 1928

Plants which do not produce pollen grains

scientific article published in 1952

Pleioblastus Hindsii Nakai does exist in Japan.

scientific article published in 1933

Populus Sieboldii MIQ. with branching aments

scientific article published in 1934

Potentilla recta L. has been collected as a casual of an arable land

scientific article published in 1957

Recognize Pinellia cordata as an alien

scientific article published in 1955

Regrettable Destruction of Plants Growing in Kugenuma and Katase, Prov. Sagami.

scientific article published in 1932

Rubus Yatabei Focke. and R. Medius O. Kuntze.

scientific article published in 1933

Safflower as an oil plant

scientific article published in 1955

Seedlings and development of the rhizome of a bamboo (Arundinaria nikkoensis Nakai)

scientific article published in 1949

Selenothamus helmsii Melville

scientific article published in 1970

Semiarundinaria fastuosa has started its flowering periodicity

scientific article published in 1951

Sherardia arvensis has been found as an alien

scientific article published in 1961

Silene giraldii is found again as an alien in Kyushu

scientific article published in 1965

Some Laurocerasi of Japan.

scientific article published in 1936

Some Note on the Pine.

scientific article published in 1929

Some Plants of Mt. Ibuki.

scientific article published in 1936

Some desultory notes of rice plants

scientific article published in 1951

Some facts in Nature

scientific article published in 1927

Some foreign plants cultivated in Japan

scientific article published in 1952

Some hybridized Dactylobati-Rubi in the Easter Coast of Japan.

scientific article published in 1933

Some instances of orchids bearing mycorhizoma

scientific article published in 1958

Some new peregrinating Compositae

scientific article published in 1960

Some varieties of Acer Mono Maxim. and their tendency of bearing pedatified leaves.

scientific article published in 1934

Such Leaf As It Is.

scientific article published in 1931

The Japanese name for the forget-me-not group

scientific article published in 1971

The Japanese name of Sowbread

scientific article published in 1976

The Japanese name of Telosma cordata

scientific article published in 1960

The Position of Amateurs.

scientific article published in 1929

The camel's thorn

scientific article published in 1969

The distribution of Hemerocallis littorea Makino

scientific article published in 1956

The drawing of Uncaria rhynchophylla Miq. in the Kai (Kwa-wi)

scientific article published in 1967

The propagation of “Senkyû”

scientific article published in 1949

The word used as the Japanese name for Lepidium sativum L.

scientific article published in 1971

Three adventive plants

scientific article published in 1955

Trichocolea tomentella Lindb. from Mt. Arisan, Formosa.

scientific article published in 1926

Two Casual Umbrella-Sedges found in Nagoya

scientific article published in 1960

Two Casuals of the Cruciferous Weeds

scientific article published in 1955

Two new indoor plants to Japan

scientific article published in 1968

Two plant names written in the Chinese characters by Chinese residents in Thailand

scientific article published in 1969

Various Facts.

scientific article published in 1928

Various common names of some plants

scientific article published in 1964

Vegetation of Lake Nosori, Gunma Prefecture

scientific article published in 1952

Veronica incana in Japan.

scientific article published in 1929

Vitex negundo L. hardy in Chiba Pref. near Tokyo

scientific article published in 1979

What is Bells of Ireland?

scientific article published in 1961

What is Wood Rose?

scientific article published in 1955

What is the Mahogany?

scientific article published in 1927

What is “Sobi “

scientific article published in 1963